5.01 HENRY-SENACHWINE CUSD 5 OFFICIAL MINUTES Page 1 APRIL 22, 2015 I. PRESENT II. ABSENT A regular and organizational meeting of the Board of Education of the HenrySenachwine CUSD 5 was held in the Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center, 1023 College Ave., Henry, Illinois on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 7:09 p.m. There were present in person: Lori DeWeerth, Angela Earles, Michelle Gibson, Edi Perdew, Steve Rowe and Randy Witko, comprising a quorum of the Board. There were absent: Mary Jo Klein OATH OF OFFICE III. Superintendent Miller administered the Oath of Office to all the members of the Board of Education. APPROVE AGENDA IV. Motion by Steve Rowe, seconded by Michelle Gibson, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 approve the agenda as presented. Roll Call: Voice Vote. Motion carried. HONOR DEPARTING BOARD MEMBER NOMINATE BOARD PRESIDENT V. VI. The board honored departing board member, Sibyl Schrock, with a gift certificate to thank her for her service to the school district. Motion by Steve Rowe, seconded by Randy Witko, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 nominates Edith Perdew to serve as board president. There being no other nominations for president, Edith Perdew was elected by unanimous ballot to serve a two-year term. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. NOMINATE BOARD VICE PRESIDENT VII. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Edi Perdew, seconded by Michelle Gibson, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 nominates Randy Witko to serve as board vice president. There being no other nominations for vice president, Randy Witko was elected by unanimous ballot to serve a two-year term. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. NOMINATE BOARD SECRETARY VIII. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Angela Earles, seconded by Edi Perdew, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 nominates Mary Jo Klein to serve as board secretary. There being no other nominations for secretary, Mary Jo Klein was elected by unanimous ballot to serve a two-year term. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. NOMINATE BOARD TREASURER IX. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Steve Rowe, seconded by Angie Earles that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 nominates Michelle Gibson to serve as board treasurer. There being no other nominations for treasurer, Michelle Gibson was elected by unanimous ballot to serve a two-year term. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; APRIL 22, 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 5.01 HENRY-SENACHWINE CUSD 5 OFFICIAL MINUTES Page 2 Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. SET SECRETARY’S SALARY X. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Steve Rowe, seconded by Michelle Gibson, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 set the secretary’s salary at $500 per year. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. AUTHORIZE TREASURER’S SIGNATURE FOR BANKING TRANSACTONS AND REAFFIRM EXITING POLICIES, CONTRACTS, DEPOSITORIES XI. ESTABLISH DATE AND TIME OF BOARD MEETINGS XII. RECOGNITION OF GUESTS CORRESPONDENCE XIII. APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA XIV. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Edi Perdew, Seconded by Angie Earles, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 authorize the treasurer’s signature for Henry State Bank, Illinois Funds, Heartland Bank and Trust, Lacon Community Bank, ISDLAF Account and all other banking transactions (including certificates of deposit purchased) requiring the treasurer’s signature and reaffirm existing policies, contracts, and depositories of school funds. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Edi Perdew, seconded by Randy Witko, that the Board of Education of CUSD 5 establish the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for the regular board meetings. Location of the regular meetings will be held in the high school media center. Roll Call: Voice Vote. Motion carried. Recognition of guests: Tammy Henderson, Wes Henderson, Kyle Henderson, Dan Smith, Clark Owsley, Ken Giordano – IVSC. 13.01 Student of the Month – Kyle Henderson. 13.02 Thank you card. Motion by Steve Rowe, seconded by Angie Earles, that the consent agenda be approved as presented. Roll Call: Voice Vote. Motion carried. ACCEPT BILLS, PAYROLL AND XV. 14.01 Approve BMP’s bills, payroll and financial information. 14.02 Approve the employment of Laurie Real as Food Service Personnel. Criminal background checks have been completed. 14.03 Approve the employment of James Walker as a Temporary High School Teacher. 14.04 Approve the resignation of BMP Psychologist, Brenna Pardieck. 14.05 Approve the dismissal of BMP bookkeeper, Linsey Deery. 14.06 Approve the employment for 2015-2016 of BMP Psychologist, Jody Juillerat pending results of the criminal background search. 14.07 Approve the employment for 2015-2016 of BMP Psychologist, Jennifer Love pending the results of the criminal background search. 14.08 Approve the employment of Denise Williams as BMP bookkeeper. Employment is contingent upon the results of the criminal background check. 15.01 Motion by Edi Perdew, seconded by Angie Earles, that the Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 accept the following as presented. APRIL 22, 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 5.01 HENRY-SENACHWINE CUSD 5 OFFICIAL MINUTES Page 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Balance Sheet. Investment Schedule. Financial Report. Bills. Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. 15.02 Motion by Edi Perdew, seconded by Michelle Gibson, that the Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 approve the semi-annual review of closed session minutes. Recommended keeping them closed due to confidentiality. APPROVE SEMIANNUAL REVIEW OF CLOSED SESSION MINUTES Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. 15.03 Motion by Randy Witko, seconded by Steve Rowe, that the Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 approve the bid for all work required by the bidding documents in the amount of $194,000 from Advance Asphalt Company for the track renovation project and the associated building permit application. APPROVE TRACK RENOVATION PROJECT BID Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. 15.03 Motion by Edi Perdew, seconded by Angie Earles, that the Board of Education of Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 approve the football co-operative between Midland CUSD 7 and Henry-Senachwine CUSD 5 and Lowpoint-Washburn District 21with the following changes to language - item 3b – expenses include grounds keeping of home facilities defined as mowing, fertilizing and maintenance not to exceed total cost of $2,000 per season. Also, 3C – Pending legal review, and IHSA application for accuracy. APPROVE FOOTBALL COOP AGREEMENT Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Nay. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS, REQUESTS & ARTICLES GRADE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S REPORT XVI. Yea 5, Nay 1, Absent 1. Motion carried. Board Member Reports/Requests/Articles: 16.01 None XVII. Administrators’ Reports: A. Grade School Principal – Mrs. Nelson: 1. Track has started. Ruark Crawley and Brady Bushnell are the coaches. There are 23 boys and 23 girls on the teams. 2. Upcoming Dates: APRIL 22, 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 5.01 HENRY-SENACHWINE CUSD 5 OFFICIAL MINUTES Page 4 Sunday, May 3 Thursday, May 7 Tuesday, May 12 Thursday, May 14 Friday, May 15 Friday, May 15 Tuesday, May 26 Friday, May 29 HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT XVIII. DISCUSSION ITEMS XIX. EXECUTIVE SESSION XX. 1:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Spring Band Concert at HSHS Jazz/Swing Show Art Show Choral Concert Kindergarten Orientation Arts in Education in Peoria Awards Night 8t h Grade Graduation B. High School Principal: 1. The Junior-Senior prom will be held on Saturday, April 25th. 2. HSHS Freshmen will have an opportunity to visit Illinois Wesleyan University’s campus on Wednesday, April 22nd. 3. A College and Career Day was held for students on March 20th. I have received a lot of positive feedback on this event. Many thanks to Rita Self and the staff for helping to coordinate and supervise this event. Superintendent’s Report: 18.01 Funding Legislation and ISBE Updates. 18.02 Required Board Member Training. Discussion Items: 19.01 District Property. 19.02 Health Insurance. Motion by Steve Rowe, Seconded by Michelle Gibson, that the Board of Education go into executive session at 9:00 p.m. for the purpose of A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. B. Motion by Steve Rowe, Seconded by Edi Perdew, that the Board of Education come out of executive session at 9:07 p.m. OUT OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Roll Call: DeWeerth, Yea; Earles, Yea; Gibson, Yea; Klein, Absent; Perdew, Yea; Rowe, Yea; Witko, Yea. ADJOURN MEETING XXI. Yea 6, Nay 0, Absent 1. Motion carried. Motion by Michelle Gibson, Seconded by Angie Earles, that the Board of Education adjourn its meeting at 9:08 p.m. _______________________________________ Board President _______________________________________ Board Secretary APRIL 22, 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING