Table S1. Demographics and clinical data of High and Low-PM traumatic brain injury patients PM Age Sex Severity1 Cause Lowest PTA GCS Medication at time of Structural MRI findings scanning recorded Low 25 M Mod/Sev Assault 13 NK Nil NAD Low 37 M Mod/Sev Fall 4 52d Nil MB Low 50 M Mod/Sev RTA 4 42d Ramipril 10mg OD, and Amlodipine 10mg OD R fronto-temporal contusions and SS Low 49 M Mod/Sev Assault NK NK Nil Bifrontal and R temporal SS Low 48 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 5d Anti-TNF alpha Bifrontal contusions and L temporal contusion and SS Low 47 F Mod/Sev RTA 5 42d Nil MB Low 36 M Mod/Sev RTA NK 10d Nil MB Low 66 F Mod/Sev RTA NK 77d Amitriptyline OD and tramadol QDS L frontal contusion and bilateral parietal SS Low 34 M Mod/Sev RTA 14 8h Theophylline 300mg OD, and Seretide inhaler BD L frontal, L parietal and L temporal contusions; and MB Low 42 F Mod/Sev RTA 12 56d Co-codamol QDS NAD Low 50 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 5d Nil MB Low 22 F Mod/Sev RTA 15 8h Propranolol 40mg BD L temporal SS Low 34 F Mod/Sev RTA 15 5m Thyroxine OD R temporal contusion Low 39 M Mod/Sev RTA NK Nil Citalopram 40mg OD and Omeprazole 20mg OD Bifrontal contusions and SS Low 26 F Mod/Sev RTA 14 6h Nil R frontal contusion Low 34 M Mod/Sev Assault 14 12h Nil L fronto-temporal contusions and SS Low 67 M Mod/Sev Assault NK NK Citalopram 20mg OD, Simvastatin 10mg OD, Aspirin 75mg OD and Glucosamine 1g OD Bifrontal contusions Low 50 F Mod/Sev Fall 9 21d Amitriptyline OD, Salbutamol and Becotide R frontal contusion with SS, L frontal SS, R occipital BD, Thiamine OD and Vit-B-Co-strong OD contusion and SS, and MB Low 36 M Mod/Sev Fall NK 28d Glargine 30u BD, and Humalog 16u TDS Bifrontal contusions, R temporal contusion and R parietal SS Low 20 F Mod/Sev RTA NK 28d OCP OD MB Low 32 F Mod/Sev Fall 14 16h Salbutamol BD R silvian fissure SS Low 21 F Mod/Sev Fall NK 3d Nil R temporal contusion and R frontal SS Low 41 M Mod/Sev RTA NK 7d Diclofenac 75mg BD and co-dydramol 500mg BD L frontal contusion High 18 M Mod/Sev Fall 15 <1m Nil NAD High 23 M Mod/Sev Assault 15 12d Nil Bifrontal contusions,,and L hemisphere SS High 54 M Mod/Sev Fall NK Nil Alpha blockers R fronto-temporal contusions and SS High 56 M Mod/Sev Fall 3 NK Telmisartan 80mg OD MB and left frontal SS High 41 M Mod/Sev RTA 6 30d Nil MB High 39 F Mod/Sev RTA 6 30d Nil MB, pontine and L temporooccipital SS High 33 F Mod/Sev Fall NK NK Nil Bifrontal SS High 33 M Mod/Sev RTA 3 42d Nil Bifrontal contusions High 23 M Mild Sport injury NK 30m Nil MB High 53 M Symp Fall 15 Nil Nil NAD High 29 F Mod/Sev NK NK NK NK MB, R occipital and temporal contusions, R parietal SS High 52 M Mod/Sev NK 3 NK Nil R fronto-temporal contusions, SS and MB High 34 M Mod/Sev Assault 14 42d Nil MB, bifrontal contusions, L fronto-temporal contusions, L SDH and SS High 53 F Symp Sport injury 15 Nil Nil NAD High 24 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 2d Nil Bifrontal contusions High 45 M Mod/Sev Assault 8 30d Thiamine 100mg OD NAD High 26 M Mod/Sev Fall 15 5m Nil Bifrontal contusions High 33 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 12h Ciprofloxacin 250mg Od L temporal and R frontal contusions High 49 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 1d Nil Bifronto-temporal contusions and bifrontal SS High 44 M Mod/Sev Fall 9 1d Nil MB and L temporal SS High 25 M Mod/Sev Assault NK NK Tramadol QDS, Codeine QDS, and Paracetamol QDS Bifrontal and R temporal contusions with SS High 48 M Mild RTA NK 1h Nil NAD High 50 M Mod/Sev Fall NK 2d Amlodipine 10mg NAD High 29 M Mod/Sev RTA NK 2d Nil L frontal and bitemporal contusions High 53 F Mod/Sev Sport injury NK 1.5d Methotrexate 25md once weekly, Folic acid, MB, bifrontal contusion and pontine SS Etanercept 50 mg once weekly, and Levothyroxine 25mcg OD High 55 M Mod/Sev RTA 3 1d Nil MB and R fronto-temporal contusions High 21 M Mod/Sev Sport injury 15 3d Amitriptyline 20 mg OD, Tramadol QDS, Diclofenac (TDS), and Paracetamol QDS NAD High 32 M Mod/Sev Fall NK 7d Carbamazepine MR 400mg BD MB and bifrontal contusions High 37 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 8h Phenytoin 200/300mg BD, and Levetiracetam 250/500mg BD MB, bifrontal and bitemporal contusions,,and L parietal SS High 33 M Mild RTA NK 1.5h Nil NAD High 21 M Mod/Sev Sport injury NK 1h Nil NAD High 46 F Mild RTA NK 5m Gabapentin TDS NAD High 35 F Mod/Sev RTA NK 1d Thyroxine 100mcg OD, and Levothyroxine 50mcg NAD OD High 33 M Mod/Sev Assault 7 1d Nil Bifrontal and R temporal contusion, R temporal and occipital SS High 22 M Mod/Sev Fall 6 16d Salbutamol BD R fronto-temporal contusion with SS High 21 M Mod/Sev Assault 3 35d Nil MB, L temporal contusion and SS, left frontal SS, and pontine SS High 49 M Mod/Sev RTA 15 7d Nil Left temporal contusion High 47 M Mild RTA NK 1h Amitriptyline 50mg TDS L midbrain and pontine SS High 36 M Mod/Sev RTA 3 30d Citalopram 20mg OD MB, and R frontal contusion with SS High 35 M Mod/Sev Assault NK 2d Nil MB, R frontal and temporal SS 1 Severity classification based on MAYO criteria (Malec et al. , 2007). Moderate-Severe (Mod/Sev), Mild/Probable (Mild), Symptomatic/Possible (Symp). Not Know (NK). Road Traffic Accident (RTA), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), Oral Contraceptive pill (OCP), once daily (OD), twice daily (BD), three times daily (TDS), four times daily (QDS). Structural findings on MR imaging: micro-bleeds on gradient echo imaging (MB), superficial siderosis (SS), no anomalies detected (NAD), right (R), left (L). Performance monitoring (PM) was defined as either Low or High indicating inclusion in the Low and High-PM groups respectively. Malec JF, Brown AW, Leibson CL, Flaada JT, Mandrekar JN, Diehl NN, et al. The mayo classification system for traumatic brain injury severity. J Neurotrauma 2007; 24:1417-24.