Name: Pd: Semester 1 Final Free Response Student Reflection

Semester 1 Final
Free Response Student Reflection
Below you will see some examples of student answers for Question 2 on the final. Some of these
responses were very strong, some were ok and some need a little work. For each of the answers below
you will first see the question stated again and then you will see the different student responses. You will
be told how many points were possible for each section. See if you can determine what students earned
full credit and what students would have earned partial credit.
Question 2
Part A Responses
A. Explain why the trend of CO2 levels is not a continuous straight line, but rather increases and
then decreases each year. The CO2 levels for each year peak during the winter and drop off
during the summer. (Think of the Carbon Cycle)
1. Carbon Dioxide is always increasing and not very constant with its line. The reason for this is that us
humans are cutting more items down and we are using a lot of carbon for our everyday life. The trees that are
still up can barely take all of the carbon we give off.
What Score do you think they earned?
/ 2.
Why do you think they earned that score?
2. The reason why is because during the winter there is not a lot of plants so the Carbon Dioxide rises.
However, in the summer there are more plants so the plants take in more Carbon Dioxide, causing it drop.
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?
/ 2.
3. The trend of CO2 levels are not a straight continuous line because of the weather is always
changing, so the CO2 wouldn’t be constant. Also, of course human activity plays a big role on how much a
person drives, how they use objects, what they bought with that time period etc.
What Score do you think they earned?
/ 2.
Why do you think they earned that score?
4. This happens because during the summer months the sun is out allowing plants to produce more 02
by using photosynthesis but during the winter month’s plants don’t use photosynthesis as much so CO2
What Score do you think they earned?
/ 2.
Why do you think they earned that score?
Part B Responses
B. Based on the overall trend identified in the graph, what impact will these changes in CO2
have on the climate of earth? Make sure to explain why.
5. The Earth will be warmer because Carbon Dioxide is a greenhouse gas, and Carbon Dioxide makes
the Earth warmer when there is a lot.
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?
/ 1.5
Based on the trend identified in the graph the impact on the climate of Earth would be cold.
What Score do you think they earned?
/ 1.5
Why do you think they earned that score?
Part C Responses
C. Knowing that trees require certain temperatures to survive (some grow better in cold
weather and some grow better in hot weather) Draw an arrow on the map below to show
what direction the offspring of current trees found in Illinois might move if the trends you
identified in part B continue. Explain why you chose that direction.
7. The tree would move north because eventually the temperature world soon become too hot for the
tree to bare so it would move to a colder position.
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?
8. I chose the direction of west towards Iowa and South towards Indiana because these places are
usually not known for their extreme colder weather and I think offspring would go somewhere warmer to
survive like the passage says, “plants like animals will migrate and move to find areas that meet their survival
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?
What Score do you think they earned?
Why do you think they earned that score?