Homework Revision Questions ch1 set 3

Homework Revision Questions
Chapter One Set Three – Ways of minimising extraneous and
confounding variables (pp 31- 50)
Multiple Choice
Short Answer
1/ Population is a term used in psychology to
a) groups with different characteristics;
b) the people in the country the experiment is
being done,
c) the subgroup of the sample,
d) the larger group from which the sample is
2/ Random sampling:
a) is a procedure that ensures an equal chance of
being selected,
b) uses a haphazard method to pick subjects,
c) is always done the same way,
d) allows for some people to have a greater
chance of selection
3/ When a participant doesn’t know whether they
are in the experimental or control group, this is
a) double blind;
b) single blind;
c) venetian blind;
d) placebo blind;
4/ A repeated measures design:
a) uses the same participants in the experimental
and control group;
b) eliminates confounding variables arising from
subject differences;
c) needs a smaller number of participants;
d) all of the above;
8/ Will advertising for research participants and
using a gift voucher or incentive payment result in
‘sample bias’? Explain your answer.
5/ A correlation coefficient is expressed as a decimal
7/ Convenience sampling is quick, easy and
representative of the population being studied.
9/ What is the main difference between participant
selection and participant allocation?
10/ explain how standardised instructions and
procedures can be used to control or minimise the
influence of demand characteristics and experimenter
Glossary words to review:
Random sampling
Stratified sampling
Experimental group
Random allocation
Single blind procedure
Repeated measures design
Matched participants design
Convenience sampling
Biased sample
Stratified random sampling
Control group
Double blind procedure
Standardised instructions
Standardised procedures
Independent groups design