交通大學 電子工程學系 電子研究所 「磐石課程」課程綱要 課程名稱:(中文)電磁波 (英文) Electromagnetic Wave 學分數 3 必/選修 選修 開課單位 電子工程學系 永久課號 DEE3310 開課年級 大三 先修科目或先備能力: 微積分/工數/大一物理/電磁學 Calculus/Engineering Mathematics/General Physics/Electromagnetics 課程概述與目標: 本課程將用漢語介紹電磁波的基本應用。 This course will introduce in Mandarin Chinese the basic applications of Electromagnetic Wave 課程大綱 單元主題 內容綱要 Time Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations Maxwells equations; potential functions; electromagnetic boundary conditions; wave equations and their solutions; time harmonic fields. Plane Electromagnetic Waves Plane waves in lossless media; plane waves in lossy media; group velocity; floe of electromagnetic power and the Poynting vector; normal incidence at a plane conducting boundary; normal incidence at a plane dielectric boundary; normal incidence at multiple dielectric interfaces; oblique incidence at a plane dielectric boundary. Transverse electromagnetic wave along a parallel-plate transmission Theory and Applications of Transmission line; general transmission line equations; wave characteristics on Lines finite transmission lines; transients on transmission lines; the Smith chart; transmission line impedance matching. Waveguides and Cavity Resonators General wave behaviors along uniform guiding structures; parallelplate waveguides; rectangular waveguides; dielectric waveguides; cavity resonators. Antennas and Radiating Systems Radiation fields of elemental dipoles; antenna patterns and antenna parameters; thin linear antennas; antenna arrays; receiving antennas; transmit-receive systems; some other antenna types; aperture radiators.