YPARD China Youth Elite Round Table Discussion Satisfaction Survey Data Analysis The survey was conducted at the end of program with an objective to receive immediate feedback of the participants. A total of 24 participants took part in the survey. Participants were asked different questions covering their response about pattern of the program, content of the program, participants’ performance and overall organization of the program. They ranked their response in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 score represents poor performance about the indicator and 9 score represents excellent performance about the indicator in question. Participants also provided their suggestions for future program. The data analysis is presented in following graphs and bar diagrams. The average, standard deviation, maximum score received and minimum score received has been also analyzed for each indicator. Pattern 23 Number of Respondents 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 1 Poor 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Excellent [Count 9=15(62.50%), Count 7=1(4.17%), Count 8=6(25.00%), Count 6=1(4.17%), Count 5=1(4.17%)] 62.50 % (15) participants mentioned that they found the pattern of the program most excellent and choose 9 score in the Scale. 25.00 % (8) participants choose 8 score, which is one point less than the most excellent score. The pattern of the program was quite innovative. Participants were first divided into different groups like Y, P, A, R, D. Each group has several members and the group has a 1 to 4 numerical symbol. Those 1 participants who were relatively young were put in Y group. Those participants who were professionals were put in P group. The academicians and researchers were put in A group. Resource Persons and trainers were put into R group and Development professionals were put in D group. This group was used to introduce with each other. While introducing they stood in two lines facing each other and one line of participants moved step by step so that each one has chance to introduce themselves with another participant. After the introduction session, each participants again regrouped in their respective groups like Y, P, A, R, D and made symbols representing the letters Y, P, A, R, D by the gesture of their body. After this session, the participants were grouped by numbers from 1 to 4 so that each group has all kind of participants from Y, P, A, R and D to carry out the further program. For the pattern of the program, the average of the response from the satisfaction survey was 8.38 with standard deviation 1.06. The maximum point obtained was 9 and minimum point obtained was 5. Content 9 Excellent 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Poor 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Number of Participants [Count 9=13(54.17%), Count 8=4(16.67%), Count 7=3(12.50%), Count 6=1(4.17%), Count 5=2(8.33%), Count 3=1(4.17%)] On the content of the program, 54.17 % (13) participants gave 9 score suggesting that the program was most excellent in a scale of 1 to 9. It should be also noted that 4.17 % (1) participant choose that the program was below average by giving 3 points in the scale. 8.33 % (2) participants have chosen it to be average by giving score 5. About the content the program, participants were asked to vote for top four challenges that Chinese young professional face during international communications. The top four challenges were identified to be lack of confidence, funds and support, knowledge gap, etc. In the latter half of the program participants discussed about how to overcome these challenges. The average 2 obtained by this indicator “content” is 7.88 with a standard deviation of 1.65. The maximum score obtained was 9 while the minimum score obtained was 3. Participants Performance 9 Excellent 8 7 6 5 4 8 9 8 6 6 3 9 9 7 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 9 8 7 4 2 Poor 8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Number of Participants [Count 9=13(54.17%), Count 8=5(20.83%), Count 7=3(12.50%), Count 6=2(8.33%), Count 4=1(4.17%)] In this program, participants were also very busy by not only casting votes but giving different opinions about the challenges faced by Young Chinese professionals. 54.17% (13) participants mentioned that participants’ performance was most excellent. 20.83% (5) participants gave 8 score to the performance of the participants, which is one score below most excellent. 4.17% (1) participants gave score 4 in a scale of 1 to 9, indicating the performance of participants was below average. 8.33 % (2) participants choose that the performance was just above the average giving score 6. The average obtained by the indicator “Participants Performance” is 8.08 with a standard deviation of 1.32. The maximum point obtained was 9 while the minimum point obtained was 4. 3 Organization 9 Excellent 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Poor 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Number of Respondents [Count 9=13(54.17%), Count 8=8(33.33%), Count 7=2(8.33%), Count 6=1(4.17%)] Participants were also called to evaluate the organization of the Program. 54.17 % (13) participants mentioned that the organization was most excellent giving a score of 9. 33.33 % (8) participants choose to give score 8. 4.17 % (1) participant choose that it is above average by giving score 6 in a scale of 1 to 9. The score given by participants suggest that the program was well organized. The average obtained by content indicator is 8.38 with a standard deviation of 0.82. The maximum point obtained was 9 while the minimum point obtained was 6. Table 1. Comparison of the score received. Pattern Content Participant Performance Organization Average 8.38 7.88 8.08 8.38 St. deviation 1.06 1.65 1.32 0.82 Max Min 9 9 5 3 9 9 4 6 The maximum average (8.38) was received by two indicators “Pattern” and “Organization” while the minimum average (7.88) was received by “Content”. The maximum point (9) was received by all indicators while the minimum score (3) was received “content”. Major Suggestions given by the Participants Participants also provided some suggestions for the future activities of YPARD. The major suggestions are given in the following box. 4 Box 1. Major suggestions given by the Participants 1. Excellent Job. May be there should be more time for another similar program. 2. More Brain storming meeting, like this one, will help YPARD china to grow. 3. Please conduct this type of program more frequently. 4. A little bit problems with people to people exchanges. Not sufficient enough to discuss seriously. 5. Convey the results of the discussion also to the people attending it. 7. Invite more young people to participate. 8. Invite more stakeholders also. 9. Practical content has made participants more active. 10. I think our topic is not so obvious. May be it’s my problem in language but our topic did not focus on Agriculture. 11. Could be divided into international and Chinese groups, in order to communicate more efficiently. 12. Organize similar activity in local universities. 13. Vote directly by raising hands rather than paste papers, which can save time. 14. Objectives of the discussion should be more specific. 5