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Dear Sir/ Madam
Bugema Community Child Based Organization (BCCBO) UGANDA is participating in
December Open Challenge on GlobalGiving (Online Fundraising) to raise $93,240 for
implementation of the project- Promoting Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among Youth
in Uganda. . The goal of this Project focuses on provision of accurate information on HIV/AIDS
through practical training and demonstration for promotion of Healthy Sexual Behavior and
Practices among Youth in Uganda.
The specific objectives of this project are: To equip Youths with Accurate Information and
Knowledge about the relationship between STLs, HIV and AIDS, Mode of HIV Transmission,
Major Signs and Symptoms of AIDS, Minor Signs and Symptoms of AIDS, Common
Misconceptions about HIV Transmission, The Impact of AIDS Epidemic on Individuals,
Families and Communities, Prevention and Control of STLs /HIV/AIDS and To increase the
Management of HIV/AIDS Opportunistic Infections, Home Care and Support for People living
with HIV/AIDS through practical training and demonstrations with the help of a projector, and
also to equip them with vocational skills such as Brick laying, Tailoring, Poultry, Rabbit, Goat,
Cow and Sheep rearing. After being equipped with vocational skills, they will be provided with
10,000 Chicken layers, 100 Rabbit, 100 Sheep, 60 Calves, 4 Bricklaying machines and 50
Sewing machines to enable them rise out of the bandage of poverty.
The project will be managed by BCCBO Staff, and these are: Executive Chairperson
Mutyaba Paul (BASWASA), Executive Vice Chairperson Kyoobe Roger (DIT), Treasurer
Nabwire Aidah (BBA), General Secretary Namuleme Lydia Kisakye (BASWASA), Medical
Doctor Abineza John, Mobilizer Muhindo Stanley (BASWASA), Chief Counselor Nalubula
Abisagi (BASWASA), Development Maseruka Robinson (BDS), Clinical Officer Muhindo
Collins, Female Nurse Meeme, Female Nurse Sarah Katantazi, Chief Nursing Officer
Ampumuza Joan, Male Nurse Griffin, Female Nurse Gloria and Mwima Robert Clinical
The following evaluative methodologies will be used in the project: In-depth interviews
with community leaders and members, Service statistics and Special studies, Program records,
Interviews, Biodata forms, Comparison of scores to cut-off points, On-site/ Field assessments,
Observation, Client exit interviews and Interviews with other service providers in other
Bugema Community Child and Youth Based Organization (BCCBO) was incepted by
Mutyaba Paul and Nalubula Abisagi in 2012, by then who were students at Bugema University
pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and Social Administration , after realizing,
noticing, identifying and analyzing that there was a great need to help vulnerable and
disadvantaged children such as orphans, homeless, disabled and those living with HIV/AIDS as
well as Youth to access better health care services, quality education, better nutrition, and nurture
their talents through sports, games, music, dance and drama, and also to protect them against
domestic violence, and violation of their rights such as the right to life and to belong to the
Bugema Community Child Based Organization (BCCBO) is a registered non- profit
Community Based Organization with the Government of Uganda, with Certificate Number CD017 2012, located in Bugema, Lukyamu local council1, Kamira parish, Kalagala Sub-County in
Luwero District in Central Uganda.
BCCBO is currently carrying out an HIV/AIDS program to increase Healthy Sexual
Behavior and Practices among Youth in Uganda. The online fundraising through GlobalGiving
to raise $ 93,240 will aid the provision of accurate information on HIV/AIDS through practical
training and demonstration for promotion of Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among
Youth in Uganda as well as equipping them with vocational skills and providing them with
Chicken layers, Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Calves, Sewing machines and Bricklaying machines to
enable them rise out of the bandage of poverty.
There are currently 600,000 Youth infected with HIV in Uganda according to Ugandan
Ministry of Health. This is due to unhealthy sexual behavior and practices among Youth. Such
Youth stand high chances of infecting others because of unhealthy sexual behavior and practices.
That such Youth also lack vocational skills to enable them rise out poverty.
Health Reports from Bugema University Health Centre, JEK Community Health Centre,
Busiika, Kalagala Health Centre IV and Natyole Health Centre III show the increasing number
of Youth getting infected with HIV in Uganda due to unhealthy Sexual Behavior and Practices.
In our (BCCBO) community intervention, interaction and needs assessment, we found out
that the increasing number of Youth getting infected with HIV is attributed to lack of provision
of accurate and appropriate information on HIV/AIDS.
The Project focuses on provision of Accurate Information on HIV/AIDS through practical
demonstration and training for promotion of Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among
Youth in Uganda. The Project will cover and address these key areas; The Relationship between
STLs, HIV and AIDS, HIV Mode of Transmission, Major Signs and Symptoms of AIDS, Minor
Signs and Symptoms of AIDS, Common Misconceptions about HIV Transmission, The Impact
of AIDS Epidemic on Individuals, Families and Communities, and Prevention and Control of
STLs /HIV/AIDS, Training of Youth in the Management of HIV/AIDS Opportunistic Infections
and Training of them in Home Care and Support for People living with HIV/AIDS. The Project
also focuses on empowering of the Youth by equipping them with vocational skills such as
Tailoring, Bricklaying, Poultry and animal rearing, and providing them with 10,000 Chicken
layers, 100 Goats, 100 Sheep, 1,000 Rabbits, 60 Calves, 50 Sewing machines and 4 Bricklaying
machines to enable the rise out of poverty.
This project targets Youth in Bugema, Bunsule, Kamira, Namuganja, Busoke, Kiwangula,
Kibanga, Kalungu, Lukyamu, Kitanda, Kireka, Kalanamu, Busiika, Vvumba, Kalagala,
Lunyolya, Degeya and Nakafumu Communities in Uganda.
Therefore, the provision of accurate information on HIV/AIDS through practical training
and demonstration will promote Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among Youth as well as
other people in Uganda.
The major activities of project will include: Provision of Accurate Information on The
Relationship between STLs, HIV and AIDS, HIV Mode of Transmission, Major Signs and
Symptoms of AIDS, Minor Signs and Symptoms of AIDS, Common Misconceptions about HIV
Transmission, The Impact of AIDS Epidemic on Individuals, Families and Communities, and
Prevention and Control of STLs /HIV/AIDS, Training of Communities in the Management of
HIV/AIDS Opportunistic Infections , Training of Communities in Home Care and Support for
People living with HIV/AIDS empowering Youth through vocational skills such as Tailoring,
Brick laying, Poultry and animal rearing and providing them with 10,000 Chicken layers, 100
Goats, 100 Sheep, 1,000 Rabbits, 50 Sewing machines and 4 Brick laying machines to enable
them rise out of poverty.
The names and titles of key project staff are: Mutyaba Paul Executive Chairperson, Kyoobe
Roger Executive Vice Chairperson, Namuleme Lydia Kisakye General Secretary, Nabwire
Aidah Treasurer, Muhindo Stanley Mobilizer, Nalubula Abisagi Chief Counselor, Abineza John
Medical Doctor, Ampumuza Joan Chief Nursing Officer, Muhindo Collins Clinical Officer,
Mwima Robert Clinical Officer, Sarah Katantazi Nurse, Meeme Nurse, Gloria Nurse and Griffin
Our desired objectives are: To increase Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices in the
communities, To increase Home Care and Support for people living with HIV/AIDS in the
communities, To increase the Management of HIV/AIDS Opportunistic Infections among
community people, To empower communities through vocational skills such as Tailoring, Brick
laying, Poultry and animal rearing and, To provide them with Chicken layers, Rabbits, Goats,
Sheep, Calves, Brick laying machines and Sewing machines to enable them rise out of the
bandage of poverty in Uganda.
The name of the project is Promote Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among Youth in
Uganda (as it appears on Global giving December Open Challenge). The goal of this Project
focuses on provision of accurate information on HIV/AIDS through practical training and
demonstration for promotion of Healthy Sexual Behavior and Practices among Youth in Uganda.
We are ready to answer any question as may be required. We thank you so much for considering
our project for your donation/ funding on GlobalGiving- December, 2014 Open Challenge.