1st semester final

1st semester final
Minerals – two most common in earth’s crust / main groups / what determines a mineral / cleavage &
Rocks – three types / rock cycle / how to identify them / Intrusive and extrusive igneous / contact and
regional metamorphic / stratification
Energy –Nuclear fission / nuclear fusion / geothermal / hydroelectric / fossil fuels – hydrocarbons / acid
Relative age & absolute age- / index fossil / radiometric dating –half-lives / fossil formations
Geologic time – eons / era / periods
Law of superposition / uniformitarianism
Scientific method – Theory & laws
Earth Science – 4 branches
Bio chemical cycles – Carbon / Nitrogen/ phosphorous / Water
Ecosystems- Change / Balance / energy transfer
Earth interior – layers / lithosphere / asthenosphere / Mesosphere / core / mantle / crust
Gravity / Mass / density
Maps -Longitude / latitude / isograms / topographic map / contour lines
Atoms – Physical and Chemical properties / subatomic particles / periodic table / atomic mass
Sea floor spreading – geomagnetic reversal / mid ocean ridge
Continental drift – Madagascar / climate changes / evidences
Plate tectonics – divergent / convergent / transform/ subduction / ridge push, slab pull /Convection
Deformation of Crust - Oceanic & continental crust / trenches / folded mountains / anticline, syncline /
Isostasy /stress / tension / ductile
Faults – Normal / reverse / strike slip / hang wall, footwall / brittle
Earthquakes- elastic rebound / magnitude, intensity / focus / epicenter / seismic waves P, S, Surface /
shadow zone / ring of fire