The digital signature scheme permit users to sign messages that can

Digital Signature Scheme with Message Recovery using
Secure Primes and without using One Way Hash
Sumit Kumar
Manish Mittal
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Quantum School of Technology
Roorkee, India
Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engineering
Quantum School of Technology
Roorkee, India
The digital signature scheme permit users to sign messages
that can be validated by the owner of the message or it can
be verified by any verifier. The majority of the digital
signature schemes are based on the hash code generation to
prevent against forgery attacks. In a recovery based digital
signature scheme the message is concealed within the
signature on the sender side. The receiver side firstly
recovers the message and then the signature is validated by
the receiver. In our work, we are presenting a digital
signature scheme with message recovery characteristic and
without using the one way hash function. The proposed
scheme does not use message redundancy and conform to
all the properties of digital signature. It is quite secure
against forgery attack and uses the conception of secure
prime for the generation of keys and primitive element.
dispute. If the message is distributed then the receiver can
validate that the claimed sender has sent the message.
Digital signature provides the mechanism for the origin
nonrepudiation but does not provide the functionality for the
receiver nonrepudiation.
Based on the size of message and computation power of
devices, there are two modes of operation for digital
signature [2]-
A. Appendix Mode
Digital signature, message recovery, one way hash function,
forgery attack, parameter reduction attack, secure prime
number, discrete logarithm
In appendix mode the creator of the message appends a code
with the message that act as a signature. Typically the
signature is produced by taking the hash of the message and
encrypts it with the private key of sender. It prevents the
signed message and the signature from unauthorized
modification. In this mode the receiver need three
parameters namely, the public key of signer, the message
and the appended digital signature. During the verification,
receiver input the message in the hash function and the hash
value of signed message in used to validate authentication
of the sender.
B. Recovery mode
As the internet use is continuously growing, the digital
signature grows to be more vital than before. Digital
signature systems provide the authority to a signer to
transform any random message into a signed message in
such a way that by using the public key of the signer anyone
can validate the message, but only the signer can generate
signed messages. Digital signature schemes provide the
following services [1]:
A. Sender Authentication
Digital Signature ensures that the message comes from the
alleged sender. Authentication must assure that the
connection is not interfering by the third party in such a way
that a third party can impersonate one of the two legal
parties for unauthorized transmission or reception of
messages. This type of service supports the application such
as e-mail service where there is not prior interaction
between the communicating parties.
B. Data Integrity
Digital signature ensures the authenticity of the message
that it was not altered in transit. It protects against the
inappropriate information modification or damage by
adversary. The extent of message integrity varies from
applied for the whole connection or on a particular message
or on the particular field in the message.
C. Non-Repudiation
Digital signature ensures that sender of the message cannot
deny sending of the message to recipient in case of any
In message recovery mode the message is implanted
in the digital signature by the sender of message. The
receiver of the message require two parameters; the digital
signature and public key of the signer to verify the message
The receiver initially recovers the message from the digital
signature and then verifies the signature. The advantage of
this scheme is less computation cost as hash code need not
to be computed and less communication overhead because
message not required to be appended with signature
In many applications a digital signature scheme with
message recovery is useful for signing small size messages
such as date, time and other identifiers are signed in time
stamping and email services. The rightness of the message
is verified by using the message redundancy scheme.
Furthermore, message recovery and one way hash function
can be used to prevent against forgery attacks.
The well-known digital signature proposal with message
recovery characteristic is the RSA based digital signature
system which is based on the complexity of factoring large
integers [3]. Later Nyberg and Rueppel projected the
discrete logarithm based method with message recovery [4].
Other digital signature schemes are also proposed with
message recovery feature [5], [6]. Some of these schemes
have the ability of encrypting to assure the privacy of signed
messages [7], [8], [9]. Therefore, only the authorized
receiver can recover the original message from the signature
and verify its legitimacy.
Recently, Kang’s et al. [10] proposed a new digital
signature scheme with message recovery and state that their
scheme preserved the properties of Shieh et al.’s [2]
signature scheme. The memory requirement for using this
scheme is greatly reduced. Moreover message redundancy
scheme and one way hash function are not used.
We propose a new digital signature scheme with message
recovery aspect and without using one way hash function. It
improves the Kang’s et al.’s scheme [10] and shown to be
more secure due to use of safe primes and additional
random numbers.
The rest of the work organized as follows: We briefly
present the analysis of Kang’s et al.’s scheme [10] in section
II, the new scheme is presented in section III, after security
analysis discussed in section IV, and the paper is concluded
in section V.
Kang’s et al.’s scheme consists of three phases, initiation
phase, digital signature generation phase and digital
signature verification phase. A brief depiction of each
segment is given below.
A. Initiation Phase
Let p be a large prime number and g is primitive
element in GF (p).
2) The signer chooses its private key x, such as x<
(p-1) and gcd(x,p-1)=1.
3) The public key is computed as
Y=gx mod p.
The signature generation involves following steps for a
message m ∈ GF (p).
B. Signature Generation Phase
To sign a message m, the signer performs the following
1) s= Ym mod p
2) Selects a random numbers k in Zp and computes r
r = s + m*g(-k) (mod p)
3) The signer computes t from the following
expression s + t ≡ x-1 (k – r) mod (p-1)
4) The signer then sends the triplet (r, s, t) to the
receiver as the signature of the message m.
C. Signature Verification Phase
After receiving the signature(r, s, t), the verifier checks the
authenticity of the signature by the performing the following
1) It recovers the message m’ as
m’ ≡ (r – s) Ys + t gr (mod p)
2) Checks the authenticity of the signature by
computing the following expression.
S ≡ Ym’ (mod n)
If it holds, then the signature (r, s, t) is considered
as a valid one generated by the signer of the
recovered message m´.
We have analyzed that the scheme have used the simple
prime number p instead of using safe prime and used only
one random number parameter in (2). So the scheme can be
further improved to use in practical areas.
phases namely, Initialization phase, signature generation
phase and signature verification phase. The description of
each phase is as below:
A. Initialization Phase
A trusted third party chooses two primes p and q
such that, p=2fp’+1 and q=2fq’+1, where f, p’ and
q’ are distinct primes.
The integer n is computed as a product of these
two prime numbers p and q.
Then it chooses a primitive element g in GF(n).
Signer chooses its private key x ∈ Zn such that
Signer determine its public key Y as
Y=gx (mod n).
B. Signature Generation Phase
Suppose sender U wants to send message m ∈ GF(n) by
using proposed scheme then sender does the following:
1) Compute
s = Ym mod n.
2) Choose two random numbers u and k in GF(n)
and compute
r= s + m*g(u - k) (mod n).
3) Compute t, such that
s + t ≡ (x-1 (k – r – u)) mod (n-1).
4) User U sends the signature (s, r, t) for message m
to the receiver V.
C. Signature verification phase
After receiving the signature receiver V recover the message
1) m’≡ (r – s) * Ys + t * gr mod n.
≡ (m * g(u-k) * gx(s+t) * gr) mod n
≡ (m * g(u-k) * g(k-r-u) * gr) mod n
≡ (m * g(u-k+r) * g(k-r-u)) mod n
2) User V verify whether
s = Ym’ mod n.
If (12) is verified successfully then the message
will be accept as a valid message.
The steps involved in digital signature generation and
verification are concluded in table 1.
The proposed digital signature scheme is shown to fulfill all
the properties of digital signature and can resist the attack to
recover private key of signer. It is discussed that the scheme
can resist the forgery attack. Finally the influences of
discrete logarithm and random parameters are discussed.
Table1. The proposed digital signature scheme
Signature generation
s = Ym mod n
r= s + m*g(u - k) (mod n)
Compute t, such that s + t ≡ (x-1 (k – r – u)) mod (n-1)
Signature verification
Recover the message as m’≡ (r – s) * Ys + t * gr mod n
Verify whether s = Ym’ mod n
The proposed scheme is an improvement over previous
scheme which uses the safe prime generation algorithm. It
conforms to properties of digital signature and proven to be
more secure. The proposed scheme is described in three
A. Comply with the Properties of Digital
Signature [1]
The verification phase (12) depends on the public key of the
sender and recovered message hence it verifies the sender
authentication and the integrity of the message. As the
message recovery also depends on the private key of the
sender; showed during recovery phase as an exponent of
primitive root g, it obey the rule of nonrepudiation of the
B. Signature Forgery Attack
[2] Shieh, S. P., Lin, C. T., Yang, W. B., and Sun, H. M.
authenticating delegates in mobile code systems” IEEE
Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 49, pp. 1464–1473.
In order to verify a forged message as a valid one, the
attacker need to first manipulate the triplet (s, r, t) to
(s’,r’,t’) in such a way that
(r’ – s’) Ys’+t’ gr’ mod n ≡ (r – s) Ys + t gr mod n
In which computing r and t are equivalent to solve the
discrete problem in (9) and (10) for u, k and private key x
which is impossible.
C. Influence of Discrete Logarithm
The proposed algorithm uses the prime number n to perform
modular operations in (8) and (9). Consider the equation (7),
for given g, n and x, it is easy to calculate Y. But for the
given g, n and Y, it is very hard to compute x (private key).
The complexity is same as factoring prime numbers in RSA
[3]. At the present time [11], the best known algorithm for
taking discrete logarithms modulo of a prime number is of
the order of:
𝐞((𝐥𝐧 𝐩) (𝐥𝐧(𝐥𝐧 𝐩)) )
This is not feasible for large prime.
D. More randomized parameters
The computation of parameters r and s are assisted by two
random numbers u and k which are of the order of n. There
complexity lies in solving the discrete logarithm problem of
the order n. However the kang’s scheme uses only one
parameter in (2) for the computation of parameter r. Hence
the proposed scheme is more secure as comparison to
Kang’s et al.’s scheme.
In this paper, we proposed a message recovery based digital
signature scheme on the foundation of Elgamal scheme
[12]. Our scheme improves the security of Kang’s scheme
[10] without using the one way hash function and message
redundancy approach. It can resist the forgery attack and
parameter reduction attack. The scheme is proven to be
more secure as it makes use of the secure prime numbers
and more random parameters in signature generation phase.
It is better than the appendix mode schemes as it does not
require the computation of hash codes for digital signature.
The communication overhead is also low as the message
need not to be sent independently along the signature.
Hence this scheme is suitable for signing small messages
and can be used on resource constrained mobile devices due
to less computation cost, communication overhead and
improved security.
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