SUPPORTING INFORMATION Understanding the spatial variations in the diets of two Sturnira bats (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) in Argentina Mariano S. Sánchez* and Daniel A. Dos Santos *Correspondent: FIG. S1.—Predictive diet mapped onto the RGB colouring system for Sturnira erythromos (a) and S. lilium (b). The next colors were assigned to the food items: red for Solanum, green to Piper, and blue for other resources. The final output color results from combining these three main colors with their intensities proportional to the fractions of food items. 1 FIG. S2.—Colored ternary plot with predicted diets of Sturnira erythromos (open circles) and S. lilium (solid circles) for some input values taken as combinations of latitude and altitude within the range of interest. Leftmost, rightmost and upper corners correspond respectively to the dietary items Solanum, Piper and other fruits that load proportionally in the red, green and blue chromatic components in the RGB colouring system. Note the diverging pattern between diets. 2 APPENDIX S1.—Gazetteer of 20 localities studied in NW Argentina. Localities are listed in order of increasing latitude and longitude. The province and department are provided in brackets followed by the geographic coordinates and altitude in meters above sea level (masl). Localities 13-15 were studied by Giannini (1999). 1) Arroyo Arrazayal, 18 km al NW del cruce de rutas 50 y 19, por ruta 19 (Salta, Santa Victoria) – 22º39′00′′ S, 64º25′00′′ W, 450 masl. 2) 43.7 Km al NW del cruce de ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, sobre ruta 18 (Salta, Orán) – 23º00′00′′ S, 64º33′00′′ W, 650 masl. 3) Finca Los Dos Ríos, 11 Km N y 11 Km W de Orán (Salta, Orán) – 23º06′00′′ S, 64º27′00′′ W, 385 masl. 4) Río Colorado, 25 Km W de El Oculto, camino a San Andrés (Salta, Orán) – 23º06′00′′ S, 64º44′00′′ W, 1008 masl. 5) 40 Km al NW del cruse de ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, sobre camino a San Andrés (Salta, Orán) – 23º07′48′′ S, 64º38′00′′ W, 613 masl. 6) 27.7 km al NW del cruce de rutas 50 y 18, camino a Isla de Cañas (Salta, Orán) – 23°07’ S, 64°30’ W, 500 masl. 7) 31.7 km al NW del cruce de rutas 50 y 18, camino a Isla de Cañas (Salta, Orán) – 23°06’ S, 64°32’ W, 542 masl. 8) Arroyo Los Matos, 7 Km al N de Finca Las Capillas, sobre ruta provincial 20 (Jujuy, Dr. Manuel Belgrano) – 24º00′24′′ S, 65º00′48′′ W, 1200 masl. 3 9) Laja Morada, Río Las Capillas, 15 Km N de Finca Las Capillas, por ruta provincial 20 (Jujuy, Dr. Manuel Belgrano) – 24º02′ 00′′ S, 65º07′00′′ W, 1000 masl. 10) Bonete Punco, 13 Km al S de los Baños por ruta provincial 13 S (Salta, Rosario de la Frontera) – 25º24′00′′ S, 64º52′00′′ W, 817 masl. 11) 15 Km al N de Metán por ruta 9 y 5 Km al W (Salta, Metán) – 25º24′00′′ S, 64º59′00′′ W, 986 masl. 12) Río de Las Conchas 3.9 Km al W de Metán (Salta, Metán) – 25º28′12′′ S, 65º00′36′′ W, 900 masl. 13) El Pinar, Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º42′00′′ S, 65º19′48′′ W, 1600 masl. 14) La Horqueta, Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º43′48′′ S, 65º19′ 12′′ W, 1200 masl. 15) El Pluviómetro, Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º46′12′′ S, 65º19′48′′ W, 800 masl. 16) Río Grande, 5 Km al SW de El Siambón (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º46′18′′ S, 65º28′00′′ W, 920 masl. 17) Río Las Piedras, Horco Molle, Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º46’16’’S, 65º20’10’’W, 829 masl. 18) Río Las Cañas, Horco Molle, Parque Biológico Sierra de San Javier (Tucumán, Tafí Viejo) – 26º46′ 24′′ S, 65º20′05′′ W, 825 masl. 4 19) Arrollo Aguas Chiquitas, Reserva Provincial Aguas Chiquitas (Tucumán, Burruyacú) – 26º36’21’’S, 65º10’20’W, 600 masl. 20) El Durazno, 8 Km al S de la Viña por ruta 38 vieja (Catamarca, Paclín) – 28º06′00′′ S, 65º36′00′′ W, 760 masl. APPENDIX S2.—R script for predicting dietary profiles as function of latitude and altitude using the statistical model obtained via Dirichlet regression. Predicted diets (consisting of three items, namely Solanum, Piper and other fruits) are graphically represented through the RGB coloring system in both (i) the ecospace defined by the guiding model parameters and (ii) a ternary plot. ########### ### GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION I: BIDIMENSIONAL ECOSPACE ########### #Auxiliary function for predicting the dietary profileonce values #for explaining variables are provided. dietary<- function(Altitude, Latitude) { liliumsolanum = -0.008043895 + 0.085946417*Latitude + 0.003841201*Altitude liliumpipper = 5.1809513675 + 0.2313103062*Latitude + 0.0009408829*Altitude liliumothers = 1.161068061 + 0.130425635*Latitude + 0.001681266*Altitude erythromossolanum = -25.593792 - 0.755262430*Latitude + 0.007994034*Altitude erythromospipper = -15.989738575 - 0.416653214*Latitude + 0.005889177*Altitude erythromosothers = -9.372565538 - 0.172861031*Latitude + 0.005065351*Altitude lilium<- exp(cbind(liliumsolanum, liliumpipper, liliumothers)) erythromos<- exp(cbind(erythromossolanum, erythromospipper, erythromosothers)) 5 out<- list(lilium = prop.table(lilium, 1), erythromos = prop.table(erythromos, 1)) return(out) } #Obtain the diet vectors for Sturniralilium(lil) and S. erythromos(ery) #using as input values of altitude and latitude accommodated to the limits #of our study area yungas<- expand.grid(-20:-30, seq(500, 3000, 100)) lil<- dietary(yungas[,2], yungas[,1])$lilium ery<- dietary(yungas[,2], yungas[,1])$erythromos #Plot the predicted diet of S. liliumin the ecospace plot(c(500, 3000), c(-20, -30), xlim = c(3100, 400), ylim = c(-31, -19), xlab = "Altitude", ylab = "Latitude", main = "Sturniralilium", bty = "n", type = "n", log = "x") rect(yungas[,2] - 50, yungas[,1] - 0.5, yungas[,2] + 50, yungas[,1] + 0.5, border = NA, col = rgb(lil[,1], lil[,2],lil[,3])) #Similarly, plot the predicted diet of S. erythromosin the ecospace plot(c(500, 3000), c(-20, -30), xlim = c(3100, 400), ylim = c(-31, -19), xlab = "Altitude", ylab = "Latitude", main = "Sturniraerythromos", bty = "n", type = "n", log = "x") rect(yungas[,2] - 50, yungas[,1] - 0.5, yungas[,2] + 50, yungas[,1] + 0.5, border = NA, col = rgb(ery[,1], ery[,2],ery[,3])) ########### ### GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION II: TERNARY PLOT ########### #Auxiliary function for producing coordinates in a ternary plot. #Arguments refer to the relative contribution of each item to the total diet ternary<- function(a, b, c){ x <- 0.5*(2*b + c) 6 y <- sqrt(3)*c/2 return(cbind(x, y)) } #Create the diagram itself and project on it the diets previously predicted slt<- seq(0, 1, 0.01) dato<- c() for(i in slt) for(j in slt) for(k in slt){ if(abs((i + j + k) - 1)>0.0001 ) next dato<- rbind(dato, c(ternary(i, j, k), rgb(i, j, k))) } plot(dato[,1], dato[,2], col = dato[,3], pch = 19, bty = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "") text(0.75, 0.1, "li", cex = 2.5) text(0.75, 0.25, "er", cex = 2.5) points(ternary(ery[,1], ery[,2], ery[,3])) points(ternary(lil[,1], lil[,2], lil[,3]), pch = 19) 7 APPENDIX S3.—A) Results of dietary simulations for Sturnira erythromos estimated from model parameters. The composition diet vectors for each combinations of latitude and altitude correspond to [Solanum; Piper; others fruits]. Latitude is expressed in decimal degrees and altitude in meters above sea level. Altitude 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Latitude -20 [0.034;0.202;0.764] [0.044;0.213;0.742] [0.058;0.224;0.718] [0.074;0.234;0.691] [0.095;0.243;0.661] [0.121;0.251;0.628] [0.153;0.256;0.591] [0.191;0.259;0.550] [0.235;0.259;0.506] [0.286;0.255;0.459] [0.343;0.247;0.410] [0.403;0.236;0.360] [0.467;0.221;0.311] [0.532;0.204;0.264] [0.594;0.185;0.221] [0.654;0.165;0.181] [0.709;0.145;0.146] [0.758;0.125;0.117] [0.801;0.107;0.092] [0.837;0.091;0.072] [0.868;0.076;0.056] [0.894;0.064;0.043] [0.915;0.053;0.033] [0.932;0.044;0.025] [0.945;0.036;0.019] [0.956;0.029;0.014] -21 [0.056;0.238;0.705] [0.073;0.249;0.679] [0.093;0.258;0.649] [0.118;0.266;0.615] [0.149;0.272;0.579] [0.186;0.275;0.539] [0.230;0.274;0.496] [0.279;0.271;0.450] [0.335;0.263;0.402] [0.395;0.251;0.354] [0.458;0.236;0.306] [0.522;0.218;0.260] [0.585;0.198;0.218] [0.645;0.176;0.179] [0.700;0.155;0.145] [0.749;0.135;0.116] [0.793;0.115;0.092] [0.831;0.098;0.072] [0.862;0.082;0.055] [0.889;0.069;0.043] [0.910;0.057;0.033] [0.928;0.047;0.025] [0.942;0.039;0.019] [0.954;0.032;0.014] [0.963;0.026;0.011] [0.971;0.021;0.008] -22 [0.091;0.274;0.635] [0.116;0.282;0.603] [0.146;0.288;0.567] [0.182;0.291;0.527] [0.224;0.291;0.485] [0.273;0.287;0.441] [0.327;0.279;0.394] [0.386;0.266;0.347] [0.448;0.251;0.301] [0.512;0.232;0.256] [0.575;0.211;0.215] [0.635;0.189;0.177] [0.690;0.166;0.144] [0.741;0.145;0.115] [0.785;0.124;0.091] [0.823;0.105;0.071] [0.856;0.089;0.055] [0.883;0.074;0.042] [0.906;0.062;0.033] [0.924;0.051;0.025] [0.939;0.042;0.019] [0.951;0.034;0.014] [0.961;0.028;0.011] [0.969;0.023;0.008] [0.975;0.019;0.006] [0.980;0.015;0.005] -23 [0.142;0.304;0.554] [0.177;0.308;0.515] [0.218;0.307;0.474] [0.266;0.303;0.431] [0.319;0.295;0.386] [0.377;0.283;0.340] [0.439;0.266;0.295] [0.501;0.247;0.252] [0.564;0.225;0.211] [0.624;0.201;0.175] [0.680;0.178;0.142] [0.731;0.155;0.114] [0.777;0.133;0.090] [0.816;0.113;0.071] [0.849;0.096;0.055] [0.878;0.080;0.042] [0.901;0.067;0.032] [0.920;0.055;0.025] [0.936;0.045;0.019] [0.949;0.037;0.014] [0.959;0.031;0.011] [0.967;0.025;0.008] [0.974;0.020;0.006] [0.979;0.017;0.005] [0.983;0.013;0.003] [0.986;0.011;0.003] -24 [0.212;0.325;0.463] [0.259;0.321;0.421] [0.311;0.312;0.377] [0.368;0.299;0.333] [0.428;0.282;0.289] [0.491;0.262;0.247] [0.553;0.239;0.208] [0.613;0.215;0.172] [0.670;0.190;0.140] [0.721;0.166;0.113] [0.767;0.143;0.089] [0.808;0.122;0.070] [0.842;0.103;0.055] [0.871;0.086;0.042] [0.896;0.072;0.032] [0.916;0.060;0.025] [0.932;0.049;0.019] [0.945;0.040;0.014] [0.956;0.033;0.011] [0.965;0.027;0.008] [0.972;0.022;0.006] [0.977;0.018;0.005] [0.982;0.015;0.003] [0.986;0.012;0.003] [0.988;0.010;0.002] [0.991;0.008;0.001] -25 [0.302;0.330;0.368] [0.358;0.316;0.325] [0.418;0.299;0.283] [0.479;0.278;0.242] [0.541;0.254;0.204] [0.602;0.229;0.169] [0.659;0.203;0.138] [0.711;0.178;0.111] [0.758;0.153;0.089] [0.799;0.131;0.070] [0.835;0.111;0.054] [0.865;0.093;0.042] [0.890;0.078;0.032] [0.911;0.064;0.025] [0.928;0.053;0.019] [0.942;0.044;0.014] [0.953;0.036;0.011] [0.963;0.029;0.008] [0.97;0.0240;0.006] [0.976;0.020;0.005] [0.981;0.016;0.003] [0.985;0.013;0.003] [0.988;0.010;0.002] [0.990;0.009;0.001] [0.992;0.007;0.001] [0.994;0.006;0.001] 8 APPENDIX S3.—A) Continuation of the results of dietary simulations for Sturnira erythromos. Latitude Altitude -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 [0.407;0.316;0.277] [0.468;0.295;0.237] [0.529;0.270;0.200] [0.590;0.244;0.167] [0.647;0.217;0.136] [0.700;0.190;0.110] [0.748;0.164;0.088] [0.790;0.141;0.069] [0.827;0.119;0.054] [0.858;0.100;0.042] [0.884;0.084;0.032] [0.906;0.070;0.025] [0.924;0.057;0.019] [0.939;0.047;0.014] [0.951;0.039;0.011] [0.960;0.032;0.008] [0.968;0.026;0.006] [0.974;0.021;0.005] [0.979;0.017;0.003] [0.983;0.014;0.003] [0.987;0.011;0.002] [0.989;0.009;0.001] [0.991;0.008;0.001] [0.993;0.006;0.001] [0.994;0.005;0.001] [0.996;0.004;0.000] [0.517;0.286;0.196] [0.577;0.259;0.164] [0.635;0.231;0.134] [0.689;0.203;0.109] [0.737;0.176;0.087] [0.781;0.151;0.069] [0.818;0.128;0.054] [0.850;0.108;0.042] [0.878;0.090;0.032] [0.900;0.075;0.025] [0.919;0.062;0.019] [0.935;0.051;0.014] [0.947;0.042;0.011] [0.958;0.034;0.008] [0.966;0.028;0.006] [0.973;0.023;0.005] [0.978;0.019;0.003] [0.982;0.015;0.003] [0.986;0.012;0.002] [0.989;0.010;0.001] [0.991;0.008;0.001] [0.993;0.007;0.001] [0.994;0.005;0.001] [0.995;0.004;0.000] [0.996;0.004;0.000] [0.997;0.003;0.000] [0.622;0.246;0.132] [0.677;0.216;0.107] [0.726;0.188;0.086] [0.770;0.162;0.068] [0.809;0.138;0.053] [0.843;0.116;0.041] [0.871;0.097;0.032] [0.895;0.081;0.024] [0.914;0.067;0.019] [0.931;0.055;0.014] [0.944;0.045;0.011] [0.955;0.037;0.008] [0.963;0.030;0.006] [0.971;0.025;0.005] [0.976;0.020;0.003] [0.981;0.016;0.003] [0.985;0.013;0.002] [0.988;0.011;0.001] [0.990;0.009;0.001] [0.992;0.007;0.001] [0.994;0.006;0.001] [0.995;0.005;0.000] [0.996;0.004;0.000] [0.997;0.003;0.000] [0.997;0.003;0.000] [0.998;0.002;0.000] [0.714;0.201;0.085] [0.760;0.173;0.067] [0.800;0.148;0.053] [0.834;0.125;0.041] [0.864;0.105;0.032] [0.888;0.087;0.024] [0.909;0.072;0.019] [0.926;0.060;0.014] [0.940;0.049;0.011] [0.952;0.040;0.008] [0.961;0.033;0.006] [0.969;0.027;0.005] [0.975;0.022;0.003] [0.980;0.018;0.003] [0.984;0.015;0.002] [0.987;0.012;0.001] [0.989;0.010;0.001] [0.991;0.008;0.001] [0.993;0.006;0.001] [0.994;0.005;0.000] [0.996;0.004;0.000] [0.996;0.003;0.000] [0.997;0.003;0.000] [0.998;0.002;0.000] [0.998;0.002;0.000] [0.998;0.001;0.000] [0.789;0.158;0.052] [0.825;0.134;0.041] [0.856;0.113;0.032] [0.882;0.094;0.024] [0.903;0.078;0.019] [0.921;0.065;0.014] [0.936;0.053;0.011] [0.948;0.044;0.008] [0.958;0.036;0.006] [0.966;0.029;0.005] [0.973;0.024;0.003] [0.978;0.019;0.003] [0.982;0.016;0.002] [0.986;0.013;0.001] [0.989;0.010;0.001] [0.991;0.008;0.001] [0.993;0.007;0.001] [0.994;0.006;0.000] [0.995;0.005;0.000] [0.996;0.004;0.000] [0.997;0.003;0.000] [0.997;0.002;0.000] [0.998;0.002;0.000] [0.998;0.002;0.000] [0.999;0.001;0.000] [0.999;0.001;0.000] 9 APPENDIX S3.—B) Results of dietary simulations for Sturnira lilium estimated from model parameters. The composition diet vectors for each combinations of latitude and altitude correspond to [Solanum; Piper; others fruits]. Latitude is expressed in decimal degrees and altitude in meters above sea level. Altitude 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 Latitude -20 [0.267;0.613;0.120] [0.325;0.558;0.117] [0.388;0.499;0.113] [0.455;0.438;0.107] [0.524;0.377;0.099] [0.591;0.319;0.090] [0.655;0.264;0.081] [0.714;0.215;0.071] [0.766;0.173;0.061] [0.811;0.137;0.052] [0.849;0.107;0.044] [0.88;0.0830;0.037] [0.905;0.064;0.030] [0.926;0.049;0.025] [0.942;0.037;0.021] [0.955;0.028;0.017] [0.965;0.021;0.014] [0.973;0.016;0.011] [0.979;0.012;0.009] [0.984;0.009;0.007] [0.987;0.007;0.006] [0.990;0.005;0.005] [0.992;0.004;0.004] [0.994;0.003;0.003] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.002;0.002] -21 [0.293;0.581;0.126] [0.353;0.525;0.122] [0.418;0.465;0.117] [0.486;0.405;0.109] [0.554;0.345;0.100] [0.620;0.289;0.091] [0.682;0.238;0.080] [0.738;0.192;0.070] [0.787;0.153;0.060] [0.828;0.121;0.051] [0.863;0.094;0.043] [0.892;0.073;0.036] [0.915;0.056;0.029] [0.933;0.043;0.024] [0.948;0.032;0.020] [0.959;0.025;0.016] [0.968;0.019;0.013] [0.975;0.014;0.011] [0.981;0.011;0.009] [0.985;0.008;0.007] [0.988;0.006;0.006] [0.991;0.004;0.005] [0.993;0.003;0.004] [0.995;0.003;0.003] [0.996;0.002;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] -22 [0.320;0.549;0.131] [0.382;0.491;0.127] [0.449;0.432;0.120] [0.517;0.372;0.111] [0.584;0.315;0.101] [0.648;0.261;0.090] [0.707;0.213;0.080] [0.760;0.171;0.069] [0.805;0.136;0.059] [0.844;0.107;0.050] [0.876;0.083;0.042] [0.902;0.064;0.034] [0.923;0.049;0.028] [0.940;0.037;0.023] [0.953;0.028;0.019] [0.963;0.021;0.016] [0.971;0.016;0.013] [0.978;0.012;0.010] [0.983;0.009;0.008] [0.986;0.007;0.007] [0.989;0.005;0.005] [0.992;0.004;0.004] [0.994;0.003;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.002;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] -23 [0.347;0.516;0.137] [0.412;0.458;0.130] [0.479;0.398;0.122] [0.547;0.340;0.112] [0.613;0.285;0.102] [0.675;0.235;0.090] [0.731;0.190;0.079] [0.780;0.152;0.068] [0.823;0.120;0.057] [0.858;0.094;0.048] [0.887;0.072;0.040] [0.911;0.056;0.033] [0.930;0.043;0.027] [0.945;0.032;0.022] [0.957;0.025;0.018] [0.967;0.019;0.015] [0.974;0.014;0.012] [0.980;0.011;0.010] [0.984;0.008;0.008] [0.988;0.006;0.006] [0.990;0.004;0.005] [0.992;0.003;0.004] [0.994;0.003;0.003] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] -24 [0.376;0.483;0.141] [0.442;0.424;0.134] [0.509;0.366;0.124] [0.577;0.310;0.113] [0.641;0.258;0.102] [0.700;0.211;0.089] [0.753;0.170;0.077] [0.799;0.135;0.066] [0.838;0.106;0.056] [0.871;0.082;0.047] [0.898;0.063;0.039] [0.919;0.049;0.032] [0.937;0.037;0.026] [0.950;0.028;0.022] [0.961;0.021;0.018] [0.970;0.016;0.014] [0.976;0.012;0.012] [0.982;0.009;0.009] [0.986;0.007;0.008] [0.989;0.005;0.006] [0.991;0.004;0.005] [0.993;0.003;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.002;0.003] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] -25 [0.405;0.450;0.146] [0.472;0.392;0.137] [0.539;0.335;0.126] [0.605;0.281;0.114] [0.667;0.232;0.101] [0.723;0.188;0.088] [0.773;0.151;0.076] [0.816;0.119;0.065] [0.853;0.093;0.054] [0.883;0.072;0.045] [0.907;0.055;0.038] [0.927;0.042;0.031] [0.942;0.032;0.025] [0.955;0.024;0.021] [0.965;0.018;0.017] [0.972;0.014;0.014] [0.978;0.010;0.011] [0.983;0.008;0.009] [0.987;0.006;0.007] [0.990;0.004;0.006] [0.992;0.003;0.005] [0.994;0.002;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.002] 10 APPENDIX S3.—B) Continuation of the results of dietary simulations for Sturnira lilium. Latitude Altitude -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 [0.434;0.417;0.149] [0.501;0.360;0.139] [0.568;0.305;0.127] [0.632;0.254;0.114] [0.692;0.208;0.100] [0.745;0.168;0.087] [0.792;0.133;0.075] [0.832;0.105;0.063] [0.865;0.082;0.053] [0.893;0.063;0.044] [0.915;0.048;0.036] [0.933;0.037;0.030] [0.948;0.028;0.024] [0.959;0.021;0.020] [0.968;0.016;0.016] [0.975;0.012;0.013] [0.980;0.009;0.011] [0.985;0.007;0.009] [0.988;0.005;0.007] [0.991;0.004;0.006] [0.993;0.003;0.005] [0.994;0.002;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.002] [0.463;0.385;0.152] [0.530;0.329;0.141] [0.596;0.277;0.127] [0.658;0.229;0.113] [0.715;0.186;0.099] [0.765;0.149;0.086] [0.809;0.118;0.073] [0.846;0.092;0.061] [0.877;0.072;0.051] [0.902;0.055;0.042] [0.923;0.042;0.035] [0.939;0.032;0.029] [0.952;0.024;0.023] [0.962;0.018;0.019] [0.971;0.014;0.016] [0.977;0.010;0.013] [0.982;0.008;0.010] [0.986;0.006;0.008] [0.989;0.004;0.007] [0.991;0.003;0.005] [0.993;0.002;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.004] [0.996;0.001;0.003] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.001] [0.492;0.353;0.155] [0.558;0.300;0.142] [0.623;0.250;0.127] [0.682;0.205;0.112] [0.737;0.166;0.098] [0.784;0.132;0.084] [0.825;0.104;0.071] [0.859;0.081;0.060] [0.888;0.063;0.050] [0.911;0.048;0.041] [0.930;0.037;0.034] [0.944;0.028;0.028] [0.956;0.021;0.023] [0.966;0.016;0.018] [0.973;0.012;0.015] [0.979;0.009;0.012] [0.983;0.007;0.010] [0.987;0.005;0.008] [0.990;0.004;0.006] [0.992;0.003;0.005] [0.994;0.002;0.004] [0.995;0.002;0.003] [0.996;0.001;0.003] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.001] [0.520;0.323;0.157] [0.586;0.272;0.142] [0.648;0.225;0.127] [0.705;0.183;0.111] [0.757;0.147;0.096] [0.801;0.117;0.082] [0.839;0.091;0.069] [0.871;0.071;0.058] [0.897;0.055;0.048] [0.919;0.042;0.040] [0.936;0.032;0.032] [0.949;0.024;0.027] [0.960;0.018;0.022] [0.969;0.014;0.018] [0.975;0.010;0.014] [0.981;0.008;0.012] [0.985;0.006;0.009] [0.988;0.004;0.008] [0.991;0.003;0.006] [0.993;0.002;0.005] [0.994;0.002;0.004] [0.995;0.001;0.003] [0.996;0.001;0.003] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.000;0.001] [0.548;0.294;0.158] [0.612;0.246;0.142] [0.672;0.202;0.126] [0.727;0.163;0.109] [0.775;0.130;0.094] [0.817;0.103;0.080] [0.853;0.080;0.067] [0.882;0.062;0.056] [0.906;0.048;0.046] [0.925;0.037;0.038] [0.941;0.028;0.031] [0.953;0.021;0.026] [0.963;0.016;0.021] [0.971;0.012;0.017] [0.977;0.009;0.014] [0.982;0.007;0.011] [0.986;0.005;0.009] [0.989;0.004;0.007] [0.991;0.003;0.006] [0.993;0.002;0.005] [0.995;0.002;0.004] [0.996;0.001;0.003] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.997;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.001;0.002] [0.998;0.000;0.001] 11