Bird Seizures

Bird Seizures: Why Do They
Happen? What Can You Do?
By Louisa M. Jaskulski, RVT
Seizures are frightening to see. The bird
may be unable to stand, fall off its perch,
lose consciousness, and exhibit violent
muscle spasms such as twitching legs
and flapping wings. Alternatively, the bird
may just stand and stare blankly with an
“out of it” demeanor. Seizures may last
from a few seconds to one or two
minutes. The bird will often seem
confused afterward, and may just sit on
the floor of the cage while it
recovers. When it is a beloved bird you
are watching, it fills you with fear and
Actual seizures can involve loss of control of a bird’s skeletal muscles
resulting in waves of involuntary movement. They are caused by
spontaneous, temporary disturbances of the brain’s electrical activity.
Often the bird will appear normal between episodes.
These differ from partial paralysis, blindness, staggering, or other
nervous system disorders, which are often caused by organ disease
elsewhere in the body.
Because there are many things that can cause seizures and other
neurological problems in birds, it is essential to get your bird to your
avian veterinarian as soon as possible when you see these signs, so
that an appropriate diagnosis can be made and any possible
treatment started.
Physical Injury to the Brain: Examples include brain tumors, a stroke
or blood clot in the brain, concussion (from flying into a window or
wall) or other blow to the head, or being bitten in the head by a
predator (dog, cat, raccoon). Brain tumors and parasites eat away at
the brain structure, and are usually not treatable. A physical blowtype injury can result in a depressed fracture, brain swelling or a blood
clot – treatment is sometimes effective if started promptly.
Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiency of vitamins B or E, hypocalcaemia
(low blood calcium levels) or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can all
cause stumbling, head twisting, circling, paralysis, or spasms. Folic
acid deficiency can cause neck paralysis in young turkeys. Problems
with the diet are the usual culprit here. Careful diet analysis and diet
change, possibly with appropriate supplementation, can help to
resolve these.
NOTE - African Greys are particularly prone to seizures due to
hypocalcaemia. Be sure to consult your avian veterinarian about
appropriate diet for these birds.
Infectious Diseases: Some infections are known for causing central
nervous system disorders. Some bacteria secrete toxins that can
affect the nervous system. For example, avian botulism is caused by
Clostridium Botulinum which produces a serious neurotoxin resulting
in flaccid paralysis (“limber neck”) and eventually death, and
particularly affects shorebirds. Psittacosis (Chlamydia psattaci) is a
bacterial disease that can result in tremors, head twisting and
convulsions – a really good reason to ensure all your new birds are
tested for this before they exit quarantine!
Viral diseases can create neural problems. Borna virus, which can
result in Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD), attacks the nerves.
Newcastle disease is caused by a paramyxovirus, which can affect all
species, and causes tremors, paralysis, and opisthotonos (where the
head and tail are bent upward while the abdomen is pushed down).
There are also migrating parasites that can end up causing brain
damage, as we see sometimes in the wild conure flock of San
Francisco’s Telegraph Hill.
Fungal diseases such as Aspergillosis can infect the spine, causing
serious muscle disorder and even death.
Organ Disease: Tumors of the kidneys or reproductive tract that press
down on the nerves going into the legs can cause severe limping owners initially think the bird has broken its leg. Arthrosclerosis
(“hardening of the arteries”) can reduce blood flow to the brain.
Arthritis can diminish a bird’s agility and ability to grip and balance
properly. Tumors of the spine, or spinal bony masses, can put
pressure on any nerves exiting the spine in that area. Low blood
magnesium due to parathyroid disease can cause tremors, shivering
and twitching. Kidney or liver failure can cause the body to be
poisoned by improperly processed metabolites (systemic toxemia)
resulting in convulsions.
Environmental Stressors: Hyperthermia (over-heating) can occur if
birds are left in the sun with no shade and inadequate water, leading
to convulsions and even death. Housing that is damp and drafty can
cause chills and inflammation of nerves, muscles and joints.
Toxicities: Toxicities, due to toxins such as lead, zinc, or
organophosphates, can lead to ataxia (loss of muscular coordination,
lack of balance) and convulsions.
Unknown Cause: Sometimes we never know the cause (“idiopathic”,
unknown origin). Just as in human medicine, seizures can appear with
no apparent reason and then return or resolve just as mysteriously.
When the bird is having a convulsion, or stumbling, or falling, the first
concern is to keep it safe. Place the bird in dim light, in a quiet
environment, provide supplemental warmth (unless there has been a
concussion or other head injury, in which case supplemental heat is
contra-indicated; just keep your bird from getting cold). Place perches
low to the floor, and pad the floor with soft towels. Give the bird
nutritious, easily digested food that it will eat, such as greens, wheat
germ or NutriAn cakes. If the bird is weak or unbalanced, either
remove water completely or only put in a very shallow amount, to
prevent accidental drowning.
Do your best to record how long the episode(s) last, and their nature
(i.e. vacant stare, trembling wings, falling over, etc.). Make note of
anything the bird could have chewed or eaten that could be causing
problems (zippers, costume jewelry, rubber on shoes, lead on stained
glass), or if there is a source of trauma (flying into window, anyone
playing rough with the bird).
Bring the bird to your avian veterinarian as soon as possible.
Depending on the diagnosis, treatments may be available to help. A
concussion may require a short course of steroids. Toxicities will
require medications to bind and remove the toxin. Infections can
usually be treated with antibiotics, antifungals etc. Heart disease,
arthrosclerosis and strokes have their own treatments. Sometimes
anticonvulsant medication is helpful.
Some of our patients
have benefited from
acupuncture. Because
birds can not be
expected to stay still for
extended periods with
needles in them, the
Certified Veterinary
Acupuncturist instead
injects a tiny drop of
Vitamin B complex into
the appropriate
meridian points.The
photos at the top of this
article and at right
show Dr. Chris
Sanders, Certified
Acupuncturist at
Wildwood Veterinary
Hospital, treating a
Orlando, a Lovebird being given acupuncture.
Photo by Nyla Coop
The first step always is to get to your avian veterinarian as soon as
possible so a diagnosis and treatment plan can be initiated. Some
birds have only rare episodes, some resolve completely, and some
are sadly ongoing and even get worse. There is no way to predict. But
your bird needs the hope, love, comfort and support only you can give
during this time.