Faculty of Science IONISING RADIATION RISK ASSESSMENT Version: 0.1 Next review: Nov 2009 This form is to be filled in by the subject coordinator in consultation with the laboratory manager. Please refer to: CSU Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) Manual and AS/NZS 2243 Safety in Laboratories Part 4 and Part 5. All work must have approval from the CSU Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) prior to commencement. For radiation work that ONLY involves solar ultraviolet exposure then complete the solar ultraviolet radiation form Name of School: Project Title: Project Type: (please tick) Honours Fieldwork Undergraduate Consultancy Postgraduate Staff Research Other: Outline of Proposed Project (include methods and techniques - brief details only) Type of radiation: (eg. P-32, I-125, X-ray) Location of Task or Project: Expected Duration of Task or Project: From: To: Does the project involve: (please tick appropriate) A radioactive substance that requires a licence to possess, use or sell yes no Radioactivity below the scheduled limit for licensing yes no Premises that requires registration for work with radioactive materials yes no Irradiating equipment that requires registration yes no Is there an external radiation hazard? yes no If yes, what is the type of emission? (γ, β, α, x-ray, etc.) Is there an internal radiation hazard? If yes, what are the routes of exposure? Ionising Radiation Risk Assessment form V1 inhalation yes no ingestion absorption Page 1 Unsealed Source details Radionuclide Physical form Chemical form Total activity held Bq Activity used per procedure Bq Half Life Energy MeV Sealed Source details Radionuclide Total activity held Bq Sealed source activity, date Half Life Energy MeV Irradiating Apparatus details Type of equipment Make & model Date of Manufacture Maximum kV / keV Processes Typical processes involving sources (eg. radio-labelling) Typical processes Involving X-rays (eg. imaging, analysis etc.) Waste production What radioactive waste will be generated from this process? Please provide a brief description of waste (eg. absorbent paper, gloves, scintillation liquid & vials, contaminated biological waste) Liquid Solid Gaseous / airborne Ionising Radiation Risk Assessment form V1 Page 2 What is the estimated activity & amount of waste? Activity of waste generated per experiment <100Bq/gm >100Bq/gm Volume of waste generated (L or kg / experiment) Estimated total volume of waste per month Waste disposal If waste is >100Bq/gm where will the waste be stored? (Waste store, in lab, freezer etc.) If waste will decay to <100 Bq/gm, what storage time is required? If waste is <100Bq/gm how will it be disposed of? Work Environment Is the work area in a registered radiation laboratory? yes no Does the laboratory have restricted access? yes no If No, please describe the suitability of the environment for the proposed work. Describe the area provided: (isolated bench area, fume cupboard?) Describe the type and condition of the bench & floor surfaces: Can the area be easily decontaminated? (smooth continuous surfaces, coved to walls?) Risk Controls Facility Secure facility with only authorized access yes no Designated work area within facility yes no Designated and secure storage for radioisotopes yes no Spill tray and/or absorbent bench coat for bench work yes no Effective shielding of sources in storage and awaiting disposal yes no Effective shielding of operator and facility perimeter yes no Fume cupboard or glove box used (indicate room no.) Other: yes no Safe, standard operating procedures yes no Work surfaces cleaned and decontaminated after use yes no Emergency procedures yes no Spill clean-up kit yes no Separation of “hot” waste yes no Radioactive waste properly collected & disposed yes no Work benches, under benches and passageways clear of clutter Other: yes no Procedures Ionising Radiation Risk Assessment form V1 Page 3 Administration Restricted access yes no List of authorized personnel yes no Radiation safety training for project personnel yes no Local induction training and orientation yes no Records kept of project team training yes no Hazard signposting at entry to facility (Uni standard) yes no Proper labelling of containers, including decanted yes no Radiation used only during normal business hours yes no Records kept of radiation usage yes no Staff issued personal dosimeters Other: yes no Risk Summary & Conclusion (please tick appropriate) The risk posed is insignificant and unlikely to increase during the course of the project. The risk is significant, but will be effectively controlled. There is uncertainty about the level of risk. The risk is significant and cannot be effectively controlled. Risk Evaluation The project is to be reviewed annually, or whenever there is an incident or any significant change eg. new equipment, personnel etc. This is to check that risk controls are still in place and working effectively. Review dates: Name of reviewer: REFERENCES 1. NSW Radiation Control Act 1990, Amended August 2002 http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/viewtop/inforce/act+13+1990+first+0+N 3. NSW Radiation Control Regulation 2003 http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/viewtop/inforce/subordleg+615+2003+first+0+N 6. Australian Standard AS 2243.4 -1998 Safety in Laboratories Part 4 - Ionizing Radiation Ionising Radiation Risk Assessment form V1 Page 4 Actions / Comments: Remaining Risks: List of Attachments: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Risk assessment completed by: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Consultation Signed (ALL persons involved in the project) Approvals and Comments: Name Signature Approval y/n Facility Manager -select- Head of School -select- Ionising Radiation Risk Assessment form V1 Comments Page 5