[Permittee] NPDES MS4 Permit Application [Date] Appendix XX [Permittee] Facilities & Structural Controls Facility Name Located in MS4 or Combined System MS4 Amount of Urban Pollutants & Type Public Works Building Complex Police Station MS4 High MS4 Road salt, sediment, oil, chemicals Road salt, sediment Fire Station MS4 Road salt, sediment Low ______________ Park MS4 Road salt, sediment, chlorine High ______________ Park MS4 Road salt, sediment, Fertilizers/pesticides Medium XX Catch Basins MS4 Varies N/A City Streets & Lots MS4 Varies N/A XX Permittee-Owned Outfalls MS4 Varies N/A Administration Building Address/Crossroads Proximity to Waterbodies Road salt, sediment, fertilizers/pesticides Road salt, sediment, Fertilizers/pesticides, Potential for Pollutant Runoff (High, Medium, Low) Medium Low Discharge of Pollutants of Concern to Impaired Waters Priority Cleaning Schedule Salt, Sediment, Fertilizers/Pesticides runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment runoff to storm sewer system Road salt, sediment, chlorine runoff to Lake St. Clair Salt, Sediment, Fertilizers/Pesticides runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment, Oils, Leaves, Fertilizers/Pesticides runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment, Oils, Leaves, Fertilizers/Pesticides runoff to storm sewer system Salt, Sediment, Oils, Leaves, Fertilizers/Pesticides Medium High Low Low High Medium High Medium High [Permittee] NPDES MS4 Permit Application [Date] Appendix XX [Permittee] Facilities & Structural Controls