BioMolecular Analysis Core Mass Spectrometry Sample Submission Form Ashli Simone Colorado State University 3185 Rampart Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80523 (L) 970-491-6404 Location: RBL B122 Customer Information Name: Phone: Date: Email: PI/Company: Fund Number: Department / Room: Billing address: SAMPLE INFORMATION: Sample toxicity: Nontoxic Concentration: Solvent/s: Compatible solvents: Storage temperature: ** NO RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES! ** Unknown Toxic (explain): Purity: % Counter ions, salts, and buffers (include conc.): 25°C 2-8°C -20°C Special handling: Light sensitive?: No Yes Empirical formula: MW Avg. or Monoisotopic Brief description of the project: Masses / mass range of interest: Show structure here: (Use the back of this form or attach additional pages if necessary.) LC INFORMATION: Column and Lot Number: Mobile phase A: Mobile phase B: Run temperature: Autosampler temperature: MS INFORMATION: Instrument: 6520 Q-TOF 6224 TOF-1 6230 TOF-2 Ionization type: Dual ESI Multimode Nanospray Chip Scans required: MS Auto MS/MS MS/MS of masses: Instrument mode: Positive Negative Both Mass range (m/z): 1700 3200 20000 (1 GHz only) Scan rate: Hi Res (4 GHz) 4 GHz (Hi Res disabled) Extended Mass Range (1 GHz) Comments: TOF no preference Extended Dynamic (2 GHz)