Speech Rubric Language 1:Standard English Grammar Language 2:Standard English Mechanics Language 3:Style/ Word Choice Speaking & Listening 6: Oral Language Writing 1112 1: Argumentative Writing Writing 1112 5:Plan/ Revise/Edit TOPIC: _____ Give Me ____, or Give Me Death! OR Distinguished (A) Accomplished (B) Demonstrates an exemplary command of standard grammar and usage with very few, if any, minor errors. Demonstrates a solid command of standard grammar and usage although some minor errors may be present. Demonstrates an exemplary command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, with very few, if any, minor errors. Proficient (C) _____ Discrimination Beginning (D) Required RE-DO Demonstrates a basic command of standard grammar and usage, although several obvious errors are present. Demonstrates a weak command of standard grammar and/or usage, with numerous obvious errors. Demonstrates a lack of command of standard grammar and/or usage. Multiple errors may cause distractions or confusion for the reader. Demonstrates a solid command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling although some minor errors may be present. Demonstrates a basic command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling, although several obvious errors are present. Demonstrates a weak command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and/or spelling, with numerous obvious errors. Demonstrates a lack of command of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Multiple errors may cause distractions or confusion for the reader. Word choice, meaning, and style are creative, powerful, effective, and appropriate to the task. Word choice, meaning, and style are effective and appropriate to the task. Word choice, meaning, and style are appropriate to the task with minor lapses. Word choice, meaning, and style are appropriate to the task, although some obvious errors are present. Word choice, meaning, and/or style are inappropriate to the task. Multiple lapses distract the reader. Speech is masterful and entirely appropriate to context and task. Strong command of formal spoken English is demonstrated. Speech is adapted to appropriate context and task. Solid command of formal spoken English is demonstrated. Speech is appropriate to context and task with a few minor lapses. Command of formal spoken English is mediocre . Speech is mostly appropriate to context and task with some obvious lapses. Command of formal spoken English is weak. Speech may be inappropriate to context and/or task. A lack of command of formal spoken English is apparent. Argument supports valid claims with logical reasoning, and relevant/sufficient evidence. Rhetorical devices are present and skillfully used. Argument supports claims with valid reasoning, and relevant/sufficient evidence. Rhetorical devices are present and appropriately used. Argument supports claims with valid reasoning, and relevant/sufficient evidence. Rhetorical devices are only sporadically used. Argument supports claims with somewhat weak reasoning, and often irrelevant/ insufficient evidence. Rhetorical devices are not present and/or are inappropriately used. Argument does not support claims with valid reasoning, and/or relevant/sufficient evidence. Rhetorical devices are entirely absent/incorrectly used. Final product shows thoughtful editing and revision, both of writer's work and the incorporated works of others. Few, if any, errors are present. Final product shows some editing and revision of the writer's work and the incorporated works of others. Some minor proofreading errors or typos are present. Final product shows little editing or revision of either the writer's work or the incorporated works of others. Proofreading errors or typos are obvious. Final products needs editing and revision of either the writer's work or the incorporated works of others. Multiple proofreading error or typos are present throughout the piece. Final product is clearly a rough draft with no editing or revision. Extensive proofreading errors or typos throughout the piece.