Holes Plot Summary by Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart
Language Arts 2nd
The major events in Holes started when Stanley Yelnats first got
to Camp Green Lake. Even though he was arrested for stealing Clyde
Livingston shoes, Stanley knew he didn't do it . He looked on the bright
side, he would be at a Camp with a Green Lake. One hundred years ago
there was a lake, now the lake had dried up with no water, just the
harsh heat and rock surrounding the area. At Camp Green Lake there
was Mr. Sir, Mr. Pendanski, and the Warden who were involved with
the kids. The Warden made the kids dig holes for the purpose '' to build
their character''. Stanley knew, the reason for them digging wasn't for
them to build their character but, for the Warden to find something.
At Camp Green Lake Stanley had met some guys named Zigzag, Squid,
X-Ray, Zero, and others. His nickname was Caveman. One morning the
water truck came while the boys were digging holes. The boys had their
canteens filled up with water by Mr. Sir. Stanley heard Mr. Sir stopped
smoking, so instead he ate sunflower seeds. When Mr. Sir left, Stanley
noticed that Magnet had Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds. Magnet was passing
then around. When Zigzag threw the seeds Stanley's way, the seeds hit
the ground in Stanley's hole. The boys then started to hear Mr. Sir's
truck coming back. When Mr. Sir came by he saw the sunflower seeds
in Stanley's hole. Stanley took the blame instead of telling on the
others. He went with Mr. Sir to see the Warden. When Mr. Sir had
finish telling her about the seeds, next thing you know, Mr. Sir is on the
ground screaming in pain from the Warden's poisonous nail polish.
Once Stanley got back to his hole, the other boys had asked him lots of
questions about what happened. Stanley noticed that his hole was dug
out. He asked the guys did they dig his hole out but, they had no idea.
Then Stanley noticed Zero's hole was the only one that was small.
Zero told Stanley that he would dig the rest of his holes, if he taught
him how to read. Stanley was happy at the thought of being a teacher,
however, it also scared him that the Warden would catch him. Stanley
loved to relax and watch everyone else dig their holes. As time went on
he began to feel uncomfortable just sitting on the side doing nothing.
One day all his relaxation came to an end. The other campers got mad
because Zero dug out half of Stanley's hole. They teased Zero about
being Stanley's slave digger. The boys broke into a fight, Zero choked
Zigzag for pushing Stanley on the ground. The Warden came outside
and found out that Stanley taught Zero how to read a in exchange for
Zero digging his hole. Zero got mad because Mr. Pendanski called him
stupid so. He hit Mr. Pendaski in the head with a shovel leaving a huge
mark for the campers to see, Zero ran away after hitting Mr. Pendanski.
He ran leaving his water behind. Everyone tried to believe what just
happened but, couldn't.
While Stanley was digging high in the mountains he thought he saw a
thumb sticking up. Stanley felt like he wanted to chase after Zero, and
bring him back ,but, he knew he couldn't trust the Warden. A new kid
joined the group. His name was Twitch and had a skill with stealing
cars. Stanley was going to take the water truck when it passed by them.
He stayed in the back of the line. When Mr. Sir got out of the truck,
then Stanley jumped in. He stomped on the pedal, but, the truck
wouldn't move. Suddenly he heard a voice, it was Twitch telling him to
take the lever and shift it to drive. Stanley drove off in light speed.
Unfortunately, Stanley drove the truck into a hole. He then got out of
the truck, and walked in the dessert to find Zero.
Stanley jumped over a hole only to find eleven spotted deadly lizards.
He ran thinking they were chasing him. Then he realized they weren't.
Stanley thought if he was going to die, he hoped his parents would
know. He then noticed a turned over boat that said Mary Lou. He went
under the boat looking for shade, only to find Zero under there. Zero
had been living off of something he called ''Sploosh''. Stanley told Zero
about the thumb he saw on the mountain. He thought maybe food and
water was up there. Zero and Stanley climbed up the mountain. Zero
got sick. Stanley had to put effort in for both of them once they got to
the top of the mountain. Zero and Stanley fell asleep.
Stanley and Zero ate onions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They
packed up onions, and water for their trip down the mountain. For the
rest of the day they slept in a hole near the camp. Zero snuck in the
camp, and got cereal for their breakfast. Stanley dug in a hole he had
recently dug in. His shovel hit a huge suitcase in the side of the hole.
As Stanley was pulling the case out of the hole suddenly the Warden
showed up. Before the Warden could reach for the case deadly lizards
crawled up on Stanley and Zero. The Warden tried to wait until the
lizards killed Stanly and Zero. In the mean time Stanley's lawyers drove
up by them, and asked what happened. The Warden tried to blame
what happened on Stanley and Zero. Before the Warden, zero and
Stanley had the courage to stand up with the lizards in them. Stanley
found out the suit case belonged to him. He and Zero went home.
Inside the case were valuables that cost a lot. Later on, Stanley was
proven innocent and became friends with Clyde Livingston. Stanley nor
Zero had to go back to Camp Green Lake.