1 APPENDIX A. Detailed description of data and methods 2 3 4 A.1 Acanthomintha ilicifolia Acanthomintha ilicifolia, or San Diego thornmint, is a rare annual, aromatic herb in 5 Lamaiceae (mint family). It is endemic to San Diego County and northern Baja California (US 6 Fish and Wildlife Service 2009). A. ilicifolia can be two to six inches in height with rose- 7 highlighted, white, tubular flowers. It is highly specialized to openings on gabbro soils derived 8 from igneous rock and gray calcareous clay soils (US Fish and Wildlife Five-Year Review 2009) 9 and occurs in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and native grasslands. 10 11 A.2 Habitat suitability, land use change, and metapopulation maps 12 We estimated the habitat suitability of each cell over a uniform grid for A. ilicifolia as a 13 function of environmental conditions. Because data on A. ilicifolia locations are sparse and not 14 obtained from probability-designed surveys, we used two SDM methods, robust to small or 15 biased samples (Elith and Graham 2009). They are MaxEnt (Phillips et al. 2006) and Random 16 Forest (Prasad and Iverson 2006, Cutler et al. 2007). MaxEnt was run using 10,000 random 17 background points, 500 maximum iterations, and a convergence threshold of 0.00001. We used 18 the automatic feature type option for training and estimating response curves, with jackknifing to 19 determine variable importance. Random Forest was run using the package randomForest in the 20 R statistical programming environment. We used 2116 background (pseudo-absence) points 21 based on locations of vegetation plots and occurrences of other plant species in our database. 22 Five hundred trees were estimated using three predictors per tree. To estimate the AUC, we used 23 the averaged “out-of-bag” predictions from the 500 models. 1 24 Current location data for A. ilicifolia included 104 point locations of observations 25 obtained from the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDB) and collection records from the 26 Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH). Environmental predictors included climate (mean 27 January minimum temperature, mean July maximum temperature, and mean annual 28 precipitation), soil, and terrain variables important to predicting southern California plant species 29 distributions (Syphard & Franklin 2009; see Table A.1 below). For current climate conditions, 30 the values in each one hectare grid cell were derived from 1971-2000 Parameter-Elevation 31 Regressions on Independent Slopes Model data (PRISM, Daly et al 2006), spatially downscaled 32 to a 90 m Digital Elevation Model (Flint & Flint 2012) and re-sampled to 100 m resolution. 33 Both temperature variables were important in both SDMs, and precipitation was 34 important in Random Forest. In MaxEnt, a steep decline in probability of species presence is 35 predicted below 500 mm annual precipitation, above average minimum January temperature of 8 36 C, and above average maximum July temperature of 33 C, which would lead to predicted habitat 37 shifts under the warmer drier future climate scenario. Soil order and the other soil variables were 38 moderately important in both models. A. ilicifolia is known to be associated with open or bare 39 clayey patches (lenses) within otherwise dense, closed canopy shrub communities. However, 40 given the coarse resolution of the environmental predictors, these microhabitat features are not 41 being directly identified in the SDMs. Rather, the correlative models identify the soil types and 42 properties that support the shrubland community within which A. ilicifolia occurrences are 43 located. The presence points occurred primarily in alfisols (46 %), but also vertisols (22 %) and 44 entisols (11 %). This difference in scales between the SDM resolution and the small patches that 45 define subpopulations of A. ilicifolia is addressed by scaling the carrying capacity of suitable 46 habitat patches (next section A.3) 2 47 48 49 Table A.1. Soil, terrain, and climate variables used to predict habitat suitability, and variable importance in MaxEnt and Random Forest models. PRISM and STATSGO data are 1-km resolution. DEM and derivatives are 30-m resolution. All predictors were resampled to 100 m. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 50 51 Environmental Predictor Source MaxEnt Random Forest ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Average annual precipitation (1971-2000) mm PRISM 6 22 Average minimum January temperature (1971-2000) ˚C PRISM 38 24 Average maximum July temperature (1971-2000) ˚C PRISM 22 23 Soil order (13 categories:acidigneous, alfisol, alluvial, badland, entisol, inceptisol, metamorphic, mollisol, rock, roughstony, terrace, ultisol, vertisol, other) STATSGO 7 14 Soil depth (m) STATSGO 2 10 Soil available water capacity (cm/cm) STATSGO 9 8 Soil pH STATSGO 5 7 Slope angle (degrees) USGS 30 m DEM 6 19 Potential winter solstice solar insolation (Watt/hr m2) DEM using Solar Analyst 1 21 Potential summer solstice solar insolation (Watt/hr m2) DEM using Solar Analyst 2 23 Topographic moisture index (unitless) DEM 3 23 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: STATSGO: State Soil Geographic data base for California, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. URL http://gis.ca.gov/catalog/BrowseRecord.epl?id=21237. DEM: Digital Elevation Model; USGS: U.S. Geological Survey; Solar Analyst: an ArcView extension for modeling landscape scale solar radiation. MaxEnt Estimated Variable Contribution: As noted in the MaxEnt software, to determine the estimate, “in each iteration of the training algorithm, the increase in regularized gain is added to the contribution of the corresponding variable, or subtracted from it if the change to the absolute value of lambda is negative.” Variable contributions should be interpreted with caution when the predictors are multicollinear. Variable importance in the Random Forest model is estimated as the mean decrease in the Gini Index. 3 85 The output of each SDM, based on current location and climate data, is a cell map 86 displaying a 0-to-1 habitat suitability measure for each cell. The training accuracy of the 87 resulting suitability maps, measured in Area Under the Curve terms, was AUC = 0.907 for 88 MaxEnt and 0.870 for Random Forest. 89 For future climate, we used one emission scenario (A2, which assumes business as usual 90 CO2 emissions in a socio-economically heterogeneous world) and two general circulation model 91 projections (the Department of Energy and National Center for Atmospheric Research’s Parallel 92 Climate Model, or PCM, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association's Geophysical 93 Fluid Dynamic Laboratory’s CM.2 model, or GFDL), downscaled following Flint and Flint 94 (2012) and bias corrected using the historically measured PRISM data. PCM was generally less 95 sensitive to climate forcings and predicted a slightly wetter and warmer climate. The more 96 sensitive GFDL predicted a substantially hotter and drier climate for California. These two 97 scenarios were chosen because they fit historic climate data reasonably well for California, but 98 present contrasting forecasts for future climate (Cayan et al. 2008). Climate variables derived 99 from monthly projections for 2070-2099 were averaged to represent predicted climate ca. 2099 100 for each climate scenario. We constructed 2099 habitat suitability maps (for each assumed 101 climate projection) by substituting 2099 climate data into the SDM suitability functions 102 estimated from current climate data. To create a time series of dynamic habitat maps across 100 103 years, we linearly interpolated between current and future habitat suitability maps on a cell-by- 104 cell basis for each time step. 105 We developed spatially explicit, binary projections of urban development for the years 106 2000-2050 using the SLEUTH model (Syphard et al 2011). SLEUTH is a widely used cellular 107 automaton model that predicts the spatial extent of urban expansion (Clarke et al. 2007). The 4 108 predictive strength of the model results from a rigorous calibration process that fits parameter set 109 coefficients as a function of observed dynamics particular to development patterns in the study 110 region, using historic data representing urban extent and road networks (Clarke et al. 1996). For 111 each time step up to 2050, the spatial output of the urban growth model was overlapped with the 112 projected suitability maps. Areas where urban growth overlapped suitable habitat were changed 113 to unsuitable habitat. Thus, projected suitability maps based on climate change were sometimes 114 modified by land use change (see Fig. A.1). 115 116 A.3 Metapopulation Maps 117 The threshold that resulted in maximum training sensitivity plus specificity was specified 118 so that only predicted habitat values above these values were predicted present. For MaxEnt and 119 Random Forest, the thresholds were 0.04 and 0.37, respectively. Metapopulation maps were 120 imported into the spatially explicit population modeling platform RAMAS GIS® 5.0 (Akçakaya 121 & Root 2005). Each year a new map was imported into RAMAS to reflect the changes in habitat 122 due to changes in climate. The carrying capacity of a patch was calculated as the sum of habitat 123 suitabilities, over those cells with suitabilities above the threshold, multiplied by 15,000 124 individuals for each hectare. Although more than 15,000 individuals could occur in a hectare 125 (the pixel size of our SDM predictions), A. ilicifolia is restricted to a particular soil type, namely 126 clay lenses, which are typically much smaller than a hectare. Thus, we used the value of 15,000 127 based on the largest population reported (Bauder 1994), occurring in less than a hectare in Poway 128 in 1994. This assumption was necessary given that SDM predictions do not have sufficiently 129 fine spatial and categorical resolution to predict the occurrence of every clay lens. Simulations 130 were computed for 12 scenarios described in the main text. 131 5 (a) (b) (c) Suitability Index (d) (f) (i) 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 (e) (g) (h) (j) Figure A.1. Habitat suitability maps for A. ilicifolia. The first five maps are MaxEnt derived: a. Current map, without thresholding. b. Current map, with thresholding. Black dots are observed presences. c. Future map (2100) based on land use change only, with thresholding. d. Future map (2100) based on PCM climate change, without thresholding. e. Future map (2100) based on GFDL climate change, without thresholding. The second five maps (f to j) are analogous but Random Forest derived. 6 143 144 A.4 Two-stage demographic model Each patch in the metapopulation is governed by its own two-stage demographic model. 145 The model structure is the same for all patches, governed by the same underlying parameters. 146 However, each patch model has its own history, depending on fire, carrying capacity constraints, 147 natural variability, management options to control invasive species or relocate individuals, and 148 random perturbations representing environmental and demographic stochasticity. 149 The two life stages for each demographic model are seeds and adult plants. The time step 150 is one year, assumed to start in spring just before plant death and seed set. Figure A.2 is a 151 schematic of the staging for a single patch. In a given year in the patch, each plant either dies 152 with no replacement or is replaced by another plant or seed or both, leading to one of the 153 transitions shown on Fig. A.2 (the magnitudes f, g, s, and d on Fig. A.2 are defined below). 154 Although every plant dies by the end of the year, a large fraction is effectively replaced by new 155 plants at the start of the next year. Plants can “survive” in this sense. The new plants can enter 156 the system from either a current year seed or from an earlier year seed in the species’ seedbank. 157 It is tempting to simplify to a one-stage model which follows only adults, leaving seeds behind 158 the scenes, and we present such a simplification in Section A.6. However, tracking both seeds 159 and adult plants adds two important dimensions of realism. First, since seed germination rates 160 increase with seed age, the seedbank is important to the population dynamics. Second, seeds and 161 adults respond differently to fire. Adults are mostly killed in a fire, in which case the next year's 162 population is heavily dependent on the seedbank. 163 7 Year 1 Year 2 Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring ... Adult replacement, μ22 = E[f] E[s9] E[gd] Addition to seedbank, μ12 = E[f ] E[s9] E[(1 - g)] Adult seed production, f Seeds seed survival, s9 Seeds to seedbank seedling survival, d germination, g Deaths Seedbank germination, μ21 = E[g x d] Adult Seedling germination, g seed survival, s12 Seed* Seed Seedbank survival, μ11 = E[s12] 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 Figure A.2. Schematic of one-year transitions. The dotted lines and boxes are the overall transition rates represented by the two stages of the demographic model. The solid lines and boxes represent component transitions making up the overall transition rates in the demographic model. Because data on overall A. ilicifolia transitions were often missing, we relied on the component steps. The unboxed text labels the stages. The magnitudes f, g, d, and the subscripted s’s are defined in the next section. For a representative patch, let the numbers of seeds and plants at the start of year t be 174 denoted nseed(t) and nplant(t). The change in these numbers from year t to year t+1 is governed 175 by four “vital rates” {c11(t), c21(t), c12(t), c22(t)} via the following rules. Independently, each 176 seed either stays a seed with probability c11(t), germinates into a plant with probability c21(t), or 8 177 dies with probability 1–c11(t)–c21(t). Independently, each plant dies and is replaced by one of its 178 own germinated seeds with probability c22(t), or dies and is not replaced with probability 179 1–c22(t). Further, each plant produces seeds equal in number to a Poisson draw with mean 180 c12(t). The various independent random draws for seeds and plants represent demographic 181 stochasticity. 182 183 184 185 186 187 The dynamic result of these rules can be roughly approximated by the vector-matrix equation nseed(t 1) nplant (t 1) c11(t) c12 (t) nseed(t) , c21(t) c22 (t) nplant (t) (A.1) 188 Although this equation is not exact, it is helpful in suggesting the workings of the model. The parameter c11(t) is a seed survival rate, c12(t) is a fecundity rate at which plants generate seeds, 189 c21(t) is a germination rate, and c22(t) plant replacement rate. If the cij(t) were fixed instead of 190 time-varying (see next paragraph), and if demographic stochasticity (last paragraph) were 191 removed, Eq. A.1 would fully determine a time path for nseed(t) and nplant(t). 192 The values of the vital rates {c11(t), c21(t), c12(t), c22(t)} for each year t are modeled as 193 independent draws from a lognormal distribution, truncated at one, when necessary, for the three 194 probabilities {c11(t), c21(t), c22(t)}. Except for a fire year (discussed below), the means and 195 standard deviations for these lognormal draws are assumed to be: 196 197 198 199 11 12 0.047 7.9 M , 21 22 0.11 0.80 11 12 S 21 22 0.019 5.0 . 0.072 0.70 (A.2) The randomness of cij(t) represents environmental stochasticity. The settings in Eqs. A.2 are 9 200 explained next in Section A.5. For a fire year, special further adjustments to C(t) are made, as 201 explained in Section A.6. 202 203 204 205 206 A.5 Parameter settings for M and S Data for estimating [ij] and [σij] are very limited. Typically ij and σij values are not reported directly, but must be inferred from sparse data using strong assumptions. Specification of 11 and σ11. Bauder (1997 and unpublished data) counted seeds on A. 207 ilicifolia plants and in the upper 2 cm of soil under the plants. We computed the average ratio of 208 seeds-in-soil to seeds-on-plants per meter squared over plots. To avoid artificially inflating the 209 standard deviation, we only included plots with more than 200 seeds. Our reasoning was that the 210 seeds in the soil were created at least one year earlier from plants alive at the time. Thus, a plot 211 with very few seeds would not have produced enough seeds to add to the soil seed bank. The 212 resulting estimates of yearly mean seed survival rate and its standard deviation are: 213 214 11 = 0.047, σ11 = 0.019. (A.4) 215 216 Let s12 denote a random 12-month seed survival rate, and the settings E[s12] = 11 = 0.047 and 217 SD[s12] = σ11 = 0.019 will be used for s12, where E[.] and SD[.] represent the mean of [.] and 218 standard deviation of [.]. 219 Specification of 21 and σ21. These parameters represent the joint outcome of (i) the seed 220 germination rate, g, and (ii) the survival rate of germinated seeds from seedling stage to 221 reproductive adult stage, d. The two parts of the joint outcome are separated because of the way 222 the data were collected. Variables g and d are random variables. The joint germination-and- 10 223 survival rate is gd. (See the dashed line paths on Fig. A.2). The parameters 21 and σ21 are then 224 21 = E[gd] and σ21 = SD[gd]. 225 Bauder (1997) reports highly variable germination in lab experiments controlling seed 226 age, temperature, and photoperiod. The highest germination rates typically occurred at cooler 227 temperatures, at longer photoperiods (except at very high temperatures), and for seeds that were 228 at least twelve months old. (Seeds less than 12 months old had lower germination rates, 229 depending on the temperature and light treatment.) These results are likely a reflection of A. 230 ilicifolia's adaptation to germinate in Mediterranean winter and spring, when rainfall is high, 231 roughly half a year after seed set. However, these lab experiments are not directly applicable to 232 field germination because the lab plants were supplied with ample water, yielding 70% 233 germination in more than half the treatments. Thus, we used germination values from field 234 experiments by Pavlik and Espeland (1994) for the closely related species Acanthomintha 235 duttonii. They reported a mean germination rate of 0.0670 with standard deviation 0.0590 for 236 sown seeds germinated on north-facing slopes, and 0.1510 and 0.0850 for south-facing slopes. 237 They also report much higher and less variable germination in the two preceding years: between 238 25-28% germination in 1992 and 34-45% germination in 1993. Thus, we used the higher 239 estimate for 1994 with the lower reported standard deviation: 240 241 242 243 E[g] = 0.1510, SD[g] = 0.0590. (A.5) Pavlik and Espeland (1994) report seedling survival means ± standard deviations of 244 0.5260 ± 0.3590 and 0.4670 ± 0.2930 on north-facing and south-facing slopes, respectively. 245 These are similar to experimental survival results by Bauder (unpublished data) of 0.6735 ± 11 246 0.3287 for Acanthomintha ilicifolia. We used the Bauder data because they applied to our target 247 species (Pavlik and Espeland 1994 studied Acanthomintha duttonii): 248 249 250 251 E[d] = 0.6735, SD[d] = 0.3280. (A.6) Combining the information in (A.5) and (A.6) almost yields a specification for 21: 252 253 21 = E[gd] = E[g] E[d] + Corr[g, d]SD[g]SD[d] 254 = 0.1510 x 0.6735 + Corr(g, d) x 0.0590 x 0.3280 = 0.1017 + 0.0193 Corr[g, d]. 255 256 The final step in specifying 21 is to provide a value for the correlation Corr[g, d]. It is likely 257 that germination and seedling survival are correlated since the seasonal resources that favor 258 germination (e.g. water) also favor seedling survival. Unfortunately, we have no data on the 259 strength of correlation. We thus simply assumed a small correlation of 0.3, leading to the 260 specification 261 21 = E[gd] = 0.11. 262 263 The same information yields a specification for σ21 = SD[gd], based on a standard 264 265 266 approximation (Goodman 1960, Eq. 19) for the variance of two dependent variables Var[gd] = E[g]2 Var[d] + E[d]2 Var[g] + 2 E[g] E[d] Corr[g, d] SD[g] SD[d]. 267 268 Substituting from (A.5) and (A.6), and again using Corr[g, d] = 0.3, yields Var[gd] = 0.0052, or 269 σ21 = SD[gd] = 0.072. In summary, the specifications of the seed germination-and-survival 270 parameters are 271 21 = 0.11, σ21 = 0.072. 12 (A.7) 272 273 Specification of 12 and σ12. These parameters represent the mechanism by which adults 274 in spring produce seeds which ultimately arrive in the next year’s seedbank. The mechanism is 275 the joint outcome of (i) the fecundity of plants in producing seeds, (ii) the survival of these seeds 276 over the nine months from seedset to the beginning of spring, and (iii) the avoidance of 277 germination by the seeds in question. The fecundity rate per plant is denoted f, the nine-month 278 survival rate by s9, and the non-germination rate by 1–g (see the dashed line paths on Fig. A.2). 279 The three variables f, s9, and g are random variables, as is the joint outcome variable f s9(1–g). 280 The parameters 12 and σ12 are 12 = E[f s9(1–g)] and σ12 = SD[f s9(1–g)]. We treat the three 281 variables f, s9, and g as independent. 282 The mean and standard deviation of g was already specified in (A.5) above. The mean 283 and standard deviation of fecundity f were specified from seed production data gathered by 284 Bauder (personal communication) and Taylor and Burkhart (1994, referenced in Bauder 1997). 285 On average, A. ilicifolia produced 69 seeds per plant in undisturbed plots in the 1995 growing 286 season (Bauder unpublished data). Although the standard deviation of the number of seeds per 287 plant was not reported, the coefficient of variation over plots of the mean number of seeds/plant 288 could be calculated (0.34). We included plots with at least ten plants per plot; otherwise a very 289 few plants would have dominated the coefficient of variation. Taylor and Burkhart (1994) 290 reported average seed production of 115 and 261 seeds per plant for 1992 and 1993; no standard 291 deviations were reported. These large differences in seed production for 1992, 1993, and 1995 292 were likely due to rainfall (Bauder 1997), which was high in 1992, extremely high in 1993, and 293 low in 1995. For E[f], we excluded the 1993 outlier and averaged 1992 and 1995, resulting in 294 E[f] = 92. We multiplied E[f] by the coefficient of variation in the mean number of seeds/plant, 13 295 0.34, to get a standard deviation of SD[f] = 31.28. Thus, the specified mean and standard 296 deviation for f are 297 298 299 E[f] = 92, SD[f] = 31. (A.8) If seed survival were exponential and deterministic, the relation between the nine-month 300 and 12-month survival rates, s9 and s12, would be s9 = (s12)9/12. To determine the standard 301 deviation in s9, we used an approximate linear relationship between s9 and s12 and through it 302 approximated the variance of s9 from the variance of s12. In particular, we used the two-term 303 Taylor series expansion f(x) = f(a) + f '(a) (x – a) of s9 = (s12)9/12 about the yearly mean seed 304 survival rate, specified as E[s12] = 11 = 0.047 in (A.4) above: 305 306 307 308 s9 = 0.1009 + (9/12)(0.047)–3/12 (s12 – 0.047) = 0.02524 + 1.6108 s12. From this equation and from E[s12] = 11 = 0.047 and SD[s12] = σ11 = 0.019, as given in (A.4): 309 310 E[s9] = 0.02524 + 1.6108 E[s12] = 0.1009. 311 SD[s9] = (Var[0.02524 + 1.6108 s12])1/2 = (1.61082 Var[s12] )1/2 = 0.03060. 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 Summarizing: E[s9] = 0.1009, SD[s9] = 0.0306. (A.9) Now the pieces are in place to specify 12 = E[f s9(1–g)] and σ12 = SD[f s9(1–g)]. For 12, use (A.8), (A.9), and (A.5): 12 = E[f s9(1–g)] = E[f] E[s9] E[1–g] = 92 x 0.1009 x (1–0.151) = 7.9. 14 321 322 By a standard formula for the variance of a product of three independent variables (Goodman 323 1962, Eq. 15): 324 325 (σ12)2 = Var[ f s9 (1–g)] = {[CV(f)]2 + [CV(s9)]2 + [CV(g)]2 326 + [CV(f)]2[CV(s9)]2 + [CV(f)]2[CV(g)]2 + [CV(s9)]2[CV(g)]2 327 + [CV(f)]2[CV(s9)]2[CV(g)]2} E[f s9 (1–g)]2. (A.10) 328 329 Here CV(x) denotes the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean (the coefficient of variation). 330 Substituting (A.8), (A.9), and (A.5) in (A.10) yields 331 332 (σ12)2 = Var[ f s9 (1–g)] = ( 0.1156 + 0.0919 + 0.1526 333 + 0.1156 x 0.0919 + 0.1156 x 0.1526 + 0.0919 x 0.1526 334 + 0.1156 x 0.0919 x 0.1526 ) (92 x 0.1009 x (1–0.151) )2. 335 336 337 338 339 = 25.1220. Thus, σ12 = 5.0. Summarizing, 12 = 7.9, σ12 = 5.0. (A.11) 340 341 Specification of 22 and σ22. Finally, consider 22 and σ22, the mean and standard 342 deviation of the replacement rate of adult plants. By Fig. A.2, this replacement rate is the 343 product of (i) seed production f, (ii) seed survival to winter s9, (iii) germination g, and (iv) 344 seedling survival d. Since f, s9, and gd are assumed independent, the expected value of the 345 replacement rate is 22 = E[fs9 g d] = E[f]E[s9]E[gd], where [E[f] = 92, E[s9] = 0.10, and E[gd] 15 346 = 21 = 0.11 are given in Eqs. (A.8), (A.9), and (A.7), respectively. This would yield 22 = 92 x 347 0.10 x 0.11 = 1.02. However, a further adjustment is made. As noted above, Bauder (1997) 348 reports that germination rates are reduced for seeds less than a year old. At the most realistic 349 temperature conditions considered (12 hours at 10 degrees and 22 degrees) and 24-hour light, 350 seeds that were zero and two months old had germination rates of 70%. Seeds that were more 351 than six months old had germination rates of >90%. At the same temperature in dark conditions, 352 seeds that were zero and seven months old had germination rates of <85% and 12 and 14 month 353 old seeds had germination rates of 80 and 90%, respectively. Thus, we approximate that younger 354 seeds have germination rates that are 80% of older seeds. With this adjustment and slight 355 rounding, our setting is 356 22 = 92 x 0.10 x 0.11 x 0.8 = 0.80. (A.12) 357 For the variance of s9 f (g d), we again apply the Goodman formula of Eq. A.10 to, applying it to 358 the means and standard deviations for f, s9, and gd from Eqs. (A.8), (A.9), and (A.7): 359 360 Var[s9 f (g d)] = [(0.0919)2 + (0.1156)2 + (0.1527)2 + (0.0919)2(0.1156)2 + (0.0919)2(0.1527)2 361 + (0.1156)2 (0.1527)2 +(0.0919)2(0.1156)2(0.1527)2] 0.802 = 0.4897. 362 363 364 365 The square root of this variance is σ22 = 0.70. Summarizing, 22 = 0.80, σ22 = 0.70. (A.13) Because the standard deviation of the adult replacement rate c22(t) is so high, we expect c22(t) occasionally to exceed one. In some models of this general type, a vital rate like c22(t) is a 16 366 “survival” rate not allowed to exceed one. However, in our context, c22(t) is a replacement rate, 367 which may exceed one since an adult plant may have multiple seeds. A high standard deviation 368 σ22 = 0.70 is validated by field observations showing year-to-year variation in A. ilicifolia 369 populations (see Figure A.3). 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 Figure A.3. A. ilicifolia populations from 2000-2005. The Sabre Spring population was divided by 10 so that it would fit on this figure. Data from Mike Kelly presented in the 2005 City of San Diego's Rare Plant Monitoring Report for Acanthomintha ilicifolia. A.6 Fire occurrence and fire year vital rates For each patch and year, the probability of fire was assumed to depend on the time since the last fire according to a discrete time Weibull hazard function: 381 382 λ[T(t)] = cT(t)c–1/bc . 383 384 Here λ[T(t)] denotes the probability of a fire in year t given that the last fire occurred T(t) years 385 earlier; b and c are scale and shape parameters (Polakow et al. 1999). We set c = 1.42, 17 (A.14) 386 suggesting a relatively low influence of time since last fire, as is common in chaparral (Polakow 387 et al. 1999). In simulations, we chose b to represent average fire return intervals from 20 to 120 388 years, in keeping with historic fire rates (Wells et al. 2004). There was also a no-fire scenario. 389 At the start of a simulation, each patch was given an initial value T(0) drawn from the Weibull 390 distribution. Fires were assumed to burn entire patches, but fire on one patch was assumed 391 independent of fire on other patches. The largest patch in our model (under the Random Forest- 392 GFDL climate change scenario) was 180,000 hectares, roughly the same size as the six largest 393 (>100,000 ha) southern California fires that have occurred since 2001. 394 In a year t in which a fire occurs, a vital rates matrix C(t) is generated as described in 395 Section A.4, but then immediately reduced to reflect the effects of the fire. The reductions are 396 element by element, using the multipliers: 397 398 399 400 f11 f 21 f12 0.3 0.05 . f 22 0.1 0.01 (A.4) That is, c11(t) is multiplied by f11 = 0.3, c12(t) by f12 = 0.05, and so on. The specification of the 401 fij was fairly subjective since there are very few studies of the impact of fire on A. ilicifolia. 402 Sensitivities of ultimate model predictions to the fij are given on Table 1(c) of the main text. 403 The reasoning behind the four fij is given in the next four paragraphs. 404 Element f12. We assume that fires occur in late fall, after the year's adult A. ilicifolia 405 plants have set seed and died. Thus, we expect that fire does not affect the initial seed set. 406 However, it is likely that fire reduces the number of seeds per plant that survive to the next year 407 because new seeds are unlikely to be protected by burial and leaf litter. In Eq. A.4, we assumed 408 a 95% reduction in the seed set, resulting in f12 = 0.05. 18 409 Element f11. The only evidence that the seedbank persists in a fire is from observations of 410 an A. ilicifolia population on the Crestridge Ecological Reserve (32.83 N, 116.86 W) that burned 411 in 2003 (Patricia Gordon-Reedy, unpublished data). Following the fire, all plants were killed, as 412 noted by the reserve landowner. However, detailed censusing of A. ilicifolia did not resume until 413 2009. In 2009, the population appeared to be absent, but more extensive surveys in 2010 414 discovered an extant population, roughly the same size as the pre-fire population. Because the 415 Crestridge site is very remote, it is highly unlikely that the 2010 population emerged from 416 colonists from another site. By this anecdotal evidence, A. ilicifolia seedbanks persist after a 417 fire. Lacking quantitative measurements of post-fire seedbank survival, we assumed a 70% 418 reduction in seed survival in the seedbank, implying f11 = 0.3. The higher proportional survival, 419 as compared to the new seed set, is due to the presumed protection of soil and leaf litter. 420 Element f21. There is no information on the effect of fire on germination. However, the 421 fact that no individuals were seen in 2004 and 2009 (albeit, with minimal sampling effort) 422 suggests that germination is reduced in a fire year, and possibly for multiple years following the 423 fire. Thus, we reduced germination by 90%, implying f21 = 0.1. 424 Element f22. Finally, it is assumed that very few plants return the year following a fire. 425 Thus, the replacement of plants in a fire year was set at only 1% of its value in a non-fire year, 426 implying f22 = 0.01. We did not set this value to zero because fires can be heterogeneous across 427 the landscape, especially in the relatively open areas preferred by A. ilicifolia, allowing some 428 patches to escape burning. 429 430 A.7 One-stage demographic model 19 431 We created a one-stage (one-equation) compaction of the two-stage (two-equation) 432 demographic model to test the effect of uncertainty in model structure on results. Eq. A.1 433 became 434 435 nplant(t+1) = c(t) nplant(t). 436 437 In a non-fire year, the single vital rate c(t) was assumed to be an independent draw from a 438 lognormal distribution with mean equal to the dominant eigenvalue of M and standard deviation 439 equal to the dominant eigenvalue of S. In a fire year, a lognormal vital rate was drawn as usual, 440 but then multiplied by the eigenvalue of F from Eq. 5, which was 0.0766. 441 442 A.8 Impact of invasive plants interacting with fire 443 There are no quantitative data describing the impact of invasives on A. ilicifolia. 444 However, vegetation managers have noted the spread of Brachipodium distachyon, Bromus sp., 445 and Avena sp. in A. ilicifolia habitat, often following a fire (P. Gordon-Reedy and J. Vinje, 446 unpublished data). Thus, we created two scenarios to suggest the possible effect of invasive 447 species, interacting with fire, on A. ilicifolia. 448 To parameterize the invasives scenarios, we used A. ilicifolia data describing the impact 449 of removing invasives on seedling survival and fecundity in the field (Bauder and Sakrison 450 1997). Reanalyzing the data (Bauder, unpublished data), we found that seedling survival 451 increased modestly with invasive weeding (Figure A4). A regression using data from three years 452 showed that unweeded plots had roughly 90% of the seedling survival of weeded plots. Seed 453 production (ratio of number of seeds to number of germinants) in plots that were not weeded nor 454 had weeding in an adjacent plot was 87% as large as in plots in which weeding occurred within 20 455 the plot or within an adjacent plot. In view of these data, we supposed that invasives reduce the 456 fecundity rate to 85% of its no-invasives value, and reduced the survival rate to 90% of its no- 457 invasives value. That is, invasives reduce the two rows of the mean vital rates matrix M to 85% 458 and 90%, respectively, of their benchmark values in Eq. A.2. 459 To model the interaction of invasives with fire, we created two particular scenarios. In 460 the first scenario, we assume that fire, by burning invasives (analogous to weeding), allows the 461 fecundity and survival rates of A. ilicifolia, immediately following the fire, to achieve 100% of 462 their no-invasives values. That is, the mean vital rates matrix M is at its benchmark setting in 463 Eq. A.2. Then, as time passes, the invasives reestablish; and the first and second rows of M 464 (representing fecundity and survival) gradually decline to 85% and 90%, respectively, of their 465 benchmark values, remaining there until the next fire. The trajectory of the gradual percentage 466 decline is assumed to be as shown by the dashed lines on Fig. A.5. These changes in vital rates 467 only occur in the patch that experienced fire and not in all patches in the metapopulation. 468 In the second scenario, we assume that a fire, by burning A. ilicifolia, allows invasives to 469 become well-established. In particular, immediately following a fire, the vital rates matrix M 470 changes to its invasives value, with the first and second rows of M at 85% and 90% of their no- 471 invasives values in Eq. A.2. However, as time passes, it is assumed that A. ilicifolia fights off 472 the invasives and M returns to its benchmark value of Eq. A.2, until the next fire. The trajectory 473 of the return is assumed to be as shown by the undashed lines on Fig. A.5. Again, these changes 474 occur only in the patch that experienced fire. 475 21 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 Figure A.4. Seedling survival as a function of six weeding categories: (i) no weeding in the plot or in adjacent plots, (ii) weeding in one adjacent plot but not the plot itself, (iii) weeding in two or more adjacent plots but not the plot itself, (iv) weeding in the plot but not in any adjacent plots, (v) weeding in the plot and one adjacent plot, and (vi) weeding in the plot and in all adjacent plots. Multiplier 1 Fecundity, scenario 1 Survival , scenario 1 Fecundity, scenario 2 Survival , scenario 2 0.95 0.9 0.85 0 483 484 485 486 487 20 40 60 80 Time since last fire 100 120 Figure A.5. Vital rates multipliers as a function of time since last fire. In scenario one, fire removes invasives allowing A. ilicifolia to re-establish. In scenario two, invasives re-establish immediately following a fire and A. ilicifolia recovers to out-compete invasives with time. 488 Keeping the impact of invasives the same (15% reduction in fecundity and 10% in 489 survival), we also tried additional functional forms for the vital rates multiplier from those in Fig. 22 490 A.5. For example, we employed a step-wise function that occurred 15 years after a fire. These 491 alternative functional forms did not impact the population results. Results of simulations under 492 the two invasives scenarios are reported in Fig. 5 of the main text. 493 494 495 APPENDIX B. Additional Figures In Figure B.1, the ratios of average final abundances for each climate and land-use 496 change scenario (numerator) to a null scenario involving no climate or land-use change 497 (denominator) are plotted against FRI for every combination of SDM and population model type. 498 Ratios were substantially lower for the MaxEnt SDM (Figs. B.1a,b) than for the Random Forest 499 SDM (Figs. B.1c,d). That is, MaxEnt predicted a worse outcome for A. ilicifolia than did 500 Random Forest, as discussed further below. 501 For the MaxEnt GFDL scenarios, the final abundance ratio declined steeply with 502 increasing FRI, especially from 20 to 40 years (Figs. B.1a,b). This resulted from the greater 503 predicted habitat fragmentation in the MaxEnt GFDL scenario as compared to the MaxEnt “no 504 change” scenario. A similar phenomenon was observed by Regan et al. (2010). Fragmented 505 landscapes spread fire risk across multiple small patches, rather than having fires restricted to 506 fewer large patches. Because modeled fire events drastically reduced A. ilicifolia's vital rates, 507 preventing a few large fires can avoid extinction, raising the average final abundance for short 508 FRIs in fragmented landscapes as compared to unfragmented landscapes. 509 Figure B.2 shows the coefficient of variation, or the standard deviation divided by the 510 mean, for the 1000-run sets of each model scenario. High coefficients of variation suggest high 511 variability between model runs. Thus, for many runs, A. ilicifolia abundance went to zero. 23 Ratio of Ave. Final Abundance to "No Change" Ratio of Ave. Final Abundance to "No Change" (a) Maxent, Two-Stage Model 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 00 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 100 No Fire 120 0 (c) Random Forest, Two-Stage Model 12 10 8 6 4 2 00 20 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 100 No 120 Fire 20 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 100 No Fire 120 (d) Random Forest, One-stage Model PCM climate change PCM climate & land use change GFDL climate change GFDL climate & lands use change 14 Ratio of Ave. Final Abundance to "No Change" 14 Ratio of Ave. Final Abundance to "No Change" 20 (b) Maxent, One-stage Model 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0- 12 10 8 6 4 2 0- 0 20 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 100 No 120 Fire Figure B.2. Ratio of the average, over 1000 runs, of the final abundance of a given scenario to the final abundance of the no change scenario with the same fire return interval. This ratio is on the vertical axis, and the fire return interval is on the horizontal axis. The four panels correspond to four combinations of SDMs and population models: (a) MaxEnt SDM and two-stage population model, (b) MaxEnt SDM and one-stage population model, (c) random forest SDM and two-stage population model, and (d) random forest SDM and one-stage population model. Within each panel, the differently labeled points correspond to different climate and land use change scenarios, as indicated in the legend box superimposed on panel (d). For fire return intervals of 20 and 30 years, the mean of 1000 model runs varies by less than 10% between different 1000-run simulations. For longer fire return intervals, variation is around 5% between different 1000-run simulations. 24 (a) Maxent, Two-Stage Model (b) Maxent, Scalar Model 3.5 3.0 PCM climate change PCM climate & land use change GFDL climate change GFDL climate & lands use change Land use change 3.0 Coefficient of Variation Coefficient of Variation 3.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 00 20 40 60 80 100 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0- 120 No Fire 0 20 Fire Return Interval (years) (c) Random Forest, Two-Stage Model 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0- 0 20 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 100 120 No Fire 100 No120 Fire 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0- 120 No No Fire Fire 100 (d) Random Forest, Scalar Model 5.0 Coefficient of Variation Coefficient of Variation 5.0 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) 0 20 40 60 80 Fire Return Interval (years) Figure B.2. Coefficient of variation of final abundance (standard deviation / mean). This ratio is on the vertical axis of each panel, and the fire return interval is on the horizontal axis for each panel. 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