Integrated Lang Art & Western Civilization Gr. 4

Offsite Course Template
Offsite Course Name: Language Arts and Western Civilizations
Grade Level: 4
Subject: Social Studies and Language Arts
Class Description:
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This class is an integrated English and social studies course. The student will be doing a survey
study of Western Civilizations. Primary subjects include American, European, and Ancient
history, saint stories, legends and literature. The student will be reading related fiction and nonfiction books, mapping and creating a timeline of events, as well as doing activities related to the
time period. These activities may include art and crafts projects, cooking projects, and science
projects. The student will be integrating the study of grammar, spelling, and writing using the
textbook Writing with Ease (focusing on copy work and narration) along with the above
mentioned history books.
Learning Materials:
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Writing with Ease 1
Heritage History (Young Readers): Including CD of historical fiction and non-fiction literature
plus discussion guide for reading comprehension.
Learning Goals/Performance Objectives:
This section will be completed in Wings. Select the “GLE Chooser” button, enter grade level
and category/subject. Either select each item individually that pertain to your class or use the
“select all” button then “select save” at the bottom.
Learning Activities:
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Heritage History: Stories of the Vikings (home life, explorations, beliefs, ships, famous Vikings)
Writing With Ease: Weeks 1-3 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: Stories of Siegfried Told to the Children (Norse legend)
Writing With Ease: Weeks 4-7 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: The Men Who Found America (Columbus, Balboa, Cortez, Pizarro, De Soto,
Raleigh, Pocahontas); Stories From the Pilgrim’s Progress Told to Children; Stories of the
Writing With Ease: Weeks 8-11 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: The American Book of Golden Deeds (True stories of real Americans who did
good deeds)
Writing With Ease: Weeks 12-14 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: The Story of Abraham Lincoln; Uncle Tom’s Cabin Told to the Children; Unit
on Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks
Writing With Ease: Weeks 15-17(Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: Stories From Greek History (Solon, Pelopidas, Alexander the Great); Stories
From the Iliad Told to the Children; Stories From the Odyssey Told to the Children; Unit on
Greek mythology and the Olympics.
Writing With Ease: Weeks 18-22 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: Stories From Roman History (Romulus and Remus, Hannibal, Maximus,
Pompey, and Caesar); Our Little Roman Cousin; Unit on Roman Mythology and inventions.
Writing With Ease: Weeks 23-26 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: Stories From French History (King Clovis, St. Louis the 9th, Joan of Arc,
Charlemagne, Marie Antoinette); The Story of Joan of Arc; The Story of Napoleon; Book of
Legends (most famous legends in western civilization)
Writing With Ease: Weeks 27-30 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: Stories From English History (Caradoc, William the Conqueror, King John);
Stories From Gulliver’s Travels; Cambridge Historical Reader- Primary (King Arthur, Macbeth,
Mary Queen of Scots)
Writing With Ease: Weeks 31-34 (Copy work and narration)
Heritage History: History and Geography of Washington State (mapping, Native Americans,
Writing With Ease: Weeks 35 plus Mastery Evaluation
Progress Criteria/Methods of Evaluation:
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For all learning activities, formative assessment will be conducted throughout the duration of the
course and noted in the monthly progress. Summative assessments will be scheduled as deemed
appropriate in content and skill areas where a summative assessment aids the teacher and parent
to determine the student’s progress. Timelines for student work samples and progress reviews
are outlined in the Learning Activities section of this learning plan. This student is on a
continuous progress, individualized assessment schedule that is reviewed and modified as
needed. The POD teacher is the certificated teacher responsible for the student’s WSLP,
including the on-going review of all on-site and off-site classes.
Cedars Code:
This section will be completed in WINGS by the Teacher Consultant when approving off-site