University Curriculum Committee Proposal for New Course 1. Is this course being proposed for Liberal Studies designation? If yes, route completed form to Liberal Studies. Yes No 2. New course effective beginning what term and year? (ex. Spring 2009, Summer 2009) See effective dates schedule. 3. College HHS 4. Academic Unit /Department DH 313 5. Course subject/catalog number Fall 2012 Dental Hygiene 6. Units/Credit Hours 2 Clinic II: Patients 7. Long course title (max 100 characters including spaces) 8. Short course title (max. 30 characters including spaces) Clinic II: Patients 9. Catalog course description (max. 30 words, excluding requisites). Integrates dental hygiene sciences and clinical procedures. 5 weeks of 3 hours lecture and (3) 3hour clinics. Letter grade only. Course fee required. Prerequisite: DH 312 with grade C or better. 10. Grading option: Letter grade Pass/Fail or Both (If both, the course may only be offered one way for each respective section.) 11. Co-convened with 11a. Date approved by UGC (Must be approved by UGC prior to bringing to UCC. Both course syllabi must be presented) 12. Cross-listed with (Please submit a single cross-listed syllabus that will be used for all cross-listed courses.) 13. May course be repeated for additional units? yes no a. If yes, maximum units allowed? b. If yes, may course be repeated for additional units in the same term? (ex. PES 100) 14. Prerequisites (must be completed before proposed course) yes no DH 312 with grade C or better. 15. Corequisites (must be completed with proposed course) 16. Is the course needed for a new or existing plan of study (major, minor, certificate)? Name of plan? Yes No Dental Hygiene BSDH Note: If course is required, a new plan or plan change form must be submitted with this request. No 17. Is a potential equivalent course offered at a community college (lower division only) Yes If yes, does it require listing in the Course Equivalency Guide? revised 10/10 No Yes 1 Please list, if known, the institution and subject/catalog number of the course 18. Names of current faculty qualified to teach this course: Vicki Penna / Fred Summerfelt 19. Justification for new course, including unique features if applicable. (Attach proposed syllabus in the approved university format). DH 313 is part of the clinic sequence that was changed from 3 years to 2 years. The emphasis on this clinic is providing dental hygiene services for patients. For Official AIO Use Only: Component Type Consent Topics Course 20. Approvals Signed: Department Chair (if appropriate) Print Last Name Date Signed: Chair of College Curriculum Committee Print Last Name Date Signed: Dean of College Print Last Name Date Marilyn McDonald McDonald Signed: Curriculum Process Associate 2-11--11 Print Last Name Person(s) to contact for questions about details of this proposal: (Please Print) ______________ ______________ Date For Committee’s use only For University Curriculum Committee Action taken: Date _____Approved as submitted _____Approved as modified Please attach Syllabus here. Attached on following pages. revised 10/10 2 COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL HYGIENE CLINICAL: DH 313 CLINIC II : PATIENTS COURSE DESCRIPTION: Integrates dental hygiene sciences and clinical procedures. 3 hours lecture; (3) 3-hour clinics a week for 5 weeks. Letter grade only. Course fee required. Prerequisite: DH 312 with grade C or better. SUMMER BETWEEN YEARS 1 & 2 OF THE DH PROGRAM 2 CREDIT HOURS Includes 3 hours of lecture and (3) 3-hour clinics/week for 5 weeks COURSE PREREQUISITES – DH 312 WITH GRADE C OR BETTER INSTRUCTOR : VICKI PENNA OFFICE ADDRESS AND HOURS EXPECTED OUTCOMES CI.3.a. Demonstrate legal behavior by: Maintaining patient confidentiality according to HIPAA principles. CI.3.b. Demonstrate legal behavior by: Demonstrating safe and aseptic methods according to OSHA principles [e.g., maintain proper infection control and prevent unsafe occurrences (such as needlesticks or overexposure to radiation) in labs, clinics, and at external sites]. CI.3.d.2. Demonstrate skills necessary to: Maintain asepsis and manage a break in chain of asepsis (including exposure to blood borne pathogens) appropriately. C.II.2. Integrate and apply basic and dental science knowledge during assessment, diagnosis, planning, provision and evaluation of dental hygiene care. CIII.1.a. Demonstrate knowledge of theories/ models of: Behavior change (tobacco cessation) CIII.1.c. Demonstrate knowledge of theories/ models of: Motivation (tobacco cessation) CIII.1.f. Demonstrate knowledge of theories/ models of: Dental Hygiene Theory CIV.2.b. Manage learning by: Managing program requirements and time efficiently (e.g. clinic time). LEARNING ACTIVITIES CI.3.a. Experiential w/ feedback CVI.1. Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills with individuals within diverse populations (e.g., of various ages, cultures, and persons with special needs, disabilities and/or medical conditions). CVI.1. Reading, presentations or role playing; guest presentation w/ discussion ; experiential w/ feedback CVI.2.b. Practice good communication skills by: Utilizing an open mind and friendly body language. CVI.2.d. Practice good communication skills by: Using revised 10/10 CI.3.b. Experiential w/ feedback ASSESSMENT METHODS CI.3.a. Faculty or mentor and self eval CI.3.b. Faculty or mentor and self eval CI.3.d.2. Faculty or mentor and self eval CI.3.d.2. Experiential w/ feedback C.II.2. Experiential w/ feedback CIII.1.a. Lecture w/ discuss. Role-play w/peer. CIII.1.c. Lecture w/ discuss. Role-play w/peer. CIII.1.f. Experiential w/ feedback CIV.2.b. Self-management of requirements and clinic time CVI.2.b. Experiential w/ feedback C.II.2. Faculty or mentor and self eval CIII.1.a. M/C & Casebased exam. CIII.1.c. M/C & Casebased exam. CIII.1.f. Case-based exam CIV.2.b. Clinic grading of requirements & attendance CVI.1. Faculty or mentor and self /peer eval of presentation or role playing ; casebased exam CVI.2.b. Self eval CVI.2.d. Faculty, DDS eval CVI.2.e. Faculty & self eval; patient survey HII.2.a. Faculty & self eval 3 appropriate inter-professional communication when consulting with other health care providers. CVI.2.e. Practice good communication skills by: Using lay language when speaking with patients, checking often for understanding HII.2.a. Determine goals, values, and beliefs of others (clients, patients, populations) by: Helping others define obtainable objectives. HII.2.b. Determine goals, values, and beliefs of others (clients, patients, populations) by: Allowing others to take ownership of their goals. HII.2.c. Determine goals, values, and beliefs of others (clients, patients, populations) by: Incorporating beliefs and preferences of others into practice. PI.1. Demonstrate knowledge of methods of determining general, oral, and psychosocial health status of individuals . PI.2.g. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Oral radiology PI.2.h. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Oral pharmacology PI.2.i. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Oral medicine PI.2.j. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Periodontology PI.2.l. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Patient management PI.2.m. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Patients with special needs PI.2.n. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Patients with bloodborne infectious disease PI.2.o. Apply knowledge of basic and dental sciences: Medical and dental emergencies PI.3.a. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Medical History PI.3.b. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respirations) PI.3.c. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Intraoral and extraoral exam PI.3.d. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Patient education PI.3.e. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Probe use PI.3.f. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Explorer use –calc detection PI.3.g. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Dental charting - difficult revised 10/10 CVI.2.d. Experiential w/ feedback HII.2.b. Faculty & self eval CVI.2.e. Experiential w/ feedback HII.2.c. Faculty & self eval HII.2.a. Experiential w/ feedback HII.2.b. Experiential w/ feedback PI.1. Clinical Comp or case-based exam at competent level PI.2.g. Faculty & self eval PI.2.h. Faculty & self eval HII.2.c. Experiential w/ feedback PI.1. Experiential w/ feedback PI.2.g. Experiential w/ feedback PI.2.i. Case-based exam PI.2.j. Clinical comp at competent level PI.2.l. Case-based exam PI.2.m. Case-based exam PI.2.n. Case-based exam PI.2.h. Experiential w/ feedback PI.2.o. Case-based exam PI.2.i. Experiential w/ feedback PI.3.a. Case-based exam PI.2.j. Experiential w/ feedback PI.3.b. Faculty & self eval PI.2.l. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic PI.2.m. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic PI.2.n. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic PI.2.o. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic; role play PI.3.a. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic PI.3.b. Experiential w/ feedback PI.3.c. Faculty & self eval PI.3.d. Faculty & self eval PI.3.e. Faculty & self eval PI.3.f. Faculty & self eval PI.3.g. Faculty & self eval PI.3.c. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PI.3.h. Faculty & self eval PI.3.d. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PI.3.i.Requirements PI.3.e. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB 4 PI.3.h. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Periodontal Exam PI.3.i. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Radiographic Surveys [full mouth, bitewings (horizontal, vertical, pedodontic), panoramic, occlusal, duplication) PI.3.j. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Oral photos PI.3.l. Collect and analyze data on general, oral and psychosocial health status of a variety of individuals through: Use of teledentistry equipment PI.4. Identify predisposing & etiologic risk factors to required intervention, consultation and/or referral to prevent disease, emergencies and/or impact care ( risk assessment) PI.5.a. Prevent/manage medical emergencies by: Recognizing conditions that place a patient at risk for a medical emergency. PI.5.b. Prevent/manage medical emergencies by: Demonstrating knowledge of medical emergencies, measures to prevent and actions to take. PI.5.c. Prevent/manage medical emergencies by: Given a medical emergency (real or simulated), performing appropriate actions. PII.1. Demonstrate knowledge of oral diagnosis and prognosis. PII.2. Interpret assessment data to accurately formulate a diagnosis with respect to oral health needs and conditions (e.g., periodontal disease, dental caries, oral cancer, appearance, pain, etiologic and risk factors, prognosis, etc), linking predisposing & etiologic risk factors to required interventions. PII.3. Collaborate with the patient and multidisciplinary healthcare team to identify needs re: coordination of comprehensive care (e.g., consultation and/or referral) to prevent disease, emergencies and/or impact care. PII.4. Explain the condition/diagnosis to appropriate persons (faculty and the clinic dentist; patient) using appropriate language (professional, lay). PII.5.a. Demonstrate skill in: Periodontal exam / interpretation PI.3.j.Requirements PI.3.f. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PI.3.l. Requirements PI.3.g. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PI.3.h. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PI.5.a. Case-based exam PI.3.i. Experiential in clinic; w/ FB PI.5.b. Case-based exam PI.5.c. Case-based exam PI.3.j. Experiential in clinic; w/ FB PII.1. Case-based exam PI.3.l. Demo in clinic. Experiential in clinic. revised 10/10 PII.2. Case-based exam PI.4. Lecture w/discuss. PI.5.a. Experiential in clinic; w/ FB PII.3. Case-based exam PI.5.b. Experiential in clinic; w/ FB PII.4. Case-based exam PII.5.a. Case-based exam PI.5.c. Experiential in clinic; w/ FB PII.1. Lecture w/discussion (images). Experiential w/ FB PII.2. Lecture w/discussion (images). Experiential w/ FB PII.3. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic. PII.5.b. Demonstrate skill in: Caries exam/ interpretation PII.5.c. Demonstrate skill in: Radiographic interpretation PI.4. Case-based exam PII.5.b. Case-based exam PII.5.c. Case-based exam PII.5.d. Case-based exam PIII.1. Faculty evaluation in clinic PIII.2. . Faculty evaluation in clinic PIII.3. . Faculty evaluation in clinic PII.4. Lecture w/discussion (visual emphasis). Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PII.5.a. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.4.a. . Faculty evaluation in clinic 5 PII.5.d. Demonstrate skill in: Risk Factor analysis PIII.1. Demonstrate knowledge of comprehensive care planning and coordination, appropriate treatment interventions treatment alternatives, prioritization, sequencing, and factors influencing prognosis. PIII.2. Integrate patient assessment data (e.g., appropriate to age, health history, culture, and ethnicity), develop care plans to develop evidence-based care plans. PIII.3. Recognize when to consult with the patient and multidisciplinary healthcare team (e.g., faculty, the clinic dentist, and other appropriate health care providers) to collaborate on dental hygiene diagnosis, care plan and sequence of treatment. PIII.4.a. Present the care plan to the patient by: Explaining the disease, etiology, prognosis, treatment alternatives, risk and benefits, prioritization, sequence, cost and patient responsibilities, checking for patient understanding. PIII.4.b. Present the care plan to the patient by: Partnering with patients to enhance informed decision-making, positive lifestyle change, and appropriate self care. PIII.5. Obtain written consent and appropriate signatures. PIV.1. Demonstrate knowledge, comprehension, and application of appropriate interventions and preventative and therapeutic services. PIV.2. Provide dental hygiene services appropriate for individual needs (based on assessment and diagnosis, modifying as needed to provide safe and effective care to medically compromised and disabled patients). PIV.3.a. Use appropriate chemotherapeutic agents, prepare prescriptions and consult with appropriate health care provider to obtain a prescription, when needed, with: Prescription writing and documentation PIV.3.b. Use appropriate chemotherapeutic agents, prepare prescriptions and consult with appropriate health care provider to obtain a prescription, when needed, with: Fluoride application PIV.3.c. Use appropriate chemotherapeutic agents, prepare prescriptions and consult with appropriate health care provider to obtain a prescription, when needed, with: Subgingival irrigation PIV.3.e. Use appropriate chemotherapeutic agents, prepare prescriptions and consult with appropriate health care provider to obtain a prescription, when needed, with: revised 10/10 PII.5.b. Lecture w/discussion (visual emphasis). Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PII.5.c. Lecture w/discussion (visual emphasis). Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PII.5.d. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential in clinic. PIII.1. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.2. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.3. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.4.a.: Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.4.b. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIII.5. Lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.1. Experiential in clinic. PIII.4.b. Clinic proc eval PIII.5. Clinic proc eval PIV.1. Case-based exam PIV.2. Case-based exam PIV.3.a. Case-based exam PIV.3.b. Case-based exam PIV.3.c. Requirements PIV.3.e. Requirements. PIV.4.a Requirements (complete 3 each) PIV.5.a.1. Clinic proc eval PIV.2. Experiential in clinic. PIV.3.a. Experiential in clinic. PIV.5.a.2.Clinic proc eval at competent level PIV.5.a.3.Clinic proc eval at competent level PIV.3.b. Experiential in clinic. PIV.5.b. Clinic proc eval at competent level PIV.5.c. Case-based exam PIV.3.c. Demo in clinic. Experiential in clinic. PIV.5.d.Clinic proc eval at competent level PIV.5.e. Faculty evaluation PIV.3.e. Demo in clinic. Experiential in clinic. PIV.5.f. Clinic proc eval at competent level PIV.4.a Demo in clinic. Experiential in clinic. With feedback PIV.5.g. Clinic proc eval 6 Desensitization PIV.4.a. Use pain management skills appropriate for patients’ comfort, with: Local anesthetic injections (PSA, MSA, ASA, IA/L, GP, NP, Mental, Infiltration, LB) PIV.5.a.1. Demonstrate clinical skills including the Supportive roles of: Radiography duty PIV.5.a.2. Demonstrate clinical skills including the Supportive roles of: Dental assisting – 4-handed PIV.5.a.3. Demonstrate clinical skills including the Supportive roles of: Office assistant (e.g., recare systems, cancellation management) PIV.5.b. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Sealant placement PIV.5.c. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Nutritional counseling PIV.5.d. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Advanced instrumentation (Ultrasonic , Gracey) PIV.5.e. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Instrument sharpening PIV.5.f. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Debridement PIV.5.g. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Root planing PIV.5.k. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Plaque and stain removal (prophy jet) PIV.5.l. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Provision of dental hygiene care for patients of all classifications of periodontal disease (e.g., Mild Perio AAP Ii, Mod Perio AAP III, active and maintenance care) PIV.5.m. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Provision of dental hygiene care for patients with special needs (e.g., cultural, physical, medical, developmental, psychosocial) PIV.5.n. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Provision of dental hygiene care for patients of all ages [child (<8 yrs); mixed dentition (8-12 yrs); adolescent (13-20); adult (21-64); geriatric (65+)] PIV.5.o. Demonstrate clinical skills of: Provision of dental hygiene care for patients with special dental needs (orthodontics) PV.2.a. Evaluate the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions by: Evaluating extent to which goals identified in the dental hygiene care plan are achieved. PV.2.b. Evaluate the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions by: Re-evaluating pathology or revised 10/10 PIV.5.a.1. Experiential; clinic rotation PIV.5.a.2. Experiential; clinic rotation PIV.5.a.3. Experiential; clinic rotation PIV.5.k. Requirement IV.5.l. Completion of clinic requirements at competent level PIV.5.b. Demonstration in clinic. Experiential; on pts. PIV.5.c. Lecture w/discuss. Role-play w/peer. Project w/written eval. PIV.5.d. Reading, lecture w/discuss. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.5.e. Reading, lecture w/ discuss; experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.5.f. Reading, lecture w/ discuss; experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.5.g. Lecture w/ discuss Demonstration in clinic. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.5.k. Experiential; demo; direct observation w/ immed FB PIV.5.l. Experiential; direct observation w/ immed FB. PIV.5.m. Case-based exam. Chart audit; completion of clinic requirements PIV.5.n. Chart audit; completion of clinic requirements PIV.5.m. Lecture w/ discuss. Special needs presentation. Guest lecture and continuing education courses likely. PIV.5.n. Experiential, in clinic PV.3.a. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PIV.5.o. Completion of pt. ortho requirement PV.2.a Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PV.2.b. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PV.2.c. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PV.2.d. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PV.2.e. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PV.3.b. Case-based exam. Chart-audit; case completion. PIV.5.o. Guest lecture. Experiential; ortho clinic PV.2.a. Lecture w/ discuss. PV.2.b. Lecture w/ discuss. PV.2.c. Lecture w/ discuss. PV.2.d. Lecture w/ discuss. 7 active disease Behavior change project. PV.2.c. Evaluate the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions by: Evaluating compliance and need for motivation. PV.2.e. Lecture w/ discuss. Behavior change project. PV.2.d. Evaluate the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions by: Using prior assessment data to determine if the patient is improving, maintaining, or regressing over time. PV.2.e. Evaluate the outcomes of dental hygiene interventions by: Conducting chart audits and manage patient satisfaction surveys to assess and improve quality of care to all patients. PV.3.a. Provide for continuing coordination of care, including referral or follow up by: Determining readiness for maintenance care or need for further treatment and/or referral. PV.3.b. Provide for continuing coordination of care, including referral or follow up by: Recommending appropriate amount of time between appointments (N) PV.3.a. Lecture w/ discuss. Experiential in clinic PV.3.b. Lecture w/ discuss. Experiential in clinic TEXTBOOK AND REQUIRED MATERIALS: Neild-Gehrig, Fundamentals of Periodontal Instrumentation, Sixth Edition, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2008, ISBN 0-7817-6992-2 Wilkins, Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 9th edition, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2005 Darby, Michelle; Walsh, Margaret, Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 2005 Supplemental Texts: Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Dental Hygiene, 6th edition, Mosby Elsevier, 2006, ISBN 0-32303713-5 Basic science texts, dental hygiene texts and class notes from previous dental hygiene courses. Student Instrument and Supply Issue: Students are expected to order gloves, masks, and other materials as needed at personal expense. Check with the clinic coordinator for procedures and pricing. All required materials should be obtained as soon as possible, permanently marked, and placed in your locker. The department is NOT responsible for lost or stolen articles. Professional liability insurance must be purchased. Proof of insurance may be required, should a need arise. GRADING SYSTEM Team Meetings Team meetings with your assigned faculty member are scheduled at the beginning and end of each clinic session. This is a scheduled time to discuss the day’s issues and review your Goal Sheets. Please have goals identified prior to the ‘before clinic’ team meeting and all signatures completed prior to the ‘after clinic’ team meeting. Goal Sheets/Self-Evaluations Self-evaluation will be accomplished with the Daily Goal Sheet. The purpose of these is to focus your growth and improvement throughout the semester. Please have goals identified prior to the ‘before clinic’ team meeting and all signatures completed prior to the ‘after revised 10/10 8 clinic’ team meeting. The Daily Goal Sheets will be discussed in the mentor meetings with your faculty mentor. Mentor Meetings Three mentor meetings with your DH 319 Clinic II instructor are required. The purpose of these meetings is to review your goals, develop strategies to achieve these goals , monitor your progress through the semester, conduct chart audits to assure quality of patient care. . Faculty Evaluations You will be evaluated by faculty each day. EXPLAIN THIS HERE INCLUDING CRITICAL ERRORS ETC> Peer Evaluations You will periodically be asked to evaluate and provide feedback to each other. Student Evaluation of Faculty You will periodically be asked to evaluate each clinical faculty and dentists that you worked with during the semester. NOTE: GRADING CRITERIA IS SEPARATED FOR THE DIDACTIC AND EACH CLINICAL PORTION OF THE COURSE (CLINIC, RAD, PAIN). THE STUDENT MUST PASS EACH PORTION OF CLINIC AND DIDACTIC WITH A C OR BETTER TO PASS THIS COURSE. THE GRADES WILL THEN BE COMBINED FOR A COURSE GRADE. 92-100 83-91 75-82 70-74 <70 A B C D F INCLUDE EVAL ACTIVITIES AND WEIGHT OF EACH DIDACTIC GRADING PTS 2 QUIZZES 1 EXAM (CASE BASED TO INCLUDE EVAL AT COMP LEVEL FOR: applying behavior Change, motivational and dental hygiene theory e.g., for tobacco cessation; determining general, oral, and psychosocial health status of individuals; application of perio knowledge; 1 FINAL EXAM 25 POINTS 100 POINTS 100 POINTS CLINCIAL GRADING NOTE: All paperwork must be accurate and complete to receive a passing grade (chart audit forms, daily goal sheets, faculty evaluation forms and daily clinic log) etc. Peer Evaluation (20 pts) Self Evaluation (20 pts) Clinic Grade Sheets (50 pts) Mentor Grade (50 pts) Chart Audits (20 pts) revised 10/10 9 Clinic Requirements (50 pts) Case Management Forms (assessment, interventions, outcomes) (20 pts) Patient Completion (Equivalent of 4 patients - to include at least one patient with AAP Ii/iii ) Daily Clinic Log with faculty signatures 10% deducted for each absence Patient Feedback (20 pts) The following Clinic Process Evals must be successfully passed at the competent level: OFFICE 4-HANDED SEALANT PLACEMENT ULTRASONIC GRACEYS DEBRIDEMENT PATIENT REQUIREMENTS 50 PTS SEE 4 PATIENTS TO INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE AAP II/ AAP III USE TELEDENTISTRY EQUIPMENT SUBGINGIVAL IRRIGATION DESENSITIZATION PROPHY JET COURSE OUTLINE DH 313 LECTURE DATE TOPICS ASSIGNMENTS AND DUE DATES WEEK 1 Read TEXT Assignment #1 – Tobacco Cessation on Patient, due week 4 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 Review Syllabus – Hand out Special Needs Assignments Tobacco Cessation Graceys Oral Photos Continuity of Care Subgingival Irrigation Desensitizing Dental Charting EXAM 1 Ultrasonic Sealants WEEK 4 WEEK 5 FINAL EXAM revised 10/10 DH Care: Ortho/ appliance care Quiz 1 covering: Tobacco Cessation Graceys Study Models Exam 1 covering: Tobacco Cessation Graceys Continuity of Care Subgingival Irrigation Desensitizing Dental Charting Quiz 2 covering: Ultrasonics Sealants Comprehensive 10 DH 313 CLINIC DATE TOPICS WEEK 1 9 HOURS OF CLINIC WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 5 Gracys / oral photos on partners Gracys/ oral photos on partners Patients Patients Patients Patients Ultrasonic / Teledentistry Equip -Partners Ultrasonic / Teledentistry Equip -Partners Patients Patients Patients Patients Sealants – partners PE w/ 4-handed PE Sealants- partners PE w/ 4-handed PE Patients COURSE POLICIES: ACADEMIC DISHONESTY is a form of misconduct that is subject to disciplinary action and includes the following: cheating, fabrication, fraud, facilitating academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Plagiarism: any attempt to knowingly or deliberately pass off other's work as your own. Cheating: any attempt to gain an unfair advantage over one's fellow students. Fabrication: any attempt to present information that is not true when the author knows the information presented is false. Fraud: any attempt to deceive an instructor or administrative officer of the university. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: any attempt to assist an act of academic dishonesty by another individual. ATTENDANCE is expected at all scheduled lectures. Attendance is considered one measure of professional conduct and demonstrates the behavior expected of an NAU dental hygiene student. Class Requirements Students must attend and participate in all class and laboratory sessions. If the student is unable to attend, s/he must contact the instructor before the class or laboratory session or as early as possible. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the instructor for consideration for an excused absence. Late arrival or an early exit from the class /lab/clinic may result in a point/grade deduction for each infraction from the total course points. Any missed assignments/requirements that are excused must be made up by the next class for no reduction in grade. After that there will be a 5% reduction in grade per day. Unexcused absences will affect the course grade as follows: 1. First missed class will result in a 5% reduction in the course grade. 2. Second missed class will result in a 10% reduction in course grade. 3. Third missed class will result in a course failure. Missed assignments from an unexcused absence must still be completed but will result in a 50% grade reduction. revised 10/10 11 No make up tests or retests will be provided for unexcused absences. Illness “While class attendance is required per the above stated policy, please be cautious about attending class if you are feeling ill. Please inform your instructor by phone or e-mail if you are feeling unwell: if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should not attend class; please take precautions not to infect others and seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen” (Liz Grobsmith, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs). Statement on Plagiarism and Cheating The University takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As members of the academic community, NAU's administration, faculty, staff, and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the education process. Inherent in this commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles of integrity and impedes learning. Students are therefore responsible for conducting themselves in an academically honest manner. Individual students and faculty members are responsible for identifying instances of academic dishonesty. Faculty members then recommend penalties to the department chair or college dean in keeping with the severity of the violation. Personal Safety Be mindful of your personal safety and use common sense precautions no matter where you are. Be aware of your surroundings and take advantage of the safety escort service provided by the NAU Police Department (NAUPD) by calling 523-3611. The campus has "blue phones" or emergency phones with a direct push-button line to the police dispatchers. The NAU Police Department Web site contains a number of tip sheets on issues from residence hall room safety to identity theft tips. Please take a look at this valuable information. Computer Safety Be aware that no one at this university will ever contact you via e-mail and ask you any personal information. Be aware of the inherent risks in Internet use and carefully guard your personal information. University Policies Safe Working And Learning Environment Policy revised 10/10 12 NAU’s Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy seeks to prohibit discrimination and promote the safety of all individuals within the university. The goal of this policy is to prevent the occurrence of discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status and to prevent sexual harassment, sexual assault or retaliation by anyone at this university. You may obtain a copy of this policy from the college dean’s office or from the NAU’s Affirmative Action Web site If you have concerns about this policy, it is important that you contact the departmental chair, dean’s office, the Office of Student Life (928-523-5181), or NAU’s Office of Affirmative Action (928-523-3312). Students with Disabilities If you have a documented disability, you can arrange for accommodations by contacting Disability Resources (DR) at 523-8773 (voice) or 523-6906 (TTY), (e-mail) or 928-523-8747 (fax).Students needing academic accommodations are required to register with DR and provide required disability related documentation. Although you may request an accommodation at any time, in order for DR to best meet your individual needs, you are urged to register and submit necessary documentation 8 weeks prior to the time you wish to receive accommodations. DR is strongly committed to the needs of student with disabilities and the promotion of Universal Design. Concerns or questions related to the accessibility of programs and facilities at NAU may be brought to the attention of DR or the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (523-3312). Institutional Review Board Any study involving observation of or interaction with human subjects that originates at NAU—including a course project, report, or research paper—must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research and research-related activities. The IRB meets monthly. Proposals must be submitted for review at least fifteen working days before the monthly meeting. You should consult with your course instructor early in the course to ascertain if your project needs to be reviewed by the IRB and/or to secure information or appropriate forms and procedures for the IRB review. Your instructor and department chair or college dean must sign the application for approval by the IRB. The IRB categorizes projects into three levels depending on the nature of the project: exempt from further review, expedited review, or full board review. If the IRB certifies that a project is exempt from further revised 10/10 13 review, you need not resubmit the project for continuing IRB review as long as there are no modifications in the exempted procedures. A copy of the IRB Policy and Procedures Manual is available in each department’s administrative office and each college dean’s office or on their Web site: index.htm. If you have questions, contact the IRB Coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Research at 928-523-8288 or 523-4340. Academic Integrity The university takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As members of the academic community, NAU’s administration, faculty, staff and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the education process. Inherent in this commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles of integrity and impedes learning. Students are therefore responsible for conducting themselves in an academically honest manner. revised 10/10 14