Minutes of the Parish of Hollingbourne Annual Parish Church Meeting In All Saints’ Church on 6th April 2014 at 12noon ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Present: Rev Nigel Fry Andrew Brice, Alison & Vernon Finch, Carole & Jim Findlay, Jan Fry, Jo Horton, Shula Lee, Val & Peter Lurcock, Jim Rabbett, John Cobbett, Pauline Stubbs, Jean Talboys, Pat & Rosemarie Sandford, Derek Davison, Jim Johnson, Rosemary Pollock, Sue Woodhouse and Natalie Williams. 1. Apologies for absence: Rosemary Stratton, Val Prentice, Frances Crossley, Mary & Ivor Tapsfield, Sue & Roland King and Paula, Derek & Gavin Bilbrough 2. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 7th April 2013 Had been circulated 3. Matters arising from these minutes There were none The adoption of the Minutes was proposed by Jan Fry and Jim Findlay 4. Clergy Report Nigel thanked many people for their work for All Saints’ Church, including: Churchwarden Jim Findlay Members of the PCC Organists – Sue King and Judith Sweatman, Choir and Choir Master Vernon Finch, sides-people, flower arrangers, cleaners, bell ringers and those who make the coffee and lead our intercessions each week. Those who help with Messy Church The new PCC secretariat – Val Lurcock, Natalie Williams and Paula Bilbrough Derek Bilbrough (ALM) and Revd Robin Gill, in their absence, for their support in leading services. Derek & Paula for their continued dedication to helping Leeds Church Margery Noar for her help as sacristan Jim Johnson for his work as Treasurer Marion Pring for all her dedication to the church as she now retires from being a member of the PCC and Verger after many years of service (including as Churchwarden) Val Lurcock for compiling and distributing the Annual Reports 5. Single Parish Nigel read out a circulated document outlining the impact of having a single PCC (document attached to these minutes). He suggested that of the two options of ‘sub committees’ for overseeing finance and fabric, a DCC would be the best option as it would be appointed and delegated from the APCM and there would therefore be tighter control. The following issues were then discussed: The focus of the single PCC would be on Ministry and Mission Finances would definitely be kept separate and any funds given specifically to a church would be used for the work of that church. Any Benefice mission initiatives would be funded proportionately and appropriately from individual churches. If difficulties were experienced in forming a DCC in any of the 4 churches, the future sustainability of that church would need to be assessed. 6. Report of the Electoral Roll Officer There are presently 51 names on the Electoral Roll: 38 are residents 13 are non residents. This is a decline of 4 from the previous year. 7. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of Accounts A brief summery from the accounts is listed in the Annual Report and Jim Johnson highlighted the continued deficit in church funds due to the Parish Share being affected by the reduction in Leeds contributions and Hollingbourne having to make up the difference. (Hollingbourne currently pays three times more than Leeds). Jim Johnson thanked his predecessor for creating a reserves bank to help with unforeseen financial circumstances, for example the tree that fell in the graveyard. A ‘TRIO’ initiative is to be brought in this year, which will hopefully increase the amount of giving and help towards the deficit. The adoption of the accounts for 2013 were proposed by Peter Lurcock and seconded by John Cobbett. 8. Fabric Report Nigel thanked the Friends of Hollingbourne for their continued support. The Friends of Hollingbourne AGM is Thursday 22nd May 8pm at the Church. Sue Woodhouse thanked those who were involved in keeping the borders at the front of the church area looking welcoming. 9. Social Committee Report Nigel thanked the Social Committee for all their support 10. Deanery Synod Report The Area Dean has resigned, leaving a gap in the Deanery Ministry and Mission. 11. Other Reports a. Gift Aid Secretary’s Report Jim Findlay requested tax payers who give donations to the church to be kind enough to gift aid it. b. Parish Magazine The new editor will be leaving, if anyone could suggest a suitable replacement, please contact Jim Findlay. c. Hollingbourne Helpers Jan Fry noted that they were desperate for volunteer drivers to help 12. Election of Deanery Synod members Derek and Pauline Bilbrough stood for re-election Proposed by Pauline Stubbs and seconded by Jim Findlay 13. Election of PCC members Due to Marion Pring’s retirement, Peter Lurcock has been nominated to join the PCC by Jim Findlay and Pauline Stubbs. Nigel thanked all the PCC members for their contributions 14. Election of Sidesmen/women Derek is leaving, which leaves 13 on the list. An extra person would be appreciated. Nigel thanked again all the sides people for the important job of greeting and welcoming people into the church. 15. Any other business Jim Rabbett thanked Jan Fry, Mary Tapsfield and others for their hard work in organising the Men’s Breakfasts. Appreciation was noted to Jim Findlay for organising future Men’s Breakfasts at the Dirty Habbit. Jim Findlay thanked Nigel and Jan Fry for all their continued support Jan Fry asked for volunteers to help in any way to arrange the collection and distribution of Christian Aid as Jan Fry will be retiring this year and there is currently no one to take her place. Jan suggested other ideas of fund raising instead e.g. cake sales. The village on average used to raise between £700-800 and it is disappointing that there will be no collection this year. Nigel thanked Mary Rebett, who is retiring as representative for the vulnerable adults; a replacement for her will need to be found. Nigel closed the APCM with a prayer Signed……………………………………………. Date……………………..