Grant Agreement number: 325172 Project acronym: ENGAGED Project title: Community building on active and healthy ageing Funding scheme: Thematic Network (TN) Call identifier: CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6 Challenge: 3 – ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance Objective: CIP-ICT-PSP.2012.3.7: Community building on active and healthy ageing Project website address: D4.4 Framework for uptake roadmap Due date of deliverable: [31/05/2015] Actual submission date: [30/06/2015] Start date of project: 01/02/2013 Duration: 24 months Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: Fraunhofer Deliverable main author: Helmi Ben Hmida (Fraunhofer) Contributing authors: Stefano Chessa (CNR-ISTI), Carmen Pastor (TECNALIA), Marielle Swinkels (NBCO), Esther Davidson (Zealanddenmark), Dag Forsen (Halsansnyaverktyg) Anders Lundkvist (stairwaypr), Daria Nochevnik (kent), Lucia Prieto (kronikgune) Version: 1.0 Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) Dissemination Level PU Public X Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service) PP RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Service) Date: 15-01-2005 Version: 1 Page 1 of 13 Document History Version Date Author Summary of Main Changes 0.1 15-05-2015 Helmi Ben Hmida D4.4 structure update 0.2 20-05-2015 Helmi Ben Hmida Roadmap uptake strategy added 0.3 26-05-2015 Stefano Chessa Carmen Pastor User empowerment Roadmap uptake channels added 0.4 06-05-2015 Dag Forsen Business model roadmap uptake channels added 0.5 17-06-2015 0.6 20-06-2015 Daria Nochevnik Lucia Prieto Remon Dag Forsen 0.7 22-06-2015 Marielle Swinkels 0.8 25-06-2015 1.0 28-06-2015 All Helmi Ben Hmida Network sustainability roadmap uptake channels added D 4.4 V 0.6 updated Impact Assessment Roadmap uptake Deliverable review D 4.4 Final version Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 1 Introduction and background ..................................................................................... 4 2 Roadmap uptake framework overview ...................................................................... 4 The final Standalone Roadmaps ................................................................................. 4 The identified uptake channels ................................................................................... 5 The ENGAGED Network .......................................................................................... 5 3 Specific Roadmap uptakes channels ........................................................................... 5 Innovation in Business model Roadmap uptake ........................................................ 6 User Empowerment roadmap uptake ......................................................................... 8 Impact Assessment Roadmap uptake ....................................................................... 10 Network sustainability Roadmap uptake .................................................................. 11 4 Generic roadmap uptake recommendations ............................................................ 12 5 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 13 1 Introduction and background This deliverable focuses on the uptake strategy of the different created roadmaps in order to efficiently speed up their dissemination and strengthen the European market endorsement of AHA solutions. In fact, the quick uptake of the four created Roadmaps (deliverable D4.3) will support scaling up AHA technology in Europe. One of the main success factors toward a quick, successful and efficient uptake of the different roadmaps is the specification of the most suitable channels for the Roadmaps uptake, finding the right contact person and finally trying to follow the uptake evolvement. This deliverable aims to specify the uptake strategy of each of the four. This document builds upon the roadmaps of ENGAGED, supported by the workshops of WP3 and created by the roadmap clusters of WP4. The roadmaps on innovation in business models, user empowerment, impact assessment, and network sustainability are a major outcome of ENGAGED. In this document we first explore the uptake framework and channels, before outlining the dissemination strategy for each individual roadmap. Finally, we conclude with the main recommendation toward a successful uptake framework. 2 Roadmap uptake framework overview The roadmap uptake framework relay on three main Pillars: Figure 1. Uptake framework Pillar The final Standalone Roadmaps The ENGAGED Deliverable D4.3 titled Roadmaps for wide scale deployment aims at presenting to the AHA community the final version of the four created Roadmaps. As it is enriched with several extra information related to the Roadmap creation and evaluation strategy, add to a consolidated version of the different created Roadmaps, it will disengage the reader and minimize the acceptance and the impact of the standalone Roadmaps while diffusing it for uptake purposes. Facing such a challenge, the Roadmap team has opted, as a part of the uptake framework, to create a final standalone roadmaps extracted from Deliverable 4.3 ready for being shared with the target community. This will support their quick diffusion and increase their uptake chances. The identified uptake channels Specifying the targeted community for the Roadmap uptake is also one of the main success key toward an efficient uptake framework. For a better and a more efficient Roadmap uptake strategy, the following question have been identified as main success key toward a successful roadmap uptake How to reach more than just one single EIP AHA action group? How to reach the entire EIP AHA community (e.g., annual conference of the EIP AHA)? How to get more involved in future road mapping of the EIP How to think about REAL implementation of the roadmap(s) and not just in term of a deliverable In order to properly answer the above mentioned questions and as a main outcome of Task 4.4 participants, in particular the project management, the technical management and the ENGAGED Road mappers, several uptake channels have been identified. The following list outlines the different identified groups that build the basis for the individual dissemination channels that will be identified in the following sections. EIP AHA Action Groups Thematic networks Social networks EU Regions Pan-European investor network Reference site and network ENGAGED Repository EIP AHA Repository EC policy officers - Different DGs involved in the EIP AHA Conference / Press / Media … The ENGAGED Network The Engaged consortium is actually composed by 21 parties which are automatically included in the Network. The ENGAGED Network includes also organisations that have declared a sustained interest in participating in the development of the ENGAGED project’s area of interest and operation by joining the Community. As they are committed to an active participation and to assist the project’s dissemination efforts, the different ENGAGED network entities will play a major role in sharing the different standalone Roadmaps and will target the above specified roadmap uptake channels with messages and announcements about the readiness for uptaking the new roadmap in order to scale up AHA solutions in Europe. 3 Specific Roadmap uptakes channels Based on the above highlighted channels, the different Roadmap teams have taken the initiatives to compile them based on their relevance for the Roadmap thematic, thus specifying the best strategy for specific Roadmap uptake. Innovation in Business model Roadmap uptake For the Business model innovation Roadmap uptake, the responsible team is more confident on the benefit of the digital approach to achieve such an uptake, thus social media and the web is the way to go! Bellow, a detailed overview of the main suggested channel as a framework for the Roadmap uptake strategy for the BMI roadmap will be highlighted. Addressed area EIP AHA action Group More specific information C2 action Group Contact / Dissemination channels Remarks Antonio KUNG-Coordination team of the EIP AHA action Group Donna Henderson/Andrea Pavlickova (NHS24, Scotland). B3 Action Group Contact with -The SANTE initiative coordinators -The thematic network that is currently aiming to support the EIP AHA. Thematic network PROEIPAHA (is a CSA, coordination and support action) Coordinator & AGs Promoters AFEINNOVNET, AGEING WELL TN Coordinators: Coordinator: José Angel Martinez, Ana Leal -AGEING WELL, PROEIPAHA could play a major role. Could be main interface with action groups, particularly those not present in ENGAGED project Julia Wadoux AFE-INNOVNET, Social media and the web Social network Creation of the Business Model Innovation Hub, This a web site dedicated to the Business Model Innovation roadmap and its different components The strategy here is to both establish basic presence and This will be the content hub where different stakeholder can access on-line information and tools. The roadmap will be spread thru network interaction between the individuals. Top influencers and industry key people will be Essential to get traction outside and inside the current AAL- EU Regions and EU/pan European interregional networks activity on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc as well as leverage existing nodes Add to Yammer (for the EIP on AHA AGs) CORAL Regions approached and asked if they are willing to spread the message thru their channels. ng Edwin Mermans, EMermans@brabant.nlMarielle Swinkels, AER – Johanna PACEVICIUS panEuropean investor network Assemblée des Régions d'Europe (AER) European Venture of Philantrophy Assiociation OECD/Social Impactinvestment ENGAGED Repository EIP AHA Repository EC policy The Business model innovation Roadmap will be uploaded in the Engaged Repository The Business model innovation Roadmap will be uploaded in the EIP AHA Repository DG CNECT DG RESEARCH& INNOVATION -Pieter Oostlander: Ms. Karen WILSON: (http://ww Peter Windlev-Jensen Robert-Jan Smits ecosystem. User Empowerment roadmap uptake From the user empowerment Roadmap team perspective, the best strategy to guarantee the successful uptake is to involve from now on the relevant Thematic Networks and EIP on AHA AGs that are willing to carry out the different activities planned in the correspondent roadmap. We need them to embrace this roadmap and pursue its activities. Moreover the EC policy officers from the DG-CNECT and DG-SANTE should be well informed so that this roadmap can be promoted at the political level, thus achieving the right context for the further uptake of this roadmap. Addressed area More specific information Contact Remarks EIP AHA action Group C2 and B3 AGs are specifically working on User Empowerment toolkits and other issues. Also this topic is relevant for AGs A2, A3 and D4 Coordination teams of both AGs, specially through the selected external reviewers: Both AGs have specific workteams on User Empowerment Thematic network Social network -Jon Dawson (C2), -Donna Henderson (B3), -Cecilia Vera (B3), -The SANTE initiative coordinators -The CSA PROPEIPAHA that is currently aiming to support the EIP AHA. PROEIPAHA (is a Coordinator & AGs Promoters Promoters are the CSA, coordination connection and support Coordinator: José Angel Martinez, between AGs and action) PROEIPAHA CSA. AFE-INNOVNET TN Coordinators: Also some ENGAGED AGEING WELL Ana Leal -AGEING WELL, partners are also partners in PROEIPAHA Julia Wadoux AFE-INNOVNET, (EHMA, OpenEvidence & TECNALIA), facilitating this awareness process Yammer (for the EIP on AHA AGs) e EU Regions CORAL Regions Edwin Mermans, Marielle Swinkels, Repository EC policy officers The Roadmap will be shared through the EIP-AHA and Engaged repository from the DGPeter Wintlev-Jensen (DGCNECT and DGCNECT), Peter.WintlevSANTE María Iglesia (DG-SANTE), Finally, we should take advantage of other organizations working also in the user Empowerment domain, such as the EPF (European Patients Forum), which has just launched the bellow initiative on this area. This way we can achieve a greater impact and a broader awareness of our roadmap. Initiative: The European Patients' Forum has launched its Campaign on Patient Empowerment on 21st May. Scheduled to run for a year, the Campaign will work to promote understanding of what patient empowerment means from the patient perspective among political decision-makers and health stakeholders. A Charter of Patient Empowerment and a Roadmap for Action will be released before the end of the year. The Campaign will work to support the five “Es” of empowerment: Education: patients can make informed decisions about their health if they are able to access all the relevant information, in an easily understandable format. Expertise: patients self-manage their condition every day so they have a unique expertise on healthcare which needs to be supported. Equality: patients need support to become equal partners with health professionals in the management of their condition. Experience: individual patients work with patient organizations to represent them, and channel their experience and collective voice. Engagement: patients need to be involved in designing more effective healthcare for all, and in research to deliver new and better treatments and services Full information, including about the launch event, is available Other activities that could be undertaken in order to achieve a broader dissemination and awareness of the different roadmaps are focused on presenting them in relevant events such as the AAL FORUM 2015 or the EIP Conference of Partners (an annual event held in December). The AAL Forum will be held this year on the 22-25 September in Ghent (Belgium) and it usually features special parallel tracks on topics relevant to the EIP on AHA AGs. Impact Assessment Roadmap uptake Addressed area EIP AHA action Group More specific information AG C2 + B3 Contact / Dissemination channels Thematic network AFE-INNOVNET EHMA ETHEL AGE Platform ENoLL Blogs Twitter Yammer Menno Hinkema : Daniel Fernandez Buckley: Marc Lange: Ophelie Durand: Ana Garcia: @digitalagendaeu @EIP_AHA @coral ECHA CORAL AER ERRIN Julien Venne Edwin Mermans: Johanna Pacevicius: Henriette Hansen: John Farell Social media and the web EU Regions and EU/pan European interregional networks panEuropean investor network Expert organization in EU projects EC policy Reference Sites collaboration European Venture of Philantrophy Assiociation OECD/Social Impactinvestment STOP & GO REAAL SMART CARE SILVER Carmen Pastor: (CT team) Member of the CT C2 Toni dedeu -Pieter Oostlander: Ms. Karen WILSON: ( /social-impact-investment.htm) DG CNECT DG SANTE DG RESEARCH& INNOVATION DG REGIO Peter Windlev-Jensen Marianne van den Berg and Loukianous Gaztoulis Dr Dimitri Corpakis, Head of Unit - Regional Dimension of Innovation L. Andersson Pench Lieve Fransen DG EMPLOYMENT EIP AHA Repository Report: EIP AHA repository of innovative practices; Methodological and functional definition Network sustainability Roadmap uptake Within the EIP on AHA, all Action Groups could benefit from uptaking this roadmap, since Network sustainability is a cross-cutting issue. The best strategy would be to disseminate the document in Action Groups' yammer platforms. Based on the acceptance of the document, online discussions on the issues that have raised more interest would be conducted. After this, we will be able to define different groups of agents that are willing to reach a higher engagement with the activities proposed in the Roadmap. Addressed area EIP AHA action Group More specific information All EIP on AHA action groups Contact Thematic network PROEIPAHA (is a Coordinator: José Angel CSA, coordination Martinez, and support action) Social network Yammer platform EU Regions CORAL Regions Edwin Mermans,; Coordinators of the different Action Areas. Marielle Swinkels,m.swinkels@zorgtechnoservic ENGAGED Repository EC policy officers The Roadmap will be uploaded in the ENGAGED repository from the DGCNECT and DGSANTE Remarks Peter Wintlev-Jensen (DG-CNECT), Promoters are the connection between AGs and PROEIPAHA CSA. María Iglesia (DG-SANTE), 4 Generic roadmap uptake recommendations From a learning ecosystem perspective, the EIP AHA is an important channel to disseminate the different roadmaps and to collect and share the learning experiences that will be generated by the change makers actually bringing the roadmap into practice. The EIP AHA is a European Multiple Stakeholder group Ecosystem that is the most advanced multi stakeholder community in the field of AHA at the moment. Therefore the validated roadmap needs to be with highest priority uploaded in the EIP AHA repository to inform the EIP AHA community about the roadmap. Through the Coordination Teams of the Action groups that were involved in the roadmap development and the European Commission, the roadmap uptake in the repository can be promoted within this EIP AHA community and towards ongoing European projects, but also to new organisations and experts that are connecting to the EIP AHA. Besides that the dissemination can directly take place via the direct channels of the relevant thematic networks, relevant ongoing EU projects and the DG’s of the European commission. In addition to the specific Roadmap uptake strategy and the focus on EIP AHA, several common suggestions will be so part of the uptake framework, where the consortium recommends: Special efforts should be made to collaborate with networks such as PROEIPAHA, where several ENAGED partners are members (TECNALIA, Open Evidence, EHMA) and it aims to provide support services to the all the action groups of EIP AHA. Hence by collaborating with it we would ensure the EIPA on AHA is aware of it. Also, PROEIPAHA is working towards the update of the action plans and it might be possible to take the roadmaps into consideration here. Keeping the regional networks on board is also necessary. In this sense the CORAL network should be an important dissemination asset given its presence in the ENGAGED networks. Making other networks and projects that the ENGAGED partnership is present be aware of the roadmaps is also necessary. It might be feasible to include the uptake of the roadmaps or certain phases in other EU projects and initiatives. The involvement of the partners and their network is crucial for this. It might be a good idea to suggest that partners participating in the road mapping exercises promote the uptake of the roadmaps or part of the roadmaps as part of future proposals. The actual practice based learning that will be generated when the roadmap has been brought into action and into practice will not take place within the EIPAHA. This will take place at a regional and interregional level. The roadmap can be actually brought into practice in a joined interregional collaboration that is very well connected to multi stakeholder groups on the ground at a regional level. For example, as existing interregional learning ecosystems of CORAL, AER, ECHAlliance and ERRIN are closely connected to the decision makers on the regional level, they are more likely the supporting learning ecosystems for the operationalization of the roadmap. These interregional networks are already used to collaborate together on implementation themes. This collaboration is already a European multi-stakeholder learning ecosystem from a regional implementation and scaling focus. They have added value to each other as they have different backgrounds from the policy and citizens’ perspective (CORAL), the political and citizens’ perspective (AER), the business perspective (ECHA) and research perspective (ERRIN). These interregional networks can take care of bringing back the lessons learned to the EIP AHA to connect it to the policy of the EU, Expert organisations and European thematic groups that are involved in European projects in this field. 5 Conclusion In the last two years, the ENGAGED project has invested time and effort for community building, idea harmonization, and gap minimization between the different European regions. Through the different mutual learning workshops, different communities have met and learned from each other on different themes: Business models Evidence Innovative procurement Interoperability Prevention User empowerment. Finally, the different leaned lessons and identified challenged are compiled onto four roadmaps that support the scaling up of AHA solutions in European countries. With the closing of the ENGAGED project, especially from the road mapping perspective and based on the uptake strategy, a new perspective is born and should see the light soon. After finalizing the roadmap uptake framework, each roadmap will be easily introduced to the identified channels for its uptake. Implementation and effect oriented vision should be the title of the next phase where regions cluster and community should start applying roadmaps, bringing idea and plans to reality and work hand by hand to bring the foreseen effects.