Houghton C of E School Disability Equality Scheme Issue No Author/Owner Date Written Approved by Gov 1 Mrs L Stevens Oct 2015 Y 2 3 4 Date of Review: October 2016 1. School Ethos, Vision and Values. Houghton School is committed to ensuring equal treatment of all its pupils, employees and any others involved in the school community, with any form of disability. It will ensure that disabled people are not treated less favourably in any procedures, practices and service delivery. Pupils who are carers of disabled parents will also be considered. This school will not tolerate harassment of disabled people with any form of impairment. 1.1 What do we understand by ‘disability’? ‘A disabled person is someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. (DDA 1995 Part 1 para.1.1) This definition was amended and broadened in December 2005 under the 2005 Disability Amendment Act: People with cancer or surviving cancer are now included, as are people with HIV and Multiple Sclerosis from the point of diagnosis. For a mental impairment the need for it to be clinically well recognised has been removed. Houghton School recognises that disabled pupils may, or may not have special educational needs. (Social, emotional and behavioural, as well as educational difficulties will need to be considered.) This Disability Equality Scheme provides us with a framework for integrating disability equality into all aspects of school life. 2. The General Duty. We will actively seek to: Promote equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other persons. Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Act. Eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disabilities. Promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons. This means not representing people in a demeaning way, and it also means not pretending they do not exist and not representing them anywhere at all. Encourage participation by disabled persons in the life of the school. It is also important to respect the wishes of disabled children in an educational setting so that they do not feel pushed into activities they do not wish to take part in. Take steps to take account of disabled persons’ disabilities even where that involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons. (DDA 2005 S.49A) 3. How will we meet the General Duty? Children with disabilities are to participate in all aspects of school life and achieve both academically and socially. Children with disabilities are actively encouraged to stand for election to the School Council. Equality of opportunity will be promoted between all disabled people and nondisabled people connected with the school. Participation by disabled people in public life will be encouraged (e.g. through involvement on the Governing Body or PTFA, participation in assemblies, provision of a ‘voice’ ). Any discrimination that is unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act will be eliminated. Harassment of disabled people that is related to their disability, by pupils or adults alike, will likewise be eliminated. Positive attitudes towards disabled people will be promoted (through PSHE lessons, Assemblies and social Stories.) Steps will be taken to meet disabled persons’ needs even if this requires more favourable treatment. 3.1 Involvement of Disabled People in developing the Scheme. Houghton School is aware that we do not have a truly representative involvement process, because the numbers and diversity of disabled people directly connected to the school are so small. This problem may be solved in the future, by linking up with other local primary schools to work on the involvement aspect (in one off, targeted or regular focused groups for staff, carers, parents and pupils or even in social events.) 3.2 Developing a ‘voice’ for disabled pupils, staff and parents/carers. Pupils and parents are involved in review meetings and transition planning. Pupils set their own ‘child-friendly’ targets. Telephone or e mail appointments and home visits could be made available to disabled parents and carers, who might find it difficult getting to school. 3.3 The Governing Body. The governing Body is responsible for the school’s accessibility plan and reports on this annually in the School Prospectus, Disabled parents/carers/ community members are encouraged to become governors. Telephone or e-mail appointments and home visits by governors could be made available to disabled parents and carers, who might find it difficult getting to school. 3.4. Disability in the Curriculum, including Teaching and Learning. The development of access to the curriculum will be led by those with curriculum responsibilities and then adopted by class teachers/support staff. The making of written materials accessible in a range of different ways for disabled pupils involves all connected staff. Positive attitudes will be developed in PSHE lessons and Assemblies. 3.5 The Physical Environment. Senior Management is responsible for leading improvements to the physical environment, the deployment of resources and the coordination of the plan across the whole school. Houghton School already has the following: A ramp access A Hearing Loop System for the Hearing Impaired. Changing facilities Disabled toilets. A Medical Room 3.6 Eliminating Harassment, Stereotyping and Bullying. See associated policies in school. 3.7 ( See DES Action Plan-Appendix 1) 4 Success Criteria We will know if we are succeeding in making reasonable adjustments when disabled pupils, staff and parents are participation fully in school life. Pupils: In the classroom In the curriculum At breaks, lunchtimes and beyond the school day. Disabled pupils are included by their peers in all aspects of school life. Parents feel that their child is part of school life. Staff feel confident working with disabled pupils. Staff: Feel part of the school team. Feel able to apply for promotion Apply for training. Parents and Associated Adults Join the Governing Body Become a member of the PTA Participate in school activities 5. Further Impact Assessment Methods will include: Pupil achievement (a narrowing of the gap between the disabled and nondisabled) Feedback from pupils/staff/parents/carers with a disability Review of DES Action Plan 6. Reviewing/Monitoring The Disability Equality Scheme The Governing body reviews the scheme each year and revises it at least every three years. Review Date October 2016 Senior Members of Staff Responsible SENCO ------------------------------------ Governor responsible -------------------------------------