Part-time Teaching Part-time employment conditions Employment fraction The Teachers’ Award – State 2003 states that the employment fraction has to be worked in either full days or half days (2.5 hours) and should be continuous. Ideally, the half day should be either the first half of a day (from the commencement of school), or the last half of a day (the 2.5 hours of rostered duty time immediately prior to the end of the timetabled school day). Rostered duty time does not include the lunch break, but does include 10 minutes of the midmorning rest pause. A part-time employment engagement can be on an individual fraction or job-share arrangement. There are numerous possible combinations of job-share arrangements. For example: A job-share arrangement might include three permanent part-time teachers sharing two full-time positions on employment fractions of 0.6, 0.6, 0.8. Teachers may be employed on a fraction ranging from 0.2 to 0.9 of full-time employment for any appointment, whether shared or otherwise. In extenuating circumstances, due to isolation or special approved requirements, the minimum employment fraction may be 0.1. Teachers may be employed for more than one fractional engagement where the total employment fraction is not greater than 1.0. Part-time teachers are able to apply for an increase or decrease in the fraction worked. When an employee requests a change in the fraction, the decision to change the fraction is a district office decision, and will be dependent on the vacancies available, after consultation with the teacher(s) involved. Except in emergent or compassionate cases, application for a change in fraction worked should be made by the closing date for the normal transfer cycle. Teachers applying for a change in fraction are to also indicate their geographic area preferences, as the fraction change may only be possible through transfer to another school. Supply teaching/Temporary engagements Part-time teachers may elect to perform supply teaching in addition to their regular part-time work. This is on the condition that they do not work supply at any time they are rostered for duty in their normal part-time capacity. Teachers may be employed on a temporary part-time basis for relief of a permanent part-time teacher, or to meet the emergent needs of schools. Non-contact time Part-time teachers are entitled to access non-contact time, or preparation and correction time, on a pro-rata basis. For example: Full-time primary teachers are entitled to 2 hours of non-contact time per week. Therefore, a primary teacher working a 0.6 fraction would be entitled to 72 minutes of non-contact time per week. For example: Secondary school teachers are entitled to 3.5 hours of non-contact time per week. Therefore, a secondary teacher working a 0.4 fraction would be entitled to a pro-rata amount of 84 minutes non-contact time per week. Attendance on pupil free days Part-time teachers are to report for duty for the full day on those pupil free days nominated for professional development activities during the school year. Part-time teachers are to report for duty on any other days declared by the Department as ones requiring the attendance of all permanent teachers. They are to be paid in full for this attendance. Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 1 of 2 The working of other full day pupil free days (Ministerial holidays and show holidays) should be on the basis of the employment roster. Transfers for part-time teachers Part-time teachers with specific eligibility for return to full-time status are to be managed through the placement process in accordance with the Placements section of the Department’s Teacher Transfer guidelines. Part-time teachers with eligibility for preference for a full-time position will be considered for a position through the transfer cycle in accordance with the Department’s Teacher Transfer guidelines. Part-time teachers without specific eligibility to return to full-time status will be considered for a position after the transfer cycle except where compassionate or pressing circumstances exist. Applications for transfer by part-time teachers will be managed through the teacher transfer process as outlined in the Department’s Teacher Transfer guidelines. Permanent full-time and permanent part-time placements attract transfer points at the full rate. Teachers who are seeking a transfer to another school and wish to access part-time work can apply through the annual teacher transfer process. Employees who wish to apply to work part-time at their current school should submit an application for part-time work to their principal and/or Executive Director (Schools). Ideally, these applications should be made at the same time as the annual teacher transfer process in Term 2. Access to full-time employment Teachers employed part-time at 5 July 1994 but previously employed full-time are guaranteed return to full-time teaching at the earliest opportunity or at the latest from the commencement of the school year following the year of application, provided that application to return to full-time is made by the closing date for the normal transfer cycle. Discretion may be exercised to waive this notice requirement in emergent or compassionate circumstances. Teachers employed part-time after 5 July 1994 and who: were employed full-time prior to 5 July 1994; or were not full-time immediately prior to their part-time appointment; or were newly appointed on a part-time basis and commenced employment after 5 July 1994; may be appointed to a full-time position upon application and submission of a preference list. Full-time appointment will occur at the earliest available opportunity, or at the latest from the commencement of the school year following the year of application, provided the application is made by the closing date for the normal transfer cycle; and subject to available vacancies. Preference for appointment to available vacancies will be provided in the following order: Teachers who were employed part-time after 5 July 1994 and who: were employed full-time prior to 5 July 1994; were not full-time immediately prior to their part-time appointment; were newly appointed on a part-time basis and commenced; employment after 5 July 1994. Where at the time of application no vacancy for a full-time position is available within a teacher’s preference list, a teacher may accept appointment at another school or remain at the teacher’s current school and employment fraction until a suitable vacancy becomes available. Discretion may be exercised to waive the notice requirement stated above in emergent or compassionate circumstances. Uncontrolled copy. Refer to the Department of Education and Training Policy and Procedure Register at to ensure you have the most current version of this document. Page 2 of 2