Head`s Newsletter September

Phone: 01284 830343
Email: admin@Hartest.suffolk.sch.uk
“Developing the whole child”
11 September 2015
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to or welcome back to all our children and their families. In addition to Mr White joining Hartest, we
also welcome 3 new families. The first 7 school days of the term have been very calm and the children must
be congratulated on settling back into our usual routines so quickly and rising to our expectations and
standards. Those children changing Key Stage or transferring to Elder will notice an increase in expectations
to their personal development and their learning expectations proportional to their age. We have been very
impressed with pupils in Willow Class who are supporting a new pupil, who requires a wheel chair, to settle
into school.
Pupil Information: Our school vision is to ‘Develop the Whole Child’. To accomplish this we need to know as
much as possible about your child. Knowing if a child was a premature baby, had meningitis aged 5 years,
has a relative who is dyslexic, wore grommets for 3 years or easily becomes anxious etc are essential pieces
of information that school uses to fully assess each child so that the best support and opportunities can be
offered. In order to carry out our safeguarding duties we also need to annually confirm accurate emergency
contact details
. We would be really grateful if parents and carers could spend a few minutes completing the enclosed forms
by 25th September so we can update our records. Please remember that the smallest of details are important.
I appreciate that the form appears quite lengthy: most questions will require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and space has been
left to allow parents to write more detailed information.
Premises Update: The school is now heated by LPG only. Contractors will continue to be on site until the old
oil tank is removed and the room converted as a storage space. The school is receiving quotes for works
required to the pool together with advice on the possible longevity of the pool. The Friends of Hartest School
and Governors will be making decisions on the work required this term with the goal being to open the pool in
June 2016. We are also awaiting quotes for a new gate to the Forest Schools area. The Reception area and
Headteacher’s office have also been painted.
Elder Class: Only pupils in Elder Class can walk or cycle to school provided their parents / carers inform us.
As part of our duty of care, pupils must leave the site by 3:15pm so we know they are home within a given time
limit. Should a pupil making their own way to school not be present at registration, we will contact home by
9am to make sure their whereabouts is known and they are safe.
This year Elder Class will be learning Guitar in their music lessons. The guitars and lessons are provided by
Suffolk Music Service and the children will be bringing the guitars home, so they can practice, nearer to half
term. All parents of pupils in Elder Class will shortly receive letters giving more details about the guitar loan
and expectations. Seven pupils in Year 6 will continue to learn Brass this year with the peripatetic teacher.
Class Newsletters: These will be sent out next week and will confirm which days your child will have PE,
require instruments and include a home-learning timetable.
Clubs: Netball Club for Elder class starts on Tuesday 15th September. The library and ICT areas are available
for pupils to use at lunchtime; different houses can use these on specified lunchtimes. I am waiting for the
Multi Sports providers to confirm their availability to run these clubs during the autumn term. As soon as I have
further information, the clubs timetable will then be finalised.
Hartest is very fortunate in the number of volunteers who come into school to help out especially with practical
lessons or listening to children read etc. If you would like to become more involved in school life and spend an
hour or so in school, please do contact me as we can be quite flexible and match your skills and talents to
curriculum areas! In order to demonstrate fairness both to parents and children, with the exception of day visits
and Forest School sessions, our policy is for parents not to help out in the class where their child is.
Vacancy: Mid-Day Supervisor:
12noon to 1pm. Current vacancy for 4 days and possibly be able to cover for absent staff at short notice. This
post requires a clear DBS check .Please See Mrs Prickett for further information and an application form.
EACH Run: Mrs Prickett, Mrs Ashman, Mrs Burford, Miss Vaughan, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Burr and I are taking
part in the EACH Colour Run at Nowton Park on Sunday 20th September. Mrs Atkins is also taking part with a
group of her friends. If anyone would like to sponsor us please feel free to drop money off with Mrs Prickett
and we will submit all sponsorship monies received to EACH.
Advance Notice:
Saturday 12th September
Hartest Garden produce show at Hartest institute
Monday 21st September
Individual School photographs: form 8:30am
w/c 21st September
Open Mornings at Ormiston Sudbury Academy for Year 6
Thursday 24th September
Open Evening Ormiston Sudbury Academy for Year 6
Thursday 1st October
Hartest Service at All Saints Church. (provisional date)
Thursday 8th October
Stour Valley Open Day
w/c 19th October
Consultation Evenings
TERM DATES 2015/16
Autumn Term 2015
PDD Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Thursday 3rd September – Thursday 22nd October 2015
PDD Friday 23rd October 2015
Half Term Monday 26th October to Friday 30th October 2015
Monday 2nd November - Friday 18th December 2015
Spring Term 2016
PDD Monday 4th January 2016
Tuesday 5th January – Thursday 11th February 2016
PDD Friday 12th February 2016
Half Term Monday 15th February – Friday 19th February 2016
Monday 22nd February – Thursday 24th March 2016
Summer Term 2016
PDD Monday 11th April 2016
Tuesday 12th April – Friday 27th May 2016
Half Term Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June 2016
Monday 6th June – Thursday 21st July 2016