Climate and Vegetation

Chapter 3 – Climates of the Earth
Earth-Sun Relationships
A. ________________: condition of the atmosphere in one place during a short period of time
1. _______________: weather patterns typical for an area over a long period of time
B. Earth’s position in relation to the _________ is the most important factor in climate
1. Earth is currently tilted about _________ on its axis
2. _________: an imaginary line that runs through the center of the Earth between the
North and South Poles
3 Revolution: in astronomy, the Earth's yearly trip around the sun, taking _________ days
a. Earth’s _________ creates seasons as it revolves around the sun
b. Seasons in the ________________ and ________________ Hemispheres are reversed
4. ________________: one of two days (about March 21 and September 23) on which the
sun is directly above the Equator, making day and night equal in length
5. ________________: one of two days on which the sun's rays strike directly on the Tropic
of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn, marking the beginning of summer or winter
a. Tropic of ________________: latitude line at 23½° N
b. Tropic of ___________________: latitude line at 23½° S
6. ___________________ __________: continuous daylight, or where the sun is visible at
midnight during the summer in either the Arctic (66½° N) or Antarctic Circle (66½° S)
C. ___________________ ______________: the capacity of certain gases in the atmosphere to
trap heat, thereby warming the Earth
Factors Affecting Climate
A. Earth’s annual revolution around the sun creates ___________________ climate patterns
that correspond with bands, or zones, of latitude.
1. Low latitude (_______________) zone: between 30° S and 30° N
a. ___________ all year; precipitation varies with wind patterns
2. High latitude (_______________) zones: 60° N to 90° N and from 60° S to 90° S
a. Long, cold winters; short, cool summers
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3. Midlatitude (______________________) zones: 30° N and 60° N and 30° S and 60° S
a. Four distinct seasons: ___________, summer, ___________, winter
4. ___________________ influences climate: thinning atmosphere causes temperatures to
decrease 3.5°F for each 1,000 feet
B. Winds and ocean currents distribute _____________ around the planet
1. ________________: cold or warm stream of seawater that flows in the oceans, generally
in a circular pattern
2. ____________________ ____________: wind in a region that blows in a fairly constant
directional pattern
3. ________________ ________________: the resulting diagonal movement, either north or
south, of prevailing winds caused by the Earth's rotation
4. ___________________: a frequently windless area near the Equator
5. ______ _________: a periodic reversal of the pattern of ocean currents and water
temperatures in the mid-Pacific region
6. Mountain _____________ affect climate: as warm, moist air is pushed upward, it cools
and condenses which fall as precipitation on the windward side of the mountains
a. __________________: being in or facing the direction from which the wind is blowing:
b. ________________: being in or facing the direction toward which the wind is blowing
c. __________ ________________: result of a process by which dry areas develop on the
leeward sides of mountain ranges
Climate Regions and Biomes
A. __________ climate zones support different kinds of biomes:
1. ________________: a major type of ecological community defined primarily by
distinctive plant and animal groups
2. _________________ ___________________: plant life that grows in a certain area if
people have not changed the natural environment
3. Two main factors affect the distribution of Earth’s biomes:
a. ________________
b. ________________: physical characteristics of the surface of the land
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B. Tropical Climates: in or near _________ latitudes
1. Tropical __________ ________________: average daily temperature of 80°F; average
annual rainfall 50-260 inches
a. Average Daily ___________________: the average of the daily high temperature and
the overnight low; often used for comparison across climate regions
b. Thick ___________________ that grows in layers; tall trees form a canopy shading the
forest floor
c. Abundant wildlife; more than half of all of the ___________ and _________________
species exist in the tropical rain forests
2. Tropical ____________: pronounced dry and wet seasons; high year-round temperatures
a. Called ___________________; fewer plants and animals; sunlight not blocked by trees
C. Dry Climates: occur in _________ latitudes and midlatitudes
1. Semi-arid (_____________): away from large bodies of water; annual rainfall 10-30 inches
a. ___________ summers and harshly ___________ winters; home to a diverse variety of
2. Arid (________________): extremely dry; less than 10 inches of rain per year
a. Support a small amount of ___________ and animal life
b. Usually hot and dry; some do experience ___________
c. ____________: small area in a desert where water and vegetation are found
D. Midlatitude Climates: ___________ temperate climate regions
1. ______________ ___________________: short, mild winters and nearly year-round rain
a. ________________: an inland grass area
b. ___________________ Trees: having cones and needle-shaped leaves, including many
evergreens, that keep their foliage throughout the winter
c. ___________________ Trees: falling off or shed seasonally or periodically; trees such
as oak and maple, which lose their leaves in autumn
2. _____________ _____________ _____________: cool summers and cool, damp winters;
abundant rainfall
a. Mixed Forest: both coniferous and ___________________ trees
3. ______________________: mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers
a. Natural vegetation includes thickets of woody ______________ and short trees
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4. _____________ _____________________: no moderating effect of ocean winds because
of inland locations
a. Further north, winters become ___________ and more severe; summers ___________
and cooler
b. ___________________ is similar to that found in marine west coast areas
E. High-latitude Climates: ___________________ temperatures are common all year
1. Limited amount of ___________________
2. ________________ Climate: just south of the Arctic Circle
a. Bitterly ___________ winters; summers are short and ___________
b. ____________________: permanently frozen layer of soil beneath the surface of the
3. ________________ Climate: close to the poles
a. Months of ___________________ and bitter cold; limited warming in summer
b. ___________ cannot grow; low bushes, short grasses, mosses, and lichens
4. ___________ ___________ Climate: polar regions
a. ___________ and ___________; often more than 2 miles thick
b. ________________ are the only vegetation
F. ________________ ________________: major changes in the factors used to measure
climate over an extended period of time
1. Earth undergoes natural and predictable _____________ of cooling and warming caused
by factors such as solar flares and volcanic activity
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