1 2 3 Supplementary Table (S1): Table with all chemical data Electronic appendix, See separate pdf file. 4 Supplementary Table (S2). Saturation indices calculated with Phreeqc (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) for selected minerals in selected 5 samples. Mineral phase P9S-1 P9S-2 EMS1 EMS2 EMS3 EMS1-1 EMS1-2 EMS1-3 P5S-1 P5S-2 P5S-5 Groundwater gw gw sw sw sw gw gw gw gw gw gw (gw)/surface gravel gravel gravel water (sw) pit lake pit pit lake lake Depth [masl] 1.1 0.4 -6.0 -12.0 -0.10 -6.0 -9.5 18.5 -1.6 -5.1 -17.1 Anhydrite CaSO4 -2.24 -2.23 -2.79 -2.78 -2.72 -1.83 -2.26 -2.36 -2.18 -2.05 -2.05 Barite BaSO4 0.39 0.51 1.04 1.05 1.10 0.24 0.15 0.09 0.36 0.69 0.60 Calcite CaCO3 1.91 1.71 1.15 1.17 1.23 0.89 0.75 0.68 0.62 0.48 0.52 6 Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 3.51 3.13 3.06 3.09 3.23 1.92 2.12 1.95 1.62 1.61 1.75 Gypsum CaSO4:2H2O -1.78 -1.78 -2.27 -2.26 -2.21 -1.39 -1.82 -1.93 -1.73 -1.61 -1.62 Halite NaCl -6.51 -6.59 -3.87 -3.88 -5.86 -5.37 -3.69 -3.70 -3.93 -3.57 -3.31 Supplementary Information (S3) The evaporative end member of an area under local climate conditions is (equation 7 in Skrzypek et al. 2015): βπ +π π΄ π ∗ = β−π.10 −3 (1) is the limiting isotopic composition under local climatological conditions (Gat and Levy, 1978; Gat, 1981) in which h is the atmospheric relative humidity (ranging from 0 to 1) normalized to the saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the air-water interface, δA is the isotopic composition of ambient moisture (precipitation), and π = π ∗ + ππΎ (2) where ε is the total isotopic separation factor including both equilibrium ε* and kinetic εK components. The equilibrium separations can be evaluated using the empirical equations determined experimentally by Horita and Wesolowski (1994) where ε* is a function of T. Kinetic enrichment factors εK are dependent on both the boundary layer conditions and the humidity deficit evaluated according to ππΎ = πΆπΎ (1 − β) (3) where constant, experimentally-determined CK values of 14.2‰ for oxygen and 12.5‰ for hydrogen are used as representative of typical lake evaporation conditions (Gonfiantini, 1986). Supplementary Table (S4). Input values and results of the calculation for Evaporation over inflow rate calculated with the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet published by Skrzypek et al. 2015. The ambient air moisture ο€A is based on ο€Rain only. The values for Pool water initial values are taken from sample gravel pit lake sample EMS1 that falls on the estuarine mixing line and is assumed to be representative of the inflowing groundwater. The resulting E/I ratios for several combinations of T and h are listed in table 2 in the main text. Note that also parameters 6 through 15 change with T and H but are not all reported here for every T and H combination listed in Table 2. Ambient air moisture ο€A based on Par ameter Symbol Description ο€Rain only no 1 T h ο€Rainο 13.70 13.70 0.77 0.77 -42.40 -6.75 -45.77 -7.03 Relative humidity [fraction], annual average 3 ο€18O Temperature [°C], annual average. 2 ο€2H Rainfall, mean between sampling from Longinelli and Selmo (2003), Comacchio weather station, along coast. 4 ο€P Pool water initial value [‰] or inflow, sampling #1 (Nr. EMS1) 5 ο€Lο Pool water final value [‰], sampling #2 (average of sample Nr. EMS2 and EMS3) 6 LEL ο€A -3.83 - - -123.13 -16.94 2.88 3.27 92.07 10.36 87.18 13.52 12.50 14.20 1.0921 1.0104 Slope of Local Evaporation Line Unknown, calculated 7 -29.71 Air ambient moisture [‰], Unknown calculated based on rainfall. 8 ο₯ο«ο Kinetic isotope fractionation factor [‰] (h dependent) 9 ο₯+ Equilibrium isotope fractionation factor [‰] (T dependent) 10 ο₯ο Total isotope fractionation [‰] 11 Ck The kinetic fractionation constant [‰] 12 ο‘ο«ο Equilibrium isotope fractionation factor [‰] (T dependent) 13 ο€οͺο Limiting isotopic composition [‰] 14 m E/I 0.64 2.93 3.24 0.29 0.21 Calculation factor (hο₯ο―ο±ο°ο°ο°)/(1-h+ο₯kο―ο±ο°ο°ο°) 15 -11.17 Result for steady-state model: Evaporation over Inflow ratio Supplementary Information (S5): Waterbalance and evaporation concentration. The annual water balance equation for a gravel pit lake with a constant water level (maintained by the drainage system) can be described by: VP + VGW-in = VE + Vlake-out (1) where Vp [m3/year] is the volume of precipitation added to the lake in a year, VGW-in is the volume of groundwater flowing into the lake each year, VE is the volume of water evaporating from the lake surface in a year and Vlake-out is the volume of lake water flowing out of the lake into the aquifer downgradient of the lake. With this we can calculate the amount of groundwater flowing into the lake, the only unknown in the equation since we have an estimate for the amount of precipitation, evaporation and drainage out of the lake: VGW-in = VE + Vlake-out - VP (2) The initial Cl mass of in the lake is: M lake at t=0 = Vlake × C lake_initial (3) where Vlake is the volume of the lake and C lake_initial is the initial concentration of Cl in the lake. One year later, the mass of Cl in the lake equals the initial Cl mass (M lake at t=0 ) plus the added Cl mass coming in with precipitation and inflowing groundwater, minus the salt mass that disappeared with the outflowing lake water: Mt=i+1 = Mlake at t=0 + (VP × CP) + (VGW-in × CGW-in) – (Vlake-out × Clake-out ) (4) The subscript “i” is a counter for the number of years since the start of excavation of the lake and is an integer zero or larger. CP is the concentration of Cl in precipitation, CGW-in is the concentration of Cl in in-flowing groundwater, and Clake-out is the concentration of Cl in the water leaving the lake downstream. The Cl concentration in the lake one year later is: C t=i +1 = M t=i+1 / Vlake (5) Here we imply that the water disappearing from the gravel pit lake by evaporation or by outflow towards the pumping station is replaced by brackish/saline groundwater. We also assume that CP is 10 mg L-1 (Stuyfzand 1993). The mass balance calculations so far do not take into account the fact that the material excavated from the gravel pits is also replaced by brackish/saline groundwater. The mass of salt added to the lake due to replacement of mined gravel and water by saline groundwater is: Mmining = VL × f × CGW-in (6) where Mmining is the added salt mass due to replacement of mined gravel and water with groundwater, VL is the volume of the lake, f is the fraction of the lake volume that is taken out by mining water and gravel together. Fraction f is 0.7 is the extreme case where we assume that only the gravel is mined and all of the original porosity is replace by brackish groundwater (no water mining). f is 1.0 is the extreme case where all the original gravel and all original (pore) water of the gravel pit is replaced by groundwater. In reality f will fall between the two extremes. Supplementary Figure (S6) Photographs of gravel pit lake Standiano.