Changes to the Application as a result of screening


Attachment A-- Changes to the Application as a result of screening

The following changes have been made to the Application as a result of the screening review:

Changes to Application due to EAO and Working Group comments

 Table of Concordance has been added to the Application and listed under the list of tables

 The Table of Concordance has been located before the Executive Summary

 Reference to Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) has been updated to Ministry of Energy,

Mines and Natural Gas (MEMNG) throughout the Application.

 In Section 2.1 of the Executive Summary (Project Justification) references to other operating and proposed plants has been added.

 In Table ES-1 a reference to Executive Summary Section 5.2.4 has been added to the row on

GHG Management under “QRCI’s Response and Mitigation”

 Additional text summarizing Project effects on Treaty rights has been added to Section 12.2 of the Executive Summary (Treaty 8 First Nations Rights)

 In Section 15 (Conclusion) of the Executive Summary a summary of effects on greenhouse gas emissions has been added.

 In Section (Emissions and Waste Management, Air Emissions) Table 2.2-4 (Fortune Creek

Gas Plant Air Emissions) the units have been changed to kilotonnes/year.

 A summary of issues raised during engagement with First Nations, Aboriginal communities, government agencies, stakeholders, and the public has been added to Appendix C (see Table C-

4, Issues Tracking).

 Additional information on how methods of resolving outstanding issues during application review has been added to Section 3.5.2 (Consultation Planned during Application Review)

 The status of consultation with holders of tenures and permits, and any affected landowners has been added to Section 3 .5.1 (Public and Agency Information Distribution and Consultation, Pre-

Application Consultation)

 Additional information on identified regional management and monitoring programs with respect to land and resource use has been added to Section 7.2.3 (Land and Resource Use,

Baseline Conditions)

 In the Table of Concordance, regarding Section 3.5.2 of the AIR (Consultation Planned during

Application Review) references to Sections 3.1.2 (Application Revew), Section

(Concurrent Permitting), and Section 3.5 (Public and Agency Application Distribution and

Consultation) of the Application were replaced with a reference to Section 3.5.2 (Consultation

Planned during Application Review) of the Application.

 Sections 3.3.3, 3.4.3, and 3.5.3 were renamed to “Consultation Planned during the Post-

Certification” period.

 A table of best management practices and guidance documents that would be implemented or referred to during Project phases has been added (see Appendix O).

 Sec. 5.1 of the Table of Concordance, first sentence has been changed to “This section of the

Application will include a description of the existing geophysical and biophysical environments,

including surrounding areas within the zone of the potential influences of the Project.” (word

“geophsyical” added)

 Additional information on the method and rationale for selecting GHG management as a VC has been added to Section 5.3.1 (Greenhouse Gas Management, Introduction)

 A summary table of identified biophysical constraints for all phases of the Project has been added to Section 4.1.3 (Valued Components, Temporal Boundaries)

 In Section 5.3.5 (Greenhouse Gas Management, Effects Assessment) additional information on methods used to estimate emissions as well as applicable quality assurance/quality control measures has been added.

 A figure illustrating greenhouse gas emissions during operations has been added to Section 5.3

(Greenhouse Gas Management).

 In Section 5.3.4 (Greenhouse Gas Management, Regulatory Context) information on the regulatory context of greenhouse gas emissions has been revised based on comments received from the MOE, Climate Action Secretariat.

 In Section 5.3 (Greenhouse Gas Management) baseline greenhouse gas inventory data for BC has been adjusted to use figures based on the provincial 1990 – 2010 GHG inventory report rather than Environment Canada data

 A comparison of Project GHG emissions relative to emissions of other facilities reporting under the Reporting Regulation pursuant to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Cap and Trade) Act, has been added to Section 5.3 (Greenhouse Gas Management)

 Figures related to vegetation resources (Section 5.5) have been updated so that the existing compressor station is not mapped as vegetation.

 Additional justification on the selection of the wildlife LAA has been provided in Section

(Wildlife Resources Scope, Spatial Boundaries)

 Additional baseline information on wildlife movement patterns and travel corridors has been provided in Section (Overview of Baseline Conditions for Wildlife)

 With respect to greenhouse gas emissions, as summary of potential project effects and mitigation measures has been added to Table 5.7-1 (Summary of Residual Project Environmental


 A reference to Project effects on vegetation resources has been added to Section

(Characterization of the Predicted Residual Effects on Plant Gathering)

 In Section 10.1.4 (Environmental Management Plans, Regulatory Context), the Greenhouse Gas

Reductions Targets Act has been added to the list of environmental protection legislation that may apply to the Project. Reference to the Greenhouse Gas Reductions Targets Act has also been made in Section (Greenhouse Gas Management Plan, Regulatory Context) and

Section 3 (Greenhouse Gas Management Plan, Monitoring Program ).

 The Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Cap and Trade) Act has been added to Table 11.2-1

(Environmental Compliance Reporting Summary) in Section 11.3 (Compliance Reporting,


 A copy of Table 13.4-1 (Use of Traditional Knowledge/Traditional Land Use Data in other

Assessment Sections of the Application) has been added to Section 12 of the Executive Summary

(Aboriginal Groups Information Requirements)

 Access management has been included as a list of issues to be addressed in the traffic management plan in Section 10.5.11 (Traffic Management Plan)

 In the Table of Concordance, and with respect to Sections 5.2.2, 5.4.2, 5.6.2, 7.2.2, 9.2.2, 9.3.2, the second bullet has been changed to “Consideration of Treaty 8 First Nations’ and other

Aboriginal Groups’ Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Land Use” to “

 In Section 19 (Summary of Mitigations) additional wording with respect to “resolution of any ongoing or previously unresolved issues identified during the consultation process” has been added. Wording of mitigations table has been revised, removing conditional language, such as

“where possible/practical/feasible/etc.”

 In Section 21 (References) – Reference to GHG Inventory report has been changed from 2009 to


Other changes made by QRCI during the screening review period

 Section 10 has been re-titled from “Environmental and Operational Management Plans” to

“Environmental Management Plans”

 Additional information on the role of the Independent Environmental Monitor and First Nations monitors has been added to Section 10.3.1 (Implementation of the Environmental Management

Plans, Roles and Responsibilities)

 Revisions to references to Project footprint have been revised to reflect that the total project footprint is 78.2 ha while the maximum new area to be cleared is 74.6 ha.

 Where consultation influenced the selection of a mitigation measure, this has been indicated with an asterix throughout the document.

 In Section 6 changes were made to manpower estimates and tax revenues during the decommissioning phase to reflect a revised estimate of the proportion of labour that would be hired locally during decommissioning. The local labour estimate was revised from 100% to 75%.

 In Section (Regional Infrastructure) additional information with respect to industrial camps in the NRRM has been added, based on a 2012 report provided by Northern Health.

 Information with respect to the maximum daily project traffic (in addition to the average daily

Project traffic) has been added to Section (Regional Transportation) and Section

(Change in Ground Transportation).

 Additional chemicals added to Table 9.4-3 (Chemical Substances Required for Use at the Fortune

Creek Gas Plant)
