Curriculum Vita: Academic articles Tavormina, JB, Kastner, LS, Slater, PM, and Watts, S: Chronically Ill children: A psychologically and emotionally deviant population? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 4(2), 99-110, l976. Kastner, LS, Reppucci, ND and Pezzoli, JP: Assessing community attitudes toward the mentally retarded. American Journalof Mental Deficiency, 84(2), l979. Williamson, P, Scheingold, L and Kastner, LS: Training of behavioral scientists in Family medicine. The Journal of Family Medicine, ll(3): 1133-1134, l980. Kastner, LS, Young, D and Smith, M: Anorexia Nervosa. In M.Smith (Ed.) Chronic Disorders in Adolescence, PSG, John Wright Publishing Co: Littleton, MA, l982. Rosene, K, Copass, M, Kastner, LS, Nolan, C and Eshenbach, D: Persistent neuropsychological sequelae of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Annals of Internal Medicine, 96(6): 865-871, l982. Beitman, BD, Featherstone, H, Kastner, LS, Katon, W and Kleinmen, A: Steps toward patient acknowledgment of psychosocial factors. Journal of Family Medicine, 15(6):1119-1126, l982. Kastner, LS: Ecological factors predicting adolescent contraceptive use: Implications for intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health Care, 5: 79-86, l984. Sylvester, C and Kastner, LS: Obtaining family psychiatry history in family practice and pediatric practice. The Journal of Family Practice, l8(2): 135-141, l984. Kastner, LS, Novack, A and Gore, E: Relationship of pediatric residents’ attitudes, cognitive knowledge, and faculty ratings. Journal of Pediatrics, l04(4): 814-818, 1984. Kastner, LS, Marcuse, E, McGuire, T and Rothenberg, M: Teaching interview skills for challenging interview situations in pediatric. American Journal of Diseases in children, l39: 899-902, l985. Hergenroeder, AC, Kastner, LS, Farrow, JA and Deisher, RW: The Pediatrician’s role in adolescent suicide. Pediatric Annals, l5(11): 787-798, l986. Bach, C, Kastner, LS and Schurman, J: Approach to the pregnant adolescent. Psychiatric Annals, 17: 12-16, l987. Sylvester, C, Kastner, L, and Gore, E: Age of first confidential pediatric interview in primary care. Family Practice, 8(3): 202-205, l990. Kastner, L and Wyatt, J: The Seven Year Stretch: How adolescents and families work together to grow through adolescence: New York: Houghton & Mifflin, l997. Zager, K. and Rubenstein. A. (Eds.) (Contributing co-author). The Inside Story on Teen Girls. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 2002. Kastner, L. and Wyatt, J. The Launching Years: Strategies for parenting from senior year to college life. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2002. Kastner, L. and Wyatt, J. Getting to Calm: Cool-headed strategies for parenting tweens and teens. Seattle, WA: ParentMap Publishers, 2009. Kastner, L. & McCauley, E. Normal Psychological Development in Adolescence. In A.Y. Elzouki et. al.(Eds.) Textbook of Clinical Pediatrics, Springer, 2011. Kastner, L., with Russell, K. Wise-Minded Parenting: 7 Essentials for Raising Successful Tweens + Teens, ParentMap, 2013.