Dementia and Cognitive Disorders

Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
JUNE - JULY 2014
This bi-monthly bulletin covers dementia and cognitive disorders including Alzheimer’s
disease and dementia in Parkinson’s disease.
Many of the following articles are available online via The NHS Scotland Knowledge
Network. Please use the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete
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Compiled by:
Alison McAughtrie
Assistant Librarian
Western Infirmary / Gartnavel General
T: 0141 211 1856 / 0141 211 3013
(All last accessed 11/08/2014)
ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY. Smoking increases risk of dementia according to World
Health Organization.
ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY. Course for dementia carers reduces anxiety and
depression in the long term.
ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY. Number of patients with recorded diagnosis of dementia
increases by 62 per cent over seven years.
NHS CHOICES. Lack of vitamin D may ‘raise dementia risk’.
SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT. Investing in dementia training.
***Hold Ctrl and click on title to check for abstract and full text – you will need to use
your Athens account***
Establishing robust cognitive dimensions for characterization and differentiation
of patients with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, frontotemporal
dementia and depression. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(6), pp. 624634.
BOSBOOM, P.R.A.,OSVALDO P., 2014. Do changes in specific cognitive functions
predict changes in health-related quality of life in people with Alzheimer's
disease? International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(7), pp. 694-703.
Public health guidance to facilitate timely diagnosis of dementia: ALzheimer's
COoperative Valuation in Europe recommendations. International journal of geriatric
psychiatry, 29(7), pp. 682-693.
CARTER, S.F., et al, 2014. Regional neuronal network failure and cognition in lateonset sporadic Alzheimer disease. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 35(6 SUPPL),
pp. S18-S30.
CHEN, S.T., et al, 2014. Modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease and subjective
memory impairment across age groups. PLoS ONE, 9 (6) , 2014, pp. ate of Pubaton:
04 Jun 2014.
CHINTHAPALLI, K., 2014. Alzheimer's disease: Still a perplexing problem: Funding
for dementia research is being greatly increased in the UK. Krishna Chinthapalli
examines the challenges after a century of frustratingly slow progress. BMJ,
(Online), pp. Arte Number: g4433. ate of Publication: 08 Ju 2014.
ÇINAR, N., et al, 2014. Temporal Change of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's
Disease: The Results of Turquoise Alzheimer's Working Group. Turkish Journal of
Neurology / Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 20(2), pp. 41-46.
DUBOIS, B., et al, 2014. Advancing research diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's
disease: the IWG-2 criteria. Lancet Neurology, 13(6), pp. 614-629.
FARINA, N., et al, 2014. Habitual physical activity (HPA) as a factor in sustained
executive function in Alzheimer-type dementia: A cohort study. Archives of
Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59(1), pp. 91-97.
FARRELL, M., T., et al, 2014. Subjective Word-Finding Difficulty Reduces
Engagement in Social Leisure Activities in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of the
American Geriatrics Society, 62(6), pp. 1056-1063.
GAO, F. and BARKER, P.B., 2014. Various MRS application tools for Alzheimer
disease and mild cognitive impairment. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 35(6
SUPPL), pp. S4-S11.
HENDERSON, V.W., 2014. Alzheimer's disease: review of hormone therapy trials
and implications for treatment and prevention after menopause. Journal of Steroid
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 142, pp. 99-106.
IACONO, T., et al, 2014. Taking each day as it comes: staff experiences of
supporting people with Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease in group homes.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 58(6), pp. 521-533.
KANTARCI, K., 2014. Molecular imaging of Alzheimer disease pathology. American
Journal of Neuroradiology, 35(6 SUPPL), pp. S12-S17.
LEIBING, A., 2014. The Earlier the Better: Alzheimer's Prevention, Early Detection,
and the Quest for Pharmacological Interventions. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry,
38(2), pp. 217-236.
MANERO, R.M., et al, 2014. Diagnostic Validity of the Alzheimer's Disease
Functional Assessment and Change Scale in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild
to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 37(5), pp.
MEILAN, J.J.G., et al, 2014. Speech in alzheimer's disease: Can temporal and
acoustic parameters discriminate dementia?. Dementia and geriatric cognitive
disorders, 37(5-6), pp. 327-334.
MOK, K.Y., et al, 2014. Polymorphisms in BACE2 may affect the age of onset
Alzheimer's dementia in Down syndrome. Neurobiology of aging, 35(6), pp. e1-e5.
associated with the severity of the neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's
disease. International Journal of Neuroscience, 124(7), pp. 512-517.
RICHARZ, U.G., 2014. Galantamine treatment in outpatients with mild Alzheimer's
disease. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 129(6), pp. 382-392.
HIROAKIFUKASAWA,RAITAKUME, KAZUMASA, 2014. Effects of Day Service Use on the
Progression of Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 62(7),
pp. 1383-1384.
SONG, I., et al, 2014. Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's
Disease Associated with Dementia Using Cerebral Perfusion SPECT. Dementia &
Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 37(5), pp. 276-285.
LIMINGYUAN,ZHANGYIRU FANG, 2014. The efficacy of plasma biomarkers in early
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(7),
pp. 713-719.
TZEKOV, R. and MULLAN, M., 2014. Vision function abnormalities in Alzheimer
disease. Survey of ophthalmology, 59(4), pp. 414-433.
CHI SHING, 2014. A Systematic Review on Natural Medicines for the Prevention
and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease with Meta-Analyses of Intervention Effect
of Ginkgo. American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 42(3), pp. 505-521.
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your Athens account***
AHN, H. and HORGAS, A., 2014. Does pain mediate or moderate the effect of
cognitive impairment on aggression in nursing home residents with dementia?.
Asian Nursing Research, 8(2), pp. 105-109.
ALBERS, G., et al, 2014. Burden of nursing staff caring for nursing home residents
with dementia at the end of life. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 698.
ALLEN, V., J., et al, 2014. Impact of serving method on the consumption of
nutritional supplement drinks: randomized trial in older adults with cognitive
impairment. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(6), pp. 1323-1333.
ELSPETHMACHEN,INAKNAPP, MARTIN, 2014. Exploring resource use and associated
costs in end-of-life care for older people with dementia in residential care homes.
International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(7), pp. 758-766.
AMPE, S., et al, 2014. Advance care planning for persons with dementia in nursing
homes: Effects of a training in shared decision making. Palliative medicine, 28(6),
pp. 802.
BELLELLI, G., et al, 2014. Validation of the 4AT, a new instrument for rapid delirium
screening: a study in 234 hospitalised older people. Age & Ageing, 43(4), pp. 496502.
CAFFO, A.O., et al, 2014. Intervention strategies for spatial orientation disorders in
dementia: A selective review. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 17(3), pp. 200-209.
CHEN, R., et al, 2014. Socioeconomic status and survival among older adults with
dementia and depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 204(6), pp. 436-440.
CHOE, J.Y., et al, 2014. A new scoring method of the mini-mental status
examination to screen for dementia. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 37(56), pp. 347-356.
COTTINGHAM, A.H., et al, 2014. New workforce development in dementia care:
Screening for "caring": Preliminary data. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,
62(7), pp. 1364-1368.
CREAVIN SAM, T., et al, 2014. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the
detection of Alzheimer?s dementia and other dementias in asymptomatic and
previously clinically unevaluated people aged over 65 years in community and
primary care populations. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DAVIES, N., et al, 2014. Quality end-of-life care for dementia: What have family
carers told us so far? A narrative synthesis. Palliative medicine, 28(7), pp. 919-930.
DAVIES, N., et al, 2014. Barriers to the provision of high-quality palliative care for
people with dementia in England: a qualitative study of professionals'
experiences. Health & Social Care in the Community, 22(4), pp. 386-394.
DUTCHER, S.K., et al, 2014. Effect of medications on physical function and cognition
in nursing home residents with dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,
62(6), pp. 1046-1055.
ELLIS, A., et al, 2014. Palliative care in advanced dementia: A qualitative study
exploring the view's of consultants involved in dementia care. Palliative medicine,
28(6), pp. 733-734.
ELLIS-SMITH, C., et al, 2014. A protocol for the development of the palliative care
outcome scale for dementia (POS-Dem): An intervention for people with
dementia living in residential care homes. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 895-896.
ESHKOOR, S.A., et al, 2014. Association between dentures and the rate of falls in
dementia. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 7(1), pp. 225-230.
FLANAGAN, E.P., et al, 2014. Dementia in MS complicated by coexistent Alzheimer
disease: Diagnosis premortem and postmortem. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 4(3),
pp. 226-230.
FRANZMANN, J., et al, 2014. Assessment of self perceived social competencies of
caregivers in dementia care: Development and psychometric testing of the SOKO
dementia. Germany: Hogrefe Publishing.
GARCIA-PTACEK, S., et al, 2014. Body-mass index and mortality in incident
dementia: A Cohort study on 11,398 patients from SveDem, the Swedish
dementia registry. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 15(6), pp.
GOLIMSTOK, A., et al, 2014. Cardiovascular risk factors and frontotemporal
dementia: A case-control study.
GONZÁLEZ-COLAÇO HARMAND, M., et al, 2014. Cognitive Decline After Entering a
Nursing Home: A 22-Year Follow-Up Study of Institutionalized and
Noninstitutionalized Elderly People. Journal of the American Medical Directors
Association, 15(7), pp. 504-508.
HARRISON JENNIFER, K., et al, 2014. Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline
in the Elderly (IQCODE) for the diagnosis of dementia within a general practice
(primary care) setting. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
HENNINGS, J., et al, 2014. You are what you wear - A longitudinal narrative study
of the experiences of palliative caregiving for a spouse with dementia in a
nursing home. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 772.
HOFFMAN, P., et al, 2014. Broadly speaking: Vocabulary in semantic dementia
shifts towards general, semantically diverse words. Cortex, 55(1), pp. 30-42.
HUSEBO, B., S., et al, 2014. The response of agitated behavior to pain management
in persons with dementia. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22(7), pp. 708-717.
HWANG, D., et al, 2014. Feeding tubes and health costs postinsertion in nursing
home residents with advanced dementia. Journal of pain and symptom management,
47(6), pp. 1116-1120.
IACONO, D., et al, 2014. Neuropathologic assessment of dementia markers in
identical and fraternal twins. Brain Pathology, 24(4), pp. 317-333.
INGRAM, D.H., 2014. How clinicians feel about working in therapy with spouses of
dementia patients. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 42(2), pp. 287-304.
JOSHI, A., et al, 2014. Evaluation of Emotional Blunting in Behavioral Variant
Frontotemporal Dementia Compared to Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia & Geriatric
Cognitive Disorders, 38(1), pp. 79-88.
KAUP, A., R., et al, 2014. Older adults with limited literacy are at increased risk for
likely dementia. Journals of Gerontology.Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical
Sciences, 69(7), pp. 900-906.
KENNEDY, S. and SUD, D., 2014. A guide to prescribing anti-dementia medication.
Nursing times, 110(23), pp. 16-18.
KESSLER, E., et al, 2014. Concerns about one’s aging: The role of work context and
psychological distress. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric
Psychiatry, 27(2), pp. 81-86.
LAI, C.K.Y., 2014. The merits and problems of Neuropsychiatric Inventory as an
assessment tool in people with dementia and other neurological disorders. Clinical
Interventions in Aging, 9, pp. 1051-1061.
LAM, B.Y.K., et al, 2014. Longitudinal white matter changes in frontotemporal
dementia subtypes. Human brain mapping, 35(7), pp. 3547-3557.
LEHFELD, H., et al, 2014. SKT Short Cognitive Performance Test and activities of
daily living in dementia. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric
Psychiatry, 27(2), pp. 75-80.
behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. International journal of
geriatric psychiatry, 29(6), pp. 562-568.
LIVINGSTON, G., et al, 2014. A systematic review of the clinical effectiveness and
cost-effectiveness of sensory, psychological and behavioural interventions for
managing agitation in older adults with dementia.
LYONS, C., 2014. "Dementia: a health crisis in the making--are we prepared"?.
Oklahoma Nurse, 59(2), pp. 1.
MCGUINNESS, B., et al, 2014. Statins for the treatment of dementia. John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd.
MEHLIG, K., et al, 2014. Physical activity, weight status, diabetes and dementia: A
34-year follow-up of the population study of women in gothenburg.
Neuroepidemiology, 42(4), pp. 252-259.
MENZEL, P.T. and CHANDLER-CRAMER, M.C., 2014. Advance directives, dementia, and
withholding food and water by mouth. Hastings Center Report, 44(3), pp. 23-37.
MEZIAB, O., et al, 2014. Prisoner of war status, posttraumatic stress disorder, and
dementia in older veterans. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 10(3 SUPPL), pp. S236-S241.
MILLER, J.B., et al, 2014. Randomized controlled trials in frontotemporal dementia:
Cognitive and behavioral outcomes.
MONK, A., 2014. Dementia research challenges. The Psychologist, 27(6), pp. 384-384.
MORRA, L.F.D., 2014. Clinical presentation and differential diagnosis of dementia
with Lewy bodies: a review. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(6), pp.
NEUVONEN, E., et al, 2014. Late-life cynical distrust, risk of incident dementia, and
mortality in a population-based cohort. Neurology, 82(24), pp. 2205-2212.
OLIVER, L.D., et al, 2014. Is the emotion recognition deficit associated with
frontotemporal dementia caused by selective inattention to diagnostic facial
features?. Neuropsychologia, 60(1), pp. 84-92.
OSBORNE, K., 2014. Identifying the nutritional needs of dementia patients is
essential. Nursing Standard, 28(46), pp. 14-15.
PENDERS, Y.W.H., et al, 2014. Awareness of dementia by family carers of nursing
home residents dying with dementia. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 687-688.
RAGDALE, S., 2014. Dementia and its relationship with food. British journal of
community nursing, , pp. S21-5.
REITINGER, E., et al, 2014. Family care for people with dementia: Support through
training and experience exchange. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 614-615.
RIBY, L.M. and RIBY, D.M., 2014. Cohort study: Raised blood glucose as a predictor
of dementia risk in adults with and without diabetes. Evidence-Based Medicine,
19(3), pp. 112.
RILEY, R.J., et al, 2014. Anxiety and stigma in dementia: a threat to aging in place.
Nursing Clinics of North America, 49(2), pp. 213-231.
RITCHIE, C., et al, 2014. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid beta for the
diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dementia and other dementias in people with
mild cognitive impairment (MCI). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ROSVIK, J., et al, 2014. Factors to make the VIPS practice model more effective in
the treatment of neuropsychiatric symptoms in nursing home residents with
dementia. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 37(5-6), pp. 335-346.
SAMSI, K., et al, 2014. Risks of financial abuse of older people with dementia:
findings from a survey of UK voluntary sector dementia community services staff.
Journal of Adult Protection, 16(3), pp. 180-192.
STEWART, R., et al, 2014. Current prevalence of dementia, depression and
behavioural problems in the older adult care home sector: the South East London
Care Home Survey. Age & Ageing, 43(4), pp. 562-567.
SUTO, T., et al, 2014. Disorders of taste cognition are associated with insular
involvement in patients with Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia: Memory
of food is impaired in dementia and responsible for poor diet. International
Psychogeriatrics, 26(7), pp. 1127-1138.
TAKEDA, A., et al, 2014. Olfactory dysfunction and dementia in Parkinson's disease.
Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 4(Mental Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease.), pp. 181187.
TRAHAN, M.A., et al, 2014. Training and maintenance of a picture-based
communication response in older adults with dementia. Journal of applied behavior
analysis, 47(2), pp. 404-409.
VAN DER STEEN, J.T., et al, 2014. When do patients with dementia receive spiritual
care at the end of life? A prospective study on predictors of the receipt of
spiritual end-of-life care as perceived by physicians. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp.
VAN GENNIP, I.E., et al, 2014. How dementia affects patients' sense of dignity: A
qualitative study into their perspective. Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 685-686.
VINCENT, A.S., et al, 2014. Cognitive changes and dementia risk after traumatic
brain injury: Implications for aging military personnel. Alzheimer's and Dementia,
10(3 SUPPL), pp. S174-S187.
WHITFIELD, A.M., et al, 2014. Improving end of life care for patients with dementia.
Palliative medicine, 28(6), pp. 866-867.
WILLIAMS, K., LOUISE, et al, 2014. Exploring caregiving experiences: caregiver
coping and making sense of illness. Aging & Mental Health, 18(5), pp. 600-609.
WOLFSGRUBER, S., et al, 2014. Memory concerns, memory performance and risk of
dementia in patients with mild cognitive impairment. PLoS ONE, 9 (7) , 2014, pp.
ate of Pubaton: 14 Ju 2014.
WOODS, R.T., et al, 2014. What contributes to a good quality of life in early
dementia? Awareness and the QoL-AD: A cross-sectional study.
ZWIJSEN, S., A., et al, 2014. Coming to Grips With Challenging Behavior: A Cluster
Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effects of a Multidisciplinary Care Program for
Challenging Behavior in Dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors
Association, 15(7), pp. 531.e1-531.e10.
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GONZÁLEZ-ARAMBURU, I., et al, 2014. Serum uric acid and risk of dementia in
Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders, 20(6), pp. 637-639.
GUNN, D.G., et al, 2014. The relationships between poor sleep efficiency and mild
cognitive impairment in Parkinson disease. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and
neurology, 27(2), pp. 77-84.
KLINGELHOEFER, L. and REICHMANN, H., 2014. Dementia - The real problem for
patients with Parkinson's disease. Basal Ganglia, 4(1), pp. 9-13.
LE HERON, C.J., et al, 2014. Comparing cerebral perfusion in Alzheimer's disease
and Parkinson's disease dementia: an ASL-MRI study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow
& Metabolism, 34(6), pp. 964-970.
PIROGOVSKY, E., et al, 2014. The utility of the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale in
Parkinson's disease mild cognitive impairment. Parkinsonism & related disorders,
20(6), pp. 627-631.
YOON, J.H., et al, 2014. The mild cognitive impairment stage of dementia with lewy
bodies and Parkinson disease: A comparison of cognitive profiles. Alzheimer
Disease and Associated Disorders, 28(2), pp. 151-155.
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your Athens account***
APOSTOLOVA, L., G., et al, 2014. Risk Factors for Behavioral Abnormalities in Mild
Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer's Disease. Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive
Disorders, 37(5), pp. 315-326.
BELLEVILLE, S., et al, 2014. Predicting decline in mild cognitive impairment: A
prospective cognitive study. Neuropsychology, 28(4), pp. 643-652.
FEI, F., et al, 2014. Frequent and discriminative subnetwork mining for mild
cognitive impairment classification. Brain Connectivity, 4(5), pp. 347-360.
HAYES, T.L., et al, 2014. Sleep habits in mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer
Disease and Associated Disorders, 28(2), pp. 145-150.
Battery episodic memory measures discriminate amnestic mild cognitive
impairment? International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 29(6), pp. 602-609.
KAMIMURA, T. and ITO, H., 2014. Glycemic control in a 79-year-old female with mild
cognitive impairment using a medication reminder device: A case report.
International Psychogeriatrics, 26(6), pp. 1045-1048.
LEE, S.-., et al, 2014. Card-placing test in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and
its neural correlates.
MANERO, R.M., et al, 2014. Diagnostic validity of the alzheimer's disease functional
assessment and change scale in mild cognitive impairment and mild to moderate
alzheimer's disease. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders, 37(5-6), pp. 366-375.
NGUYEN, VINH Q.GILLEN, DANIEL L.DICK,MALCOLM B., 2014. Memory for unfamiliar
faces differentiates mild cognitive impairment from normal aging. Journal of
Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(6), pp. 607-620.
OLSEN, K., et al, 2014. Mild cognitive impairment: Safe to drive? Maturitas, 78(2), pp.
deficits in amnestic mild cognitive impairment resemble mild Alzheimer's
disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, 39(11), pp. 2000-2013.
Can Performance on Daily Activities Discriminate Between Older Adults with
Normal Cognitive Function and Those with Mild Cognitive Impairment? Journal of
the American Geriatrics Society, 62(7), pp. 1347-1352.
SPRINGATE, B.A., et al, 2014. Screening for mild cognitive impairment using the
Dementia Rating Scale-2. Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology, 27(2), pp. 139144.
TSATALI, M. and TSOLAKI, M., 2014. Sexual function in normal elders, MCI and
patients with mild dementia. Sexuality and Disability, 32(2), pp. 205-219.
WETTSTEIN, M., et al, 2014. Behavioral competence and emotional well-being of
older adults with mild cognitive impairment: Comparison with cognitively healthy
controls and individuals with early-stage dementia. GeroPsych: The Journal of
Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 27(2), pp. 55-65.
WOLFSGRUBER, S., et al, 2014. Memory concerns, memory performance and risk of
dementia in patients with mild cognitive impairment. PLoS ONE, 9 (7) , 2014, pp.
ate of Pubaton: 14 Ju 2014.
YAO, H., et al, 2014. Longitudinal alteration of amygdalar functional connectivity in
mild cognitive impairment subjects revealed by resting-state fMRI. Brain
Connectivity, 4(5), pp. 361-370.
ZHANG, S., et al, 2014. 11C-PIB-PET for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer?s disease
dementia and other dementias in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Sources used for this bulletin: Embase, Medline, Cochrane Library, Psychology and
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Alzheimer’s Scotland, Alzheimer’s Society, Alzheimer’s Research UK.