politics books

Government 94ha
The Political Science of American Democracy:
The Federalist and Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
Books required for purchase:
THE FEDERALIST, Gideon edition, G. Carey ed., Liberty Fund.
Alexis de Tocqueville, DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, H. Mansfield & D. Winthrop trans.,
Univ. of Chicago Press pb.
Thomas Paine, COMMON SENSE, Dover Thrift edition.
Thomas Jefferson, SELECTED WRITINGS, H. Mansfield, ed., Croft’s Classics, Wiley
DEBATES, Ralph Ketcham, ed., Penguin pb.
Abraham Lincoln, THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Steven B. Smith, ed., Yale
Univ. Press pb.
1. September 9, 2015: The Federalist and Democracy in America as books. What is a
constitution? The modern liberal concept vs. the Aristotelian. What is democracy?
Its two meanings.
Readings: Aristotle on the regime, Politics, Book 3, chs. 3, 6, 7 (Carnes Lord
translation); Locke, Two Treatises on Government, II 51, 76, 132, 153, 157, 230.
2. September 16, 2015: The American experiment; the Anti-Federalists and Tom
Paine; the republican tradition; choice and necessity.
Readings: Federalist, 1-9; Abraham Lincoln, Message to Congress, July 4, 1861 (pp.
345-347 in Smith edition), Gettysburg Address (p. 417); Paine, Common Sense; The
Anti-Federalist Papers, pp. 199-208, 228-237, 257-269, 331-335.
3. September 23, 2015: How to interpret Federalist 10; the political science of The
Federalist and its innovations.
Readings: Federalist 10-39. Robert A. Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory, ch. 1;
Douglas Adair, Fame and the Founding Fathers, pp. 93-106; David Epstein, The
Political Theory of The Federalist, ch. 3.
4. September 30, 2015: Separation of Powers, how attained and maintained.
Readings: Federalist 40-51.
5. October 7, 2015: The Three Branches of Government; the separate powers
Readings: Federalist 52-85.
6. October 14, 2015: Democracy’s legitimacy problem; the “point of departure”; the
forms of American government.
Readings: Democracy in America, Introduction, vol. 1, part 1, chs. 1-8 (pp. 3-161).
7. October 21, 2015: Sovereignty of the people; the fragility of the forms of
government; associations; tyranny of the majority.
Readings: Democracy in America, 1. 2. 1-7 (pp. 165-249).
8. October 28, 2015: Tyranny of the majority and the three races.
Readings: Democracy in America, 1. 2. 8-10 (pp. 250-396); Federalist 54;Thomas
Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, Query 14, letter to John Holmes, April 22, 1820
(Selected Writings, pp. 36-43, 91-92); Lincoln, Speech on the Dred Scott Decision (pp.
114-119, Smith edition), First Lincoln-Douglas Debate (pp. 163-178); Frederick
Douglass, Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1876 (online).
9. November 4, 2015: The democratic intellect, its merits, faults, and foibles.
Readings: Democracy in America, 2. 1. 1-21 (pp. 399-476).
10. November 11, 2015: Democratic sentiments and the danger of individualism.
Readings: Democracy in America, 2. 2. 1-20 (pp. 479-532); Lincoln, Address to the
Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, 1859 (pp. 268-278).
11. November 18, 2015: Democratic mores—servants, women, honor, the military.
Readings: Democracy in America, 2. 3. 1-26 (pp. 535-635).
12. December 2, 2015: The danger of mild despotism.
Readings: Democracy in America, 2. 4. 1-8 (pp. 639-676).
Requirements: Two papers, the first on The Federalist of seven pages, due on email
at midnight October 13; the second paper on Democracy in America of ten pages,
due at end of course, time TBD; plus a short verbal class report. No final