Español 2 Skill Tracker Semestre 1 ¡Fiestas de sabiduría! (Examenes) Me llamo:_____________________________ La Fecha Nota de Leer Nota de hablar Nota de escribir Nota de escuchar Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Summary Judgment Pruebas de Gramática / Vocabulario Unit 1 1.1 Vocabulario: Adjetivos 1.1 Ser y Pronombres 1.1 Ser y Adjetivos 1.2 Gustar con Infintivos 1.3 Vocabulario 1.3 Gramática La Fecha 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt Pruebas de Gramática / Vocabulario Unit 2 2.1 Verbos reflexivos La Fecha 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt La Fecha 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 2.2 Preposiciones 2.3 La ropa Pruebas de Gramática / Vocabulario Unit 3 3.1 Mandatos 3.2 Objetos en la casa 3.2 Los quehaceres Pruebas de Gramática / Vocabulario Unit 4 4.1 Vocabulario de profesiones 4.2 Saber vs Conocer La Fecha 1st Attempt 2nd Attempt Spanish 2 Assessment Policy Students will be evaluated with rubrics on a standards-based system. There are 3 Tiers to the evaluation process. Tier 1 – Individual Assessments – Students will be evaluated on the following five learning targets: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Grammar/Vocabulary Proficiency, using district rubrics. Students may retake Grammar/Vocabulary assessments only. Tier 2 – Summary Judgments of student performance over the semester. These judgments will use the Individual Assessments in Tier 1 to decide the student’s overall performance in each of the five learning targets: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Grammar/Vocabulary Proficiency. Tier 3 – The summary judgments will determine the student’s letter grade at the end of the semester. Tier 2 – How summary judgments will be decided for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. H P N D All scores of proficient (P) / highly proficient (H). 2/3 or more must be at highly proficient (H). All scores of proficient (P) / highly proficient (H). One (1) score may be at nearing proficiency (N) and still be eligible for a summary judgment of (P). All scores of nearing proficiency (N), proficient (P), highly proficient (H). One (1) score may be at Developing Proficiency (D) and still be eligible for a summary judgment of (N). Less than 80% at nearing proficiency (N), proficient (P), highly proficient (H). Two (2) or more scores are at Developing (D). Grammar/Vocabulary Summary Judgments will be determined by averaging all of the scores in this category, using the following scale: Proficiency Score H P N D Average of Grammar/Vocabulary Assessments 4 3 2 1 What do I need to do to prepare for a Grammar / Vocab Retake? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make corrections outside of class to the original test. Complete online tutorial and practice. OR Get a pass from your teacher to go to the Tutoring Center during period 7 or 8. Show your teacher the Tutoring Center teacher signature. Schedule a retake in the Testing Center during period 7 or 8. *If you do not have Access Tutorial period 7 or 8, Mrs. Kissinger is available before school, or after school. How do I determine my letter grade? Please see the Spanish II Syllabus 2014-2015 Summary Judgment to Letter Grade Conversion Scale. 2014-2015 Summary Judgment to Letter Grade Conversion Scale For all schools using a 1-4 scale: Letter Grade A B C D F Average of Summary Judgments Rationale 3.4 - 4.0 An “A” letter grade communicates that a student has mastered, at a very high level, the academic learning of the course. A student would need to be proficient (3) or highly proficient (4) in the all of the learning targets to earn this letter grade. 2.7 - 3.4 A “B” letter grade communicates that a student has the academic learning of a course strongly in place and is well equipped to move forward. A student would need to earn mostly summary judgments of proficient (3) on the course learning targets to earn this letter grade. 2.0 - 2.7 A “C” letter grade communicates that a student has a basic understanding of the academic learning of a course. This student has attained the minimum required knowledge and skills to move on to the next course by earning summary judgments of nearly proficient (2) or better on most learning targets. 1.6 - 2.0 A “D” letter grade communicates that a student has not mastered enough of the required learning for the course to be successful moving forward. While a student receiving a “D” may move forward to the next course, this student will lack prerequisite learning and interventions may be necessary. Less than 1.6 or ** See Below An “F” letter grade communicates that a student has not mastered enough academic learning in a course to appropriately move on to the next course. This student would have earned mostly developing (1) on the summary judgments for this course. High school students will not receive transcripted credit. I Student demonstrates basic proficiency (P) or high proficiency (H) on all prior summary judgments. Half or less of recent summary judgments are below proficiency. Once these summary judgments are improved, student is eligible for an A, B, C, or D. (see descriptions above). P Student has shown proficiency on skills up to this point, but not enough evidence has been collected to grant a letter grade. **A summary judgment of “1” for two or more learning targets will result in an F grade for the semester. **Online translation: The use of an online translator is considered plagiarism and is a violation of the WHS academic integrity policy. No credit will be given for an assignment in which a translator is used. You cannot makeup the assignment. **All electronic devices must be off and away during class. No exceptions. Any electronic device being used in class will be confiscated and delivered to an Administrator.