Hydrology Modeling in Alaska: Model Documentation Template (please fill out as much as possible) Your name: Scott Lindsey Model name: Various, NWSRFS, CHPS, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting, Snow-17, etc Authors: Various Source code location (if public): NOAA/NWS Office of Hydrologic Development http://www.weather.gov/oh/ Citations and URLs for basic documentation: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/hrl/nwsrfs/users_manual/htm/xrfsdocpdf.php http://www.weather.gov/oh/hrl/chps/index.html Source code language: Fortran and C for NWSRFS Java for CHPS For the following section, you may wish to use appropriate keywords such as: Physically-based, statistical, lumped parameter, spatially distributed, transitive model, equilibrium model, implicit, semi-implicit, explicit, TOPMODEL based, finite element, finite differences, routing, bottom boundary condition, parallel code, Richardson equation, optimization, forecast, etc Model type and/or conceptual framework: SAC-SMA is a physically based, lumped parameter, conceptual soil moisture accounting model that divides rainfall and computed snow melt sources into surface runoff, direct inflow, impervious area inflow, interflow, supplemental baseflow, and primary baseflow. Data needed to run the model (inputs): point precipitation and temperature inputs along with river stage (other meteorological inputs can be ingested to compute evapotranspiration). Parameters and how they are derived: Variety of soil moisture parameters (snowmelt characteristic parameters for SNOW model) are developed using historical point precipitation, temperature and flow data. Spatial element used to lump inputs and outputs: elevation, aspect Sub-models (i.e. snow or ground thermodynamics): Snow model is a temperature index model Rainfall/runoff transformation mechanism: Sacramento (SAC-SMA) model moves water to channel, Unit Hydrograph model time distributes surface runoff into channel. Runoff routing within spatial elements and to basin outlet: Unit Hydrograph model moves water from channel to outlet. Several routing models available to move water from basin outlet downstream to next forecast point Method for including sub-grid scale processes: Resolution (possible & prudent): We apply NWSRFS to basins as small as 15 mi2 up to 15000 mi2. Obviously for a lumped parameter model, 15 mi2 is on the small side and 15000 mi2 is on the large side, but given the data network that we have in Alaska for both streamflow and for forcings of temperature and precipitation, NWSRFS has been successfully used at both ends of this range. Method of deriving topography: GIS used as a preprocessor to subdivide watersheds into elevation zones that represent early snowmelt, mid to late snowmelt and glacier areas. This is done during the calibration process Calibration approaches: Interactive iterative process. Inputs for temperature and precipitation are prepared from historical data for a time period that overlaps with the historical flow data. Initial parameter estimates are developed using GIS, regionalized guidance from previous calibrations and model guidance from documentation. Parameters are iteratively changed to minimize errors such as RMSE and to best represent all flow regimes Treatment of frozen ground: SAC-SMA has a frozen ground component, but we have not used it. Publications using this model: (small sample for Sacramento Model – many more for the Snow-17 model not included) Conference Articles 1. Bryce D. Finnerty, Michael B. Smith, Dong-Jun Seo, Victor Koren, Glenn Moglen, Sensitivity of the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model to Space-Time Scale Precipitation Inputs from NEXRAD, unknown - Office of Hydrology Office, February 2008 2. GEORGAKAKOS, KONSTANTINE P., AND HUDLOW, MICHAEL D., QUANTITATIVE PRECIPITATION FORECAST TECHNIQUES FOR USE IN HYDROLOGIC FORECASTING, PROCEEDINGS, TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON MITIGATION OF NATURAL HAZARDS THROUGH REAL-TIME DATA COLLECTION SYSTEMS AND HYDROLOGIC FORECASTING, WMO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, AND NOAA, 12-13SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, September 1983 3. KRAJEWSKI, WITOLD F., AND HUDLOW, MICHAEL D., EVALUATION AND APPLICATION OF REAL-TIME METHOD TO ESTIMATE MEAN AREAL PRECIPITATION FROM RAIN GAGE AND RADAR DATA, PROCEEDINGS, TECHNICAL CONFERENCE ON MITIGATION OF NATURAL HAZARDS THROUGH REAL-TIME DATA COLLECTION SYSTEMS AND HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING, WMO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES, AND NOAA, 18-19SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, September 1983 4. M.B. Smith*, V.I. Koren, E. Wells, D. Wang, and Z. Zhang, EVALUATION OF THE ADVANTAGES OF THE CONTINUOUS SAC-SMA MODEL, Presented at 15th Conference on Hydrology, AMS, January 9-14, 2000, Long Beach, CA, January 2000 Journal Articles 1. FINNERTY, BRYCE D., SMITH, MICHAEL B., SEO, DONG-JUN, KOREN, VICTOR, AND MOGLEN, GLENN, SPACE-TIME SCALE SENSITIVITY OF THE SACRAMENTO SOIL MOISTURE ACCOUNTING MODEL TO DISTRIBUTED INPUTS FROM RADAR-GAGE PRECIPITATION FIELDS, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, , , December 1997 2. Richard M. Anderson, Victor I. Koren, Seann M. Reed, Using SSURGO Data to Improve Sacramento Model a Priori Parameter Estimates, Journal of Hydrology, 320, 103-116, January 2006 3. Koren, Victor, Parameterization of SAC-SMA model specifically for dry basins. Part I: Derivation of Climate adjustment relationships, A priori parameter estimation improvement using new data sources, December 2008 4. Koren, Victor, Parameterization of SAC-SMA model specifically for dry basins. Part II: CONUS-wide climate adjusted grids and their tests in the distributed modeling, A priori parameter estimation improvement using new data sources, March 2009 Strengths and Weaknesses in Alaska applications: For real-time river forecasting in Alaska, the combination of models such as the SAC-SMA and SNOW-17 have proven to be robust and work quite well for wellcalibrated basins. We also use a simple glacier model because warping the snow model parameters to represent glaciers did not work well. This does give us a tool for hydrologic forecasting, but NWSRFS does have some significant weaknesses. Those weaknesses include an architecture that was designed for a mainframe computer with binary database files and fortran code. Adding new models to this framework is very difficult. Data streams are optimized for ingesting point data and computing areal means. Gridded forcing data is difficult to use within the current framework. Extracting model states from the binary files is also not easily accomplished. Finally, moving toward or investigating a more distributed hydrologic modeling approach is very difficult within NWSRFS. In contrast, CHPS-FEWS is modular, configurable and built with a service oriented architecture. Initially, we will have the same models available in CHPS that we currently use, but the opportunity to expand and experiment with new models, data sources and forecast methods (i.e. ensemble inputs) will greatly expand as a result of the migration to CHPS.