Academic Senate Standing Committees Membership 2011-2012 AAPC: Admission and Academic Policies Committee (AIS-1, A&S-4, BUS-1, PS-3) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank College Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Martin Mike Assistant PS Department Engineering Tech F2009-W2012 (2) Tireman William Assistant A&S Physics F2009-W2012 Johnson Carol Instructor BUS Business F2010-W2013 Watry Ruth Associate A&S Political Science F2010-W2013 Truckey Paul Associate A&S CAPS F2010-W2013 (2) Etchison Mary Professor PS Counseling F2011-W2014 (2) Robinia Kristi Professor PS Nursing F2011-W2014 (2) Clumpner Krista Associate AIS Library F2011-W2014 (2) McDonnell Gary Assistant A&S Economics Chair AISAC: Academic Information Services Advisory Committee (AIS-2, A&S-5, BUS-1, PS-1) Matthew Frank replaces Jackie Bird who is unable to complete her term. Kenneth Mullins replaces Abhi Jain who is unable to complete his term. Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank College Department Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Truong Bao Assistant A&S Math/CS Bird Jackie Associate A&S Biology Frank Matthew Assistant A&S English Puncochar Judith Associate PS Education Jain Abhijit Assistant BUS Business Mullins Kenneth Instructor BUS Business F2010-W2013 Freier Mollie Associate AIS AIS F2010-W2013 Maas Nancy Assistant PS Nursing F2011-W2014 (2) Russell Neil Associate A&S Physics F2009-W2012 F2009-W2012 F2010-W2013 F2011-W2014 (2) Sen Maya F2011-W2014 (2) Lucas Marsha Chair Associate A&S Psychology Instructor A&S Chemistry CEC: Committee on Elections and Committees (AIS-1, A&S-4, BUS-1, PS-3) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank College Start-Expires F2009-W2012 McCormick Frankie Associate A&S Department Chemistry F2009-W2012 Teeter Kate Assistant A&S Biology F2009-W 2012 Lubig Joe Associate PS Education F2010-W2013 (2) Sarjeant Bruce Associate AIS Library F2010-W2013 Burdick Kristi Assistant PS Nursing F2010-W2013 (2) Ulland Rebecca Assistant A&S Languages F2011-W2014 Bammert Catherine Assistant PS Clinical Sciences F2011-W2014 (2) Stulz Karin Assistant BUS Business F2011-W2014 (2) Wood David Associate A&S English College Department BUS Business Chair COI: Committee on Internationalization (AIS-1, A&S-4, BUS-1, PS-3) Shuang Xie replaces Mark Shevy who is unable to complete his term. Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Steinhaus Carol Associate F2009-W2012 (2) Ball William Professor A&S Political Science F2009-W2012 Stunkard Mary Professor PS Clinical Lab Sc F2010-W2013 Burgmeier Mike Associate AIS Library F2010-W2013 (2) Mowafy Mohey Professor PS HPER F2010-W2013 Mills Bronwyn Assistant A&S English F2011-W2014 Delpier Terry Professor PS Nursing F2011-W2014 Arenillas María G. Assistant A&S Languages Shevy Mark Assistant A&S CAPS Xie Shuang Assistant A&S CAPS F2011-W2014 ASNMU representative for 2011-2012: Chair CUP: Committee on Undergraduate Programs (AIS-1, A&S-5, BUS-1, PS-2) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Aumann Antony Assistant College Department A&S Philosophy F2009-W2012 Clumpner Krista Associate AIS Library F2009-W2012 Foster Tara Assistant A&S Languages F2010-W2013 (2) Monske Elizabeth Associate A&S English F2010-W2013 (2) Drosen James Associate BUS Business F2010-W 2013 Trella Deanna Assistant PS Soc/Social Work F2011-W2014 Putman Lesley Professor A&S Chemistry F2011-W2014 (2) Engelhart Robert Associate A&S Music F2011-W2014 (2) Kirk Christopher Associate PS HPER Rank College Department Assistant PS Nursing Chair FGC: Faculty Grants Committee (AIS-0, A&S-5, BUS-0, PS-4) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Gasiewicz Nanci Chair F2009-W2012 Strauss Carol Associate A&S Languages F2009-W2012 Buhl David Professor A&S Mathematics F2010-W2013 (2) Russell Shelley Professor PS CAPS F2010-W2013 Brahm Gabriel Assistant A&S English F2010-W2013 Ruuska Alex Assistant PS Soc/SW/Anth F2011-W2014 Liu Yan Assistant A&S Chemistry F2011-W2014 (2) Moore Maggy Assistant PS HPER F2011-W2014 (2) Ottem Erich Assistant A&S Biology GPC: Graduate Programs Committee (AIS-1, A&S-5, BUS-1, PS-2) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank Start-Expires F2009-W2012 (2) Suksi James Professor College Department A&S Psychology F2009-W2012 Prather Russel Associate A&S English F2009-W2012 (2) Smith Stephen Associate A&S Math/CS F2010-W2013 Imdieke Sandy Professor PS Education F2010-W2013 (2) Strahan Michael Associate AIS Library F2010-W2013 (2) Watts Phil Professor PS HPER F2011-W2014 Rayome David Professor Bus Business F2011-W2014 (2) Haynes David Associate A&S Political Science F2011-W2014 (2) Rebers John Professor A&S Biology Chair HB: Honors Board (AIS-1, A&S-6, BUS-1, PS-1) Amy Orf replaces Tim Hilton who is unable to complete his term. Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Start-Expires F2009-W2012 Pendleton Glenna Rank College Department Assistant BUS Business Assistant A&S Music Assistant A&S Political Science F2009-W2012 Rhyneer Barbara F2009-W2012 Allen Jonathan F2010-W2013 (2) Lowe Carolyn Associate PS Education F2010-W2013 Poe Andy Professor A&S Math & CS F2010-W2013 Jacobs Mark Associate A&S Physics F2011-W2014 Willis Alan Associate A&S History Hilton Tim Associate PS Soc/SW/Anth Orf Amy Instructor A&S Languages Sanner Elyssa Assistant AIS Library Wood David Associate A&S English Chair F2011-W2014 F2011-W2014 Director Also Michael Broadway (Dean A&S) and two students serve on the Honors Board. These representatives are not appointed by the Academic Senate. LSC: Liberal Studies Committee (AIS-1, A&S-6, BUS-1, PS-1) Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Start-Expires F2009-W2012 (2) Joy Michael Rank College Department Associate A&S Languages F2009-W2012 (2) Brunswick Gary Professor BUS Business F2009-W2012 Paulsen Mark Associate A&S Chemistry F2010-W2013 (2) Freier Mollie Associate AIS Library F2010-W2013 Hamilton Amy Assistant A&S English F2010-W2013 Menard Katie Assistant PS Nursing F2011-W2014 Oba Mitsutoshi Assistant A&S Art & Design F2011-W2014 Graves Brent Professor A&S Biology F2011-W2014 (2) Allen Jonathan Assistant A&S Political Science Chair TLAC: Teaching and Learning Advisory Council (AIS-1, A&S-3, BUS-1, PS-4) Eugene Wickenheiser replaces James Phegan who is unable to complete his term. Term(#) Last Name First Name Chair Rank College Start-Expires Phegan James Associate A&S F2009-W2012 Wickenheiser Eugene Professor A&S Department Art and Design Chemistry F2009-W2012 Bell Carol Associate A&S Math/CS F2009-W2012 Sherman Jon Assistant A&S Languages F2010-W2013 (2) Black Doug Assistant AIS Collections F2010-W2013 Cory Leslie Assistant PS Tech./Occ. Sciences F2010-W2013 Polkinghorn Cale Instructor PS Engineering F2011-W2014 (2) Cowell Joan Assistant PS Education F2011-W2014 (2) Stark Gary Associate BUS Business F2011-W2014 (2) Flood Lisa Professor PS Nursing Chair Ex-officio members: David Bonsall (Student Activities & Leadership), Tom Gillespie (Instructional Technology)