Tilian Farm Development Center Farmer Farm Incubator Program
Participant Application Information
(Part 1)
A Program of Food System Economic Partnership (FSEP)
I. Program Background
Tilian Farm Development Center is a program of Food System Economic Partnership (FSEP) and was born out of the aspirations of local food and farm advocates in Washtenaw County in collaboration with Ann Arbor Township. As a Center, Tilian works to facilitate new farm- business development in order to increase diversified production for local markets, year-round in the SE Michigan food shed. Through its Farm Incubator Program, beginning farmers work to transition from farm experience to building a new farm business, or to expand their existing farm enterprises.
Tilian Farm Development Center is located at 4400 Pontiac Trail Road in Ann Arbor Township, just 5 miles north of downtown Ann Arbor. The site is situated on property leased by Ann Arbor
Township and includes a barn, washing/packing facility, hoophouses and cooler space.
2. Program Description
Program Start Dates
January 2014 : Begin attending Farmer Meetings and meet with Program Manager
January 2014: Access to heated transplant space
March 2014: Access to unheated hoophouse space
Program Duration
One growing season beginning January of 2014 and ending December of 2014
Application Deadline
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. Priority will be given to applications received by December 1 st , 2013.
The 2014 Incubator Program will host beginning farmers (between two and 10 years experience) who preferably have their own farm business in place. Potential candidates might include farmers looking to scale up their field production, or those who need access to more hoophouse space, or cold storage. Candidates who do not already own their own farm business will be considered if they show significant skill in either managing a farm, or equivalent experience.
Applicants will submit a proposal to Tilian describing their anticipated production for 2014 and which Tilian resources they will need to use. A proposal might entail usage of all of Tilian's resources: field space, hoophouse space, cooler space and washing/packing space and equipment use. Or, it may be a more pared down plan. Farmers may apply to use only hoophouse space and no field space, or vice versa. See the Tilian Equipment and Resources section below for a list of available resources at Tilian.
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Incubator Farms are their own businesses. All income earned belongs to the individual farmer.
All expenses incurred are the responsibility of the individual farmer. Incubators Farmers will sign operational agreements with FSEP that outline their rights and responsibilities for the duration of the program. Failure to meet those responsibilities or utilize the land and resources in accordance with the lease agreement can result in termination of the lease, dismissal from the Tilian Farm Incubator Program, and loss of access to land and shared resources.
Requirements of Incubator Farmers:
Farmers must attend an equipment operation workshop. They must also communicate about equipment condition and maintenance with Tilian, according to a Tilian Shared
Equipment Agreement;
Incubator farmers are responsible for all expenses their business may incur;
Farmers must partake in a cost-share program for all Tilian resources. Each Incubator farmer is responsible for her own shared resource costs, and for paying them on time;
Farmers must attend monthly farmer meetings in season with the Tilian Program
Farmers must commit to using only OMRI-listed or otherwise NOP-compliant inputs including fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, seed treatments and soil amendments;
Farmers must be willing to share financial details of their production (income and expenses, etc.) with Tilian to be used as a learning tool for future program participants;
Farmers must participate in a mentorship program as well as attend workshops coordinated by the Tilian Program Manager. Workshops may cover topics including selling to institutions, business planning basics and food safety compliance, among other things.
3. Required Skills and Experience
Minimum of two and maximum of 10 years experience either managing your own farm business or operating as production manager or equivalent role on another farm;
Ability to carry out a marketing plan for your business' products that proves viable in the marketplace;
Knowledge of sustainable and organic farming practices;
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Significant technical knowledge about growing or raising food. This includes, but is not limited to, crop planning, pest management, weed control, greenhouse management, soil fertility, crop rotation, harvest, and post-harvest handling. Or, for livestock farmers, animal care, rotational grazing, fencing operation and repair, housing construction, meat/dairy processing, etc.;
A strong entrepreneurial drive to own your own farm business;
Ability to work in a group setting with diverse personalities and experiences;
Willingness to communicate clearly and directly;
The drive to seek out mentorship and support from other local farmers, accountants, business development professionals, and more.
4. Tilian Equipment and Resources
Tilian owns many pieces of farm equipment, infrastructure, and tools. The use of all resources is subject to a signed operational agreement. Each operational agreement includes a cost- share that helps with future purchases and ongoing repair/maintenance. Farmers' use of equipment is subject to attending an equipment operation workshop.
All agreements, payments and trainings are managed by the Program Manager. All incubator farmers are responsible for their own cost of shared resources.
Current Tilian Land and Infrastructure
Two irrigated fields, 5 and 16 acres, hydrants throughout that are fed by an agricultural well;
One unirrigated field, 20 acres;
Two (2) 30' x 144' passive-solar, double-film hoophouses;
One (1) 30' x 96' passive solar, single film mobile hoophouse (on skids);
One (1) 30' x 96' double film hoophouse with 1/3 of the area closed off as a heated transplant space for seedling, and 2/3 of the area a passive solar growing space;
A barn with shared storage space;
A washing/packaging facility with a 3-compartment sink, tables, hot and cold water;
One cold walk-in cooler (33-41 degrees F);
One cool walk-in cooler (50-55 degrees F).
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Current Tilian Equipment and Tools:
75 HP tractor with bucket loader;
8 ft rototiller, 8 ft disc harrow, chisel plow, field cultivator, plastic mulch layer, water wheel transplanter, Williams tine weeder, 6-row Jang precision seeder with tractor hitch, PTO-driven manure spreader, brush hog;
13hp BCS walk behind tractor with 32" rototiller and 29" power harrow;
Johnny ’s Six-Row Seeder;
Earthway 1-row Seeder;
4-gallon backpack sprayer;
Miscellaneous hand tools including shovels, rakes, long-handled hoes, harvest knives, etc.
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Tilian Farm Development Center Farmer Application Form
(Part 2)
A Program of the Food System Economic Partnership (FSEP)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application to be apart of the 2014 Tilian Farm
Development Center Farm Incubator Program. Please fill out the application and submit an electronic version to the Tilian Program Manager at tilianfdc@gmail.com.
Application Procedure: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Priority will be given to those applications before December 1 st , 2013. Upon receiving an application:
The Program Manager and Tilian Program Advisory Committee will review the application and choose whether to schedule an interview;
Applicants selected for interviews will meet with the Program Manager and tour the farm;
The Program Manager and Advisory Committee will rank applicants and make a decision by late December. Qualified applicants will be notified no later than January
1 st .
General Information Names of all Farmers: Business Names, if applicable: Contact Person
Name: Address:
Daytime Phone:
Evening/Weekend Phone:
Mailing Address:
Background Information
1) Please describe in detail your farming experience both on other farms and your own, if you already have a farm business started. Provide evidence of your ability to successfully start and manage your own farming operation.
2) Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur, and why?
Farm Business Proposal
1) Please describe in detail your proposed production plans for 2014 at Tilian, including:
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what crop(s), live-goods or livestock you plan to grow or raise;
list the Tilian equipment, land, and infrastructure you anticipate using for your business
(see the Tilian Equipment and Resource section in Part 1 for a list of available resources);
approximately what size you think your production will be, i.e. acres of field space, square footage of hoophouse space and heated transplant space, square footage of cooler space, etc.;
how you will market your farm products (CSA, farmers market, wholesale, etc.);
anticipated tractor and implements usage —estimated weekly hours and which implements you will be using
2) Describe why you are interested in using some or all of the resources and equipment at
Tilian. What tools/equipment and land do you currently have access to? What will access to the Tilian equipment and resources add to your existing farm business?
3) Why do you think your products will sell? Please describe any significant experience marketing your goods.
4) The 2014 Incubator Program offers a one-year term length with potential for renewal. How will the potentially short-term tenure affect the scope of your production at Tilian?
3) Where do you see your farm in three to five years?
4) Are you interested/committed to keeping your farm in southeast Michigan? Explain.
5) Do you anticipate needing additional support for the success of your farm business in
2014? Please indicate with a check mark any areas that might be of interest:
farmer mentorship program
connecting to institutional buyers
business planning support
business financial planning and accounting
workshops in sustainable farming production
help with access to land and/or infrastructure for lease/purchase
other (please specify):
5) Is there anything else you think we should know about you at this time?
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References: Include contact information for 3-4 non-family references who can speak to your previous farm experience, work ethic, passion, and entrepreneurial experience.
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
Reference 3:
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