25 June 2015 Metadata - Survey of lianas and reproduction for large trees in the Pasoh Research Forest, Malaysia We surveyed trees larger than 30 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) in the 50-ha plot in the Pasoh Research Forest between May and September 2002 and again between 18 July and 10 August 2014. We recorded crown exposure to sunlight and the level of infestation of the crown by lianas in both surveys and tree reproductive status in the 2014 survey. The 2014 survey occurred during a major general flowering event. We opportunistically included trees smaller than 30 cm DBH that were reproductive. All surveyed trees are included. During the 2014 survey, we attempted to locate every tree larger than 30 cm DBH. During the 2002 survey, we skipped individuals of several abundant species. Variable definitions and allowable values follow: TAG – number on tag attached to tree (an integer) SP – a six-letter mnemonic used to identify species Genus – genus taken from the August 2012 Pasoh taxonomy report Species – species take from the August 2012 Pasoh taxonomy report GX – meters east of the southwest corner of the 50-ha plot (ranges from 0 to 1000) GY – meters north of the southwest corner of the 50-ha plot (ranges from 0 to 500) DBH2000 – diameter (mm) in 2000 measured 1.3 m above ground & above abnormalities DBH2005 – diameter (mm) in 2005 measured 1.3 m above ground & above abnormalities DBH2010 – diameter (mm) in 2010 measured 1.3 m above ground & above abnormalities C2002 – index of tree crown exposure to sunlight in 2002 (values are 0, 1 and 2) (defined below) L2002 – index of crown infestation by lianas in 2002 (values are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) (defined below) C2014 – index of tree crown exposure to sunlight in 2014 (values are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) (defined below) L2014 – index of crown infestation by lianas in 2014 (values are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) (defined below) R2014 – tree reproductive status in 2014 (values are 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) (defined below) The five levels used for the index of crown exposure to sunlight in 2014 follow: Crown 2014 Level 5 – emergent tree whose crown receives direct sunlight from all directions Crown 2014 Level 4 – canopy tree whose crown receives direct sunlight from above Crown 2014 Level 3 – subcanopy tree whose crown is partially overtopped by at least one taller tree, but with more than 10% and less than 90% of the crown exposed to sunlight from directly overhead Crown 2014 Level 2 – subcanopy tree whose crown is entirely overtopped by taller trees and that only receives direct sunlight when the solar disc passes in front of a hole in the canopy. The foliage of the tree is usually directed toward this source of direct sunlight. Crown 2014 Level 1 – subcanopy tree that is entirely overtopped by taller trees and that only receives direct sunlight from small sunflecks The three levels used for the index of crown exposure to sunlight in 2002 follow: Crown 2002 Level 0 – corresponds to levels 1 and 2 of the 2014 crown exposure index Crown 2002 Level 1 – corresponds to level 3 of the 2014 crown exposure index Crown 2002 Level 2 – corresponds to levels 4 and 5 of the 2014 crown exposure index The five levels used for the index of liana infestation in 2002 and 2014 follow: Liana Level 0 – foliage of host tree entirely free of foliage of lianas Liana Level 1 – foliage of lianas intermixed with or covering up to 25% of the foliage of the host tree Liana Level 2 – foliage of lianas intermixed with or covering 26% to 50% of the foliage of the host tree Liana Level 3 – foliage of lianas intermixed with or covering 51% to 75% of the foliage of the host tree Liana Level 4 – foliage of lianas intermixed with or covering more than 75% of the foliage of the host tree The five levels used for the index of tree reproductive status in 2014 follow: Reproduction Level 0 – tree is sterile Reproduction Level 1 – tree is reproductive with flowers and/or fruit covering up to 25% of the potential reproductive sites (defined below) Reproduction Level 2 – tree is reproductive with flowers and/or fruit covering 26% to 50% of the potential reproductive sites (defined below) Reproduction Level 3 – tree is reproductive with flowers and/or fruit covering 51% to 75% of the potential reproductive sites (defined below) Reproduction Level 4 – tree is reproductive with flowers and/or fruit covering more than 75% of the potential reproductive sites (defined below) Potential reproductive sites are largely limited to terminal, sun-exposed branches, with the exception of cauliferous species.