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Footwork is short quick movements that rely on rapid movement and placement of your feet as well as balance and coordination of your
other body parts. Agility is the ability to maintain balance and speed while making directional changes.
Execution of these drills is at full speed from start to finish. 15 seconds to 1 minute of rest Is required between sets of drills to ensure
the highest level of training is taking place. The drills are described below.
FOUR (4) CORNERS (8x thru each direction)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Using four cones, separate each cone by 1 o-yards.
2. Begin at cone one (1) and finish the drill through cone (1).
3. Example of drill: Sprint from cone 1-2; shuffle from cone 2-3; back pedal from 3-4;
and sprint from 4-1.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)ShuffJe (3-4 )Backpedal (4-1 )Sprint
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Carioca (3-4)Backpedal (4-1)Carioca
3. (1-2)Backpedal (2-3)ShuffJe (3-4)Sprint (4-1 )Backpedal
FIGURE EIGHT (8) (8x thru each direction)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Using two cones, separate cones 5 yards apart.
2. Begin at cone one (1) and finish the drill through cone (1).
3. Example of drill: Sprint from cone 1-2; sprint around cone 2; and sprint from cone 2-1.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. Sprint-Sprint.
2. Shuffle-Sprint
3. Sprint-Shuffle.
4. Backpedal-Sprint.
5. Sprint-Backpedal.
CIRCLE CONE (6x thru each direction)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Use six cones and separate them 5 yards apart and staggered.
2. Begin at cone one (1) and finish through cone six (6).
3. Example of drill: Sprint 1-2; circle around cone 2; and do the same through the last.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. Sprint around each cone.
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Backpedal (3-4)Sprint (4-5)Backpedal (5-6)Sprint (6-Finish)Backpedal.
3. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Shuffle (3-4 )Sprint (4'5)Shuffle (5-6)Sprint (6-Finish)Shuffle.
X-LANE DRILL (8x thru each direction)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Using four cones, separate cones each by 10 yards.
2. Begin at cone one (1) and finish the drill though cone (1)
3. Example of drill: Sprint from cone 1-2; shuffle from cone 2-3; sprint from cone 3-4;
and shuffle from cone 4-1.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Shuffle (3-4)Backpedal (4-1 )Shuffle
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Backpedal (3-4)Sprint (4-1)Backpedal
3. (1-2)Carioca (2-3)Shuffle (3-4)Carioca (4-1)Shuffle
1. Using three cones, separate each by 10 yards
2. Begin at one end
3. Sprint up, sprint back, sprint up, and sprint back.
MADISON DRILL (4x thru 2 of the variations)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Place ccnes one (1), three (3) and five (5) five yards apart in a straight line.
Place cone two (2) ten yards in front of cone one (1). Place cone four (4) ten yards
in front of ccne five (5).
2. Begin at cone one (1) and end through cone five (5).
3. Example of drill: Begin at cone 1 and sprint to cone 2. Backpedal from cone 2
to cone 3. Sprint from cone 3 to cone 4. Backpedal from cone 4 through cone 5.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Back Pedal (3-4)Sprint (4-5)Backpedal
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Shuffle (3-4)Sprint (4-5)Shuffle
3. (1-2)Carioca (2-3)Shuffle (3-4) Carioca (4-5)Shuffle
SIDELINE DRILL (2x each direction)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Place cone one (1) and cone two (2) 2 yards apart and five yards from the sideline.
Place cone three (3) five yards away from cone two (2) in a diagonal.
Place cones four (4) and five (5) 2 yards apart and
one yard off of the sideline directly in front of cone three (3)
2. Begin between cones one(1) and two (2), and finish
the drill five yards up field through cone four (4) and five (5).
3. Example of drill: Sprint three yards and then around cone 2 to cone
3; sprint around cone 3 and in between cones 4 and 5 cut tight
and sprint 5 yards up the sideline.
1. Backpedal through the entire course. x2
2. Sprint through the entire course . x2
3. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Backpedal (3-4)Sprint (4-5)Sprint ). x2
1. Set cones up 10 yards apart
2. Sprint around each cone
1. Using three cones, separate each by 10 yards
2. Begin in middle
3. Sprint left, fight, center
4. Variation: shuffle, shuffle, shuffle
ZIG-ZAG (each variation x2)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Using four cones, separate 5 yards apart and staggered.
2. Begin at cone one (1) and finish the drill 10 yards past cone four (4).
3. Example of drill: Sprint from cone 1-2; shuffle from cone 2-3; sprint from cone 3-4;
and shuffle from cone 4 to 10 yards beyond it.
4. Repeat the drill going in the opposite direction.
1. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Sprint (3-4)Sprint (4-Finish)Sprint ') x2
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Backpedal (3-4)Sprint (4-Finish)Backpedal ) x2
3. (1 -2)Sprint (2-3)Shuffle (3-4)Sprint (4-Finish)Shuffle ) x2
CONE WEAVE (each variation twice)
Set-up Procedure:
1. Set up cones parallel and 5 yards away from the sideline and 3 yards apart
from each other.
2. Begin at the sideline and finish 5 yards past cone four (4).
3. Example of drill: Start at the sideline and sprint two yards past cone 1; backpedal between cones 1 and 2 to the sideline;
sprint between cone 2 and 3 to two yards past cone 3; backpedal between cones 3 and 4 to the sideline; and sprint from sideline
five yards past cone 4.
1. (1-2)Backpedal (2-3)Sprint (3-4)Backpedal (4-Finish) Sprint x2
2. (1-2)Carioca (2-3)Carioca (3-4)Carioca (4-Finish)Carioca
3. (1-2)Shuffle (2-3) Shuffle (3-4) Shuffle (4-Finish)Shuffle
T- DRILL (each variation twice)
Set-up Procedures:
1. Place cone one (1) 10 yards away from cone two (2). Place cone three (3) five yards to the left of cone two (2). Place cone
four (4) five yards to the right of cone two (2).
2. Begin at cone 1 and end at cone 1
3. Example of drill: Sprint from cone 1 to cone 2: shuffle from cone 2 to cone 3; shuffle from cone 3 to cone 4; shuffle from cone
4 to cone 2; and backpedal from cone 2 to cone 1.
1. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Shuffle (3-4)Shuffle (4-2)Shuffle (2-1 )Backpedal
2. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Carioca (3-4)Carioca (4-2)Carioca (2-1)Backpedal
3. (1-2)Sprint (2-3)Sprint (3-4)Sprint (4-2)Sprint (2-1)Backpedal