Camden County College CRJ.AS Associate in Criminal Justice (2015 APG) to Rutgers @ CCC Blackwood B.A. Criminal Justice Courses Completed at Camden County College Course # Course Title Credits CRJ 101 Administration of Justice 3 CRJ 105 ENG 101 Criminal Law English Composition I 3 3 SOC 101 PSY 101 CSC 101 CRJ 104 CRJ 106 CRJ 203 ENG 102 Intro to Sociology or Basic Psychology (Soc 101 needed as prereq for SOC-102) Computer Literacy Course Title/GenEd Area Criminal Justice In 50202201 Amer. 50202361 Topics in Criminal Law 50350101 English Composition Course # Credits 3 3 3 3 Elective 3 3 Quantitative Skills 3 Juvenile Justice Confinement and Corr. Elective English Composition Quantitative Skills 3 3 3 3 3 Social Science 3 Juvenile Delinquency Contemporary Corrections Principles of Investigation English Composition II Mathematics GE Elective 3 3 3 3 3 Intro to Political Science or American Federal Government 3 CRJ 103 Legal Systems 3 CRJ 251 Crime Analysis Public Administration Public Speaking Social Science GE Elective rec: SOC102 3 3 3 50:950:281 Courts and Criminal Law Elective Social Science Elective 3 50:920:208 Contemp. Social Prob 3 CRJ … Criminal Justice Elective rec: CRJ 206 OR CRJ107 OR CRJ108 3 50:202:324 50:202:352 50:202:360 Organized Crime Community Corrections Topics in Police 3 HIS 101 World Civilization I 3 POL 112 Public Personnel Administration 3 PHL 131 Introduction to Ethics 3 Laboratory Science GE Elective BIO, CHM, PHY 4 MTH 107 POL 101 or POL 103 POL 111 SPE 102 64 50:202:322 50:202:203 50:350:102 50:202:204 50:510:101 50:730:226 History, Philosophy, or Religion Social Science History, Philosophy, or Religion Natural Science 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 60