(Rev. 8/2011) AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN ORDAINED CLERGY WOMEN The Rev. Estelle Aaron (retired) 2439 Connecticut Southfield, MI 48075 estelleaaron@att.net (216) 851-2777 (216) 280-1338 © (249) 559-1925 (h) Feb 28, 2004 The Rev. Dorothy Akoto 1642 E 56th St. Chicago, IL 60637 The Rev. Jacqueline Alexander 614 2nd St SW Conover, NC 28613 The Rev. Lillian Anthony (Retired) 521 W. Ormsby Ave. Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 636-3754 The Rev. Angela Archer 8108 Winston Rd. Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 (215) 753-1564 April 14, 1996 The Rev. Maretta Arnold-Franklin 8044 Garrett Pines Dr Midland, GA 31820 The Rev. SanDawna Ashley Associate for Gender & Racial Justice Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministry, PW PC(USA) 100 Witherspoon Street Louisville, KY 40202-1396 (502) 569-5458 Sandawna.ashley@pcusa.org October 31, 1999 The Rev. Glorya Askew PO Box 1356 Kingston, NY 12402 (845) 331-0633 The Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer Interdenominational Theological Center 700 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Atlanta, GA 30314 (404) 527-7700 revdraymer@gmail.com January 26, 2004 The Rev. Patricia Bacon Calvary Presbyterian Church 44 Circle St. Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 254-8541 (828) 254-8541 The Rev. Venetta Baker (retired) 5826 Brookefield Pointe Dr. Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 391-3699 Vbaker4@corolina.rr.com March 2, 1984 The Rev. Grace Garnett Basham Chaplain Address unavailable The Rev. Karen Battle 901 Allegheny Ave Pittsburgh, PA 15233 The Rev. Brenda Berry 2167 University Avenue Bronx, NY 10453 (212) 295-1220 The Rev. Joan Bell-Haynes 19 46th Place NE Washington, DC 20019 The Rev. Karen Bellin Chaplain 3500 Augusta Glade Schertz, TX 78154 (210) 659-7843 Page 1 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Catherine Benjamin PO Box 493 Lyndonville, NY 14098 (583) 765-2838 The Rev. Nancy Benson-Nicol Chaplain, University of Ozarks 415 N. College Avenue Clarksville, AR 72830 bensonnicol@gmail.com (479) 647-6001 Nov. 11, 2001 The Rev. Grace E. Bowen 1221 Cambridge Street #T04 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 308-0634 reverendbowen@yahoo.com February 1987 The Rev. Willie M. Brazil (retired) 100 Monie Lane Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 829-3532 June 26, 1984 The Rev. Brenda Berry University Heights Presbyterian Church 2167 University Ave Bronx, NY 10453 (212)295-1220 The Rev. Annette P. Brewer 1695 Brewer Rd. Pageland, SC 29728 (843) 672-7845 Elder Anita J. Bishop-Johnson, CLP 1 Leicester Ct. Owings Mill, MD 21117 (410) 581-4946 The Rev. Constance C. Bright 2131 N.W. 27th Terrace Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 954-733-2586 (h) 954-319-4667 (c) Constancebright39@yahoo.com The Rev. Agnes Blackmon Westminster Bethany Presbyterian Church 644 Mac Donough Brooklyn, NY 11233 (718) 443-1509 agnesblackmon@msn.com May 28, 1998 The Rev. Brenda Brooks 3238 N. Carlisle St. Philadelphia, PA 19140 (215) 226-3038 June 26, 1983 The Rev. Jacqueline Blackstone 1638 Hearst Ave. #10 Berkeley, CC 94703 510-591-0616 The Rev. Gloria Bolden 1647 Vancouver Drive Charlotte, NC 28213 (704) 596-4144 (704) 953-6204 revgboldern@aol.com May 31, 1998 The Rev. Leslie Y Boone 5000 2nd Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 471-0947 The Rev. Aisha Brooks-Lytle 13 E Mt. Pleasant Ave. Philadelphia PA 19119 (215) 247-1303 The Rev. Joanne Brown (retired) 16 Creekdale Dr. Sherwood, AZ 72120 (501) 412-1419 The Rev. Dr. Karen Brown 2248 Madison Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 (410) 383-1785 (Home) (410) 336-6246 (Cell) kbrw@aol.com August 31, 1994 Elder Patricia Brown, CLP 4400 Floral Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45212 (513) 531-1546 Page 2 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Virginia M. Brown 3138 Cowley Way Apt. 4 San Diego, CA 92117 (323) 734-1566 Rev.v.brown@sbcglobal.net November 4, 1990 The Rev. Willette H. Brown Address unavailable The Rev. Nina Bryant-Sanyika Chaplain 11926 Fortune Park Drive Houston, TX 77047 (832) 355-3258 pastorsanyika@aol.com Jan 18, 1998 Rev. Carrie L. Buckner Director, Chaplain Services Alta Bates Summit Medical Center 2450 Ashby Ave. Berkeley, CA 94705 Phone: 510-204-6730 Fax: 510-848-6119 Email: Bucknec2@sutterhealth.org May 5, 1995 The Rev. Beverly Sherrill Bullock P.O. Box 1814 Petersburg, VA 23805-0814 (804) 733-8635-O bevbullock@aol.com November 4, 1984 The Rev. Jon-Irma Burkette, Pastor Church of the Covenant 2295 Allison Rd. Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 The Rev. Cynthia Burse Bethany Presbyterian Church 206 N. Garfield Ave. Columbus, OH 43203-1305 (614) 253-7489 contact@bethany.com The Rev. Ella Busby Goodwill Presbyterian Church 295 N. Brick Church Rd. Mayesville, S.C. 29104 (803) 495-3599 efbusby@sc.rr.com December 6, 1992 The Rev. Helen B. Byrd 913 Covenant St. Norfolk, VA 23504 (757) 623-1875 The Rev. Ruth Byrd Piedmont Presbyterian Church 6411 Jefferson Davis Rd. Mountville, SC 29370 The Rev. Gay Lynne Byron 1100 S Goodman St. Rochester NY 14620 The Rev. Dr. Katie Cannon Union Theological Seminary 3401 Brook Road Richmond, VA 23221 (804) 355-0671 kcannon@union-psce.edu April 23, 1974 The Rev. Veronica Cannon 2329 Carved Tree Lane Charlotte, NC 27262 (704) 597-7047 (h) (704) 408-7086 (c) Veronica.cannon@hotmail.com The Rev. Olivia Capers Address Unavailable The Rev. Dorothy Carrington-Benjamin Hollis Presbyterian Church 100-50 196th St. Jamaica, NY 11423 (718) 776-4646 The Rev. Joy Carrington 604 Ivy Chapel Rd. Little Rock, AR 72206 The Rev. Grace Cheptu 3109 Del Monico Dr. Decatur, GA 30032 Page 3 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Terrell Cistrunk New Life Presbyterian Fellowship 3276 N. Palmer St. Milwaukee, WI 53212 (414) 264-1290 The Rev. Shady Clark Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1601 Littlepage St. Richmond, VA 23223 The Rev. Kymberley Clemons-Jones 114 Camdike St. Valley Stream, NY 11580 (718) 219-1628 The Rev. Ernestine Cole (retired) 41 Sutton Place Avondale Estates, GA 30002 Decatur, GA 30031 April 28, 1991 The Rev. Elizabeth Emily Coleman 4120 Gables Drive Atlanta, GA 30319 (404) 806-1388 Elizabethcoleman49@gmail.com The Rev. Yvonne Collie-Pendleton Memorial Presbyterian Church Roosevelt Long Island, NY 11575 (516) 623-9661 Collie36@verizon.net October 10, 1999 Elder LaJerne Cornish, CLP 847 Randolph Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 (410) 575-7748 The Rev. Shelia Council 7143 Cobden Ln Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 392-2993 The Rev. Angela R. Cowser 3930 Gallatin Rd. Nashville, TN 37216 (615) 265-5531 The Rev. Volina Cross-Dukes (retired) 6942 N 44th St. Milwaukee, WI 53223 (414) 228-1470 The Rev. Belinda M. Curry 2400 Mellwood Ave. Apt 909 Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 899-7223 Beatc63@aol.com June 1, 1997 The Rev. Rebecca Curtis 20 Tacoma Ave. S Tacoma, WA 98402 (254) 272-3286 The Rev. Yvette Louise Dalton (retired) 782 Big Hill Rd. Kettering, OH 45419 The Rev. Jeanne Daniels 11214 Bylee St. Silver Spring, MD 20902 (301) 649-5923 The Rev. Carolyn Davis 108 Corley Woods Rd Lexington, SC 29072 (803) 996-5193 The Rev. Audrey O. Deas St. Paul Presbyterian Church 7004 Hwy 162 Hollywood, SC 29449 The Rev. Dr. Rita Dixon (retired) 2834 Toney Drive Decatur, GA 30032 (404) 288-5952 knotd6634@aol.com June 4, 2978 The Rev. Troy Janel Dixon Calvary Presbyterian Church 209 Pender St., E Wilson, NC 27893 (252) 237-6657 Pen.green@live.com July 12, 1998 Page 4 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Meri-Li Douglas 16 Weybridge Pl Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 401-0518 October 10, 1998 The Rev. Winona Ducille (retired) 445 NE 195th St. #226 North Miami, GL 33179 (305) 651-7370 The Rev. Denise L. Dunbar-Perkins Chaplain 190 George Street West St. Paul, MN 55107 (612)863-9665 Chaplain0406@gmail.com The Rev. Annie Duncan 3511 Kent St. Flint, MI 48503 (810) 744-3179 The Rev. Larryetta Ellis Chaplain 10707 Black Walnut Blvd. Louisville, KY 40229 (502) 468-9926 The Rev. Urla Eversley 7434 Riding-Trail Rd. Charlotte, NC 28212 (267) 226-5426 ueverblessed@aol.com The Rev. Phillis Marie Felton 2032 N Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21213 December 14, 1980 The Rev. Nancy Fields Chaplain 61 Claremont Ave. Mount Vernon, NY 10552 The Rev. Neema Cyrus Franklin Greater Atlanta Presbytery Director Youth Ministries 1024 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE Atlanta, GA 30306 (678) 638-1473 ncyrusfranklin@presbyteryofgreateratl.org The Rev. Alika Galloway Kwanzaa Presbyterian Church 2100 Emerson Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 kwanzaachurch@gmail.com (612) 287-8152 The Rev. Marilynn D. Gibson Berea Presbyterian Church 2621 Russell Blvd St Louis, MO 63104 (314) 533-3270 The Rev. Betty Gilbert 3620 E. 38th Street Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 251-0609 The Rev. Toby Gillespie-Mobley Glenville New Life Community Church 10504 Helena Ave. Cleveland, OH 44108 (216) 451-8540 Glenville62@sbcglobal.net The Rev. Diane Givens-Moffett St. James Presbyterian Church 820 Ross Avenue Greensboro, NC 27406 (336) 273-6658 (church) seniorpastor@stjamespresby.org November 7, 1987 The Rev. Doris Glaspy Roseville Presbyterian Church 36 Roseville Ave. Newark, NJ 07107 (201) 483-3361 November 23, 1993 The Rev. Veronica Goines St. Andrews United Presbyterian Church 25 Terrace Dr. Marin City, CA 94965 office@saintandrewpc.org (415) 332-1011-O The Rev. Sadie H. Goldsmith (retired) 519 Church St Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 984-6828 Page 5 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Chinneta Goodjoin New Hope Presbyterian Church (NCD) 1426 E. Sedona Drive Orange, CA 92866 (864) 706-8260 Chinetagoodjoin@yahoo.com October 29, 2000 The Rev. Dr. Arlene W. Gordon (retired) 2740 E. Aragon Blvd Unit 3 Sunrise, FL 33313 (954)746-0863 (h) (954) 383-8510 (c) gdonnysmom@aol.com June 21, 1991 The Rev. Stephany Graham 6029 Burnt Oak Road Catonsville, MD 21228 (410) 493-6748 stephanygraham@aol.com May 16, 1998 The Rev. Anna Grant 3335 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 387-2441 The Rev. Bridgett A. Green Ph.D Candidate New Testament & Early Christianity Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Bagreen1@hotmail.com (609) 977-2280 The Rev. Louwanda Harris Hazelwood Presbyterian Church 5000 Second Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 421-0947 July 12, 1987 The Rev. Carmen Harwell 12106 Frankstown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15235 (412) 793-0227 The Rev. A. Vanessa Hawkins 2500 Benvenue Avenue #303 Berkeley, CA 94704 (502) 645-5696 avanessa.hawkins@gmail.com March 22, 1998 The Rev. Pauline Haynes 2110 1st Street #1701 New York, NY 10029 (212) 294-1527 The Rev. Alice P. Hernandez Chaplain 9 Richaland Medical Park #350 Columbia, S.C. 29203 (803) 434-7555 The Rev. Minette R. Hope (retired) 417 Quincy St. NW Washington, D.C. 20011 The Rev. Barbara Lee Hughes 710 Stillrock Drive Atlanta, GA 30331 (404) 559-9895 Brlee101@comcast.net The Rev. Catherine Hughes 946 West 220th Street Unit 116 Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 503-1787 revchughes@sbcglobal.net August 23, 1998 The Rev. Marinda Harris 1450 Ralph Abernathy SW Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 758-2651 November 5, 1989 The Rev. Dr. Rhashell Hunter PCUSA 100 Witherspoon St. Room 3040 Louisville, KY 40202 1-888-728-7228 x5494 February 12, 1995 The Rev. Valeria Harvell Temple Presbyterian Church 1300 N. 7th St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 232-9777-O The Rev. Amitiya Hyman (Retired) 14 K Laurel Hill Rd. Greenbelt, MD 20770 (301) 345-3788 February 3, 1980 Page 6 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Elenora Giddings Ivory (Retired) 3630 13th Street N.E. Washington, D. C. 20017 (202) 635-7998 egivory@aol.com September 5, 1976 The Rev. Andrea Jeans 1005 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38116 (901) 516-8634 The Rev. Maxine E. Jenkins Address unavailable The Rev. Gloria Johnson Berea College 216 Prospect Street Berea, KY 40403 (859) 985-3133 The Rev. Jane B. Johnson Address unavailable The Rev. Theola Patra Jones 500 E. 33rd St. #1803 Chicago, Ill 60616 The Rev. Alyce Kelley P.O. Box 982 Lenoir, NC 28645 (828) 758-5826 The Rev. Beverly Kelly 6205 Indian Ridge Midland, MI 48640 (989) 894-2430 revbevkelly@chartermi.net The Rev. Denise D. Kennedy 98 Chichester Rd. Monroe, NJ The Rev. Chenyangu Khonje 19 W 4th St. Dunkirk, NY 14048 (716) 366-2421 Elder Ledonia Kimball, CLP 5315 Fern Park Ave Baltimore, MD 21207 (410) 448-9164 Elder Priscilla King, CLP 2319 Mountain St. Philadelphia, PA 19145 (215) 468-0370 The Rev. Diane Lacey 10 W 135th St. #7U New York, NY 10037 (212) 283-4751 The Rev. Desiree A. Lawson 5131 Lennon Rd. Flint, MI 48507 (810) 720-5152 Elder Donna Lea, CLP 2333 Edmonson Ave. Baltimore, Md 21223 (410) 624-7533 The Rev. Barbara Galloway Lee Staff Chaplain, Kaiser Foundation 585 A Jackson Street Albany, CA 94706 (510) 316-7950 Elder Viola Hickson Lee, CLP 11505 Sunny Creed Ln Manor, TX 78053 (512) 992-7519 The Rev. Shanea Danyel Leonard 1401 Pennsylvania Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15233 The Rev. Jacqueline Lewis Drew University CM1740 Madison, NJ 07940 The Rev. Dr. Delrio A. Ligons-Berry P. O. Box 6086 King of Prussia, PA (320) 363-3358 September 11, 1985 The Rev. Dr. Wanda Lundy 28 Myrtle Avenue Edgewater, NJ 07020-1405 March 29, 1987 The Rev. Crystal M. Lyde PO Box 412 Port Royal, PA 17082 Page 7 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Diana Lyles First Presbyterian Church 1013 Pacific Ave Atlantic City, NJ 8404 The Rev. Myrtle McCall, Chaplain 300 E Simpson St. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 (717) 697-0351 The Rev. Dr. Clarice Martin 8242 Turnstone Drive Manlius, NY 13104 (315) 682-0016 The Rev. Cynthia McCullough 8808 GladeSpring Ln #202 Charlotte, NC 28216 (704) 568-2004 The Rev. Sandra N. Martin (retired) Address unavailable The Rev. Jermaine McKinley 5945 Saltsburg Road Verona, PA 15147 412/441-3304 x2135-Day 412/798-9027-Evening OneWayofPA@aol.com The Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Magby 717 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 trintych@bellsouth.net (305) 296-3318-Day (305) 393-3902-Cell 1994 The Rev. Dr. Joan Martin Episcopal Divinity School 99 Brattle Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 868-3450, ext. 326-O jmartin@episdivschool.edu October 10, 1976 The Rev. Sandra N. Martin Scotlandville Presbyterian Church 1246 Rosenwald Blvd Baton Rouge, LA 70874 The Rev. Denise Mason 100 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 682-2751 The Rev. Carmen Mason-Browne 400 Argyle Rd. #LE3 Brooklyn, NY 11218 (347) 787-7124 The Rev. Dr. Patricia Mason (retired) 1870 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15235 DrPatMason@aol.com The Rev. Sonya Denise McAuley-Allen 20504 Buccaneer Rd Charoltte, NC 28227 (704 609-1052 The Rev. Barbara J. McRae Grandale of the Master 15727 Plymouth Rd Detroit, MI 48227 The Rev. Bernadine McRipley (retired) 9071 Mill Creek Rd. #715 Levittown, PA 19054 (215) 943-2297 ctober 18, 1981 Elder Gloria D. Mencer, CLP 605 Fernwood Rd. Knoxville, TN 37923 (865) 693-7822 The Rev. Eleanor Moody-Shepherd 2102 Holland 1B Bronx, NY 10462 October 13, 1996 The Rev. Eustacia Moffett Marshall 1421 Statesville Ave. Charlotte, NC 28206 (704) 332-9137 admin@cnjenkins.org The Rev. Michelle Moore Cedar Park Presbyterian Church 7700 Limeklin Pike Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 549-9775 The Rev. Brenda Mosley Moore Second Presbyterian Church 114 S Walnut St W Chester, PA 19382 Page 8 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Deborah Mullen, Dean McCormick Theological Seminary 5555 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 dmullen@mccormick.edu (773) 947-6271-O The Rev. Retna Mungin-Nelson 8883 Hwy 301 Alcolu, SC 29001 (803) 473-2890 The Rev. Morrisine Flennaugh Mutshi 9/14/80 The Rev. Gail Porter Nelson Liberation Community Church 694 S Bellevue Blvd. Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 274-5004 The Rev. Retha Mungin Nelson New Covenant United Pres. Church Route 1 Box 670 Alcolu, SC 29001 The Rev. Barbara N’Dovie bndovie@verizon.net The Rev. Jemimah Ngatia 7218 Shelburne Dr. St. Louis, MO 63123 (314) 843-7399 The Rev. Mary Newbern-Williams Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church 4673 Labadie Ave. St. Louis, MO 63115 (314) 381-2770 (o) (314) 262-5503 (c) Mary.newbernwilliams@gmail.com June 18, 1989 The Rev. Joyce Wright 221 Swandale Dr. Columbia, S.C.29203 (803) 754-0510 The Rev. Janice Nessibou 537 S. 3rd Street Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 583-3880 The Rev. Barbara B. Ndovie 321 N 65th St. Philadelphia, PA 19131 (215) 796-3285 June 17, 1984 The Rev. Ditawa M. Nianda First United Presbyterian Church 745 E 29th St Norfolk, VA 23504 The Rev. Rose Niles PCUSA 100 Witherspoon St. Room #M069 Louisville, KY 40202 1-888-728-7228 Ext.5337 The Rev. Rhonda Nixon (retired) 3050 Military Road NW #531 Washington, DC 20015 (202) 244-9494 December 15, 1991 The Rev. Valencia Norman 11 Spring Avenue Cranford, NJ 07016 (908) 276-8440 The Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri 8306 Wilshire Blvd. #81 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 (323) 939-1034 knrvalues@earthlink.net The Rev. Alma O’Bryant (retired) 2023 Princeton Rd. West Columbia SC 29170 The Rev. Opelton Parker 59 Taylor Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 879-4600 The Rev. Paula Owens-Parker Daughters of Zelophehad 6415 Irongate Dr. (PO Box 36207) Richmond, VA 23235 zelophehade@mindspring.com (804) 714-0007-O (804) 560-8709-H September 11, 1994 Page 9 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Linda Parker Chaplain 2620 Weaver St. Durham, N.C. 27701 (919) 484-2959 The Rev. Addie Naomi Peterson 1485 Johnstons Rd. Norfolk, VA 23513 (757) 855-8733 revaddiep@aol.com Elder Doris Peterson, CLP 1576 Wainright St. Hillside, NJ The Rev. Devia Phinisee 117 Kings Creek Road Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 682-1274 Nov. 1, 1976 The Rev. Laura Porter (retired) 208 Hoppen Drive Central Islip, NY 11722 The Rev. Rosalind Powell (retired) 3533 Normandy Road Shaker Heights, OH 44120 (216) 283-9292 Powellrosalind00@sbcglobal.net October 2, 1982 The Rev. Julia Prince George W. Lange Memorial Pres. Church P.O. Box 1473 Cheraw, SC 29520 (803) 537-6997 The Rev. Erika Maria Rembert 3600 Rogers Dr. Orlando, FL 32805 (404) 295-4741 The Rev. Alice Ridgill 106 Pepperhill Lane Greenwood, SC 29649 (864) 378-2841 Elder Claire Rhodes, CLP 1810 Marion Anderson Rd Hot Springs, AR 71913 (501) 760-3798 The Rev. Rhonda Rhone 35 W. Chelten Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144 (215) 843-8811 The Rev. Cleota Robertson Sound View Presbyterian Church 760 Soundview Ave Bronx, NY 10473 The Rev. Julia Robinson-Harmon PO Box 156 Monroe, NC 28111 (704) 289-1340 The Rev. Andrea M. Rogers 6048 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19139 The Rev. Connie Sadler Lee 3792 Hollow Tree Lane Lilburn, GA 30047 (770) 736-5490 The Rev. Wanda Shannon 3025 Belfast Way Richmond, VA 94806 (510) 223-8298 sisterrabbi@aol.com January 9, 2000 The Rev. Diane Smalley 6463 Oakbrook Drive Ypsilanati, MI 48197 (313) 318-8724 December 11, 1988 The Rev. Kathryn Smallwood 8518 N. 46th St. Temple Terrace, FL 33617 The Rev. Opal Smith P.O. Box 56 Columbus Grove, OH 45830 (419) 659-5735 (h) (419) 429-1774 (c)) May 20, 1990 Page 10 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Dr. Marsha Snulligan-Haney Interdenominational Theological Seminary 700 MLK Jr. Dr. SW Atlanta, GA 30314 Mshaney2@aol.com (404) 614-6323-O December 10, 1978 The Rev. Ethelyn Taylor, Pastor Oxford Presbyterian Church 8501 Stenton Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 pastoreve@aol.com (215) 247-9487-O October 31, 1994 The Rev. Kellie Sullivan 711 E 105th Street Cleveland, OH 44108 The Rev. Martha C. Taylor 3828 Sequoyah Road Oakland, CA 94605 (510) 816-4201 Send2medt@att.net The Rev. Ann Taylor Sweringen 89-60 164th St. Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 526-4775 The Rev. Barbara Swoffard 3026 Woodlaw Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32209 (904) 768-5405 The Rev. Brenda Tapia P.O. Box 242 Davidson, NC 28036-0242 (704)892-8926 brendatapia@bellsouth.net March 20, 1988 The Rev. Dr. Gloria J. Tate criderkellie@hotmail.com Presbyterian Church of Teaneck 1 Church St. Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 837-2904-O The Rev. Sandra J. Taulbee 123 Cartier Aisle Irvine, CA 92620 (951) 442-4964 pastorsjtaulbee@cox.net May 26, 1996 The Rev. Cecelya Taylor PO Box 986 Decatur, GA 30031 (404) 284-4704 ctaylorrev@earthlink.net The Rev. Evangeline Taylor 2105 Ramport Drive Alexandria, VA 22308 (703) 360-5248 etaylor@national.press.org May, 2000 The Rev. Dr. Jacqueline E. Taylor Associate Executive Presbyter New Castle Presbytery 256 Chapman Rd., Ste. 205 Newark, DE 19701 (302) 366-0595-O October 26, 1989 The Rev. Veltri Taylor 1415 Akin Drive Evansville, IN 47714 (812) 482-4190 The Rev. Ayana Teter 7580 Holmes Rd. Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 523-7326 The Rev. Emma Thompson Second Presbyterian Church 604 N Elm St Pageland, SC 29728 The Rev. Yolanda Evette Thompson 4391 Coopers Creek Drive Smyra, GA 30082 The Rev. Nancy Thornton P.O. Box 427 Millerton, NY 12546 (518) 789-3431 Page 11 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Kathryn Threadgill 300 Government St. Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 432-1749 The Rev. Iris Tucker-Lloyd 14449 E State Fair Street Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 372-9693 (h) (313) 815-3466 (o) (313) 268-3070 (o) Revit1366@comcast.net The Rev. Narcissis Tucker P.O. Box 1872 Yucaipa, CA 92399 Narcissis.tucker@gmail.com (626) 808-8085 September 19, 2010 The Rev. Tanya Smith Wade 1300 N. Eden St. Baltimore, MD 21213 (410) 385-0900 Elder Cleoda Walker, CLP 1200 Cherry Hall Rd Baltimore, MD 21225 (410) 355-5508 The Rev. Sylvia Walker, (retired) 627 Dash Lewis Dr. Decatur, GA, 30034 June 13, 1993 The Rev. Bernice Warren Chester Eastside Ministries 420 E. Ninth Street Chester, PA 19013 Claymont, DE 19703 (302) 798-5145 The Rev. Floretta Watkins, Pastor Seigle Avenue Presbyterian Church 600 Seigle Ave. #A Charlotte, NC 28204 (704) 338-1914 pastorflo@bellsouth.net The Rev. Dr. N’Yisrela Watts-Afriyie Coordinator for Synod Women Advocacy Synod of Southern California & Hawaii 1501 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 483-3840-O Nyazz729@peoplepc.com The Rev. Ida May Wells 106 Wallace Dr. Tuskeegee Institute, AL 36083 (334) 727-4645 Elder Lynn Carol Wells, CLP 4909 Paddock Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45237 (513) 242-0132 The Rev. B. DeNiece Welch 1025 Liverpool St. Pittsburgh, PA15233 (412) 231-4663 The Rev. Agatha Wheeler Washington Shores Presbyterian Church 3600 Rogers Dr Orlando, FL 32805 The Rev. Mamie Wilson P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, NC 27330 (919) 775-7622 The Rev. Sylvia J. Wilson (retired) Church of the Masters P.C. 3400 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Atlanta, GA 30331 (404-691-5113 revsjwilson@hotmail.com November 13, 1991 The Rev. Cynthia D. Williams, Pastor Wickliffe Presbyterian Church 29955 Ridge Road (PO Box 436) Wickliffe, OH 44092 (440) 585-8412 cynthiawms@aol.com Page 12 of 13 (Rev. 8/2011) The Rev. Gloria J. Williams 1125 Old Pocalla Rd. Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 773-5475 The Rev. Frances Camille Williams Neal 1907 The Meadows Rd. Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 245-245-2040 (502) 435-4414 fewmsneal@insightbb.com August 9, 1981 The Rev. Portia Williamson 4204 Swarthmore Rd. Durham, NC 27707 (919) 489-7031 June 26, 1980 The Rev. Beatrice Wood Calvary Presbyterian Church 2020 E 79th St Cleveland, OH 44103 The Rev. Dorothy Wright (Retired) 2033-A 38th Street SE Washington, DC 20022 The Rev. Joyce Wright Ladson Presbyterian Church 1720 Sumter St Columbia, SC 29202 The Rev. Hazel A. Wilson New Bethel Presbyterian Church 900 Perry St Dillon, SC 29536 The Rev. Mamie Wilson-Hooker Blandonia Presbyterian Church 605 Wall Street (PO Box 1788) Sanford, NC 27330 (919)775-7622 -O The Rev. Diane Lacey Winley 152 W. 66th St. New York, NY 10023 The Rev. Robina Winbush PCUSA 100 Witherspoon Street #4412 Louisville, KY 40202 888/728-7228, ext. 5431 Jan. 8, 1989 The Rev. N. Merritt Worthen 30 Sweeney Ct. Springboro, OH 45066 (937) 902-8207 Page 13 of 13