Curriculum Vitae - University of Houston

NAME: William Emil Amonette
DATE: 2012-Aug-15
Assistant Professor, Fitness & Human Performance
UHCL Program Director, Joint DC-MS
Human Performance Laboratory
University of Houston – Clear Lake
2700 Bay Area BLVD
Houston, TX 77058
Date of Birth:
April 15, 1977
Place of Birth:
Houston, TX
United States of America
A. Graduate
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Field of Study: Rehabilitation Sciences
Specialization: Clinical Exercise Physiology
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, Texas
Degree: Master of Art
Field of Study: Fitness and Human Performance
Specialization: Biological Sciences
B. Undergraduate
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, Texas
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Field of Study: Fitness and Human Performance
Specialization: Exercise Science
A. Academic
Aug 2011Present
Assistant Professor, Fitness and Human Performance
UHCL Program Director, Joint DC-MS
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX
Apr 2011
Aug 2011
Instructor, Physical Therapy
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX
Sep 2007Aug 2011
Graduate Assistant, Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX
Aug 2006July 2011
Lecturer, Fitness and Human Performance
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX
Aug 2002Aug 2006
Adjunct Instructor, Fitness and Human Performance
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX
B. Non-Academic
Jan 2006Jun 2008
Exercise Scientist
Memorial Herman Sports Medicine Institute
Houston, TX
Apr2006Jan 2007
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Chinese National Basketball Team
Beijing, China
Aug 2005May 2006
Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach
Houston Rockets
Houston, TX
Nov 2004Sep 2005
Astronaut Strength, Conditioning, and Rehabilitation Specialist
Wyle Laboratories, NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX
Dec 2001Oct 2004
Integrated Testing Regimen (ITR) Specialist
Bergaila Engineering Services, Inc, NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX
Aug 2001Dec 2001
Strength and Conditioning Intern
United States Olympic Committee, ARCO US Olympic Training Center
Chula Vista, CA
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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Jul 2000Aug 2001
Exercise Physiologist
Bergaila Engineering Services, Inc, NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX
Apr 1999Jul 2000
Exercise Physiologist
Progressive Physical Therapy
Houston, TX
May 1999Aug 1999
Coordinator of Health, Wellness, and Recreation
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX
A. Areas of Research
My primary research interests include hormonal mechanisms contributing to reduced
metabolic and physical work capacities in patients with a traumatic brain injury
(TBI). Additional research interests include the kinetics of strength / power
training and physiological and mechanical predictors of human performance.
B. Grant Support
1. Current
Peres, C., and Amonette, W.E. Sonification Techniques for sEMG Data Interpretation
and Utilization. Co-Principal Investigator. Faculty Support Research Funds,
University of Houston-Clear Lake, March 15, 2012: $2,000.
2. Pending
Peres, C., and Amonette, W.E. Proposal for a Field-derived Software Ergonomics
Assessment Tool. Chevron, December 2011: $101,700 (in Review).
3. Past (Funded)
Peres, C., and Amonette, W.E. Proposal for a Field-derived Software Ergonomics
Assessment Tool. Chevron, December 2011: $101,700 (in Review).
Dupler T.L. and W.E. Amonette, Effects of pulmonary resistance training on aerobic
exercise performance. Co-Investigator. Funding provided by PowerLung Inc. to
the Human Performance Laboratory, February 15, 2000: $2,954.
Amonette, W.E., T.L. Dupler, and A.F. Abercromby, Post-Excitatory Potentiation and
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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Metabolic Responses to Whole Body Vibration. Principal Investigator. Faculty
Support Research Funds, University of Houston-Clear Lake, October 3, 2006:
4. Past (Unfunded)
Amonette, W.E. and Short M.B. Development of a Referral System to a Comprehensive
Childhood and Adolescent Obesity Intervention in a Low Income Community.
Hogg Foundation, April 2012: $24,796 (in Review)
Peres, C., Amonette, W.E., and Dewitt, J.D. Validaion of Sonification Techniques for
sEMG Data Interpretation and Utilization. National Science Foundation, December
2011: $422,219.
Ward J., Z. Isis, B. McFarlan, T Dupler, W.E. Amonette. Impact of chiropractic
adjustments to the spine on immune dysfunction. National Institutes of Health,
April 2007: $180,000.00.
Hinman, M.H., Amonette, W.E., et al. A comparison of two mechanical vibration
devices as a countermeasure to disuse related muscle and bone loss. National
Space and Biomedical Research Institute, December 2003: $1,125,000.
A. International and National
1. Journal Associate Editor
Associate Editor, Journal of Novel Physiotherapies
Associate Editor, Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies
2. Journal Reviewer
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Strength and Conditioning Journal
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Athletic Training
Ad Hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Sports Medicine
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise
3. Grant Reviewer
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
4. Committee Service
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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Executive Council Member for NSCA Olympic Weightlifting SIG
American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine (ACRM) Young
Investigators Committee
B. State/Regional
C. University Service
Member, Academic Dishonesty Committee
Member, International Initiatives Committee
Member, Graduate Policy Committee
Member, Grades Appeal Committee, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Faculty Mentor, Fitness and Human Performance Honor Society,
University of Houston-Clear Lake
2010-2012 Faculty Mentor, Weightlifting Student Organization, University of
Houston-Clear Lake
2010Served as Fitness and Human Performance program lead for the
development of joint Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) and Master of
Science (MS) program with the Texas Chiropractic College
2009-2012 Faculty Mentor, Intramural Organization, University of Houston-Clear
2009-2010 Vice Chair, PMCH Graduate Student Organization (GSO), University of
Texas Medical Branch
2009-2010 PMCH Seminar Committee, University of Texas Medical Branch
2008-2009 Developed state proposal for conversion of fitness and human
performance program from a masters of art (MA) to master of science
Developed memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Roger
Clemens Institute for Sports Performance.
A. Undergraduate (Upper-level)
HLTH 3136: Applied Kinesiology
HLTH 3739: Undergraduate Practicum
HLTH 4739: Undergraduate Internship
HLTH 4931: Strength Training Programs and Techniques1
HLTH 4931: Capstone in Fitness and Human Performance2
indicates newly developed courses.
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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HLTH 4839: Independent Research in Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics
HLTH 4035: Seminar in Sports Medicine
HLTH 4032: Biomechanics
HLTH 4038: Resistance Exercise: Theory and Practice2
B. Graduate
HLTH 5231: Techniques in Human Performance
HLTH 5335: Exercise for Special Populations
HLTH 5939: Independent Research in Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics
HLTH 5931: Special Topics - Principles of Personal Training2
HLTH 5931: Special Topics – Capstone in Human Performance2
HLTH 6032: Advanced Seminar in Sports Medicine
HLTH 6037: Advanced Seminar in Peak Performance
HLTH 6039: Special Topics - Research in Human Performance2
PHYT 6316: Exercise Physiology2
C. Students/Mentees/Advisees/Trainees
Annually Undergraduate and Graduate Student Academic Advisor for 75+
students Graduate Research Mentor for 20+ students
D. Master’s Thesis Supervisory Committee
1. Committee Chair
Diane Ugartechea. Effects of whole body vibration on force output in the sit-tostand maneuver. University of Houston-Clear Lake; December 2011.
Daryl Boudreaux. Development and validation of a model equation to predict
vertical ground reaction forces during the sit-to-stand maneuver.
University of Houston-Clear Lake; December 2011.
Mandy Boyle. Association between fitness testing measures and on-field
performance in elite youth soccer players. University of Houston-Clear
Lake; May 2011.
Amber Gell. Use of the functional movement screen to predict deficits in
unilateral force and rate of force development. University of HoustonClear Lake; May 2010.
Heather Paul. The effects of center of gravity location on walking biomechanics
indicates course taught in Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) program at UTMB
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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and exercising metabolism: Implications for space suit design. University
of Houston-Clear Lake; May 2009.
Leah Stroud. Energy expenditure associated with accelerometer controlled and
traditional video games. University of Houston-Clear Lake; December
2. Committee Member
Brittany Sanchez. Relationship between single leg stability, trunk muscle
endurance, and critical velocity in trained runners. University of HoustonClear Lake; May 2011.
E. Master’s Project Supervisory Committee
1. Committee Chair
Sally Wilbur. An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) prevention program for female
athletes. University of Houston-Clear Lake; December 2007.
Sheila Wiori. Identification of common health and fitness misconceptions.
University of Houston-Clear Lake; April 2008.
Laney Sumrall. Resistive exercise technique supplementary curriculum
development. University of Houston-Clear Lake; December 2008.
Sam Cyr. National Football League Combine performance as a predictor of onfield professional football success. University of Houston-Clear Lake; May
2011 - current.
2. Committee Member
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
USA Weightlifting (USAW)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
American Physiological Society (APS)
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM)
1999 -
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), National
Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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2006CSCS Recertified with Distinction Credentials, NSCA
2000USA Weightlifting Level I Coach, 2000
2003USA Track and Field Level I Coach
2008Crossfit Level I Trainer
Outstanding Scientist, Wyle Laboratories
Space flight Special Achievement Team Award, NASA-Johnson Space
Space flight Special Achievement Individual Award, NASA-Johnson
Space Center 2001 Space flight Special Achievement Team Award,
NASA-Johnson Space Center
Outstanding Graduate Student, Fitness and Human Performance
Student Leadership Honoree, School of Human Sciences
Doctoral Poster Award Judge, NSCA National Conference; Providence,
Session Moderator, Free Communications, NSCA National Conference;
Las Vegas, NV
Session Moderator, Free Communications, NSCA National Conference;
Orlando, FL
Clinical Research Consultant, Legend Healthcare
Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Sports Performance; California
State University-Fullerton
Sport Physiology and Biomechanics Consultant, Memorial Hermann
Sports Medicine and Human Performance Institute
Strength and Conditioning Consultant, Peak Performance Inc.
Strength and Conditioning Consultant, Guatemalan National Baseball
Scientific Advisory Panel for PowerPlate USA
Amonette, W.E. Acute Metabolic and Neuroendocrine Responses to Maximal Treadmill
Exercise in Patients Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). University of
Texas Medical Branch, August 2011.©
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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A. Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Amonette, W.E., and Mossberg, K.A. Ventilatory anaerobic threshold following traumatic
brain injury. J Head Traum Rehab, 2012 (in Press). PMID:
W.E. Amonette,3 J.K. DeWitt., T.L. Dupler, J, T. Tran, Tufano, J L.E. Brown, B.A. Spiering,.
Peak power prediction equations in young athletes and youths. J Strength Cond
Res. 2012; 26(7): 1749-1755. PMID: 22505126
Coleman, A.E., and Amonette, W.E. Pure Acceleration is the Primary Determinant of
Speed to First-Base in Major League Baseball Game Situations. J Strength Cond
Res, 2012, 26(6): 1455-1460. PMID: 22505126
English, K.L., Amonette, W.E., Spiering B.A., Graham, M. What is ‘evidence-based’
strength and conditioning? Strength Cond J, 2012; 34(3): 19-24.
Stroud, L., W.E. Amonette, and T. Dupler. Metabolic responses to accelerometer
controlled video games. Appl Physiol Nurt Metab. 2010, 35: 1-7. PMID: 2096292
Dupler, T.D., W.E. Amonette,3 A.E. Coleman, and J. Hoffman. Anthropometric and
performance differences among high school football players. J Strength Cond Res,
2010, 24(8): 1975-1982. PMID: 22450255
Amonette, W.E., K.L. English, and Ottenbacher, K. Nullius in verba: A call for evidencebased practice in the teaching and practice of exercise science. Sport Med. 2010;
40(6): 1-10. PMID: 20524711
Mossberg K.A., W.E. Amonette., B.E. Masel. Endurance training and cardiorespiratory
conditioning after traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2010, 25 (3): 111. PMID: 20473091
J.R. Bentley, W.E. Amonette and DeWitt J.K. Cadence affects inertial forces experienced by
the musculoskeletal system during the squat exercise. J Strength Cond Res. 2010,
24 (5): 1414-20. PMID: 20386484
Abercrombie, A., W.E. Amonette, M. Hinman, W.H. Paloski, and C. Layne. Quantitative
evaluation of whole body vibration training safety in healthy adults. Med Sci
Sports Exerc. 2007, 39(10): 1794-800. PMID: 17909407
Abercrombie, A., W.E. Amonette, M. Hinman, W.H. Paloski, and C. Layne. Variation in
Neuromuscular responses to whole body vibration training. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
2007, 39(9): 1642-1650. PMID: 17805098
Schneider, S.M., W.E. Amonette, K. Blazine, J. Bentley, S.M.C. Lee, J.A. Loehr, E.R. Mulder,
A.D. Moore, M. Rapley, S.M. Smith. Strength Training with the International Space
Station interim Resistive Exercise Device. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003, 35(11):
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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1935-1945. PMID: 14600562
Amonette, W.E. and T.L. Dupler. The effects of respiratory muscle training on VO2 max,
the ventilatory threshold and pulmonary function. J Exerc Phys. 2002 5(2) 29-5.
In Review
Amonette WE, Boyle M, Psarakis M, Barker J, Ott S, Dupler TL. Neurocognitive Responses
to a Single Bout of Static Semi-Squats with Whole Body Vibration. J Strength Cond
Res (in review - 2012).
In Preparation
Amonette W.E., Lea P, Masel B, Moore M, Urban R, Mossberg K. Clinical Case Series:
Exercise stimulation of the GH/IGF-1 axis in patients recovering from moderate
to severe traumatic brain injury. J Clin Endocrin Metab
Amonette, W.E,3 D. Cazes, A.E. Coleman, T.L. Dupler, Garcia Y.A. Effect of loading order
on force and power output during. J Strength Cond Res.
De Witt, JD, D Vazques, WE Amonette, and D Freeman. Age does not affect wins in U-18
soccer players. J Sport Sci.
C. Book Chapters
Magee D.J., Quillen W.S., Amonette W.E., Spiering B.A. Preparticipation physical
examination. In: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, Volume IV: Selected Topics
in Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation (ed: Magee DJ, Manske RC, Zachazewski JE,
Quillen WS). Elsevier: Baltimore, MD; 2010.
Amonette, W.E., Spiering B.A., English, K.L., Kraemer W.J. Evidence-based practice in
strength and conditioning.
In: Conditioning for Strength and Human
Performance 2nd ed. (ed: Chandler TJ, Brown LE). Lippincott, Williams, and
Wilkins: Baltimore, MD; 2012.
Spiering B.A., Amonette, W.E., Kraemer W.J. Resistance exercise prescription. In:
Conditioning for Strength and Human Performance, 2nd ed. (ed: Chandler TJ,
Brown LE). Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins: Baltimore, MD; 2012.
D. Books
E. Government Reports
Amonette, WE, Schaffner, G., J.R. Bentley, J.A. Loehr, S.MC. Lee, A.D. Moore, J. Norcross, F.
Moore, and S.M. Schneider Evaluation of Horizontal Exercise Fixture in
conjunction with the Interim Resistive Exercise Device (iRED) for use in bed rest
research. Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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Technical Report (2009-), 2009.
Laughlin, M.S., S.M.C. Lee, J.A. Loehr, and W.E. Amonette. Isokinetic Strength and
Endurance Tests Used Pre- and Post-Spaceflight: Test-Retest Reliability.
Washington, DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Technical Report
(2009–214787), 2009.
J.R. Bentley, W.E. Amonette and DeWitt J.K. Effects of Different Lifting Cadences on
Ground Reaction Forces during the Squat Exercise. Washington, DC: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Technical Report (2008-0013257), 2004.
Amonette, W.E., J.R. Bentley, S.M.C. Lee, J.A. Loehr, and S.M. Schneider. Differences in
ground reaction forces and mechanics between the Interim Resistive Exercise
Device (iRED) and Smith machine during a squat. Washington, DC: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Technical Report (2004–212063), 2004.
Moore. A.D., W.E. Amonette, J.R. Bentley, K.L. Blazine, J.A. Loehr, M.G. Rapley, C.
Lundquist, and S.M. Schneider. International Space Station Interim Resistance
Exercise Device Man in the Loop Test Results. Washington, DC: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Technical Report (2004–212062), 2004.
Amonette, W.E., J.R. Bentley, K. Blazine, J.K. DeWitt, M. Laughlin, J.A. Loehr, J. Chauvin, M.
Guilliams, A.D. Moore, M.G. Rapley, and D.H. Hagan. Man in the Loop Testing of
the Schwinn Resistive Exercise Device (SCHRED). Washington, DC: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Technical Report (2004-21207), 2003.
F. Intellectual Properties
1. United States Patents
W.E. Amonette (45%), K.L. English (30%), W. Buford (20%), and B.W. Amonette
(5%). An apparatus to facilitate upright posture and improved gait velocity in
the elderly and methods for making the same. US PSN: 61/184942.
Provisional patent application filed – June 08, 2009 (Patent Pending).
G. Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Amonette WE,3 M Boyle, N McGlone, M Psarakis, S Ott. Neurocognitive ImPACT® of
whole body vibration exercise. J Strength Cond Res (in Press - 2012).
Amonette W.E., Lea P, Masel B, Moore M, Urban R, Mossberg K. Acute response of the
growth hormone to peak treadmill exercise in patients recovering from traumatic
brain injury. Endocrine Rev (in Press – 2012).
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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Barnett C, K Williams, C Goldstraw, S Kellagar, S Tham, and WE Amonette.3 Timed upand-go scores are associated with balance but not lower-extremity force
production in skilled-nursing facility patients. Int J Exercise Sci, 4(12): 2012.
Williams, K, C Goldstraw, S Kellagar, S Tham, and WE Amonette.3 Preliminary analysis of
the feasibility and effectiveness of whole body vibration as a therapeutic
intervention in a skilled nursing facility. Int J Exercise Sci, 4(12): 2012.
Boiler C, B Alexander, AE Coleman, A Hatton, C Seponski, WE Amonette. 3 Association
between anthropometrics, vertical jump and broad jump to pure and transitional
acceleration in junior college baseball players. Int J Exercise Sci, 4(12): 2012.
Seponski C, C Boiler, AE Coleman, WE Amonette.3 Changes in NFL combine performance
over the past decade. Int J Exercise Sci, 4(12): 2012.
Reveron JA, C Goodson, T Dupler, L Stroud, WE Amonette.3 Metabolic responses to
symmetrical whole body vibration. Int J Exercise Sci, 4(12): 2012.
Amonette, W.E. and Mossberg. Gender differences in peak aerobic capacity in patients
recovering from traumatic brain injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43 (5): 2011 Suppl.
B.A. Spiering, W.E. Amonette,3 .K. DeWitt., T.L. Dupler, J, T. Tran, Tufano, J L.E. Brown,. A
novel equation to predict peak power in young athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43
(5): 2011 Suppl.
Ugartechea, J.L., Boudreaux, C. Ellis, M. Handy, A. Sauser, W.E. Amonette.3 Development of
a Model Equation to Predict Vertical Ground Reaction Forces During The Sit-toStand Maneuver. Conference Proceedings, National Center for Human Performance,
Houston, TX: November 2010.
C.M. Minor, H. Hamilton, S. Buchanan, T. Dupler, J. Holliday, C. Perez, P. Roberts, J.
Tufano, W.E. Amonette. 3 Relationship Between Ground Reaction Forces during
Jump Tests and Sprinting Speed and Agility in Youth American Football Players.
Conference Proceedings, National Center for Human Performance, Houston, TX:
November 2010.
M. Boyle, J. Barker, N. McGlone, S. Ott, M. Psarakis, H. Shah, W.E. Amonette.3 Acute
Neurocognitive Responses to Submaximal Isometric Exercise With and Without
Whole Body Vibration Conference Proceedings, National Center for Human
Performance, Houston, TX: November 2010.
Holliday, J., C. Perez, S. Buchanan, H. Hamilton, C. Minor, J. Tufano, J.K. DeWitt, W.E.
Amonette.3 Determinants of Speed and Agility in Youth Soccer Players.
Conference Proceedings, National Center for Human Performance, Houston, TX:
Indicates principal or senior investigator on the project.
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
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November 2010.
J. Shepherd, T.L. Dupler, A. Greenwood, B. Trevino, J. Patlan, R. West, W.E. Amonette. 3
Jaw clinching increases vertical ground reaction forces during isometric Midthigh pulls but not in the vertical jump. Conference Proceedings, National Center
for Human Performance, Houston, TX: November 2010.
Fairchild, B., W.E. Amonette, BA. Spiering. Prediction models of speed and agility in NFL
combine attendees. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 (in press).
Tufano, J., D. Brown, J. Xu, T.L. Dupler, J.K. DeWitt, B.A. Spiering, Tai , and L.E. Brown, W.E.
Amonette. 3 A novel equation to predict peak power in young athletes. J Strength
Cond Res. 2010 (in press).
Xu J., J. Tufano, D. Brown, T.L. Dupler, B.A. Spiering, A.E. Coleman and W.E. Amonette.3
Physical determinants of sprinting velocity and agility in high school football
players: Differences between position groups. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 (in
Sanchez, B., M. Jennings, W.E. Amonette, 3 T.L. Dupler, J.K. DeWitt, K. Gandler, The effects
of center of gravity location, ambulation speed, and grade on walking
biomechanics. Int J Exercise Sci. 2 (2): Article 21.
Tufano, J., W.E. Amonette,3 A.E. Coleman, T.L. Dupler, J.K. DeWitt. Predictive Modeling of
Speed in American football Players. Intl J Exerc Sci. 2 (2): Article 19.
Amonette, W.E. and Mossberg. Anaerobic thresholds of patients after traumatic brain
Injury: Comparison to healthy sedentary controls. Cardiopulmonary Physical
Therapy Journal Vol. 20 (4) 2009.
Tufano J. J. DeWitt, T. Dupler, K. English, L. Paduh, and W.E. Amonette..3 A crosssectional analysis of elite youth soccer players. Conference Proceedings, National
Center for Human Performance, Houston, TX: November 2009.
Shepherd, J. J. DeWitt, T. Dupler, P. Roberts, J. Xu, and W.E. Amonette.3 Prediction model
of interval sprinting velocity in youth soccer players. Conference Proceedings,
National Center for Human Performance, Houston, TX: November 2009.
Brown, D, J. DeWitt, T. Dupler, B. Fairchild, K. Hatfield, and W.E. Amonette.3 Differences
in athletic performance between elite and sub-elite soccer players. Conference
Proceedings, National Center for Human Performance, Houston, TX: November
Amonette, W.E. and K.A. Mossberg. Anaerobic thresholds of patients after a traumatic
brain injury. Conference Proceedings, National Institute of Health (NIH) Young
Investigators Workshop, Denver, CO; October 2009.
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Amonette, W.E. and D. Paddon-Jones. Analysis of the dietary intake of hospitalized
elders. Conference Proceedings, Experimental Biology National Conference, New
Orleans, LA: April 2009.
Mukundi, S.G. A. Burley, M. Charles, A. Culver, S.Cyr, M. Jennings, H. Paul, T.L. Dupler,
W.E. Amonette.3 Lower extremity kinematics in terrestrial and simulated lunar
conditions. Conference Proceedings, American Society of Exercise Physiologist
National Conference, Wichita Falls, TX: April 2009.
Amonette, W.E. and D. Paddon-Jones. Preliminary analysis of the dietary intake of
hospitalized elderly patients. Conference Proceedings, Sealy Center on Aging
Annual Conference, Galveston, TX: November 2008.
Stroud, L., W.E Amonette, and TL Dupler. Metabolic responses to tradition and
accelerometer controlled video games. J Strength Cond Res. 2008, 22(6): 1-115.
Garcia Y.A., J. Solis, T. Denton, K.L. English, D. Cazes, N. Petersen, T.L. Dupler and W.E.
Amonette.3 Loading Order does not alter power output during the squat exercise.
J Strength Cond Res. 2008, 22(6): 1-115.
Stroud L., T. Denton, J. Johnson, R. Lannes, S. Wilburn, T.L. Dupler, A.F.J. Abercromby, and
W.E. Amonette.3 Metabolic Responses to loaded and unloaded squats with and
without whole body vibration. J Strength Cond Res. 2008, 22(6): 1-115.
T.D. Dupler, A.E. Coleman, J. Hoffman, and Amonette, WE.3 Performance Differences
Among High School Football Players: A Comparison of Grade Level and Position. J
Strength Cond Res. 2008, 22(6): 1-115.
Amonette W.E., A.F. Abercrombie, M. Hinman, and W.H. Paloski. Neuromuscular
Responses to Whole Body Vibration in Standing Humans: Effect of vibration
direction. J Strength Cond Res. 2005, 17(4): Abstract.
Bentley J.R., W.E. Amonette, J.K. DeWitt, Y. Garcia, C.A. Twine, S. Casperson, R.D. Hagan.
Measurement of power output during leg press using a linear encoder and
customized software program. J Strength Cond Res. 2005, 17(4): Abstract.
Abercrombie, A., W.E. Amonette, M. Hinman, andW.H. Paloski. Neuromuscular
Responses to Whole Body Vibration in Standing Humans: Effect of body posture.
J Strength Cond Res. 2005, 17(4): Abstract.
Casperson S., W.E. Amonette, J.R. Bentley, J.K. DeWitt, Y. Garcia, M.A. Guilliams, C.A.
Twine, B. Edwards, D. Mockus, R.D. Hagan. Accuracy of a commercial linear
encoder system to predict leg press 1-RM and measure mechanical power. J
Strength Cond Res. 2005, 17(4): Abstract.
Casperson, S., W.E. Amonette, J.R. Bentley, J.K. DeWitt, M.A. Guilliams, C.A. Twine, and
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R.D. Hagan. Evaluation of a linear encoder system to predict bench press 1-RM
and measure power output. Conference proceedings from the Texas American
College of Sports Medicine: Dallas TX, March 2005.
Henderson, R., W.E. Amonette, K.L. English, C.A. Twine and T.L. Dupler. Changes in
balance strategies following brief anaerobic work. J Strength Cond Res.2004,
17(4): Abstract.
Charles, J., Evanoff, J., M. Johnson, L. Loerch, S. Whelan, W. Amonette, J. Sanders, C.
Haralson, W. Paloski. Mars Surface Analog Project: Preparing for Astronauts' First
Hours on Mars. Conference Proceedings from the Lunar and Planetary Science
XXXV: Human Occupation of Space: Radiation, Risk, and Refuse, LPI-Contrib-1197
Amonette, W.E., and Terry L. Dupler. Pulmonary resistance training improves ventilatory
efficiency in competitive endurance athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2003, 17(4):
Bentley, J.R., W.E. Amonette, J.K. DeWitt, L.J. Rudner, D.H. Hagan. Total inertial force and
peak power cannot be accurately calculated from bar motion during a loaded
squat J Strength Cond Res. 2003, 17(4): Abstract-2.
English, K.L., W.E. Amonette, L.J. Johnston, D. Babbington, T.L. Dupler, and D. Wise.
Closed or open kinetic chain strength training does not reduce landing forces in
female athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc. May 2003, 35(5); 289 (Suppl.).
Rudner, L.J., W.E. Amonette, J.R. Bentley, J.K. Dewitt, M.S. Laughlin and D.H. Hagan. Squat
exercise load affects bar trajectory. Conference proceedings from the Texas
American College of Sports Medicine: Houston TX, March 2003.
Amonette, W.E., J.R. Bentley, J.K. DeWitt, L.J. Rudner, D.H. Hagan, Squat Exercise Cadence
effects ground reaction forces and rate of force development. Conference
proceedings from 3rd International Conference on Strength Training: Budapest,
Hungary, November 2002; CD-ROM and Abstract Book.
Loehr, J.A., W.E. Amonette, K. Blazine, J. Bentley, M. Rapley, E. Mulder, S.M.C. Lee, and S.
Schneider. A comparison between strength training with the International Space
Station (ISS) interim Resistive Exercise Device (iRED) and free weights. Med Sci
Sports Exerc. May 2002, 34(5); 289: (Suppl.).
Schneider, S.M., M.G. Rapley, E. Mulder, J. Bentley, S.M.C. Lee, W.E. Amonette, K. Blazine,
M. DeRidder, K. Cobb, and C. Lundquist. Evaluation of the interim resistance
exercise device for use on the International Space Station. Conference proceedings
from Bioastronautics Conference, Galveston, TX, 2001.
In Review
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Page 15
William E. Amonette. Anaerobic thresholds of patients after traumatic brain Injury:
Comparison to healthy sedentary controls. Oral presentation given at American
Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). San
Diego, CA. February, 21, 2009 (15 min).
William E. Amonette. The ground reaction forces associated with three different squat
cadences. Oral presentation given at the 3rd International Conference on
Strength Training, Budapest Hungary. November 15, 2002.
William E. Amonette. Neuromuscular responses to whole body vibration: Effect of
vibration direction. Oral presentation given at the National Strength and
Conditioning Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas, NV. July 7, 2005.
A. International
William. E. Amonette. The fundamentals of coaching speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ)
in basketball. Lecture given for the China Basketball Association (CBA) EliteLevel Coaching Seminar. Beijing Sports University, Beijing, China. June 22, 2006
(1 hr).
William. E. Amonette. Testing and measurement theory for basketball. Lecture given for
the China Basketball Association (CBA) Elite-Level Coaching Seminar. Beijing
Sports University, Beijing, China. June 22, 2006 (1 hr).
William. E. Amonette. Basic Periodization I: Designing long-term strength and
conditioning plans for basketball. Lecture given for the China Basketball
Association (CBA) Elite-Level Coaching Seminar. Beijing Sports University,
Beijing, China. June 22, 2006 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Basic Periodization II: Designing daily workouts for basketball.
Lecture given for the China Basketball Association (CBA) Elite-Level Coaching
Seminar. Beijing Sports University, Beijing, China. June 22, 2006 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Training the female athlete. Lecture given for the Guatemalan
Olympic Sports Federation. Olympic Development Center, Guatemala City,
Guatemala. April 14, 2005 (2 hrs).
William E. Amonette. Nutritional supplements and ergogentic aids for sports
performance. Lecture given for the Guatemalan Olympic Sports Federation.
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Page 16
Olympic Development Center, Guatemala City, Guatemala. April 14, 2005 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Preventing common baseball Injuries through strength and
conditioning. Lecture given for the Guatemalan Olympic Sports Federation.
Olympic Development Center, Guatemala City, Guatemala. April 13, 2005 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Developing foundational movement skills and strength in young
athletes. Lecture given for the Guatemalan National Baseball Federation.
Guatemala City, Guatemala. April 12, 2005 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Coaching linear and multi-directional speed. Lecture given for the
Guatemalan National Baseball Federation. Guatemala City, Guatemala. April 12,
2005 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Adaptations to resistance training: Applications to the game of
baseball. Lecture given for the Guatemalan National Baseball Federation.
Guatemala City, Guatemala. April 11, 2005 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Designing a periodization model for year round training. Lecture
given for the Guatemalan National Baseball Federation. Guatemala City,
Guatemala. April 11, 2005 (1 hr).
B. National
R. Fred Zuker, Will Evans, William Amonette, Abdalla Darwish. Developing partnerships
between chiropractic colleges and higher education institutions. Lecture at the
Association of Chiropractic Colleges – Research Agenda Conference, Las Vegas, NV;
March 17, 2012 (1.5 hrs).
William E. Amonette and Kirk L. English. Evidence based practice in strength and
Lecture given for the National Strength and Conditioning
Association (NSCA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL; July 17, 2010 (2 hrs).
Gene Coleman and William E. Amonette. Sports Science Application for Baseball:
Designing World Class Testing Plans. Lecture given for the NSCA Sports Specific
Conference, Anaheim, CA January 05, 2008 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. The human space explorer: Exercise. Lecture given for the
National Science Teachers Association. Web based seminar. June 2, 2005 (1 hr).
C. State
William E. Amonette. Exercise and bone mineral density: Lecture given at 2nd Houston
Strength and Conditioning Annual Clinic, The Institute for Rehabilitation and
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Page 17
Research (TIRR), Houston TX. November 8, 2003 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Female athletes: ACL epidemic. Lecture given at Texas National
Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Clinic, Texas Women’s University,
Denton, TX. April 26, 2003 (1 hr).
D. Local
William E. Amonette. Strong, Flexible, Stable Hips: An essential component to running
performance and injury prevention. Lecture given for the Houston Marathon PreRace Symposium. George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX. January 15,
2010 (30 min).
William E. Amonette. Incorporating Strength Training into a marathon preparation
program. Lecture given for the Houston Marathon Pre-Race Symposium. City
Center Lifetime Athletic Club, Houston, TX. July 18, 2009 (30 min).
William E. Amonette. Preventing Overuse Injuries in Long-Distance Runners. Lecture
given for the Houston Marathon Pre-Race Symposium. George R. Brown
Convention Center, Houston, TX. January 16, 2009 (30 min).
William E. Amonette. The Truth about Health and Fitness. Lecture given at Marathon
Chemical Plant, Texas City, TX. April 16, 2008 (1 hr).
William E. Amonette. Measurement and Evaluation of Peak Performance. Lecture given
for the Winter Sports Seminar: Houston, TX. February 18, 2007 (30 min).
William E. Amonette. Strength and Power Training for the Endurance Athletes. Lecture
given for the Houston Marathon Pre-Race Symposium. George R. Brown
Convention Center, Houston, TX. January 13, 2007 (30 min).
ABC Channel 13 Newscast. Expert Interview. Whole body Vibration Exercise; KTRH
Houston: February 2012.
“Stan Lee’s Superhumans” Documentary. Expert Scientific Analysis; The History Channel:
January 2011.
Soccer Matters with Glenn Davis. Personal interview, Physiological and Physical
Predictors of Elite and Non-Elite youth soccer players; Fox Sports Southwest:
January 21, 2010.
Great Day Houston, Person Interview. The Importance of Stretching Before and After a
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Page 18
Race; KHOU Houston: January 12, 2007.
NASA SCI FilesTM The Case of the Physical Fitness Challenge; National Aeronautics and
Space Administration educator guide is available Office of Communication and
Education at the NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA: 2005-2006.
William E. Amonette, PhD, CSCS
Page 19