Week of: Monday Tuesday August 24-28 Warm Up: “About Me” Warm Up: Choose an item in the classroom and write a paragraph describing it. Class Expectations and Syllabus Plagiarism and AHS Academic Honesty Contract Class Discussion: Varying perspectives and the relativity of truth; Point-ofView Class Discussion: Prewriting and brainstorming; Establishing tone Class Exercise: Pre-writing for Practice Narrative Essay Assign and Discuss Practice Narrative Essay August 29September 2 Warm Up: Do you think that a birthday cake should be the flavor preferred by the birthday boy/girl or the flavor preferred by the majority of party goers? Why? Writing Workshop: Using the practice rubric for the narrative essay, the class will evaluate their own and Thursday (Block) Warm Up: Tell me about a time that you and someone you know disagreed about what happened during a shared event or experience. Class Discussion: Perspective and Point-of-View Class Exercise: What really happened? Class Exercise: Writing process for a narrative essay Warm Up: What is your dream career and why? Class Discussion: Defining the narrative; Choosing topics that matter; Hand out notes Quiz: The Narrative/Topics Class Exercise: Topic Generator Quick Write Warm Up: How do you think that you will use writing in your desired career? Class Discussion: Read and discuss excerpt from Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle Friday Warm Up: If you wrote a book about your life, what might you call it and why? Class Discussion: Read “Countdown” by Jonathan Franzen; Identify and discuss the features of a narrative essay within “Countdown” and apply them to the practice narrative essay Class Exercise: Pair-up to work on narrative essay drafts Warm Up: Warm Up: What do you think is more fun to read, poetry or fiction? Why do you feel this way? Class Discussion: Poetry Class Exercise: Short Essay: Poetry What do you Smashdown think is Walls’ thesis? How does Short Essay Due she restate it? What other narrative devices other’s Practice Narrative Essays, making suggestions for improvements based upon the rubric. did you spot in the essay? Show evidence from the text to support your conclusions. (Due Tomorrow) Exit Ticket: What are two ways you’d like to improve your essay? Class Exercise: Writing in everyday life idea bounce; Use your device to find out more information on how you’ll use writing in your future career. Share what you learn with the group. Practice Narrative Essay Due September 7-11 Labor Day Holiday! Exit ticket: Write a list of five important ways that you’ll use writing after graduation. Warm Up: Warm Up: Tell Warm Up: What Would you rather me three things do you do when have a time that you think are you don’t know machine that cool about what a word could only go reading an means? What forward in time interesting story else could you do but could land that really to best anywhere or a happened. understand the time machine meaning of the that could go Class word? both forward and Discussion: Read backward in time and Discuss “The Class but had to land in Day it Rained Discussion: the same spot? Cockroaches” by Vocabulary Why? Paul Zindel Workshop Class Discussion: Quick Write: Think of an Quick Write: Incorporate a Grammar Pop #1; Read and Discuss “Oranges” and “Outside” by Gary Soto and “The Night of Oranges” by Flavius Stan Quick Write: Identify and discuss imagery in the texts we read today. Use examples from the text. September 14-18 Warm Up: How could you use writing as a secret weapon? Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #2 Writing Workshop: Thesis and Topic Sentences Warm Up: Do you think that it’s important to know something about the narrator of a piece? How can we accomplish this? Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #3 Writing Workshop: Introductions, Conclusions, Body Paragraphs September 21-25 Warm Up: Describe the image you see on the screen. Writing Workshop: Peer Warm Up: Pick something meaningful to you (a pet, a tree at your favorite park, your home, etc.). Write it at experience that you had that is similar to Zindel’s and explain how the two experiences are related. Assign and Discuss Formal Narrative Essay Class Exercise: Pre-Writing for the Formal Narrative Essay Warm Up: How do you show something about you and who you are in one or both of your narrative essays? Class Discussion: Read and Discuss a text that demonstrates voice; Establishing Voice Writing Workshop: Work on our drafts Warm Up: Make up a word. What does your word mean? What made you think of it? made-up word into your paragraph. Use what we learned to convey the meaning of the word. Switch essays and try to guess the meaning of the fake words. Vocabulary flash cards set #1: Convey, Textual, Context, Denotative, Connotative, Narrative Warm Up: Tell me about something fun that you’d like to try. How would it make a great story? Class Discussion: Poetry Class Exercise: Poetry Smashdown #2 Formal Narrative Essay Due Warm Up: Describe your ideal cupcake or ice cream cone. Class Discussion: The Conferencing Assign Polished Narrative Essay the top of your sheet of paper. Describe your subject using sensory imagery, but don’t mention your subject in your description because we will try to guess each other’s subjects. Class Discussion: The Descriptive Essay; Common Characteristics of Descriptive Essays; Provide Descriptive Essay notes September 28October 2 Warm Up: What do you like about descriptive paragraphs? Can you think of a book or story that you liked because of the descriptions? Quiz over Descriptive Writing Class Discussion: Read and Discuss a descriptive piece Writing Class Exercise: Guess the subject! Warm Up: Do you like peer editing? Why or why not? Class Discussion: Writing tips and suggestions Class Exercise: Work on descriptive essays, Peer editing Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #4; Read and Discuss a descriptive piece writing process for a descriptive essay, Read and Discuss a descriptive piece Grammar Quiz Class Exercise: Pair up and conduct a textual analysis of the descriptive piece Vocabulary flash cards set #2: Inquiry, Refers, Distinguish, Prevailing, Imperative, Diction Class Exercise: Choosing topics for a descriptive essay Assign Descriptive Essay Polished Narrative Essay Due Warm Up: Write a brief descriptive poem about your favorite food. Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #5; Read and Discuss descriptive essays Vocabulary flash cards set #3: Simile, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Warm Up: Create a cereal mascot and describe him/her. Class Discussion: Read and Discuss a descriptive essay Class Exercise: Pair up and analyze the text Assign Second Descriptive Essay First Descriptive Workshop: Descriptive Essays October 5-9 Warm Up: Personify an inanimate object. (ex. pencil, pens, milk, a coffee pot, a tree, a mustache, etc.) Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #6 Class Exercise: Game-Personify This! October 12-16 Holiday! Cohesive Warm Up: How do you think that reading and writing can help you improve your vocabulary? Class Discussion: How word choice can improve our writing. Class Exercise: Game-On and Poppin Some Words Vocabulary flash cards set #4: Alliteration, Symbolism, Sensory, Concrete Details, Abstract Details Warm Up: Tell me about an event in your life that would make a great short story. Class Discussion: Writing good dialogue Writing Workshop: Dialogue! Writing Workshop: Work on descriptive essays Warm Up: Why do you think a writer would choose to write a short story? Class Discussion: The Short Story; Elements of the short story; Short Story Notes; Read and Discuss a short story Essay Due Warm Up: Tell me about a song that has lyrics you relate to. What connects you to the lyrics? Class Discussion: Poetry Class Exercise: Poetry Smashdown #4 Class Exercise: Work together to map out the story we just read 2nd Descriptive Essay Due Warm Up: If you had a day with a penguin, what would you do? Class Discussion: Read and Discuss a short story Class Exercise: Conduct a text analysis of the short story using what we have Warm Up: Tell me about something you read or watched that you thought was exciting. What made it exciting? Class Discussion: Showing Vs. Telling; Creating conflict; Why no one wants to read learned Exit Ticket: A line of dialogue a perfectly happy story Class Exercise: Showing Vs. Telling October 19-23 Warm Up: Do you think that a memoir about your life would be interesting? Why? Class Discussion: Grammar Pop #7; Choosing topics for a short story; Writing tips for short stories Class Exercise: Brainstorming for short stories Assign Short Story Warm Up: What do you think defines a writer? What would someone have to do to become a writer? Class Discussion: Writing a short story. Class Exercise: Use graphic organizers to do pre-writing for a short story Warm Up: What do you think is more possible: building a time machine that goes forward in time or a space ship that is capable of traveling to other galaxies? Class Discussion: Read, Discuss, and Story Map a short story Writing Workshop: Short Stories Exit Ticket: An example of showing Warm Up: Do you think that telling a story would be easier if you could do it with pictures instead of words? Why? Class Discussion: Freytag’s Pyramid and Storyboarding Writing Workshop: Use Freytag’s Pyramid and/or Storyboarding to plot out your story