WHK Early Civs Review Sheet 2015

WHK Early Civs Test Review Sheet 2015
Nomads, hunter-gatherers
Neolithic Revolution -- causes and effects; advantages and disadvantages; role of women
5 Characteristics of Civilization (SCAAR): Know definitions and examples of each
River Valley Civilizations: Egypt, India, China, Mesopotamia -- Know locations of and major water
source(s) and examples of each for each of the 4 river valley civilizations (study chart on back of
map); Hammurabi’s Code, cuneiform, ziggurat, mummification, hieroglyphics, Rosetta Stone,
papyrus, pharaohs, caste system, Mandate of Heaven, theocracy (examples), Silk Roads
 Early Belief Systems/Philosophies: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, Judaism
place of origin, founders, symbol, moksha, enlightenment, nirvana, Hebrews, Abraham, Moses, the
Ten Commandments, Eightfold Path, reincarnation, Lao Tzu (Laozi), Confucius, Filial Piety, Shi
Huang Di, Tripitaka, Torah, Upanishads
**There will be an essay on your test. I would highly suggest you study the chart on the
back of your river valley civilizations map! ;-)
WHK Early Civs Test Review Sheet 2015
Nomads, hunter-gatherers
Neolithic Revolution -- causes and effects; advantages and disadvantages; role of women
5 Characteristics of Civilization (SCAAR): Know definitions and examples of each
River Valley Civilizations: Egypt, India, China, Mesopotamia -- Know locations of and major water
source(s) and examples of each for each of the 4 river valley civilizations (study chart on back of
map); Hammurabi’s Code, cuneiform, ziggurat, mummification, hieroglyphics, Rosetta Stone,
papyrus, pharaohs, caste system, Mandate of Heaven, theocracy (examples), Silk Roads
 Early Belief Systems/Philosophies: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, Judaism
place of origin, founders, symbol, moksha, enlightenment, nirvana, Hebrews, Abraham, Moses, the
Ten Commandments, Eightfold Path, reincarnation, Lao Tzu (Laozi), Confucius, Filial Piety, Shi
Huang Di, Tripitaka, Torah, Upanishads
**There will be an essay on your test. I would highly suggest you study the chart on the
back of your river valley civilizations map! ;-)
WHK Early Civs Test Review Sheet 2015
Nomads, hunter-gatherers
Neolithic Revolution -- causes and effects; advantages and disadvantages; role of women
5 Characteristics of Civilization (SCAAR): Know definitions and examples of each
River Valley Civilizations: Egypt, India, China, Mesopotamia -- Know locations of and major water
source(s) and examples of each for each of the 4 river valley civilizations (study chart on back of
map); Hammurabi’s Code, cuneiform, ziggurat, mummification, hieroglyphics, Rosetta Stone,
papyrus, pharaohs, caste system, Mandate of Heaven, theocracy (examples), Silk Roads
 Early Belief Systems/Philosophies: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, Judaism
place of origin, founders, symbol, moksha, enlightenment, nirvana, Hebrews, Abraham, Moses, the
Ten Commandments, Eightfold Path, reincarnation, Lao Tzu (Laozi), Confucius, Filial Piety, Shi
Huang Di, Tripitaka, Torah, Upanishads
**There will be an essay on your test. I would highly suggest you study the chart on the
back of your river valley civilizations map! ;-)