Supplementary material Sequential dynamic artificial neural network modeling of a full-scale coking wastewater treatment plant with fluidized-bed reactors Hua-Se OU1, *, Chao-Hai WEI2, Hai-Zhen WU3, Ce-Hui MO1, Bao-Yan HE1 (1. Key Laboratory of Water/Soil Toxic Pollutants Control and Bioremediation of Guangdong Higher Education Institutions, School of Environment, JiNan University, Guangzhou, 510632, China. 2. Key Lab of Pollution Control and Ecosystem Restoration in Industry Clusters, Ministry of Education, College of Environment and Energy, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China. 3.School of Bioscience and Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, 510006, China) *Corresponding authors: Hua-Se OU Tel: + 86-020-85226615; E-mail:; Postal address: The Second Science and Technology Building, JiNan University, 601 Huangpu Avenue West, Guangzhou, China.P.C. 510632. Table S1 Weights matrix of the 7:5:6:1 model for CODin Neuron Input Output pHin (t) CODin (t-1) volatile phenolin (t) cyanidein (t) sulfidein (t) 1 1.3833 -1.1823 0.5714 0.0639 1.9685 2 3.5711 -1.7340 -1.1275 1.2936 3 3.4170 -1.4757 -0.7497 4 2.2161 2.7972 -0.3758 5 1.6542 1.8425 -0.8649 -0.3461 +-N NH4 flow ratein (t) CODin (t) 2.0754 1.6485 -2.1564 0.5128 -2.1509 -0.0154 0.5416 0.1603 2.8902 -1.8070 -0.8745 -1.5481 -0.2143 0.7270 3.2644 0.4875 0.0567 -0.6152 1.6425 0.5164 3.2154 in (t) Table S2 Weights matrix of the 7:4:4:1 for volatile phenolin Neuron Input Output volatile volatile cyanidein (t) sulfidein (t) NH4+-Nin (t) flow ratein (t) 0.6594 0.6597 -0.1548 0.1564 1.6597 0.6254 0.8498 -4.6587 0.0458 0.1457 -0.6695 -1.2584 0.0158 2.2264 -0.1548 2.2648 -1.2546 -2.4658 2.5648 0.1485 -2.2264 1.1645 -0.8462 1.2554 0.8948 -1.4872 0.8210 0.0326 1.4258 +-N pHin (t) CODin (t) 1 0.4215 0.2659 2 -1.2644 3 4 phenolin (t-1) phenolin (t) Table S3 Weights matrix of the 7:3:4:1 for cyanidein Neuron Input Output pHin (t) CODin (t) volatile phenolin (t) cyanidein (t-1) sulfidein (t) 1 0.1254 0.8457 0.2646 0.0845 1.5664 2 0.6325 -2.2648 0.3478 -0.0546 3 -1.2544 1.4254 -0.1584 1.6448 NH4 flow ratein (t) cyanidein (t) -0.2658 -0.7548 0.2564 3.6548 2.6582 1.5484 1.5787 -1.2654 1.0145 3.2548 -0.6545 in (t) Table S4 Weights matrix of the 7:5:6:1 for NH4+-Nin Neuron Input Output +-N flow ratein (t) NH4+-Nin (t) 1.5462 0.3656 3.2644 -4.6548 2.1087 -1.2645 0.2604 3.6448 -0.2641 -2.2687 -0.2969 0.0645 -1.4651 0.9548 pHin (t) CODin (t) volatile phenolin (t) cyanidein (t) sulfidein (t) NH4 1 -1.5464 0.0165 -0.4219 -2.3651 -0.2654 2 0.5468 3.4870 2.2604 -1.1652 -1.6468 3 -3.6258 0.9987 -1.6658 -0.0256 0.5548 4 0.0265 -2.2258 -0.0265 4.2659 2.1048 5 -1.2651 -0.0365 0.0685 0.9875 -1.2564 0.0265 in (t-1) Table S5 Weights matrix of the 9:8:10:1 for CODef Neuron Input pHin (t) Output estimated volatile CODin (t) phenolin (t) cyanidein (t) sulfidein (t) NH4+-Nin (t) flow ratein (t) DO1 (t) DO2 (t) CODef (t) 1 -0.2678 0.2546 0.9871 0.0656 0.6594 1.0265 -1.5648 1.6598 0.6959 -2.6542 2 0.0406 0.0056 -0.2644 -0.4219 -1.1587 0.0165 0.5646 0.2659 1.5062 0.1245 3 0.5648 1.0887 -0.6505 2.2654 0.6348 -3.0879 0.1025 0.8498 -4.6518 -0.2568 4 1.3604 -0.6448 0.0568 -1.6658 1.2154 0.0487 0.0265 -0.1548 0.0654 0.2589 5 -0.6788 -0.2998 -0.0051 -1.1265 2.9754 -2.1158 -1.2654 -0.8462 -2.1687 0.0254 6 0.5108 -1.4605 -1.2608 0.5685 -2.3509 -0.0165 0.0659 5.2646 1.2265 -4.6545 7 2.3268 1.2648 -2.6598 -0.0154 -1.8070 2.6559 1.0266 -0.2659 3.2654 0.6584 8 -1.0154 -0.2654 4.6586 -0.2654 3.2644 6.2654 -1.0156 -0.2184 -0.2654 0.3625 Table S6 Weights matrix of the 9:7:10:1 for volatile phenolef Neuron Input Output estimated pHin (t) CODin (t) volatile cyanidein (t) sulfidein (t) NH4+-Nin (t) flow ratein (t) DO1 (t) DO2 (t) phenolin (t) volatile phenolef (t) 1 0.8497 0.6958 1.2564 0.9656 -0.0554 2.0658 1.0648 3.2614 0.6594 -5.6502 2 0.0065 -3.2658 -2.6958 0.7819 -1.9987 3.2815 -5.1984 -0.6468 -1.9506 0.5654 3 -0.5254 1.6998 0.6548 -2.0554 3.6348 -0.0879 -0.8725 1.5158 -4.1588 0.9984 4 0.0154 -0.6584 -2.6255 -1.6585 0.9609 0.0065 4.0158 -0.2156 1.0065 1.2654 5 -1.8498 0.2605 0.1298 1.5954 5.2070 3.6549 -0.0268 1.6655 0.3261 -0.6995 6 0.6694 0.9984 0.1586 0.6554 3.2205 -1.8844 -3.2615 -0.2698 -2.2685 4.6528 7 -0.3264 -3.2654 -1.5648 -3.9548 1.6682 0.1845 0.9874 -3.0025 -1.1059 -2.6158 Table S7 Weights matrix of the 9:6:6:1 for cyanideef Neuron Input Output pHin (t) CODin (t) 1 -1.5484 2 volatile estimated sulfidein (t) NH4+-Nin (t) Flow ratein (t) DO1 (t) DO2 (t) cyanideef (t) phenolin (t) cyanidein (t) -0.2651 -2.2658 0.6985 -5.2641 1.9533 -5.2654 -0.3659 -1.2654 0.4679 0.2656 3.3625 -2.6544 0.9015 1.0698 -3.9511 0.9598 1.0123 1.1101 -3.2654 3 0.2154 0.6927 -0.6654 2.5008 0.3265 3.0470 -0.2681 3.8740 0.0215 -2.4673 4 -0.0548 0.8558 -3.2654 3.8872 -3.2654 -1.0661 0.9598 2.4757 3.2611 1.0024 5 1.0098 -1.0846 0.2124 -1.7510 -1.2543 2.2650 0.3265 -2.2072 -2.2658 -1.2465 6 3.6654 0.8168 0.9847 -0.5012 0.1101 0.2265 0.0226 -1.8425 -1.8494 0.2456 Table S8 Weights matrix of the 9:7:8:1 for NH4+-Nef Neuron Input pHin (t) 1 Output CODin (t) -1.2798 1.0362 2 0.0124 3 -3.6456 4 volatile phenolin (t) cyanidein (t) estimated sulfidein (t) +-N NH4 in (t) flow ratein (t) DO1 (t) DO2 (t) NH4+-Nef (t) 0.0028 -1.2656 -0.2115 0.0268 0.3467 0.4672 -0.1565 -1.5478 0.3697 0.7251 3.1564 -1.5064 -1.2654 -3.9598 0.3659 0.0269 -2.0554 0.2648 -4.2567 4.5416 2.1158 0.0959 0.0026 -2.0253 -3.6332 -1.6585 -1.0625 -1.6055 -0.6658 -1.6681 -0.6578 1.9956 0.2518 -0.8740 -2.0644 1.5954 5 2.2654 3.5118 -3.6412 0.6167 -2.0465 -2.8156 -0.4484 -3.4117 3.6545 0.6554 6 0.2635 1.8360 1.4653 3.2187 -0.1298 -6.0858 -5.6598 2.8052 -1.5164 -3.9548 7 -1.9875 -2.6519 0.5689 1.2546 0.9286 -1.2654 0.2656 -0.8115 0.6427 0.0115 Fig. S1 Importance (%) of the input variables on the CODin (A), volatile phenolin (B), cyanidein (C), and NH4+-Nin(D). Fig. S2 Importance (%) of the input variables on the CODef (A), volatile phenolef (B), cyanideef (C), and NH4+-Nef (D). Fig. S3 Residual distribution of the predicted values of CODef (A), volatile phenolef (B), cyanideef (C), and NH4+-Nef (D).