0151 522 2949
1 IN HAND YEARLINGS: Colts, Fillies or Geldings – To be born in 2013, not to exceed 153cm at maturity
2 IN HAND YOUNGSTOCK: Two and three yrs Fillies, Geldings or Stallions - To be born in 2012 or 2011, not to exceed 153cm at maturity
3 IN HAND PONY BROODMARE: Mare, any age or height, to have had a foal in the past or to be in foal, not exc 153cm
4 IN HAND SHOW PONY stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, not exc 153cm
5 IN HAND MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND SMALL BREEDS (All breeds must be show in Natural State only) Open to In Hand Mountain and Moorland ponies who are registered with their respective Pure Bred
Societies of Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland Stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age.
6 IN HAND MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND LARGE BREEDS (All breeds must be show in Natural State only) Open to In Hand Mountain and Moorland ponies who are registered with their respective Pure Bred
Societies of New Forest, Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, Stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age.
7 IN HAND WELSH SECTION A’s and B’s - Mares and Geldings any age
8 IN HAND WELSH SECTION A’s and B’s - Stallions or Colts, any age
9 IN HAND WELSH SECTION C’s and D’s - Mares and Geldings any age
10 IN HAND WELSH SECTION C’s and D’s - Stallions or Colts, any age
11 IN HAND RIDING PONIES/SHOW HUNTER PONIES stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding. Any age, not exc 153cm
12 IN HAND PART BREDS. stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, not exc 153cm
13 IN HAND BEST CONDITIONED. stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, not exc 153cm
14 IN HAND YOUNG HANDLER (handler under 16 years) Pony not exc 153cm
15 IN HAND COLOURED - Open in Hand Coloured stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, not exc 153cm
16 IN HAND SMALL TRADITIONAL GYPSY COB - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age./not exc
17 IN HAND VETERAN (OVER 15 YEARS) not exc 153cm
18 IN HAND ARAB - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, any height
19 IN HAND SHETLAND - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age
20 IN HAND MINIATURE HORSE - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age
21 IN HAND FOREIGN/RARE BREEDS - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age not exc 153cm
22 IN-HAND CHAMPIONSHIP Open to first placed combinations from Classes 1 - 21 In the case of a combination already qualified, qualification will pass down the line to second or third. Sash, Championship rosettes and a pair of race tickets to one of Aintree’s shoulder meetings in October. Champion £25, Reserve
£15, Second Reserve £10
BEST TURNED OUT PONY Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Pony not exc 153cm
MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND LEAD REIN. Open to Mountain & Moorland ponies, registered with their respective Pure Bred Societies of Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest, Shetland and Welsh A or B. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 128cms. Riders not to have attained their 9 th
birthday before 1st
January in the current year. To be led by an attendant & shown in a Snaffle Bridle, the lead rein to be attached to the noseband only
MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND FIRST RIDDEN Open to Mountain & Moorland ponies, registered with their respective Pure Bred Societies of Dartmoor, Exmoor, New Forest, Shetland, and Welsh A or B. Mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 128cms. Riders not to have attained their 12 th
birthday before 1st
January in the current year. To be shown in any suitable bridle.
JUNIOR RIDDEN MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND Mares and geldings, 4 years old & over, registered in the respective pure bred Stud Books of Connemara, Dales, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Fell, Highland, New Forest,
Shetland and Welsh Section A,B,C & D. Riders of Small Breeds not to have attained their 14 th
birthday before 1 st
January in the current year. Riders of Large Breeds not to have attained their 18 th
birthday before 1 st
January in the current year
MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND SMALL BREEDS (All breeds must be show in Natural State only) Open to In Hand Mountain and Moorland ponies who are registered with their respective Pure Bred Societies of
Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland Stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age. Riders Any Age
MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND - LARGE BREEDS. Open to Mountain & Moorland ponies registered with their respective Pure Bred Societies of Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest & Welsh C’s and D’s.
Riders Any Age
SHOW PONY LEAD REIN Leading Rein Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over not exc 122cms. Riders not to have attained their 8 th
birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be led by an attendant and shown in a snaffle bridle. Lead rein to be attached to the noseband only.
SHOW PONY FIRST RIDDEN First Ridden Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, not exc 122cm.
Riders not to have attained their 10 th
birthday before 1st January in the current year. To be shown in any suitable bridle.
RIDDEN SHOW PONIES Open Show Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 148cms.
Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st January in the current year.
SHOW HUNTER PONY- LEAD REIN mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exc 122cms. Rider not to have attained their 9 th
Birthday before 1 st
January in the current year.
RIDDEN SHOW HUNTER PONIES Show Hunter Pony, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 153cms. Riders not to have attained their 20 th
birthday before the 1st January in the current year.
JUNIOR SIDE SADDLE - Not exc 153cm, Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st
January in the current year.
Open ridden Piebald / Skewbald/Appaloosa/Palamino stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over. Riders any age.
FOREIGN/RARE BREEDS – PONIES Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st January in the current year. Not exc 153cm
38 SMALL TRADITIONAL GYPSY COB - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age./not exc 142cm, Riders any age
39 JUNIOR CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE- Not exc 153cm, Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st January in the current year. For both Aside and Astride riders.
40 NOVICE RIDER - Not exc 153cm, Riders not to have attained their 17 th
birthday before the 1st January in the or WON an affiliated class in the current year.
41 HOYS WARM UP CLASS - For Ponies that have qualified for HOYS 2014. Not exc 153cm,
42 RIDDEN ARAB stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, any height
43 PONY RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP: Open to first placed combinations from Classes 23-42. In the case of a combination already qualified, qualification will pass down the line to second or third. Champion £25, Reserve
£15, Second Reserve £10
44 IN HAND YEARLINGS: Colts, Fillies or Geldings – To be born in 2013. to exceed 153cm at maturity
45 IN HAND YOUNGSTOCK: Two and three yrs Fillies, Geldings or Stallions - To be born in 2012 or 2011to exceed 153cm at maturity
46 IN HAND BROODMARE: Mare, any age, exc 153cm, to have had a foal in the past or to be in foal
47 IN HAND BEST CONDITIONED YOUNGSTOCK. stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, under 5yrs, exc
48 IN HAND PART BREDS. stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
49 IN HAND BEST CONDITIONED. stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, 5 yrs and over, exc 153cm
50 IN HAND SPORTS HORSE stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
51 IN HAND SHOW HUNTERS stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
52 IN HAND COBS stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
53 IN HAND RIDING HORSES/HACKS stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
54 IN HAND COLOURED Open in Hand Coloured stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
55 IN HAND LARGE TRADITIONAL GYPSY COB - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 142cm
56 IN HAND EX-RACEHORSE mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age./height
57 VETERAN (OVER 15 YEARS) stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age exc 142cm
58 IN HAND FOREIGN/RARE BREEDS - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
59 IN-HAND CHAMPIONSHIP Open to first placed combinations from Classes 44– 58. In the case of a combination already qualified, qualification will pass down the line to second or third. Sash, Championship rosettes and a pair of race tickets to one of Aintree’s shoulder meetings in October. Champion £25, Reserve
£15, Second Reserve £10
60 BEST TURNED OUT HORSE mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exc148cm
61 INTERMEDIATE SHOW RIDING TYPE Open Intermediate Show Riding Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 146cms but not exceeding 158cms. Riders not to have attained their 25 th birthday before
1 st January in the current year.
62 INTERMEDIATE SHOW HUNTER TYPE Open Intermediate Show Hunter Type, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms but not exceeding 158cms. Riders not to have attained their 25 th
birthday before 1 st
63 SMALL RIDING HORSES Open Riding Horse, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exc 148cm, not exc
158cm Riders any age
64 LARGE RIDING HORSES Open Riding Horse, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exc 158cm Riders any age
65 RETRAINED RACEHORSE mare or gelding, 4 years old & over
66 COBS Open Ridden Cob, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 148cms Riders any age.
67 HACKS Open Show Hacks, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over, exceeding 148cms but not exc 160cms.
Riders any age.
68 LARGE TRADITIONAL GYPSY COB - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age./exc 142cm, Riders any age
69 RIDDEN HUNTERS Open Ridden Hunter, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 153cms. Riders any age.
70 RIDDEN PART BREDS Stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old and over exc 153cm cms. Rider any age. Exhibits in this section must be registered in the Part Bred section of their respective Breed Society. Registration numbers must be stated on the entry form. Horses and ponies will not be ridden at the final.
71 RIDDEN COLOURED HORSE exc 148cm 23.
Open ridden Piebald / Skewbald/Appaloosa/Palamino stallion, mare or gelding, 4 years old & over. Riders any age.
72 SPORTS HORSE mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 153cms. Riders any age.
73 PURE BRED IRISH DRAUGHT mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 153cms. Riders any age.
74 PART BRED IRISH DRAUGHT/IRISH SPORTS HORSE mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding
153cms. Riders any age.
75 VETERAN (HORSE OVER 15 YEARS) mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 153cms. Riders any age.
76 SIDE SADDLE - mare or gelding, 4 years old & over, exceeding 153cm. Riders any age
77 NOVICE RIDER - Horse exc 153cm, Riders any age not to have WON an affiliated class in the current year.
78 HOYS WARM UP CLASS - For Horses that have qualified for HOYS 2014. Exc 153cm,
79 SENIOR CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE– Exc 153cm, Riders any age. For both Aside and Astride riders
80 FOREIGN/RARE BREEDS - stallion, mare, colt, filly or gelding, any age, exc 153cm
81 HORSE RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP Open to first placed combinations from Classes 60-80 In the case of a combination already qualified, qualification will pass down the line to second or third. Sash, Championship rosettes and a pair of race tickets to one of Aintree’s shoulder meetings in October Champion £25, Reserve £15,
Second Reserve £10