Transport Policy Sub-Committee 26 July 2010 Agenda item 7 TPSC/09/18 Car Parking Registration Survey Between May and June 2010 a survey was carried out across the Colchester campus to gain the views of the University community on the idea of restricting the issue of car parking permits and what criteria might be used to effectively manage the car parks. TPSC requested that views be gained as to whether the University should implement criteria which is fair and works alongside Government guidelines namely PPG13 a white paper which gives guidelines on reasonable distances which can be cycled or walked. Any criteria introduced would complement the aims of the Sustainable Transport Strategy to reduce demand for car parking on campus. A paper version of the survey was offered to all staff. Below is the summary of the responses. The summary of the responses are attached and the following preliminary conclusions are drawn: From the summary it suggested that: More respondents walk than cycle Respondents felt strongly that staff permits should not be limited 23% of respondent thought that Students permits should not be limited but 23% agreed that they should. 82.8% indicated that the current rule that students residing on campus should not be allowed to register for parking continued to be supported. Respondents indicated that medically impaired applicants are neither a high or low priority. 28% of respondents indicated that priority should be given to those to whom distance was an issue. 33.8% strongly disagreed that there should be an exclusion zone for staff whereas 29.1% indicated that they strongly agree to an exclusion zone for students. In the case of both students and staff a reasonable distance for an exclusion zone was 2 miles. It is suggested that further consultation and discussion be undertaken to establish a scheme for registration for 2011/12. TPSC is requested to indicate:1. 2. 3. 4. Whether a change to the eligibility for registering is supported. Whether staff registration rules should be strengthened. Whether student registration rules be strengthened. Whether an exclusion zone should be implemented for a. Staff b. Students 5. What exemptions should these be in the event of change? This information will be used to discuss options with focus groups and the University community to identify a proposal. Charlotte Humphries Transport Policy Coordinator Survey on car parking permit issue at Colchester Campus Below is a summary of the responses from the car parking permit issue survey held May – June 2010. Base = 100% Which Group do you belong Q1. to? Staff Students Visitor Other Base 1753 1024 719 6 4 How do you currently travel Q.2 to campus? Car Walk Car Share Cycle Bus Reside Train Motorcycle Taxi Other Base 2398 Multi 1401 58.4% 286 11.9% 221 9.2% 191 8.0% 173 7.2% 64 2.7% 28 1.2% 19 0.8% 12 0.5% 3 0.1% Comment Interestingly more respondents walk than cycle. Should permits issued to Q.3 staff be limited? Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Base 1753 155 8.8% 239 13.6% 251 14.3% 390 22.2% 718 41.0% Comment Respondents felt strongly that staff should not be limited Should permits to student Q.4 be limited? Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Base 1753 352 20.1% 403 23.0% 236 13.5% 307 17.5% 455 26.0% Comment Although the outcome indicates that respondents strongly disagree the other figures indicate a degree of uncertainty Should students residing on Q.5 campus register? No Yes Base 1753 1451 82.8% 175 10.0% Comment An overwhelming response that students who reside on campus should not be allowed to apply for a permit. Maybe 127 58.4% 41.0% 0.3% 0.2% 7.2% Comment More staff that students responded to the survey What priority should we give to people who car Q.6 share? 5High 4 3 2 1 Low Base 1753 336 19.2% 388 22.1% 604 34.5% 152 8.7% 273 15.6% Comment Respondents indicated this is not a priority as most gave a mid way response, although the figures indicate that priority to car sharers is favourable. Priority for those with Q.7 caring responsibilities 5 High 4 3 2 1 Low Base 1753 587 33.5% 381 21.7% 469 26.8% 130 7.4% 186 10.6% Comment Overwhelming response that those with caring responses should be allowed to park. Required definition into caring responsibilities. Q.8 Q.9 Q.10 Q.11 Priority to those to whom public transport is not an option 5 High 4 3 2 1 Low Base 1753 862 49.2% 466 26.6% 295 16.8% 81 4.6% 49 2.8% Comment Overwhelming response that those with little or no access to public transport should be allowed to park. Priority to medically imparied? 5 High 4 3 2 1 Low Base 1753 344 19.6% 455 26.0% 574 32.7% 178 10.2% 202 11.5% Comment Requires definition of impairment, e.g. from a temporary ailment to a more serious permanent medical condition. Priority dependant on distance Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Base 1753 490 28.0% 423 24.1% 188 10.7% 248 14.1% 404 23.0% Comment Respondents indicate that distance is a priority. Should there be an exclusion zone for staff? Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Base 1753 288 16.4% 317 18.1% 288 16.4% 268 15.3% 592 33.8% Comment Respondents indicate that there should not be an exclusion zone for staff Agenda item 7 TPSC/09/18 Q.12 Q.13 Q.14 Q. 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Reasonable distance to exclude staff 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles More Base 605 75 12.4% 266 44.0% 217 35.9% 47 7.8% Comment Indicates that those that agree to a exclusion zone for staff indicate that 2 miles is prefered. Should there be an exclusion zone for students? Strongly Agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly Disagree Base 1753 510 29.1% 365 20.8% 309 17.6% 197 11.2% 372 21.2% Comment Indicates that respondents strongly agree that there should be a exclusion zone for students. Reasonable exclusion zone for students? 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles More Base 875 123 14.1% 341 39.0% 311 35.5% 100 11.4% Comment Indicates that respondents prefer a 2 miles exclusion zone if implemented. Base 1753 1017 933 912 889 737 707 684 58.0% 53.2% 52.0% 50.7% 42.0% 40.3% 39.0% Comment Prioritise the lesser known measures. 628 35.8% 583 577 503 33.3% 32.9% 28.7% 479 27.3% 462 361 292 26.4% 20.6% 16.7% Travel Measure know of (MULTIPLE CHOICE) Barrier Parking Car Parking Information Bike to Work Week Walk to Work Week Sustainable Travel Policy Cycle scheme for staff Car share scheme Public Transport Information Estate Management Web pages Discounted rail rickets Cycle Training Public Transport Season Ticket loan Opportunities to purchase recycled bike Unicard EMS Twitter Agenda item 7 TPSC/09/18