Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

School Psychologist Evaluation Rubric
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Psychologist demonstrates little Psychologist uses a limited
Psychologist uses a variety of Psychologist uses a wide range
Demonstrating knowledge
or no knowledge and skill in
number of psychological
psychological instruments to
of psychological instruments to
and skill in using
using psychological instruments instruments to evaluate
evaluate students and
evaluate students and knows
psychological instruments to to evaluate students.
determine accurate diagnoses. the proper situations in which
evaluate students
each should be used.
Limited knowledge of child find Thorough knowledge of current Knowledge of pitfalls in special Ability to “read” the special
Knowledge of Special
responsibilities, the rights of
special education policies and education that lead to litigation. education issues inherent in a
Education Policy and
students with disabilities, IEPs, procedures, federal guidelines, Acts as a resource to educators situation to make skillful
and the obligation of the teacher state recommendations, OARs, on federal, state and local
recommendations. Articulates
to implement IEP’s.
NCSD special education policy policy.
policy and procedures.
and procedures.
Regarded as an expert by
Behavior support plan consists Behavior support plan has a
Psychologist has developed a Psychologist’s behavior support
Planning the behavior support of a random collection of
guiding principle and includes a behavior support plan that
plan is highly coherent and
plan, integrated with the
unrelated activities, lacking
number of worthwhile
includes the important aspects preventive and serves to
regular school program, to
coherence or an overall
activities, but some of them
of work in the setting.
support students individually
meet the needs of individual structure.
don’t fit with the broader goals.
within the broader educational
students, including prevention
Reflecting on practice
Psychologist does not reflect on Psychologist’s reflection on
Psychologist’s reflection
practice, or the reflections are practice is moderately accurate provides an accurate and
inaccurate or self-serving.
and objective without citing
objective description of
specific examples, and with
practice, citing specific positive
only global suggestions as to and negative characteristics.
how it might be improved.
Psychologist makes some
specific suggestions as to how
the counseling program might
be improved.
Psychologist’s reflection is highly
accurate and perceptive, citing
specific examples that were not
fully successful for at least some
students. Psychologist draws on
an extensive repertoire to
suggest alternative strategies.
Domain 2: The Environment
Psychologist’s interactions with
Establishing rapport
students’ families and staff are
with students, families and negative or inappropriate;
students appear uncomfortable
in the testing center.
Psychologist fails to
Communicating with families communicate with families and
secure necessary permission for
evaluations or communicates in
an insensitive manner.
Managing and prioritizing
Documentation of Special
Education Process and
Psychologist’s interactions are a Psychologist’s interactions with Students seek out the
mix of positive and negative; the students’ families and staff are psychologist, reflecting a high
psychologist’s efforts at
positive and respectful; students degree of comfort and trust in
developing rapport are partially appear comfortable in the
the relationship.
testing center.
Psychologist’s communication Psychologist communicates with Psychologist secures necessary
with families is partially
families and secures necessary permissions and communicates
successful; permissions are
permission for evaluations and with families in a manner highly
obtained, but there are
does so in a manner sensitive to sensitive to cultural and
occasional insensitivities to
cultural and linguistic traditions. linguistic traditions. Psychologist
cultural and linguistic traditions.
reaches out to families of
students to enhance trust.
Psychologist fails to successfully Attempts to prioritize lead to A system for organization of
Psychologist is able to plan for
manage priorities and spaces successfully met deadlines, but time and space is evident and in all needed evaluations and
leading to missed deadlines and often do not allow for flexibility. use. Time is used effectively
meetings and respond to crisis
breaches of confidentiality.
Physical space generally appears and priorities are in line with
situations with flexibility. Office
disorganized, but confidentiality community needs.
and testing space is organized
is secure.
Confidentiality is secure and
and lends to efficiency.
Poor follow through with
Ability to clearly document
High level of skill in written
Outstanding written
required special education
decisions and special education communication and
communication. Accurate,
documentation. Little or no
action in an accurate and timely organization regarding required timely written response to
evidence of written reports,
special education
special education inquiry.
FBAs, BIPs, etc., to document
documentation. Thorough, well- Ability to use language to
student issues.
constructed written reports.
navigate conflict and avoid
Inconsistent report writing and
pitfalls in special education that
documentation of special
lead to complaints and
education requirements.
Domain 3: Delivery of Service
Psychologist fails to consult with
Responding to referrals;
colleagues or to tailor
consulting with teachers and evaluations to the questions
raised in the referral.
Psychologist consults on a
sporadic basis with colleagues,
making partially successful
attempts to tailor evaluations
to the questions raised in the
Psychologist resists
Psychologist attempts to
Evaluating student needs in administering evaluations,
administer appropriate
compliance with Oregon
selects instruments
evaluation instruments to
Administrative Rules (OARS) inappropriate to the situation, or students, but does not always
and guidelines
does not follow established
follow established time lines
procedures and guidelines.
and safeguards.
Implementation and
modification of special
education process and
Poor implementation and/or
follow up of special education
decisions made by the team.
Makes a reasonable attempt to
implement team decisions and
special education action.
Inconsistent follow through in
the monitoring process.
Adjustments are not made to
ensure student success.
Psychologist adheres to the plan
Demonstrating flexibility and or program, in spite of evidence
of its inadequacy.
Takes action necessary to
implement special education
team decisions and plans,
monitors progress and makes
adjustments as needed to
ensure student success.
Psychologist consults
frequently with colleagues,
tailoring evaluations to the
questions raised in the referral.
Psychologist consults frequently
with colleagues, contributing
own insights and tailoring
evaluations to the questions
raised in the referral.
Psychologist administers
Psychologist selects from a
appropriate evaluation
broad repertoire those
instruments to students and
assessments that are most
ensures that all procedures and appropriate to the referral
safeguards are faithfully
questions and conducts
adhered to.
information sessions with
colleagues to ensure that they
fully understand and comply
with procedural time lines and
Anticipates and plans for
Implements, monitors and
student success through
adjusts special education plans
strategic planning and
and decisions with a high degree
innovative thinking.
of skill. Collaborates in such a
Consistent follow-through on way that parents, teachers and
monitoring activities.
administrators are empowered
to follow through with increased
Psychologist makes modest
Psychologist makes revisions in
changes in the treatment
the treatment program when it
program when confronted with is needed.
evidence of the need for
Psychologist is continually
seeking ways to improve the
treatment program and makes
changes as needed in response
to student, parent, or teacher
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Psychologist’s records are in
Psychologist’s records are
Maintaining accurate records disarray; they may be missing, accurate and legible and are
illegible, or stored in an
stored in a secure location.
insecure location.
Psychologist’s relationships
Psychologist’s relationships with
Participating in a professional with colleagues are negative or colleagues are cordial, and
self-serving, and psychologist psychologist participates in
avoids being involved in school school and district events and
and district events and projects. projects when specifically
Psychologist does not
Psychologist’s participation in
Engaging in professional
participate in professional
professional development
development activities, even activities is limited to those that
when such activities are clearly are convenient or are required.
needed for the ongoing
development of skills.
Showing professionalism
Contributing to School and
District Goals
Psychologist’s records are
accurate and legible, well
organized, and stored in a
secure location.
Psychologist participates
actively in school and district
events and projects and
maintains positive and
productive relationships with
Psychologist seeks out
opportunities for professional
development based on an
individual assessment of need.
Psychologist’s records are
accurate and legible, well
organized, and stored in a secure
location. They are written to be
understandable to another
qualified professional.
Psychologist makes a substantial
contribution to school and
district events and projects and
assumes leadership with
Psychologist actively pursues
professional development
opportunities and makes a
substantial contribution to the
profession through such
activities as offering workshops
to colleagues.
Psychologist displays
Psychologist is honest in
Psychologist displays high
Psychologist can be counted on
dishonesty in interactions with interactions with colleagues,
standards of honesty, integrity, to hold the highest standards of
colleagues, students, and the students, and the public; plays a and confidentiality in
honesty, integrity, and
public and violates principles of moderate advocacy role for
interactions with colleagues, confidentiality and to advocate
students; and does not violate students, and the public, and for students, taking a leadership
advocates for students when role with colleagues.
Psychologist declines to
Psychologist intermittently
Psychologist consistently
Psychologist consistently
participate or contribute
participates and contributes
participates and contributes
provides leadership, ideas and
toward school/district goals
toward school and district goals toward school/district goals
expertise that further
and initiatives.
and initiatives.
and initiatives.
school/district goals and