Color Chart Behavior Management System

Mrs. Frey’s Kindergarten Classroom
Behavioral Expectations Policy
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Part of creating a successful learning environment where
each child is able to learn to their greatest potential
includes teaching children the behaviors that positively
contribute to their own learning and the learning of those
around them. In our classroom, students are held accountable
for their behaviors through the Color Chart system. The colors
and their corresponding behaviors and rewards/consequences are
as follows:
Demonstrating the expected
positive learning
 Following directions
 Using work time
 Talking and using a
voice level
appropriate to the
learning activity
 Being respectful
 Being responsible
 Being Safe
Needs continued assistance
in demonstrating the
expected positive learning
 Continuing talking or
making noises not
appropriate to the
learning activity
after several teacher
 Continuing actions are
taking away from
student’s or other’s
learning after several
teacher reminders
 Continuing to not
follow directions
Student earns verbal praise
or written praise in agenda,
may choose classroom job or
receive special privileges.
Student earns $1 LCA Bucks
for specific behaviors daily
and $5 LCA Bucks for staying
on green all week.
Student colors green in
Student participates in Fun
Student takes a time-out in
teacher assigned recovery
spot within the classroom
and/or receives a loss of
classroom privileges.
Student colors yellow in
Three yellows in one week
disqualifies student from
participating in classroom
Fun Friday.
after several teacher
Student has chosen not to
demonstrate the expected
positive learning behaviors
and/or has compromised the
classroom learning
 Has not changed
behaviors or made
better choices after
being on Yellow for
two or more times in
the day
 Has hurt another
person out of anger or
 Is bullying or
repeatedly teasing
another child
 Is being unsafe and/or
has left the classroom
without permission
 Is being disrespectful
by talking back,
arguing, or refusing
to follow teacher
Student has chosen not to
demonstrate the expected
positive learning behaviors
and/or has severely
compromised the classroom
learning environment:
 Has continued 1 or
more of the Blue
behaviors after
returning from a timeout in another
 Behaviors are severe
in nature, causing
harm to another
student or damage to
Student takes a time-out
outside the classroom and/or
receives a loss of classroom
A note describing student
behaviors is sent home.
Student and parent/guardian
must review and sign the
behavior note and must
return it to school the next
Student colors blue in
Student takes a time-out
outside the classroom and/or
receives a loss of classroom
A call or face-to-face
contact will be made with
the parent/guardian that
Student colors red in
Students are given regular assistance in achieving the
expected behaviors in our classroom. I work diligently in being
fair and consistent in holding students accountable in regards to
their actions, choices and behaviors. Praise, encouragement, and
acknowledgment is given as students are working toward doing
their best. In order to support students in demonstrating the
behaviors they need to achieve, assistance and further
encouragement may be given to achieving and struggling students
alike in the form of the following verbal and non-verbal
VERBAL teacher reminders:
Whole class reminders
Positive praise
A reminder with student name
Extra practice
Redirection (Change student’s focus)
NON-VERBAL teacher reminders:
 The “Second Thought” signal
 Eye contact
 Proximity (Standing next to student)
In our classroom we have several individual and whole class
rewards that encourage and reward the positive learning behaviors
the students are working toward exhibiting on a daily basis. The
rewards students are working toward in our classroom are as
 Classroom Privileges: Being messenger, carrying balls
outside to/from recess, sitting in a camp chair, etc.
 Fun Friday: Students may have 2 yellows in a week and
participate in Fun Friday.
 Positive Note Home: A note written in student agendas beside
their green so parents can reinforce positive learning
behaviors at home.
 LCA Bucks: When students exhibit exemplary behaviors
throughout the day, they earn $1 LCA Buck. When students
exhibit exemplary behaviors throughout the week they earn $5
LCA Bucks. LCA Bucks are spent at the school store on
Friday (beginning in October).
 All-Star Awards: Weekly award recognizing students
exhibiting the current Moral Focus.
 Class Party: When the class collectively displays positive
learning behaviors, a colorful Pom Pom is added to the class
Pom Pom jar. When the jar is full the class earns a party of
their choosing!
You can further support your child’s success in the
classroom by following up with their behaviors at home. Ask them
how their day was and what colors they were on throughout the
day. Praise and encourage their successes! If they struggled,
have them think of ways they can make the following day better.
Offer suggestions on what they can be doing to make improvements.
How rewards and consequences in the classroom are reinforced at
home have a strong impact on their effectiveness on influencing
your child’s behaviors and choices at school. If you have any
questions regarding our classroom behavior policy please feel
free to contact me.
Thank you for your continued support,
Educationally yours,
Erin Frey