Word Activity Sheet

The National Humane Education Society
Eastern Striped Skunk
Most of us know that skunks use a bad-smelling spray to defend themselves when they
feel scared. If you have ever smelled skunk spray, you know skunks can be stinky.
However, there’s a lot more to these animals besides the way they smell!
One species of skunk in the eastern United States is the eastern striped skunk. Both
male and female eastern striped skunks have fluffy black coats with white stripes
running down their backs. Some have more black or more white fur, depending on the
individual skunk. They have short legs and appear to waddle when walking. Skunks are
related to weasels, minks, and otters. They eat plants, such as grains, fruits, eggs, and
nuts, but skunks also eat meat including worms and even reptiles!
Skunks can be found in many different habitats, but they prefer fields with low, brushy
plants. Skunks are mostly nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. However,
skunks can occassionally be seen during the day. When they are not looking for food,
skunks like to hide in abadoned groundhog burrows, inside logs, or in burrows they dig
themselves. Skunks are beautiful little animals. They are fun to watch from a safe
distance, but like any wild animal, they shouldn’t be approached. A frightened skunk will
stomp his or her front feet.This is a skunk’s polite way of asking for space. If the other
animal (or human) keeps approaching, the the startled skunk can spray a target from a
distance of about 10 feet before making their getaway!
What is the best thing to do when you see a skunk?
a) Slowly approach him/her so you can offer them food.
b) Enjoy watching him/her from a safe distance.
c) Yell and clap your hands loudly.
Where is the favorite habitat of the eastern striped skunk?
Circle one.
True or false? Circle one.
Female eastern striped skunks have more white fur.
Eastern striped skunks eat meat and plants.
Skunks are related to cats.
Eastern striped skunks like to hide in burrows.