 Disaster Preparedness
 Disaster Management
 It refers to the impact of natural or human made hazard that negatively affects society or the
 It is an extreme disruption of the functioning of a society that causes widespread human, material,
or environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using only its own
Disaster Preparedness
 It refers to the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, professional response and
recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and
recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazards events or conditions
 It seeks to prepare for and reduce the adverse effects of environmental disruptions to human life,
livelihoods and property
 It is a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life,
injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and service, social and
economic disruption, or environmental change
 Structural or Physical- it is the extent to which a structure is likely to be damaged or disrupted by
a hazard event
 Human- it is the relative lack of capacity of a person or community to anticipate, cope with resist,
and recover from the impact of a hazard event
Types of Vulnerability
People- lives, health, security, living conditions
Property- services, physical property loss, loss of use
Economy- loss of products and production, income
Environment- water, soil, air, vegetation, wildlife
Social structures- family and community relationships
Cultural practices- religious and agricultural
Cohesion- disruption of normal life
Motivation- will to recover; government response
Disaster Classifications
 According to cause
o Disasters are named after the cause of their hazard which brings devastating effects on
human lives
The hazard of earthquake includes land shaking: the hazard of landslides includes a wide
range of ground movement (i.e. rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallows debris
flows), and so on
Speed of onset
o Rapid onset disaster
 It refers to an abrupt hazardous event that poses a very little warning
 Earthquakes, floods, storm, wind, tornadoes, mud flows
o Slow of onset disaster
 It refers to a hazardous event that occurs over time in which it gradually destroys
or slows down a particular area of society
 Droughts, famines, environmental degradation, deforestation, pest infestation
Acts of nature or acts of humans
o Natural disaster
 Disasters that are under the classification are caused by environmental
occurrences, which are most of the time inevitable
 Floods, droughts, tidal waves, earth tremors
o Human-made disaster
 Disasters that are under this classification are the results of human action
 Chemical or industrial accidents, environmental pollution, transport accidents,
political unrest/war
Disaster Preparedness Measures
 Hazard, risk and vulnerably assessments
o Disaster preparedness measures should depend on the characteristics, frequency, and
severity of the hazards in a community, geographical risk profile of a community, etc.
 Response mechanisms and strategies
o These involve a wide variety of emergency responses which include evacuation
procedures, search and rescue teams, preparations for emergency reception centers and
shelters, preparations for storing or making arrangements for rapid acquisition of
emergency relief supplies and equipment, etc.
 Preparedness plans
o This is vital in disaster preparedness and management because it seeks to identify the
resources of particular organization that is tasked to respond before, during, and after a
disaster strikes.
 Coordination
o Groups that are involved in disaster preparedness and management should be wellcoordinated and acquainted with their respective functions for the effective execution of
the disaster plan.
 Information management
o Data gathering and analyzing are very vital in providing hazard and early warning
information, disaster needs assessments, and progress of post disaster recovery.
 Early warning systems
o Detecting, forecasting, and issuing alerts related to imminent hazard events that are the
major purposes of early warning systems.
 Resource mobilization
o Disaster coordinating agencies should devise strategies, agreements, and procedures for
mobilizing and acquiring emergency funds, supplies and equipment in the event of a
Public, education, training, and rehearsals
o Community officials and private volunteers should instill in the minds of the people the
relevance of disaster preparedness and a systematic emergency response in order to
prepare and protect the people from the devastating effects of an impending disaster.
Community-based disaster preparedness (CBDP)
o CBDP- refers to a process that seeks to develop and implement a locally appropriate and
locally “owned” strategy for disaster preparedness and risk reduction.
Disaster Management
 It is the science of implementing mitigative actions or preventive measures and developing
emergency preparedness to lessen the probability of a disaster occurring
Components of Disaster Management
 Prevention- actions designed to impede the occurrence of a disaster or its harmful effects on
communities and key installations
 Warning- refers to information given to the members of a community about an impending
hazardous event
 Mitigation- these are programs intended to reduce the ill effects of disaster
 Preparedness- these are measure, which enable the government, organizations, communities,
and individuals to respond rapidly effectively to disaster situations
 Disaster Impact- it reminds us that the impact of disasters can vary between different type of
 Response- these are the measures taken immediately prior to and following disaster impact
 Recovery- this is process by which communities and organizations are assessed in returning to
their proper lever of functioning follow a disaster
 Development- this provides the link between disaster-related activities and national development
 Basic First Aid
 Emergency Situations
 Breathing Emergencies
First Aid
 Provision of limited care for an illness or injury, which is provided, usually by a lay person, to a sick
or injured patient until more professional or complete medical treatment can be accessed, or
before the patient is taken to hospital
 It consists of a series of simple, and sometimes life-saving medical techniques, that an individual,
either with or without formal medical training, can be trained to perform with minimal treatment
Giving First Aid
 Universal precautions- steps used to reduce the risk of infecting the rescuer and other victims
 Safety first- before a first aider could help the victim, he/she must be sure that the scene is safe
Basic Steps in an Emergency
 Check the scene and the victim- safety of the scene, number of victims, capability
 Call the local emergencies number- do not leave the victim to call for professional help.
Care for the victim- always care for life-threatening emergencies first.
Do not further harm- first aiders must know when or when not to move a victim.
First Aid Kit
 It is composed of medical supplies and equipment that are used in rendering first aid. The
contents of a first aid kit. The contents of a first aid kit very depending on the expertise and
knowledge of a first aider.
Emergency Situations
 Cardiac emergency/arrest
o Occurs when the heart stops beating or beats weakly or irregularly disabling the blood to
circulate normally.
o Common cause of cardiac arrest: arrest cardiovascular disease, drowning, suffocating,
certain drugs, severe injuries to the chest, severe loss of blood, electrocution.
 Anaphylaxis
o Caused by either of the following: skin contact, injection, ingestion, and inhalation.
 Insect stings
o Common signs and symptoms: quick, sharp pain, swelling, itching and redness at the sting
 Types of Wounds
o Bruise
o Scrape
o Cut
o Avulsion
o Puncture
 Shock
o A life-threatening condition in which the circulatory systems fails to deliver blood to all
parts of the body
 Types of Burn
o First-degree burn
o Second-degree burn
o Third-degree burn
 Injuries to muscles, bones and joints
o Dislocation
o Sprain
o Strain
Breathing Emergencies
 Airway obstruction
 Definition of National Security
 The National Security of the Philippines
 Foundation of National Security
 Strategic Context
 External and Internal Environments
 Threats to National Security
National Security
 A condition or state of being where the Filipino people’s values, way of life institutions, welfare
and well-being, sovereignty and strategic relations are protected and enhanced
 The freedom from foreign dictation
 It refers to the protection of a nation from attack or other danger by holding adequate armed
forces and guarding state secrets
Purposes of National Security Policy
 Creates the correct balance in the “guns and butter” debate by identifying the appropriate
strategic priorities
 Enumerate different issues that involve and directly affect the national security. For a state’s
national security policy to be comprehensive, it should provide general guidelines for revisiting,
enhancing, and formulating relevant national policies
Foundations of National Security
Constitutional Mandate
 It can be found in the latter part of the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution which states
that, “… secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy, under
the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace…”
 Other provisions in the 1987 Philippine Constitution that affirm the national security interest of
the Philippines
Pursuit of an independent Definition of national territory
foreign policy
Freedom from nuclear weapon
Renunciation of war
Right to self-determination
Civilian supremacy over military
Concept of a citizen army
Role of the armed forces as
protector of the people and the
Elements of National Security
 Socio-Political Stability
o It is the duty of government to secure socio-political through good governance
 Territorial Integrity
o One of the prime duties of the government is to specifically define the national territory
of the Philippines from the islands to the waters embraced therein
Economic Solidarity
o The government should help every Filipino to take part in country’s economic
Ecological Balance
o The Filipino should have deep concern and awareness in conserving the natural resources
Cultural Cohesiveness
o History would suggest that Filipino have this collective value to the principles of freedom
and dignity of a person
Moral-Spiritual Consensus
o The primordial element of our national survival is national unity, where the people have
become proud of their country, their culture and tradition, and their history
Peace and Harmony
o National security can be achieved if the Philippines can establish a harmonious
relationship with its neighbors and allies
Strategic Context
 The Philippines is aware that it is facing new challenges such as non-traditional issues and
concerns in the security environment
o Emergence of borderless world which dramatically increases the flow of goods, human
resources, services, and capital across national territories
o The shift of focus by economies by ideological concerns to trade and technological
o The shift of political and economic attention from U.S and Europe to Asia-Pacific countries
External Environment
Global and Regional Geopolitical Issues
 United States
o The presence of the US in the Asia-Pacific region serves as a stabilizing force against
security challenges that face the region
o For the US, to maintain its strong bilateral ties with Asian countries, it introduces
advanced weapons systems, improvement of military bases, and others
 Japan
o Japan’s economy started to flourish after it opened its market in the world’s economic
o The country’s national security is confronted with issues on territorial disputes with some
countries in East Asia
 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
o Originally formed by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand
o The ASEAN has a duty to organize alliance with the member countries in combating piracy,
smuggling, human trafficking, terrorism and other transnational crimes
 China
o Rise of China as one of the world’s economic power can be credited to the country’s rich
natural resources, large territory, huge population, technological advancement, etc.
o China’s active presence in the West Philippine Sea is motivated by growing need for food
resources and increasing demand for energy resources
Overlapping Territorial and Maritime Claims
 The West Philippine Sea
o Spratly Islands
 Consists of a group of small islands near the coast of the Philippines and Sabah,
 Rich in natural resources such as the presence of coral reefs, rich vegetation,
diverse wildlife and others
 The Philippines seeks to resolve the issue through multilateral and bilateral
diplomatic measures. It has been calling the all ASEAN member-countries to refer
the matter to the United Nations
o Panatag Shoal
 A triangle-shaped chain of reefs located about 123 miles west of Subic Bay in
which the nearest landmass is Palauig, Zambales
 China claims that the Panatag Shoal was a part of the Zhongsha Island because it
was first discovered and drawn in a map in the Yuan dynasty as early as 1279
 To resolve the issue, the Philippine urged China to bring the territorial dispute
over the Panatag Shoal before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Tension in the Korean Peninsula
 The Philippines joins the international community in urging the North Korea to act responsibly in
the interest of peace and stability in the region
Regional Military Build-up and Weapon of Mass Distraction
 As various economies continue to develop, some Asian countries start to enhance their military
capabilities to prepare for possible conflicts brought about by a number of territorial disputes and
 This poses a serious security threat especially for the Philippines because its military force is not
yet prepared to engaged in any military conflict
Internal Environment
Internal Armed Conflicts
 Communist Insurgencies
o Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)- major communist group in the Philippines
o New People’s Army- CPP’s armed component
o National Democratic Front- CPP’s political arm
o Its aim to overthrow the present Philippine government system and replace it with sociopolitico-economic order in accordance with the communist ideology
 Secessionist Movement
o Moro National Liberation Front- a secret organization and was established in the middle
of 1969 by a group of Filipino Muslim under Nur Missuari
o Moro Islamic Liberation Front- continued to fight the government’s military forces in
Mindanao in spite of the on-going peace talks with their officials
 Terrorism
o Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a
group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance
justifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial,
ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them (UN General
Threats to National Security
 External Threats
o Smuggling of firearms and contraband, illegal migration and the occasional movement of
foreign terrorists
o Serious economic disparity between rich and poor nations
o Ethnic, religious and cultural conflict
o Transnational organized crime
o Natural disaster and environmental issues
o Cyber crime
 Internal Threats
o Organized crime
o Grave incidence of poverty
o Economic sabotage
o Graft and corruption
o Severe calamities
o Persistent environment degradation