1.API name: buscarEventos Description: Search the current or upcoming events BD whose title matches the specified texo. Input: param String $ text string to search the event (currently in the title) Output: return Array Returns an array with information of the events that match the search text. 2.API name: deleteAlerta Description: Removes the BD alert. Input: 1. Alarm type to be eliminated (event, event, program). 2. Event ID whose alarm you want removed Output: 3.API name: deleteCheckin Description: Removes a checkin of the BD Input: Id event you want to delete check-in. Output: 4.API name: deleteComentario Description: Eliminates especiicado comment. Input: $id_comentario Id comment you want to delete. Output: Returns true if the comment has been removed and false otherwise. 5.API name: deleteFavorito Description: BD removed from the last favorite as a parameter. Input: $ favorite favorite object to be deleted from the database. Output: Returns true if the favorite is successfully removed, false otherwise. 6.API name: deleteMeGusta Description: Eliminates especiicado comment. Input: $ id_comentario Id comment you want to delete. Output: Returns true if the comment has been removed and false otherwise. 7.API name: deletePerfilCanales Description: BD removed from the profile specified channels. Input: $ profileID Profile ID channel that you want to delete. Output: Returns true if the profile channels and false otherwise removed. 8.API name: getActividadReciente Description: Returns an array of the latest actions taken by users considering * Privacy they have established. For that the user making the request is necessary to check * If it is a friend of the users who have made actions. Input: $ user object user making the request. Output: Returns an array of the latest actions taken by users. 9.API name: getAlertas Description: Collect alerts configured by the user making the request * Results are paged, hence a parameter that specifies that number is received * Page you want to collect. Input: Page number of the results to be obtained. Output: 10.API name: getAlertasPendientes Description: It will call when you want this operation to collect the data of the alerts to be added to the device Input: Output: 1.Check all the events of the next 24 hours for which the user has configured an alarm and returns 2.Data required for the alerts on the devices are configured. 11.API name: getAmigos Description: We call this operation when you want to pick up friends (those who are in buaala) * And no friends (those who have not have facebook account buaala) Input : Array ids facebook friends User. Output: 12.API name: getAmigosBuaala Description: Returns an array with the information specified user's friends Input : User $ user object which friends you want to collect. Output: Returns an array with the information specified user's friends. 13.API name: getApps Description: Returns an array of recommended apps (now just the ones in the database). * Depending on the source of the request (ipad, android, web ...) will return a type of applications or other Input: $ origin Type of device from which the request is made (ipad, android, web ...) Output: Returns an array with the information of the recommended apps filtered according to the source device. 14.API name: getBanners Description: Returns banners to be displayed in the APPLICATION Input: Output: 15.API name: getCanales Description: Returns a result set that contains the information of all active channels (those events) Input: Output: Returns the result set obtained after consulting the active channels 16.API name: getCanalOnline Description: Returns an array of online data channel specified Input: $ id_canal_online Id online channel whose information you want to collect Output: Returns an array with the specified channel information or false if any error occurs 17.API name: getCategorias Description: Returns an array with the names of the categories to which the event belongs Input: Output: Returns an array with the names of the categories to which the event belongs. 18.API name: getCheckIns Description: Returns the result set obtained by querying the check-ins for the specified user. Input: $ user The user which want to collect the check-ins made. Output: Returns the result set returned by the query or false if any error occurs. 19.API name: getComentarios Description: Collect the comments made on the specified event Input: $ event_id Event ID whose comments they want collected. Output: Returns an array with comments pertaining to the specified event or false in case of error or there are no comments 20.API name: getConfiguracion Description: This operation is called when you want to collect configuration parameters Input: Output: 21.API name: getDestacados Description: Returns an array with the information of the highlights. Now returns recommended for the average user events Input: Output: Returns an array with the information of the highlights. 22.API name: getEvento Description: Returns the result set containing all the information specified event Input: $ event_id Event ID whose information you want to collect. Output: It returns an array containing the information specified event or false on error. 23.API name: getFavoritos Description: Returns an array of all the data obtained by consulting the list of the specified user. Input: 1. $ user The user which want to pick a favorite. 2. $ paging Whether to paginate the results or not (return all) Output: Returns an array of all the data obtained by the query or false if any error occurs. 24.API name: getInspirateEventos Description: Returns an array with the information recommended by the intelligence engine events. Input: User $ user object for which you want to collect the recommended events Output: Returns an array with the information of the recommended events for the user by intelligence engine. 25.API name: getInspirateUsuarios Description: Returns recommended by the intelligence engine to the user making the request users. * Currently only returns an array of user facebook friends who have buaala and those without. Input: Output: Array with the IDs and names of the user's friends on Facebook 26.API name: getNoAmigos Description: Returns the user's Facebook friends who have Buaala. Input: Output: Array with the IDs and names of the user's friends on Facebook 27.API name: getNotificaciones Description: Returns an array with the specified user notifications p ending reading. Input: User $ user object which you want to collect overdue notifications Output: Returns an array with the specified user notifications pending reading. 28.API name: getParrilla Description: Returns the result set obtained after consulting the grill TV for the specified day * Or for the current day if none is indicated. Input: $ Date Date which is to collect the grill (18/06/2013) Output: Returns the result set obtained by querying the grill. 29.API name: getPerfil Description: Data of the user profile making the request to be called when you want this operation to collect Input: Output: 30.API name: getPerfilesCanales Description: Returns an array of profiles specified user channels Input: User $ user object that you want to collect the profiles of channels. Output: Returns an array of profiles specified user channels 31.API name: getProximosProgramas Description: Returns the programs shown on the cover whose beginning is imminent. Input: Output: 32.API name: getTvOnline Description: Returns the data needed to display on the device screen "Online TV" or "Connect" Online channels, latest videos ... Input: Output: 33.API name: localizarCheckin Description: DB updated coordinates and direction from which was made the specified checkin. Input: $ check_in Checkin object whose location you want to update Output: Returns true if the data are updated correctly and false otherwise 34.API name: localizarComentario Description: DB updated coordinates and direction from which was made the comment specified. Input: 1. 2. 3. 4. id_comentario comment Id whose data they want updated. $ latitude Latitude from which you made the comment. $ length length from which the comment is made $ address address from which the comment is made. Output: Returns true if the data are updated correctly and false otherwise 35.API name: localizarFavorito Description: DB updated coordinates and direction from which was made the specified favorite. Input: $ favorite favorite object whose location you want to update. Output: Returns true if the data are updated correctly and false otherwise 36.API name: localizarMeGusta Description: BD updated coordinates and the direction from which was made the specified MeGusta. Input: $ me_gusta MeGusta object whose location you want to update Output: Returns true if the data are updated correctly and false otherwise 37.API name: registrarInfoUsuario Description: BD inserted into the user data and initializes the intelligence engine. Input: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Personal user data collected facebook User interests Programs and series that the user wants to see (likes) Programs and series that the user has viewed User friends on Facebook Output: 38.API name: setAlerta Description: Add an alert in the database with the specified data Input: 1. Alarm type to be created (event, event, program). 2. Event ID from which created alarm. 3. Minutes prior to departure with which the user wants to be remembered before the event starts. Output: 39.API name: setCheckin Description: Insert a check in the BD Input: $ check_in Check-in you want to insert in the database. Output: Returns true if the check-in is inserted correctly and false otherwise. 40.API name: setComentario Description: BD inserted into the specified comment Input: $ comment Object comment you want to insert in the database Output: Returns true if the comment is inserted correctly and false otherwise. 41.API name: setFavorito Description: Inserts a favorite in the database Input: $ favorite favorite object to be inserted into the BD Output: Returns true if the avorito is inserted correctly and false otherwise. 42.API name: setMeGusta Description: I like to insert a BD Input: $ me_gusta MeGusta Object to be inserted in the database. Output: Returns true if I like is inserted correctly and false otherwise. 43.API name: setPerfil Description: We call this operation when you want to update the user's profile Input: 1. Personal user data. 2. Privacy settings defined by the user. Output: 44.API name: setPerfilCanales Description: Create a new profile of channels belonging to the specified user. Input: 1. $ user object you want to create user profile channel 2. $ name Name that you want to give the profile channels. 3. $ Array channel ids channels that are to make up the profile channels Output: Returns true if the profile channels are correctly and creates false otherwise. 45.API name: setPuntuacion Description: Sets the specified punctuation in the event that the action taken has just been scoring an event. Input: $ punctuation Punctuation with which he praised the event Output: Returns true if the profile channels are correctly and creates false otherwise. 46.API name: setRecomendacion Description: Insert the recommendation specified in the database. Input: $ recommendation Recommendation object to be inserted into the BD. Output: Returns true if the recommendation is inserted correctly and false otherwise.