Ethel D. Stanley BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 3843 Glenhurst Avenue, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 (952) 546-5318 Personal Statement In our increasingly networked and global society, I am actively committed to transformative education in which learners pose problems, develop and use multidisciplinary approaches to solve problems, and engage in peer review of their products. Our students need to be more than consumers of silo-based disciplines and our educators could effect change through the collaborative development of open curricula that embrace the strengths of contemporary learners. To these ends, I have worked as director of BioQUEST, past president of ACUBE, past editor of the Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, past chair of the BSA Teaching Section, and a consultant on numerous undergraduate NSF and HHMI projects. I have focused my efforts on undergraduate science curricula, faculty development, and national community college outreach to include modeling and simulation (The BioQUEST Library), bioinformatics (BEDROCK), quantitative biology (NUMBERS COUNT), cyberlearning for community college faculty (C3 Cyberlearning), and extensive development of investigative case based learning (ICBL) with co-developer Margaret Waterman both here and abroad (LifeLines, ScienceCaseNet, IUBS BioED, and Singapore’s NIE) through both funded projects and publications. Professional Positions 1996 - 2012 Beloit College, Beloit, WI Director, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium 1988 - 1995 Millikin University, Decatur, IL Instructor in Biology 1988 - 1993 Richland Community College, Decatur, IL Instructor 1984 – 1987 CNA, Chicago, IL Programmer-Analyst/Supervisor 1978 – 1983 Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Data Systems Liaison/Analyst 1976 - 1978 Wayne County Community College, Detroit, MI Visiting Instructor 1977-1978 Shaw College, Detroit, MI Visiting Instructor 1975 - 1978 Oakland Community College, Oak Park, MI Instructor Professional Service and Honors 2013 Fellow in Education (Elected October, 2012) American Association for the Advancement of Science Recognizing leadership of BioQUEST and work with community colleges 2010 Bruce Albert Award for Transforming Science Education American Society for Cell Biology BioQUEST for 25 years of transformative undergraduate support 2007 - 2009 Botanical Society of America: Education Advisory Board Member 2006 - 2008 Association of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE): President 1998 - 2006 ACUBE: Editor, Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching 1998 - 2010 Director, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium at Beloit College, Beloit, WI 1997 - 1999 Botanical Society of America: Chair of the Teaching Section Education Thiel College Wayne State University Wayne State University Illinois State University Greenville, PA Detroit, MI Detroit, MI Normal, IL B.S. 1973 Biology M.S. Ed.D. 1976 2006 Biology Curriculum and Instruction Grants NSF RCN-UBE 1062049 Margaret Waterman (PI) 09/01/11- 8/31/16 Research Collaborative Network for Undergraduate Biology Education supports an active community of science educators, learners, researchers, developers, and professional organizations interested in furthering the accessibility, development, and use of cases and problem based learning (PBL) in science education. Role: Web Editor/Board Member NSF RCN-UBE 0957359 Margaret Waterman (PI) 09/01/10 - 8/31/11 Research Collaborative Network for Undergraduate Biology Education Incubator. Case Studies and PBL Network: This is a collaborative project to gather information to create a Case Studies and PBL Network to facilitate the adoption of this pedagogy. Role: Subaward Co-PI. NSF/DUE 0801540 Cynthia Peterson (PI) 09/01/08 - 08/31/12 SCALE-IT: Undergraduate faculty workshop aligned with a graduate fellowship program at the University of Tennessee designed to train scientists to apply appropriate computing tools to solve bio-quantitative problems. Role: Subaward Co-PI. NSF/DUE 0801540 Cynthia Peterson (PI) 09/01/08 - 08/31/12 PEER: The Program for Excellence & Equity in Research: PEER was created to increase the number of competitive underrepresented students who pursue Ph.D.s in the sciences. I support a graduate student workshop aimed at building problem solving and collaboration skills at the beginning of their first year at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Role: Subaward Co-PI. HHMI Professor Claudia Neuhauser (PI) 09/01/07 - 08/31/11 Numbers Count: This HHMI project offers multiple faculty development workshops at regional institutions focused on mathematical biology and provides data, tools, and curricular materials for use in the classroom to support student observation, experimentation and modeling. Role: Subaward Co-PI. HHMI Anthony Paul (PI) 09/01/09 – 08/31/12 Oakwood Bio-Quantitative Interdisciplinary Institute The focus is on implementing interdisciplinary courses in the STEM sciences. Role: Subaward Co-PI. NSF ITEST 0715895 Claire Hemingway (PI) 09/01/07 - 08/31/11 PlantIT Careers, Cases, and Collaborations: This project provides a two week workshop for students and teachers to solve contemporary plant-related biology problems and explore career connections featuring technology and skills to support modern plant science, such as bioinformatics and biotechnology. Role: Co-PI. NSF Chautauqua Short Course Margaret Waterman (PI) 07/04 and 08/07 Implementing Investigative Cases to Engage Students in Scientific Inquiry. Role: Co-PI. NSF CCLI 9952525 Waterman (PI) 01/01/00 – 12/31/02 Life Lines Online: Accessible Investigative Biology for Community Colleges: This project features the development of investigative cases and faculty support materials for use in twoyear institutions. Role: Co-PI. NSF CCLI 0127498 John R. Jungck (PI) 01/01/02 – 12/31/05 BEDROCK (Bioinformatics Education Dissemination: Reaching Out, Connecting, and Knittingtogether) is an NSF-funded project aimed at integrating bioinformatics throughout the undergraduate biology curriculum, using an inquiry-based approach in which students explore and analyze actual data in a way that recreates the experience of conducting research. Role: Co-PI NSF CCLI 0737474 Sam Donovan (PI) 01/01/07 – 08/31/10 SCOPE: This project is a collaborative venture between the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, OER Commons, The San Diego Supercomputing Center Educational Program, and the Center for Science Education at Emory University emphasizing teaching and learning biology in the context of problem spaces and contemporary access to research data and tools for biology education. Role: Subaward Co-PI NSF EOT/PACI Eric Jakkobsen (PI) 09/01/01 – 08/31/06 Computational Tools and Resources for Biology Educators: As an EOT-PACI Partner, BioQUEST introduced undergraduate faculty in both two and four year institutions to high performance computing tools and resources for problem solving. Role: Subaward Co-PI. INVITED ADDRESSES AND WORKSHOPS Regional, National, and International Keynote Talk: Navigating Science in a Networked and Global Society: Assessment Strategies for 21st Century Learning. Association of College and University Educators. Lakeland College. Sheyboygan, WI October 2012 Junior College Workshop with co-leader Margaret Waterman. Teaching Science with Cases: Developing 21st Century Competencies. National Institute for Education, Singapore, Singapore May 2012. Upper Primary Workshop and Lower Secondary Workshop with co-leader Margaret Waterman. Teaching Science with Cases: Developing 21st Century Competencies. National Institute for Education, Singapore, Singapore May 2012. Keynote address: Using Cases to Explore Global Issues in the Sciences. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences International Program. University of Wisconsin-Madison WI March 2012. Plenary speaker: Cases, Social Networking, and Workspaces. Case Studies Fall Conference. University at Buffalo, NY September 2011. PEER Graduate Student Workshop with Sam Donovan, Claudia Neuhauser, and Stephen Everse. Skills for Success. University of Tennessee-Knoxville, TN August 2011. Natural Sciences and Science Education Workshop with co-leader Margaret Waterman. Using Investigative Cases to Address 21st Century Competencies. National Institute for Education, Singapore, Singapore August 2011. Upper Primary Workshop and Lower Secondary Workshop with co-leader Margaret Waterman. Using Investigative Cases to Address 21st Century Competencies. National Institute for Education, Singapore, Singapore July 2011. C3 Cyberlearning in Community Colleges Workshop with Kristin Jenkins. Tulsa Community College, OK April 2011. Lane Community College Numbers Count Workshop with Claudia Neuhauser. Eugene, OR April 2011. Central Virginia Community College Numbers Count Workshop with Claudia Neuhauser. Lynchburg, VA March 2011. NIMBioS 2010: Computational Biology Curriculum Development Tutorial Sam Donovan, Stephen Everse, and Kristin Jenkins. University of Tennessee – Knoxville July 2010. Numbers Count Workshop with Claudia Neuhauser. Numbers Count. Massachusetts Bay Community College, Boston, MA March 2010. University of Western Cape Investigative Cases Workshop with co-leader Margaret Waterman. Cape Town, South Africa October 2009. Workshop with Margaret Waterman and John Jungck. Cases and Simulations for Engaging Students in Science. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa October 2009. Workshop with Sam Donovan and Stephen Everse. PEER Graduate Students: Using Bioinformatics in Biological Problem Solving. University of Tennessee-Knoxville, TN August 2009. Workshop with Claudia Neuhauser. Numbers Count Workshop. University of Tennessee – Knoxville May 2009. Investigative Case Based Learning Workshop. Massey University-Auckland, New Zealand February 2009. Investigative Case Based Learning Workshop. Massey University-Palmerston, New Zealand February 2009. Workshop with Claudia Neuhauser. Numbers Count Workshop. Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, GA January 2009. Invited speaker. Pedagogies of Engagement Summit. PKAL, Central College, White Bear Lake, MN September 2008. HHMI Quantitative Biology Meeting. Chevy Chase, MD July 2008. Workshop with Margaret Waterman: Preparing for Engaged Teaching. TIBBS Program for future biomedical scientists. University of North Carolina Medical School, Chapel Hill, NC 2008. Invited speaker. Retaining Science and Engineering Undergraduates. University of Massachusetts-Amherst June 2008. Workshop with Margaret Waterman. Case-based Learning in the Biological Sciences. Center for Biology Education: OPID Conference for UW System Biologists. University of Wisconsin-Madison October 2007. Invited workshop presenter. Over the Fence: Mathematicians and Biologists Talk about Bridging the Curricular Divide. Ohio Super Computing Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH June 2007. Workshop with Sam Donovan and Stephen Everse. Implementing Bioinformatics in Introductory Undergraduate Courses. San Diego Supercomputing Center, CA. January 2007. Bioinformatics Institute with John R. Jungck , Sam Donovan, and Marion Fass. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC March 2006. Workshop with Margaret Waterman. Investigative Case-Based Learning. Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA. January 2006. Keynote speaker with Margaret Waterman. ICBL and Biological Inquiry Biology Leadership Conference sponsored by Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co, La Jolla, CA March 2005. Workshop with Sam Donovan and Tony Weisstein. Bioinformatics in Biology Education: Sequence, Structure and Function. Oklahoma City Community College, OK Jan 2005. Keynote speaker with Margaret Waterman. New approaches in Teaching Biology: ICBL. Biology Leadership Conference sponsored by Benjamin Cummings Publishing Co, Hilton Head, SC March 2004. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS Influenza Then and Now: A Problem Based Inquiry Approach to Pandemics with Margaret Waterman and Linda Weinland. National Association of Biology Teachers, Memphis, TN October 2008. Pandemic Flu Past and Possible: A Problem Space for Student Investigation, with Margaret Waterman. 51st Annual meeting of the Association of College and University Biology Educators, Loras College, Dubuque, IA October 2007. Using Investigative Cases for Problem Solving with Strategies, Tools and Data from Plant Science. With Margaret Waterman and Stacey Kiser. Botanical Society of America, Chicago, IL July 2007. Investigation Spaces: An Emerging Model for Online Research and Collaboration. With Margaret Waterman and Stephen J. Everse. Association of College and University Biology Educators, 50th Meeting, Millikin University, Decatur ,IL October 2006. Introducing Technology with Investigative Case Based Learning. With Weinland, L., and M.A. Waterman. League for Innovation Conference on Information Technology, Dallas, TX October 2005. A Whale’s Tale: Using a Forensic Case to Teach Bioinformatics. With M.A. Waterman, and L. Weinland. League for Innovation Conference on Information Technology, Dallas, TX October 2005. Ecology of Infectious Disease: A New Piece of the Ecosystem Puzzle. With Margaret Waterman. Presentation at the 49th annual meeting of Association of College and University Biology Educators, Cape Girardeau, MO October 2005. Investigative Case Based Learning (ICBL) Workshops. With Margaret Waterman. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting on Undergraduate Education. Atlanta, GA June 2005. Using Technology with Investigative Case Based Learning. With Margaret Waterman. Association of College and University Biology Educators (ACUBE) annual meeting, Crawfordsville, IN October 2004. LifeLines OnLine Project. With Margaret Waterman. Poster at Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate STEM Education. NSF & AAAS, Crystal City, VA April 2004. Investigative Cases from Microbes Count! With Margaret Waterman. ACUBE 47th annual meeting, Kirksville, MO October 2003. Investigative Case Based Learning for the Sciences: In classrooms and online. With Margaret Waterman and J. Dario-Becker. Virginia Community College System New Horizons Conference, Roanoke, VA April 2003. Using Resources for Investigative Case Based Learning. With Margaret Waterman. National Science Teachers Association, Philadelphia, PA March 2003. Implementing Case Based Learning with Brazilian High School and U.S. College Teachers. With M. A. Waterman, A. W. Oliveira and V. DeSantos. Association for the Education of Teachers of Science. St. Louis, MO January 2003. Investigative Case-Based Learning: Solving Resource Problems in Introductory Biology. With Margaret Waterman. National Association of Biology Teachers, Cincinnati, OH November 2002. Of Cabbages and Kim Chi. Workshop, with Strickland, C., T. Johnson, and M. Waterman. Botanical Society of America, Madison, WI August 2002. Community College Biologists Produce LifeLines OnLine Modules for Biology. With M. A. Waterman, A. Coopersmith and L. McNeil. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and Society of College Science Teachers, San Diego, CA March 2002. Making Investigative Biology Happen in the Community College with LifeLines OnLine. With Margaret Waterman and Megan Thomas. NSTA, St. Louis, MO March 2001. LifeLines OnLine News Stories and Activities for Contextualizing Biology Learning. With Margaret Waterman. ACUBE, Terre Haute, IN October 2000. LifeLines OnLine: Investigative Case-Based Learning for 21st Century Learners. With Margaret Waterman, M. BioEd 2000, IUBS and UNESCO Conference, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France. May 2000. LifeLines OnLine: Investigative Case-Based Learning for Your Classroom. With Margaret Waterman. NSTA, Orlando, FL April 2000. Teaching Strategies for Investigative Learning with Cases with Margaret Waterman (copresenter), Beloit College. National Association of Biology Teachers, Reno, NV November 1998. Open the Door to Student-Centered Investigation with Cases. With Margaret Waterman, at the annual meeting of the National Association of Biology Teachers, Minneapolis, MN October 1997. Learning with the BioQUEST Case and Simulations. With Margaret Waterman. 41st annual meeting of the Association of Midwest College Biology Teachers/ Association of College and University Biology Educators, Beloit, WI October 1997. PUBLICATIONS Books, Chapters, Journals Stanley, E. D., C. Hemingway, M. A. Waterman, T. Lafferty, and K. Lucci, (Eds.). , 2012. Problem Solving with Plant Biology: Cases for the Classroom. Botanical Society of America. Stanley, E. D., Waterman, M. A., Wong, D. J. S. and Tan, H. K. 2012. Developing 21st Century Skills with Investigative Cases: Building Global Awareness and Informing Choices about Energy. Biology International, v. 50, pp. 95-108. Fass, M., J. Seiter, Stanley, E. D., and Waterman, M. A. Summer 2011. Global Health has No Borders: Case Investigations in Biology and Global Health. Special Issue of Biology International, v. 49, pp. 9-95. Neuhauser, C. and E. Stanley. 2011. The p and the Peas: An Intuitive Modeling Approach to Hypothesis Testing. Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena. Spring 2011. Waterman, M. A. and E. D. Stanley. 2010. Biological Inquiry: A Workbook of Investigative Cases 3e. San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings. Waterman, M. and E. Stanley. 2007. Biological Inquiry: A Workbook of Investigative Cases. 2e with two new case modules. San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings. Waterman, M. and E. Stanley. 2005. Biological Inquiry: A Workbook of Investigative Cases. San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings. John Jungck, Marion Fass and Ethel Stanley (Eds.) 2003. Microbes Count! : Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Microbiology Press. Stanley, E. D., Odum, H. T., Odum, E. C., and Vaughan, V. G. 2003. Modeling wine fermentation. In Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Jungck, J., Fass, M. F., and Stanley, E. D., (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Stanley, E. D., and Stanley, K. D. 2003. Visualizing microbial proteins. In Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Jungck, J., Fass, M. F., and Stanley, E. D., (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Stanley, K. D., and Stanley, E. D. 2003. Searching for amylase. In Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Jungck, J., Fass, M. F., and Stanley, E. D., (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Stanley, E. D., and M. A. Waterman. 2003. The Farmer and the Gene: A Case Approach to Bt Corn. pp. 153-158. In Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Jungck, J., Fass, M. F., and Stanley, E. D., (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Weinland, L., P. Woodruff, M. Waterman and E. Stanley. Citrus Canker: Alternatives for Control. pp. 279-284 In Microbes Count!: Problem Posing, Problem Solving, and Peer Persuasion in Microbiology. Jungck, J., Fass, M. F., and Stanley, E. D., (Eds.). Washington, D.C.: ASM Press. Stanley, E.D. and M.A. Waterman. LifeLines OnLine: Curriculum and Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners. pp. 103-110. In Cooney, Timothy M. (Ed.) Teaching Science in the Two Year College. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press, 2003. Note: this paper was selected for this collection of articles from the Journal of College Science Teaching in which it originally appeared in 2000. Waterman, M.A. and E.D. Stanley. Investigative Cases and Case-Based Learning in Biology. Version 1.4, 100 pp. In J. Jungck and V. Vaughan (Eds.) The BioQUEST Library VI. San Diego: Academic Press, 2002. The BioQUEST Library VI is a peer reviewed publication of the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium. Donovan, S., Jakobsson, E., Bruce, C., Stanley, E., & Thakkar, U. (2001) Biology Student Workbench: Problem Solving with Molecular Data [Computer software]. The BioQUEST Library VI. San Diego: Academic Press. Stanley, E. D., and Stanley K. D. (2001) Looking Into glycosidases. In The BioQUEST Library VI. San Diego: Academic Press. Stanley, E. D. (2001) Visual datasets. In The BioQUEST Library VI. Jungck, J. R. and Vaughan, V. G. (Eds.). San Diego: Academic Press. Stanley, E. D. and M. A. Waterman. LifeLines OnLine: Curriculum and Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners. Journal of College Science Teaching, 29: 306-310, March/April 2000. Jungck, J. R., Stanley, E. D., Donovan, S., Soderberg, P., and Vaughan, V. G. (2000) Crossing the chasm of curriculum reform: BioQUEST curriculum consortium invites CALlaboration. In CAL-laborate Volume 4 June 2000. UniServe Science, The University of Sydney, Australia. Proceedings of Professional Meetings Jungck, John R., S. Kiser, E. Stanley. (2005) Exploratory Evolution Education: Engaging students in investigating evolutionary processes, products, and principles. In Evolutionary Science and Society: Educating a New Generation. J. Cracraft & R. W. Bybee, Eds. BSCS. Colorado Springs, CO. pp. 125-136. Waterman, M.A. and E.D. Stanley. Investigative Case Based Learning: Teaching Scientifically While Connecting Science to Society. In Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate STEM Education Proceedings of an NSF/AAAS conference of the same name that took place in April 2004. Published 2005. Waterman, M.A. and E.D. Stanley. LifeLines OnLine: Investigative Case-Based Learning for 21st Century Learners. Proceedings of the International Union of Biological Scientists and UNESCO "BioEd 2000" conference held in Paris, France, May 2000. (Last accessed, January 2011) Articles for College Biology Instructors Stanley, E.D. and M.A. Waterman. Investigative Case Based Learning. In R. Heyden (ed.) Great Ideas in Teaching. Benjamin Cummings. 2005. Waterman, M.A. and E.D. Stanley. Doing Science Collaboratively with Investigative Case Based Learning. Strategies for Success, No. 41, Spring 2004, pp. 4-6. Stanley, E.D. and M.A. Waterman. Learning with Investigative Cases: A scenario. BioQUEST Notes. Winter 1998, 8(2): 8-9, 13. Websites Stanley, E. et al. 2012. Science Case Network. This website seeks to establish communication between case and PBL users in science education including developers, educators, researchers, learners, professional organizations, and administrators. The site features social networking tools in support of working groups. (Last accessed December 2012) Stanley, E. et al. 2009 – 2012. myPlantIT: Career, Cases, and Collaboration. This website is the communication hub of the Plant IT Careers, Cases, and Collaborations Project engaging secondary students and teachers in active, collaborative science experiences that integrate IT in the context of plant biology. (Last accessed December 2012) Stanley, E. and M. Waterman. 2008 – present. Investigative Case Based Learning. This website includes resources for writing, implementing and evaluating ICBL with over 55 case modules written by participants in ICBL workshops. (Last accessed December 2012) Stanley, E. and M. Waterman. 2003 – present. Using Investigative Cases in Geoscience. This web project was developed as an invited article as part of the “Starting Point: Teaching Introductory Level Geoscience” project. (Last accessed December 2012) Stanley, E. D. 1998 – present. Visual Learning in the Field Web Projects: Visual Learning Approach to Insect Orders Winter Twig Key Oh Phlox! Hackberry Leaves Honey Locust Stanley, E. D. et al. 1996 – present. BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium. This website hosts 25+ years of national and international BioQUEST projects including downloadable resources including the BioQUEST Library simulations, bioinformatics problem spaces, and quantitative tools, over 50 workshops with resources, and hundreds of participant projects. (Last accessed December 2012) References: Dr. John R. Jungck, Editor of Biology International Professor of Biology Director, Interdisciplinary Science Learning Laboratories Affiliate of the Bioinformatics Program University of Delaware 118 Wolf Hall Newark, DE 19716 Email: Work Phone: (302) 831-2281 Web: Dr. Margaret Waterman Professor of Biology and Science Education Southeast Missouri State University Rhodes Hall 205 One University Plaza Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Email: Work Phone: 573-651-2381 Web: Dr. Pat Marsteller, Professor of Practice in Biology Director Emory College Center for Science Education Director, Hughes Science Initiative 1399 Oxford Road Atlanta, GA 30322 Work Phone. 404-727-9696 Fax: 727-9702 Email: Web: and